Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult Policy And Whistle-blower Policy

Task 1

The policy at hand is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult policy that is aimed to be followed by the entire

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Members of a set of organizations and therefore promoted by those individuals that are in leadership positions within the firm.

1) How have you followed this policy?

In most cases, I have practiced the aspect of Vulnerable Adult policy by following it to the later especially in case an individual raises an issue concerning abuse or neglect in an organization. One way to ensure that this policy has been followed is listening carefully to the vulnerable adult while not questioning them directly. In this sense, there is a need for the vulnerable adult to be granted time as well as attention (Craig & Clay, 2017). Additionally, one might follow this policy by not stopping the vulnerable adult who is in the process of recalling a significant event in their life. Moreover, reassuring the vulnerable adult that they have done the right thing in revealing their situation is imperative towards following this policy.

2) How have you supported staff and clients to follow this policy?

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Throughout the entire operation of the organizational day to day activities, I make sure that I have set a thorough plan of policy training the members of the staff as well as planning for new members of the team regarding the policy at hand and how well it should be adhered (Clough, 2017). Additionally, I ensure that all the staff members get to copy the policy thus asking them to make sure they familiarize themselves with the policy.

3) What changes are you going to or have you made to this policy?

There are various changes that I have made in this policy to make sure that they work better with the staff members (Clough, 2017). Some of the basic changes that I have made are making a review over time regarding the policy to reflect any new or rather emerging legislation or changes within the company’s legislation.

4) What was the benefit of the changes that you made to this policy regarding current practice?

Making changes in the existing policy ensures that the organization’s policy is in line with the existing legislation in the society as well as making sure that the staff understands and follow the legislation to the later.

5) Why is it important to contribute to the development of the company’s policy?

Contributing to the development of a particular company’s policy is important as it enables a firm to set an all-inclusive policy (Craig & Clay, 2017). Additionally, it is important to contribute to the development of a policy as it provides consistent processes as well as structures. Moreover, participation in the development of a policy ensures that there is a safer working environment for all stakeholders.

6) What barriers/tensions could you or have you experienced in relation to this policy?

Despite the fact that the various guidance has emphasized on the aspect the multi-agency approaches in an organization, such view is still a problem because differing professional may not entirely understand individual roles as well as responsibility (Clough, 2017). Additionally, the whole scope, as well as adult abuse, is not universally agreed.

Task 2

7) Provide an example of a safeguarding issue how you preserved the evidence and maintained confidentiality

Preserving confidentiality is important especially when dealing with adult abuse. Some few weeks ago, I had to attend an employee who had been abused by his fellows for quite a long time. As a result, there were confidential statements that I kept confidentially. Additionally, I maintained a secret on the information regarding referrals.

Policy: ABC Organization Whistle-blower Policy

1) How have you followed this policy?

To follow this policy and work accordingly, I ensure that employees get to first discuss the concerns at hand with the immediate supervisors before letting the directors and the volunteers submit the concerns in writing to the chair particularly that of Audit Committee (Sharma, Kanojia, & Sachdeva, 2018). What follows is handling of the reported violation before acting in good faith.

2) How have you supported staff and clients to follow this policy?

To ensure that the entire staff of the organization has followed the policy, I ensure that all have the obligation to report in accordance with the set Whistle-blower policy (Moore, Huxford, & Bethmann, 2017). Additionally, all the staff members understand the importance of raising their concerns in the right protocols. Notably, this is done through continuous training in the organization.

3) What changes are you going to or have you made to this policy?

Some of the clear changes that are to be made regarding this policy are the fact that employees do not mistreat the whistleblowers in an organization. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the requirement in the policy that disclosures must be made “in good faith” is done away with. Nonetheless, there has to be a change in the policy in that the disclosures are protected and covered in the public interest.

4) What was the benefit of this policy?

One benefit of this policy is the fact that it exposes unethical behaviors in an organization thus leading to the investigation on the same. Additionally, the policy tends to protect the employees particularly those that report violation regarding various safety in workplaces.

5) Why might people use/need this policy?

People might want to use this policy to submit their concerns surrounding questionable accounting or rather auditing issues done by employees, officers, directors, as well as stakeholders of a particular organization (Moore, Huxford, & Bethmann, 2017). Additionally, people might want to use this policy with an aim of protecting directors, volunteers as well as employees who intend to report various concerns from rather retaliatory actions.

6) What barriers/tensions could you or have you experienced in relation to this policy?

Dealing with whistleblower policy is sometimes challenging as it tends to diminish career prospects considering the fact that whistleblowers are in most cases under investigation or even under the scrutiny by the media (Nawawi & Salin, 2018). Additionally, whistleblowers sometimes can suffer personal complication because media outlets can delve into their [personal lives and details.

7) Provide an example of a safeguarding issue how you preserved the evidence and maintained

Being part of the organizational leaders I have come across various employees as well as former employees who have played a role as a whistleblower. In this entire context, I have always maintained a high level of confidentiality especially on the reports of concerns as well as those that need more investigations (Nawawi & Salin, 2018).

Task 3

Policy: Policy on Commitment to Children

1) How have you followed this policy?

In most cases, I have followed this policy by preventing a particular child safeguarding incidences to occur. Additionally, I have often reported child incidences of abuse whenever they occur through responding to child safeguarding incidents. Nonetheless, I have often trained to create awareness of the child safeguarding awareness.

2) How have you supported staff and clients to follow this policy?

In most occasions, I have supported the staff as well as the clients to follow the policy by making sure that I train them sufficiently to enable them to know their rights and when to report incidences relating to the same (Seymour, 2017).

3) What are the signs and symptoms of abuse for children including physical signs, emotional and behavioral?

There are various signs and symptoms that a child can have indicating that they have been abused. Some of the symptoms include withdrawal from friends, depression, and anxiety, reluctant to school activities, and rebellious to various defiant behaviors (Landsverk, 2017). On the other hand, signs and symptoms of physical behaviors include unexpected injuries including bruises as well as fractures.

4) What are the rights of the child, parent, and guardian in circumstances of abuse?

In circumstances of abuse on children in the society, children and parents have a right of reporting the incident to the relevant authorities where they can get a fair judgment on the same (Pillay, Reddy, & Morgan, 2017). Additionally, children and parents have a right to know the person they are discussing the incident to is a reporter.

5) What was the benefit of the changes that you made to this policy regarding current practice?

Changing a policy to suit the need of children in regard to child abuse is important as it ensures that all abuses in the society are addressed and the victims receive justice regarding the same.

6) What barriers/tensions could you or have you experienced in relation to this policy?

There are various barriers that one might experience when dealing with the case of child abuse. One apparent challenge is the unwillingness of the victims speaking out their problems fearing that they might undergo similar experience especially if they disclose about their abusers.

7) Provide an example of a safeguarding issue how you preserved the evidence and maintained

Confidentiality? (if you cannot provide an example, give a scenario)

It is often paramount to maintain a high level of confidentiality when one is dealing with cases of child abuse. One way one may tend to maintain this is by keeping a secret the information regarding child abuse as they let investigations to be underway.


Clough, B. (2017). Disability and vulnerability: challenging the capacity/incapacity binary. Social Policy and Society, 16(3), 469-481.

Craig, G., & Clay, S. (2017). Who is vulnerable? Adult social care and modern slavery. The Journal of Adult Protection, 19(1), 21-32.

Landsverk, J. (2017). Beyond common sense: Child welfare, child well-being, and the evidence for policy reform. Routledge.

Moore, M. A., Huxford, J., & Bethmann, J. B. (2017). National Security Whistleblowers and the Journalists Who Tell Their Stories: A Dangerous Policy Dance of Truth-finding, Truth-telling, and Consequence. In Corruption, Accountability and Discretion (pp. 227-246). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Nawawi, A., & Salin, A. S. A. P. (2018). Whistle blowing intentions–evidence from Malaysian PLC. International Journal of Law and Management, (just-accepted), 00-00.

Pillay, S., Reddy, P. S., & Morgan, D. (2017). Institutional isomorphism and whistle-blowing intentions in public sector institutions. Public Management Review, 19(4), 423-442.

Seymour, C. (2017). Introduction: Children with Parents in Prison: Child Welfare Policy, Program, and Practice Issues. Children with parents in prison (pp. 1-26). Routledge.

Sharma, J. P., Kanojia, S., & Sachdeva, S. (2018). Comparison of the Whistle-blower Protection Mechanism of Select Countries. Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, 11(1), 45-68.

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