Rolex: A Brand Of Excellence
Unrealistic Standards
This is an advertisement of Rolex watch in Alamy stock photo. Rolex is one of worlds largest luxury brands of watches. Rolex was founded by Hans Wilsdorf in the year 1905 in London but later moved to Switzerland in 1919. Rolex obtained a chronometer certificate which is an A class certificate of precision in the year 1914. This made Rolex the first manufacturer of chronometer wristwatches. Through this advert, Rolex has clearly stated that its official chronometer certified which is very true. By having this proof of performance, it has contributed a lot in to the significant rise of popularity by the wrist watches, (Mengxia 2011).
When it comes to achievements, Rolex would eventually come to be the best and world’s largest manufacturer of wristwatches which are chronometer certified. This Geneva based watch brand has perfected in the concept of modern watch by the invention of waterproof “oyster” casing which protects the inside and all its movements. This strong solid pressure resisting case protects the self winding movement of the rotor inside the watch. The milestone this brand of watch has covered has brought a heritage to its pioneering role. In this print advert the mountain climber says it is tough as an alp and this shows how Rolex has gone from constantly innovating and bringing new technologies to the general watch market and having set the standards for the whole watch industry, (Ardeshna et al 2010).
Some of the standards that have been set by Rolex include the 1926 first waterproof oyster wristwatch. Another one is Rolex date just in 1945.This watch had special features like the automatic changing of date on the dial. In 1954 came the first wristwatch which happened to change both date and day courtesy of Rolex. Rolex has been using the in house automatic movements and calibers. In recent years it has also adopted the use of Quartz movements. Even with this, Rolex is not like any other watch brand, (Meadows 2011). This highly elated watch brand is independently run and privately held. Rolex in its own is universe. It is admired by many, highly respected, valued by many and is known all over the globe. Sometimes it is very hard to believe that at the end of the day, with all the good and great talk about Rolex, it is just but a watch.
Rolex just manufactures exemplary watches and their roles are more than the timepiece. In this advert, Rolex is said to be using Swedish stainless steel or gold. To the many watch lovers who are very familiar with Rolex will clearly tell the fact that Rolex uses steel that no one else uses. Even though most of the watches uses stainless steel, they are lower not all the same. Steel usually comes in different grades and types. Rolex steel is more corrosion and rust resistant and also more harder than the normal steel.This type of steel is usually more complicated to machines and also very expensive. From the hardness, highness and the extensiveness of the alp, the mountain climber compares it with the Rolex. This comparison gives Rolex a great significance, (Mannetti 2010).
Irrelevant Comparison
Alp in Switzerland, where Rolex is manufactured, normally refers to the area of green pasture in the mountain side. This area usually has one of the strongest vegetation which withstands the harsh climate of this region. This is one the reasons why Sir John Hunt compares Rolex with the alp. This print advert has only given information about its strength and just a few features without mentioning the price, (Krapf 2011). Rolex usually offer one the best value of money deals in the market. Ask anybody in any corner of the globe the name of the best watch in the world and the answer which is almost invariable will be Rolex. This is due to the consistency over the years of quality production which consolidate status symbol, (Zhan 2012).
Rolex has kept not only status symbol but also time for some of the most influential people in the world. With this worldly figures with Rolex at hand, it makes other watch brands envy and try to emulate the good and quality work they produce. An issue about the price will also come up after that. To many Rolex is very expensive normally mistakenly considered to cost an arm and a leg. This is why the price of this watch was not mentioned in the advert. The price should have been mentioned in the advert to enable buyers know the budget they are suppose to work on. There is lack of creativity as good adverts normally contain prices or even the price range. According to the Forbes magazine, Rolex is the most powerful watch brand in the world and number sixty three in all the worlds brands. It has positioned itself as the most widely recognized watch brands in terms of success and also luxury. People who buy Rolex watches usually have different reasons. This watch brand tradition and its history since it made the first powerful watches in the world usually appeal to many people. This long history is full of great achievements that no other watch brand has ever accomplished, (Reyneke 2011).
The word Rolex itself brings to mind prestige, success, money and a lot more big terms great enthusiasts like to be associated with. Sometimes people buy Rolex to celebrate an achievement or victory and sometime to commemorate an important event. A problem arises with this advert where it only states that Rolex is good in mountain climbing and every mountain climber should have it or anyone who was going to climb that mountain the next day. This advert should have stated other reason and even other areas and instances people could put on Rolex watches.
Lack of Creativity
Rolex watches hold their value and are not only used in mountain climbing. They are not only strong for mountain climbing but also keep accurate time several decades after they were manufactured and sold. Sometimes when a Rolex owner achieve a major accomplishment or hit another stage in life there is always a good chance that he or she might get a new and latest model Rolex to remember the occasion, (Statman 2008).
Rolex buyers and owners are powerful people of great might and power. They are not always mountain climbers or people who engages in extreme sports. Such people see no relevance of Rolex being associated with the alp as they are only concerned with the status symbol Rolex watches usually offer and this will come with no surprise with the high reputation that Rolex company has in the world, (Cui 2010). Rolex has got a very high degree of trust among its consumers and also has a great ability in which they can deliver personal important stories and also meaningful messages the consumers want to be part of or associated with. Despite the few interaction people around the globe have with Rolex, there is always something interesting about it even with its little nature as just a wrist watch with less or little regular visibility. Rolex has made it an achievement by not only keeping the product as worlds most highly regarded watch but also having its name always in the consumers minds as it is a sign of personal achievement and success.
Over the years, due to Rolex prestigious nature, a lot of imitations have been made. Sometime people have found themselves putting on automatic watches which just look like the highly elated Rolex. The one who suffer the most is Rolex company itself as people are comfortable with the watch they have. What makes them comfortable is the fact that they think that they have a Rolex while in real sense it is not. This is why some people claim that Rolex is only for those people who want to show other what they have really achieved in life. Due to its status symbol, Rolex is recognized to be for the upper and upper middle class people in the world who are successful and wealthy. According to this advert the mountain climbers have got status in society and are renowned. This, to some might seen as the watch is only for those who have recognition in the society and so they might not be able to afford it or even be comfortable having it, (Torelli 2010).
Just a Watch
This print advert to many who cannot afford it brings envy. This is where it say one cannot afford to climb that part of the mountain without a Rolex watch. This makes it look like those who do not own a Rolex watch to want one and those who own one or even a collection feel very good about it. Some of the great personalities in the world will want to wear one just because of the great importance one get by wearing it. This brings about pretentiousness as some of the people even the said mountain climbers might not want or see the essence of the Rolex work in there line of duty and hobbies. Owning it is actually an attempt to impress others by affecting culture and importance it come with. Flaunting wealth is seen as distasteful as it implies that someone thinks of oneself as being greater or even better than others and this comes about by putting on a Rolex, (Mengxia 2011).
Rolex advert has got an aim to show its success on the time it took to build it and even the materials that they used. Instead, Rolex advert should have shown more of the achievement it comes with it that makes it really worth having. With this simple statement it shows that Rolex can be bought and owned by people who want prestige value of outward success rather than the inward achievements that cannot be seen but require recognition in the larger society, (Small, Fuller, Bar-Zeev & Perez 2012). The main aim of owning a watch is know time so as to be accurate, reliable and owning one that can be durable. In this advert we have none of this stressed out and this makes it irrelevant to those who want to own a watch for its purpose of telling time. In this print advert, Rolex is made to look like a badge, honor or even a medal one has to have or gets when he or she climbs the mountain.
Every Rolex is said to tell a story and this explorer aims at celebrating an achievement such as climbing the tallest mountain, MT. Everest. Not everybody celebrates by putting on a Rolex but by rather humbling themselves with the achievements they have made without others knowing. The real value of owning and putting own a watch is to tell you time and date. In this Rolex advert, it state extra features different from just date and time. People will wear it proudly to show what they have achieved and the need to be recognized by others. This advert need to have told more on Rolex unique and quality features it has that makes it different from other watches and convinces one to buy it. A good avert usually targets a large audience. In this case it is different as it only targets mountain climbers who might not be very many.
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Meadows, V. (2011). U.S. Patent No. 7,992,161. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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