Role Of Teachers In Children’s Life: Importance, Strategies, And Recommendations


Discuss the role of teachers in life of children?

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The role of the teachers, coaches and other adults as well s society is very important in the life of children. They are development enable them reach the goal, which is challenging as well as achievable. The purpose of this role-play to examine the mentor of children to ensuring that development of the strategy and plan in the life of children.  How the children take benefit from their mentor to reach the goal. Now a day every child has best mentor for it is electronic device. The best mentor of the life of children is their parents. Parents teach their child how to speak, how to walk and even how behave.

According to Early Child Development, the goal of this organization is care and provides the education the children aged 0 to5 years. The children enter primary school to get the education. The early age is crucial time for the children for the development. In this stage, children learn most of the thing trough their mistake. The mentor guides them and tells that what is wrong and what is right (Brunold and Ohlmeier, 2013). The mentor helps to develop the physical strength of the children. The coaches help in how to be healthy. The other adults teach to children to how live in the society, his behavior, respect and love and affection towards the society. The children love to play instead of studying. They want make friend more and more.

The role of teacher in children life – There are no more important in the society to prepare the teachers because of the teachers know that subject matter well and they can apply on the real life which helps to grow of the society. It helps to understand the emotional and social requirement of the student (Brunold and Ohlmeier, 2013). The teachers are improving the skill and knowledge of the student from ten year like that time they used to classifying the student, organizing the test alternative day and changing of the book every year sometimes it is in six month. The education is having same types of conclusion like media, military, investing in professional, medicine and business. The role of the teachers in the life of children is different with the age of the children. If the children are kid then teacher is his guide, if the children reach preteen age then teacher is his mentor and last when those children become adults then teachers are become his friend. The role of the teachers are different with the age of the children because for development and growth of their life as well as for meet the goal of the life. The role of teacher in life of children is very important than all person even god. The teacher will tell to children about god. The teacher develops the curriculum and study material. The teachers evaluate the children based on the content of instruction and teaching method of teachers used to deliver to the children (Burton and Taggart, 2011).  The curriculum includes all the required activity like educational intuitions, ways to have meal and way to informal conversion.  Learning is the base of the individuals life, through learning an individuals can achieved their goal. The learning and the education helps to understand the world and future of own. The teacher prepares the timetable for the activity of student for the work should do in time. The implementation applied when teachers create the syllabus, provide the teaching materials and plan to way of teaching and most of things that timing of teaching.  The role of teachers in life of children –


  • Development Appropriate Practice – It affects on the education and care of the children like availability of the more teachers, arrangement of the rooms, care giving behaviors, equipment and the study materials (Carter and Curtis, 2010). It also takes care of teaching method as well as interaction between student and the teachers and provides the medical facilities and foods. This practices is based on three 1) the learning practice and suggested teacher is appropriate for the children in the group or not. The behaviors of the children of the group is developing or not or appropriate for the society or not. For example a three year old student can solve a puzzle of 50 pieces or not.2) the behaviors of the each student in the group or society is acceptable or not. The teachers can the information about the student from family members, friends, observe by other teachers. 3) The teachers will take decision based on the feedback received from their parents. The teachers provide the culture to their children about the element of the diversity like population, language, gender etc. in other word takes care of incorporates knowledge, consideration of age and cultural activity of the each children (Cohen and Waite-Stupiansky, 2013).
  • Method of teaching – the teachers uses approaches and strategies to help children to learn. The method of research used by the teachers is evidence based. These types of methods help to quick learning and based on the role-play based activities, intestinally teaching, parents’ engagement, and child-initiated activities and shared experiences but now a day online education provided (Edwards, Gandini and Forman, 2011). The children can get the information through internet. The goal is to development and growth of the children by increase games period throughout the day. The children are mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially involves at the time of play. This types of learning called meaningful learning and which is help to development of the children.
  • Arrangement learning and play environment – the teachers has to understand the mindset of the children. The teacher must arrangement the classroom, fans, electricity, and creates the learning environment. The teacher used to understand the desire and need of the children related to learning as well as playing. The classroom designed for the children and like particular of activity (Elliott, Fourali and Issler, 2010). The teachers arrange playground for the children and arrange room for indoor games. The library must in the school to get the knowledge and learn better from the past. The games are a self-motivated because children want to play maximum time and free chosen. There are no rules and regulation in the games for the children. They play the games by their own desire, rules, and regulation.
  • Assessment of the children – the most important for the teachers in the life of student is about the interest of area related to education and games. The responsibilities of the teachers are to recozanise the key area of the student for the improvement of that area and the children can do best in that area. This process involves that the collecting the data and the information. It is the process of recording, observing and documenting of the work of the children. It shows the affect of variety of educational decision on the students. The teachers keep the record of every student from admission to last attend of the class. It also keeps the record of the activity in the classroom, in games, and behaviors with the friend as well as teachers (Feeney and Feeney, 2010). It also keeps the record of the performance of the student in the class. They collect the data used to organize that data in learning format, make a plan, and implement that plan on the learning of the student. It helps to communicate with their parents or family for overall performance of the children in the school.
  • Interaction with student – the teachers spend more time in the classroom for the teaching. The students are using technology and find the information (O’Dea and Eriksen, 2010). The teachers understand the problem of the students and guide them according to their strategy and the goal.

The method to control a child life is not same in different period. In the early time, in 3 to 6 years, a teacher plays a role as a guide. A guide or a teacher leads or shows the way to a new pathway (Feeney, Moravcik and Nolte, 2013). A guide always walks beside a child and gives safety from any type of hazards. The roles can be analyzed by some methods of teaching the children. Some of the methods are given here in this assignment.

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  • A childhood teacher needs to guide the students rather than lead hem. For this reason, the teacher has to share so many new experiences with the students. Through the experience of a teacher, a child learns many things (Howes, Downer and Pianta, 2011). They learn to tackle several problems, which may arise in their future life. A guide never let the student harm.
  • A teacher should know about the area of interest and the ability of each student. This can help the teacher to encourage the students to grow in their area of interest (Helfrich, 2011). Any child learns those subjects much better, which belongs to their area of interest than those are not.
  • A teacher has to stop the motive that, the teacher knows everything.Teacher should become partner of a student in their learning process and thereby encourage the students to develop their grip in the subjects as well as to diversify (Mansour and Wegerif, 2013). As a partner, the teacher learns with the children and shares with the student.
  • An early childhood teacher needs to provide various several materials and activities during the learning process of the students (Jacobson, 2011).
  • A teacher or a guide helps a student for exploring in the ways they are interested. Let the students grow in those pathways and keeps them in practice with those areas of education (Lascarides and Hinitz, 2011). In the future time, the students will be well prepared in those subjects and they can prosper their career.
  • Teacher has to listen to the students carefully (Vasquez, Wood and Felderman, 2013).

The recommendations are discussed below:

  • The teaching practices of the children should be appropriate according to their age. An early childhood teacher should attend the children individually and understand them.
  • Teacher should know the individual student’s area of interest and make them emphasized on those subjects.
  • Teacher of the young children should guarantee the aims of the students, which suits them the best.
  • Teacher should keep the young students in regular practices.


A teacher gives the accurate support and route to the students, can in fact assist them nurture into a superior young persons in future, by teaching morals or ethics such as increasing the firmness in the students, doing hard work, raising the strength of mind of the students, lifting the will power and giving respect to public. Any individual from his/ her child days is exposed to a teacher. Therefore, a teacher is like a parent to any child. Therefore, a teacher plays a vital role in the way from the childhood to the adulthood. However, the faces they meet can change over time, but the role of any teacher remains the same.

References list

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Brunold, A. and Ohlmeier, B. (2013). School and community interactions. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Burton, S. and Taggart, C. (2011). Learning from young children. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Carter, M. and Curtis, D. (2010). The visionary director. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

Cohen, L. and Waite-Stupiansky, S. (2013). Learning across the early childhood curriculum. Bingley: Emerald.

Edwards, C., Gandini, L. and Forman, G. (2011). The Hundred Languages of Children. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.

Elliott, G., Fourali, C. and Issler, S. (2010). Education and social change. New York: Continuum International Pub. Group.

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Helfrich, M. (2011). Montessori learning in the 21st century. Troutdale, Or.: NewSage Press.

Howes, C., Downer, J. and Pianta, R. (2011). Dual language learners in the early childhood classroom. Baltimore, Md.: Paul H. Brookes Pub. Co.

Jacobson, T. (2011). Perspectives on gender in early childhood. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

Lascarides, V. and Hinitz, B. (2011). History of early childhood education. New York: Routledge.

Mansour, N. and Wegerif, R. (2013). Science education for diversity. Dordrecht: Springer.

O’Dea, J. and Eriksen, M. (2010). Childhood obesity prevention. Oxford [U.K]: Oxford University Press.

Vasquez, V., Wood, J. and Felderman, C. (2013). Perspectives and provocations in early childhood education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub.

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