Role Of Stakeholders In A Hospital System


Discuss about the Public Hospital Information System and Outpatient.

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Patients: they will be most affecting stakeholder as the system will be developed for the hospital but it will be processing the data and information related to the patients’ medical conditions

Government: Government will be supporting the system and financing the needed money for the development of the project.

Doctors or Physicians: They will be responsible for the management of the medical condition s of the patients and supporting the best treatment for their recovery.

Suppliers: Suppliers will be responsible for supplying the necessary supplies needed for the continuous growth and development of the automated system. They will be managing all the resources needed for the project.

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In-house staffs: Other than major operational activities, many additional activities will needed to be accomplished these in-house staffs will deliver those.

Board of the Administration: they will be responsible for managing all the administrative actions for the management of the stakeholders within the organization.

Nurses: They will be handling the facilities and caring of the patients in an efficient and effective manner, they will be responsible for making sure that the best facilities are being delivered to the patients. 




Better Services

Easily usable and efficient than traditional services

Better and enhanced interaction with the doctors with precise and accurate medical services


Supporting the growth and development of the services

Enhancing the value of the community

Providing better medical services

Covering large target for the operations

Doctors or Physicians

Better and effective user interface system

Better and easy communication with the patients

Reliable Document gathering and collection

System allowing doctors to complete their job in an efficient and effective manner


Getting paid for the resources being made available

Enhance the business

Get feasible order from the hospital with better and effective user-interface allowing proper communication with other internal stakeholders of the hospital

In-house staffs

Better and efficient work environment

Eliminate extra load and automate the systems

Developed is system is much efficient


Monitoring the overall operations within the system in an effective manner

Handle the operational activities in an efficient and effective manner

Surgical System has been considered as the concerning sub-system for this report and it should be contributing many more in the development of this system as stated in the following table:



Better data collection

For any surgery, it is necessary to collect data and information related to the patient as he or she might behaving treatment earlier that could cause serious damage in this surgery program

Data exchange in an efficient manner between the surgical doctor and the patient

This report related to the personal information of the patient and previous medications will needed to be communicated with the doctor. After diagnosing the report the doctor should be able to present the report of the treatments

Patient receives better treatment

Patients should be getting better and enhanced treatment facilities in any manner. It will allow the patients to make communication with the doctor in an efficient and effective manner

Providing doctors ability to recover the patient in an easy and automated way

Doctors will be allowed to communicate with the patient on regular basis and kept the record of the continuous treatment for long term or short term

Allows to generate report of before and after surgery

The doctor would be able to generate report during the treatment process and after the complete recover of the patient allowing a set of data related to the patient for future use.

Diagnosis System




The information related to the previous medications and current symptoms will be shared to the system that will be forwarded to the doctor for evaluation

The doctor receives the report, reviews it, and present the necessary description on the treatment after considering the previous treatments and the current symptoms of the patient

The doctor could exchange the information to the patient, and patient receives proper medications and treatments as suggested by the doctor After the privatization of the Hospital

Privatization always leads to extra workload and focusing on the business and output from the business





Same as that in the earlier ownership, the difference will be that private owners might restrict and question on the asked resources as the owner’s concern will always be to utilize limiting source and keeping the expenses always low as much possible

They have very high interest in this project


They will be playing the same role as earlier with additional effort and might be paid more and overtime can be added as most of the time the whole burden of the hospital relies on nurses

High level interest


Sponsors will be helping financially without any support of the government in manner to present the available resources for the hospital

Medium level of interest


Same as earlier

Very High level of interest


They will be receiving precise medical treatments however; the prices might be raised because of the privatization of the system

High Level of interest


Same as earlier

Low level of interest

In-house staffs

They will have to be regular and will have to do more contribution in the development of the project

Very high level of interest


Same as that of earlier ownership environment

Low level of interest

The conflict of interest might be raised within the employees and staffs such as doctor, nurse, and others as they will be governed by new ruler and he might be very aggressive towards making better output rather than emphasizing on the better medical treatment services.

Alternatives: Following alternatives can be opted for the effective delivery of the project:

Implementation of an effective HR management system emphasizing on the management of the facilities and activities of the employees associated with the hospital. It will allow the hospital management to manage the roles and responsibilities of the individual and protect the rights of every employee in an effective and efficient manner. Other approach can be introduced as the alternative solution is a system for the evaluation and monitoring over the processes involved in the system and make sure that the objectives proceed according to the assumption made in the prior of the project.

Selection Criteria: The alternative choices can be monitored and evaluated as per the criteria including satisfaction of the local community, cost effectiveness, and production rate.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2




Total value



Local Community Satisfaction







Cost effectiveness







Production rate










Calculation of results: the above table explains the quantitative value that states that second alternative is better than first approach.

Business Constraints

Support from

Resisted by

Privatization will definitely lead to the modification of different operational activities and procedures being produced earlier. This will not only change the processes in the system rather also emphasize on the output and production of the project.

New private board of the committee

Existing and senior employees who are familiar and comfortable in previous methods of actions

The suppliers will be asked to deliver the resources at another budget as per the new consideration of the budget as there are many other suppliers available who can deliver the same quality of resources at lower price.

Board of the new committee

Suppliers might not be comfortable with new estimations being presented for the delivery of the new resources

Limiting the jobs and enhancing the shift time is always the first approach for the private owners, as they always want to take the 100% of the employees’ contribution in the development and growth of the project.

Board of the new committee

The existing employees will never agree on this topic

  • The aspects related to the development of new system has been accomplished
  • The system is developed considering the business and organizational needs and requirements, taking in account the satisfaction of the employees
  • The proposed system is feasible within the existing system however; simple training will be helpful in gaining the complete efficiency from the proposed system
  • All the considerations of the stakeholders and their requirements and responsibilities present a drastic change in the existing system with this new transformation
  • The constraints of the project have been consider in an effective way in manner to make sure that the project will be developed in an effective manner and complete efficiency can be acquired with this project
  • The above data can be used for the developed and consideration of all the aspects related to the development of an automated system for the hospital
  • The above data is feasible

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