Role Of Nationalism In Asylum Seeker Reporting

Discuss about the Role of Nationalism in Asylum Seeker Reporting.

The future of asylum seekers is uncertain because of the nature of their welfare viewed as a complicated situation. Debates are conducted by the various institutions in Australia to prove that the asylum seeker reporting is to some extent misleading. An organization known as the Refugee Council of Australia held a debate in the year 2000 to show how the media brought about fear and helped to create the climate filled with fear. In their expression, the Council issued statements that there is a visible union between the immigrants in Australia and the terrorists. The newspapers have introduced the new language of ‘race’ whenever they regard different individuals from another nation. The Euro – American has made the crisis to worsen regarding the security of nations. News reporting has always made ‘race’ to be the center of interest in any debate that touches on the issue of immigrants and national identity. The media takes the role of providing credible information that impacts directly on how groups are perceived.

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In this journal based on the journalist’s experimental research Natascha and Kevin ascertains how    nationalism has influenced reporting in Australia and the government   view of asylum seekers. While taking the job of a journalist, the authors reflect national interference in the media industry and the dependence on government stance for reporting. As experienced writers, they are aware of repercussions of deviating from the stipulated guideline on reporting. Ethical manners in reporting are non-negotiable in conducting of the activities about immigrants and asylum seekers. The authors supplement the fact that reliance on information provided by the government spokesman was inevitable. Ministers in immigration department did not advocate hosting of asylum seekers in Australia because of exceeding national pride. They tarnished the name asylum seeker into ridicule and mockery and associated the people seeking refuge in Australia with atrocities. The Australian government controlled the media and is, in this case, the nationalist hence the media used the same approach as the government when reporting to the general public. There is an overreliance on statements by even the people mandated to report and instead uses ideas based on propaganda and unjustified truths. After relying on the contrary opinions of the government, the media decided to deviate from the press and moved away from the unchanging statements following some major happenings. The events that led to a change of stance contributed to fresh reporting with positivity about the asylum seekers residing in Australia. “Dr. Sparrow told the channel of how distressing and inhumane the conditions in the detention facilities, and there were not any services provided to support the refugees either medically or psychologically, and this led to a profound effect on their medical and physical health”. (Klocker, 2000, p. 86). The judgment used describes the originality of the asylum seekers. The fact that the refugees came from Afghanistan provided an opportunity for despising their legality to reside and instead associating them with terrorism. The people who are leaders in making this ambiguous judgment are ministers from the Australian government. “The ministers in charge of the immigration ministry said that the asylum seekers had unknown identities.” (Kevin,  2000, p. 289). Some individuals used false allegations to the asylum seekers; they referred to them as barbaric because they put their children overboard and sewed their lips. These assertions made by the nationalists on vague information and the Commonwealth of Australia found that association of refugee’s statements was baseless. The role in this perspective is to portray the asylum seekers as inhuman for the ministers to create a climate of hate to them. “Prime Minister Howard rejected the entry of individuals in the territory. He gave the reason that the shores of the country would be thick with asylum seeker boats”. (Klocker,  2001, p. 276). The media is affected by these statements from individuals who held distinguished positions in the government. The reports at that particular time depicted inhuman nature of the refugees. They were given a new title as barbaric creatures who lacked basic parenting. The detention camps were made inaccessible by the national government of Australia, only the ministers and officials from the department of immigration, indigenous affairs and multicultural were authorized to access the detention facilities. An institution known as the Refugee Council of Australia held a debate in the year 2000 to prove how the media brought about fear and helped to create the climate filled with fear. In their expression, the Council issued statements that there is a visible union between the immigrants in Australia and terrorists. Dunn and Klockars’ project is timely, provides a definite description, and research conducted very well. These titles were applied by the media in reporting because the Federalists were the source of information. Government documents described riots and other acts of self-mutilation, and they associates with threatening nature of Assyrian seekers. The documents had insufficient information explaining the main reason as to why they migrated from the country of origin.


In this journal of nonfiction, the author outlines racialism about asylum seeker reporting.  The author engages in both current debates concerning racist activities and antiracism behaviors by the nations. In recent years there are witnessed inherent practices of racial discrimination by the media all over the world. Gale has portrayed inferiority complex and the fact that the nature of some nations superiority than others have made it easy to despise asylum seekers. National culture is threatened by contemporary racism prevalence in countries faced with the political crisis and wars. The author supplements his results of traditional nationalism with the ongoing debate on who belongs in Australia that has been ongoing. There has been the imposition of new policies by the immigration policymakers hence affecting the current reporting by expressions of “new racism” in states such as North

America and Europe, The formation of national boundaries is gives a solution to prevention of asylum seekers migrating into the liberal nations. People from Africa and Asia seek refuge in Australia but instead of a warm welcome they are a threat to national identity and thus dilution of culture. The newspapers have introduced the new language of ‘race’ whenever they regard to different individuals from another nation. The Euro –   American has made the crisis to worsen regarding security of nations by negatively regarding refugees as benefit seekers. News reporting has always made ‘race’ to be the center of interest in any debate that touches on the issue of immigrants and national identity.   The media takes the role of providing credible information that impacts directly on how groups are perceived. The levels of education have a positive influence on the relationship between nationalism and racism. It has led to the introduction of history by governments with diversities in its content to solve the issue of hate between races globally. However nationalism has benefited the asylum seekers through recommendations made regulating the media about the issues of reporting on multiculturalism and asylum seekers.

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In this book, the asylum seekers are unemployed people with disabilities, and they are interested in the benefits associated with refugees. Briant and Philo provide coverage which links these people with poverty and a detriment to economic growth. The authors have done summary of the work and the recording of the current events in the country of residence. The country has poor economic migrants from other nations with conflicts, and they form a society with a struggle for natural resources. “There is nothing better than a Muslim asylum seeker, in particular, that’s sort of a jackpot I suppose.” (Donald, 2000, p.198).There is reduction of tension in local areas by allocating appropriate resources to the asylum seekers to meet their needs. Research was conducted in 2006 at Glasgow University to prove    

Media negatively approached the refugee’s needs and did not address their grievances. The Research entailed a broad coverage of the asylum in the press and television news in the year

2006 and 2011. Among the discussion made were the problems facing the asylum seekers and the benefits of immigrating where author uses comparisons and a detailed analysis of media in the United Kingdom; voices of the asylum are marginal compared to the politician’s. UK TV uses the term ‘illegal immigrants’ when referring to asylum seekers. “The nationalists argue that the immigrants return to the country where they first arrived, in this case David Cameron was referring to Europe” (Philo, 2003, p. 223). The refugees became a burden to countries such as Greece concerning lowering the per capital income. The European Union government does neglect the asylum seekers and fails to protect the immigrants from North Africa despite that they were fleeing from conflict in their countries. Cecilia Malmstrome in her article refer to the asylum seekers as ‘illegal immigrants. However, nations are not supposed to award a penalty to refugees arriving in their country in ways that would normally be illegal. Claiming of asylum by people fleeing from conflicts is a right to these individuals but they must have done nothing wrong, and the right will be granted at the time they arrive at the country of refuge. “When it came to the idea of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, very often they are just interchangeable terms.” (Briant, 2004, p.234).


The debate on economic status concluded that spending increase to higher levels as a result of accommodating the asylum seekers and thus burdensome to taxpayers. The government observes the policies and maintains orderly media coverage to avoid exploitation by anti-immigration groups. The constant tendency of the media to include the term ‘potential threat’ in reporting is discouraged by the government. The abuse of people seeking refuge verbally in the UK is unlawful which is perpetrated by hostile media coverage.

Works cited

Gale, P. (2004) Refugee Crisis and Fear: Populist Politics and Media Discourse, Journal of Sociology.

Briant, E., Philo, G., & Donald. P (2003). Bad news for refugees. Pluto Press.

Natascha, K., & Dun, M. (2000). Newspaper and government presentations of Asylum seekers. Sydney: Australian press.

Hall, S. (1992). New Ethnicities in ‘Race’, Culture and difference, ed. A. Rattansi. London, Sage, Open University Press.

Barker, M. (1981). The new Racism; Conservative and the Ideology of the Tribe, London, Junction Books.

Gale, P. (2004). Refugee crisis and Fear: Populist Politics and Media Discourse, Journal of Sociology.[email protected]/mf/3238.0.55.001.

Haebich, A. (1988). For their good: Aborigines and Government in the South West of Western Australia. Perth: University of Western Australia Press.

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