Role Of Leadership In Airworthiness
Leadership in Management
Discuss about the Role of Leadership in Airworthiness.
Airworthiness is a state of measurement of the way the aircraft can suit for safe flight. More importantly, this is a condition of the aircraft and the verdict, which is provided for the suitability of the flight of the airplane. In other words, Airworthiness is a situation which aircraft has to meet to fly safely according to the set guidelines in each type of certification (Galea, 2015). To achieve the conditions for the certification of the Airworthiness, the aircraft has to meet circumstances on the engineering exactitude, maintenance, and construction and the operation approvals. Certification for the Airworthiness for different airlines is a key role, which needs proper leadership skills to attain the desired goals. Therefore, leadership plays a major role in attaining the Airworthiness and safety of the flights in any country (Charles Haddon-Cave, 2009). The leadership has to define the standards according to which the flights will be approved upon and their limitations as well as the approval guidelines.
The leadership of the aviation sector through the management of the flights to play a major role on Airworthiness. To achieve the best of the Airworthiness, the leadership must take its course and offer the guidelines of what need to be done. The leadership should come up with viable solutions on the way Airworthiness is to be maintained and the responsible bodies for the maintenance. According to Sir Charles Haddon-Cave, the UK MAA needs to command the Airworthiness of the flights (Charles Haddon-Cave, 2009). This decision depends on the leadership of the government and guidelines they lay out. The construction and design of aircraft is one of the area where leadership is important in maintaining high-quality Airworthiness of aircraft. Decisions on the type of aircraft to fly on some zones depend on leadership qualities when it comes to releasing the aircraft types. Whether for commercial or personal use, the leadership will narrow down different qualities, which the aircraft has to meet to be considered airworthy (Randal, 2013). This body was meant to provide the leadership to this sector by making decisions on the Airworthiness and safety of flights. The existence and control of the operation is an indication that leadership is crucial in achieving the safety and Airworthiness in the sector (Lumpe, 2008). The organizational trauma led to the focus of MoD on the business and profitability rather than on the safety and Airworthiness. This raised the need to have leadership, which would stand and have the right thing done rather than bowing down to other demand.
Figure 1 lack of leadership was blamed for the accident
To achieve safety on aircraft, the leadership must set guidelines that will promise the different standards, which must be met. On the safety part, the Sir Charles Haddon-Cave review report was able to offer critics of MoD for compromising the safety of aircraft to cut cost. The main relation of this point is attributed to the leadership of MoD. They had the major role to look upon the safety issues of the usage of the aircraft and they failed to uphold it (Bennett, 2015). The leadership in MoD could block any cost reduction measures to give the safety higher priority but they failed. In addition, Mr. Haddon-Cave reported that the organizational culture in MoD set the financial as the priority and thus able to distract the safety issue. Quoting one of the RAF general, he quoted that “There was no doubt that the culture of the time had switched. In the days of the RAF chief engineer in the 1990s, you had to be on top of Airworthiness. By 2004 you had to be on top of your budget if you wanted to get ahead (Charles Haddon-Cave, 2009).” This statement shows that the leadership has an influence on the design and construction of aircraft, which led the disastrous ineffective Airworthiness.
Role of Leadership in MoD in Safety
In addition, it was reported that the authority leadership did not have the Airworthiness reports of the Nimrod aircraft during this time. This means that the leadership could not do much in prevent of air accidents. The Nimrod report was able to report that the authorities were unaware of the state of Airworthiness standards. With the leadership having leadership involved in the aircraft measures, Airworthiness is improved since the leaders can decide which aircraft can fly (Galea, 2015). The leadership is less concerned with the cost reduction and therefore they move to implement legislations, which will hold the safety of the people. The involvement of the leadership therefore is vital in solving the Airworthiness in aircraft sector.
In addition, legislations have to be enforced through the leadership of the different bodies. The Haddon-Cave report was able to lead to the formation of UK Military Aviation Authority (MAA). This was able to involve the management in the enhancement of security and Airworthiness of the aircraft (Purton & Kourousis, 2015). The involvement of the leadership through this body to design rules which are able to govern the state of aircraft. This enhances the inspection of the aircraft and thus able to determine their Airworthiness. More importantly, it can be seen that the leadership in the management will play a major role on which flights will be able to flight and therefore able to increase the airworthy of the flight. Through the leadership of the MAA, the Airworthiness and safety of the plights was projected to increase in the MoD. The main aim of the body was to ensure that the safety is the fundamental priority and not the cost as the MoD was doing.
To achieve the required safety and Airworthiness, the design and construction process of the aircraft need to be monitored. The leadership of the team, which implements these two components, therefore plays a basic role in achieving the Airworthiness of the flights. The Nimrod accident was as a result of faults in the either of the two processes being unwell monitored. Proper leadership will make the adhering to the different laid strategies to ensure that the aircraft are airworthy. The leadership will determine the situation of the every aircraft before it is allowed to flight (Charles Haddon-Cave, 2009). The team in the construction and design require leadership of people who can hold the integrity and lead to production of airworthy aircraft. In other words, from Nimrod report, it can be concluded that there was lack of leadership at this stage, which led to the release of the aircraft. With proper leadership during the design and construction period these flaws could have been avoided (Galea, 2015). The leadership could have tested all these parts and known the level of their effectiveness. This shows that the leadership could have prevented this accident if it were used properly.
Moreover, the leadership has a major role to play at this stage by coming up with legislation which the aircraft has to meet to be airworthy. The lack of viable legislation on the state of aircraft can be the main cause which led to the Nimrod accident (Purton & Kourousis, 2015). Therefore, it can be seen that the leadership has a fundamental responsibility in ensuring the safety is achieved. Leaders therefore need to access the situations, which the aircraft has to meet and place the legislature. This means that the aircraft, which are failing to meet the standard, will be unable to fly. This is a significant element in achieving the safety and Airworthiness in the sector (Bennett, 2015). This proof of involvement of leadership at these stages is therefore able to proof that the leadership is important in achieving the safety and Airworthiness. The guidelines provided by the leadership will therefore help to monitor the safety factors in the aviation industry and thus help in achieving Airworthiness.
In addition, for safety to be maintained, constant consultation with the leadership and the different bodies is required. The leadership therefore needs to have e information on the situation of the aviation sector and thus able to design principles to be followed (Galea, 2015). The principles have to meet the trends and advancements in the industry to maintain the safety and Airworthiness factors. The involvement of the leadership in the aviation matter will therefore play a key role to attain the safety and Airworthiness. Lastly, the leadership of safety committee would be a great lap on the attainment of the safety and Airworthiness of the aviation sector. This committee has the responsibility of evaluating the status of the aircraft and determines the Airworthiness status and safety measure (Purton & Kourousis, 2015).
In conclusion, the leadership at different levels from the safety committee, the MoD and the design and construction part play major role in achieving the Airworthiness and safety of aviation industry. Moreover, it is also evident that the MoD can be turned around from the business and profitability measures by the correct leadership.
Bennett, S. (2015). Aviation safety and security: the importance of teamwork, leadership, creative thinking and active learning.
Charles Haddon-Cave QC, (October 2009). The Nimrod Review Report: An independent review into the broader issues surrounding the loss of the RAF Nimrod MR2 Aircraft XV230 in Afghanistan in 2006.
Galea, M. (2015). How Significant are Soft Skills to Line Managers in an Aviation Engineering Organisation?
Lumpe, M.-P. (2008). Leadership and organization in the aviation industry. Aldershot, England, Ashgate.
Purton L. & Kourousis K. (June 2015). “Military Airworthiness Management Frameworks: A Critical Review”.
Randall, C. (2013). Aviation manager’s guide: reliable leadership advice for the aviation professional.
(2012). Guidelines for the certification, airworthness and operational approval of. [Place of publication not identified], Bibliogov.