Role Of Knowledge Management In Innovation And Organizational Development Today

Research Background

Knowledge management becomes a major concern for the firm as it facilitates to make creativity for the development of the organization. Moreover, it is evaluated that knowledge management could be determined as controlling of firm activities and build knowledge of the working place (Donate& de Pablo, 2015). Moreover, knowledge management could allow to the management to flow the knowledge among employees for getting higher competitive benefits. Furthermore, t knowledge management permits to the organization for making creativity at the working place that could offer an opportunity to the firm for the development and sustain their position in the marketplace (Birasnav, 2014).

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Knowledge management plays an imperative role in the accomplishment of an organizational task in the least time and cost. Moreover, it is evaluated that innovation could also essential for making a diverse image of the firm in the marketplace together with getting the competitive benefits. Further, the innovation could offer an opportunity for the firm for completing the organizational task in the least time that could be cost effective. Hence, it can be examined that organization should use knowledge management and explore the existing knowledge among available employees and make smoothness in their allocated work. It could also be effective for the development of the organization and making a positive image of the firm (Hislop, Bosua, & Helms, 2018). 

This research study is emphasized on evaluating the role of knowledge management in innovation and organizational development today. For completing this aim, the researcher will consider the following research objectives:

  • To explore the meaning and concept of knowledge management, innovation, and organization development
  • To comprehend the role of knowledge management in innovation and organizational development today
  • To understand the challenges faced by the manager in the implementation of knowledge management
  • To recommend the strategies for improving the implementation of knowledge management in organizational development and knowledge management      

In the current era, the business world is being more competitive and approach for innovative goods and services. Knowledge plays a fundamental role in innovative and productive in the marketplace (Becerra-Fernandez&Sabherwal, 2014).  But, at the same time, it is also analyzed that the company is not capable to take the benefits of the same that become a major concern for the organization. DiFACTO Robotics and Automation should determine skills, the creativity of the expertise to inspire the employees and make higher competitive benefits. Moreover, it examined that this research is beneficial for the researcher to gain their existing understanding about the role of knowledge management on the innovation and organizational development.

The literature review section facilitates the researcher to collect the conceptual information about the specified research concern. There are certain sources that could be considered by the researcher to meet their aim and objectives such as a journal, academic sources, books, magazine, online and offline sources (Martín-de Castro, 2015).  It could be imperative for increasing knowledge towards knowledge management, innovation, and organizational development. It also depicts challenges faced by the managers at the time of implementing the knowledge management in the working place for organizational development and innovation. In last, it discusses many strategies for eliminating challenges of knowledge management from the organization. It could be effective for conducting the research in the future and make a reliable decision.

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Problem Statement

Bharati, Zhang, & Chaudhury, 2015) stated that knowledge management provides a way by which an organization could be capable to create knowledge and explore understanding among employees. It is mainly used to improve existing awareness of employees to get a reliable outcome. It could also be effective for sustaining the position of the organization in the marketplace. Apart from this, Wu, & Chen, (2014) stated that innovation could make smoothness in the accomplishment of the specified task in the least time. The innovation could a knowledge procedure that aimed to make a unique solution in the context of the current issue. Innovation is the procedure in which the knowledge is gathered, shared, and integrates with the purpose to build the new understanding as it embodies goods and services.    

In support of this, Lai, Hsu, Lin, Chen, & Lin, 2014) illustrated that organizational development relies on the objectives and approaches that are used by the firm. It facilitates firm to sustain their position in the marketplace and meet new desired state for the entire firm. Further, it is evaluated that organizational development could be accomplished by implementing the change management procedure. It is stated that employee behavioral will permits professionals of organizational developments to comprehend the existing situation and identify the factors that may affect the overall performance of the organization. It could demonstrate the organizational change that may positively impact on the overall organization performance.

The conceptual framework is effective for gaining understanding of the knowledge management role in the innovation and organizational development. It could be imperative for the increasing the understanding about the study matter in a systematic manner.

Kianto, Ritala, Spender, &Vanhala, (2014) argued that the organization should always concentrate on increasing their knowledge in order to obtain higher competitive benefits. From the application of knowledge sharing a company might bring innovation in the working place. Hence, the company might create different methods at the working place by which workforces share their awareness with another person. Further, it is stated that innovation is the process that could be relied on the knowledge. Hence, it is evaluated that the organization could determine the ability and the richness of knowledge to bring innovation in the working place. It could also lead the firm for the organization to improve the existing situation in long term.  

On the other side, Spieth Schneckenberg, & Ricart (2014) evaluated that knowledge management could be a process that brings the innovative culture in the working place. It is stated that the firm could build the associations across the boundaries of the company to bring innovation to obtain higher competitive advantages. Moreover, it is evaluated that teamwork could be imperative for the firm if an organization plan to implement the new technology could be effective for filling the gapping of the firm. This collaboration could ultimately bring creativity to the company. Furthermore, it could also be imperative for reducing the risk as well as cost to bring creativity. In addition, it is also evaluated that organization could rapidly capture and imply the new understanding within the working place could be capable of adaptive innovation. It could also be effective for the development of the organization and make a higher outcome.

Goal of the Study

Sung& Choi, (2014)argued that the lack of skills of expertise towards the collection of accurate data could be a major concern for the organization. It could also a negative impact on organizational performance. Apart from this, it is also evaluated that lack of communication skills of the expertise could also prevent to the specialist to share their knowledge among employees. Thus, it is analyzed that organization could decline their existing performance of the organization. The challenge of the knowledge management could also eliminate possibilities of innovation within the firm as it would decline probabilities of getting a higher outcome.

In support of this, Hogan & Coote (2014) illustrated that organization should use the training and development method and improve skills of employees towards the acquiring data for exploring the knowledge in the working place and work on the same task. It will increase the possibilities to build the innovation in the working place and support to improve the organization situation. It could be a major opportunity for the firm to obtain a higher outcome.

The research methodology could be an imperative section of the research as it allows researchers to select a suitable method for working on their specified task and accomplish their assumed objectives and aim in a systematic manner. On the basis of research onion framework, the research methodology could consider different methods that could be research approach, research philosophies, research strategy, research design, research types, data collection method, data analysis method, sampling method, ethical consideration, and research limitation (Yang, Huang & Hsu, 2014). The following research methods could be practiced by the investigator to collect feasible information about the specified research matter. These methods are discussed as below:

Research approach could enable the investigator to select an approach that could be suitable for their research and meet their desire aim and objectives. The research approach employed different approaches such as inductive and deductive approach (Park & Lee, 2014).  For conducting this research, the investigator will use inductive approach herein the investigator will be capable to obtain conceptual information towards the role of knowledge management in the innovation, and organizational development today. Apart from this, the deductive approach is used to develop a research hypothesis and prove or reject them as per the requirement. Thus, it is evaluated that there is no need to get such kinds of information hence the inductive approach will be more appropriate than a deductive approach. Furthermore, the research method could consider components named explanatory, explanatory, and descriptive research methods. These methods will be accomplished by the researcher to meet the aim and objectives of the research issues. Moreover, the descriptive research design will be implied to conduct this research as it permits to comprehend the relation among, knowledge management, innovation, and organizational development. Further, the exploratory and explanatory methods will not be allowed to the researcher to identify the relationship between the specified variables. In the investigations, different kinds of research strategies will be accumulated named literature review method and survey through questionnaire method. The survey through questionnaire tool could be imperative for getting thoughts and opinion of the research candidates and make a reliable conclusion. Moreover, it is evaluated literature review method could facilitate to the investigator to get the data from the available sources. In this study, both surveys through questionnaire and literature review methods will be practiced by the investigator to get the benefits of both and get the factual and non-numerical info. It could be imperative for the accomplishment of the organizational task. This research study is subjective in nature hence these methods will be practiced by the researcher. Apart from this, it is evaluated that there are two kinds of methods that will be practiced by the researcher to conduct their researcher named qualitative as well as qualitative research design. The mixed research design could be employed in the research design as this method is a combination of both qualitative and qualitative research design (Inkinen, Kianto, &Vanhala, 2015). For conducting this research, the researcher will use mixed research design to get the benefits of both research design and meet the aim and objectives. This method could also be imperative for making a theory about the research matter and collecting the factual information about research issue. In addition, it is evaluated that the data collection method could be an important part of the research as it considers two kinds of methods named primary and secondary data collection method.Furthermore, the primary data collection method is used to get fresh information towards research and make reliable research matter (Park& Lee, 2014). The primary data collection method could use survey through questionnaire method to get the information towards the research issues. This method also facilitates to directly communicating with the specified research participants and understand their views towards the research matter. Apart from this, the secondary data gathering process could allow to the researcher to get the data from the academic journal, online and offline sources, and books. It could be imperative for the accomplishment of the company. Thus, it is evaluated that both primary, as well as secondary data gathering process, could be imperative for conducting this study. Further, the sampling method could also be imperative for selecting an appropriate sample size to conduct the research and meet the aim and objectives of the research issue. Sampling method could be imperative for collecting information about research issue (Yang, Huang, & Hsu, 2014).This method could consider certain elements that are known as the probability sampling and non-probability sampling method. For this research, the probability sampling method will be used by the researcher as it offers an equal chance to the investigator to select their research candidates and meet their aim and objectives. The non-probability method could create biases in the study as it permits to select the participants on behalf of different components named age, education, region, and gender (Park, & Lee, 2014).  Hence, this sampling method will not be practiced by the researcher to conduct this study. In addition, it is examined that the researcher will select 30 employees from the Defacto Robotics and Automation Pvt. Ltd, USA and comprehend their opinion towards the role of knowledge management in innovation and organizational development. Moreover, Ethical consideration could lead to the individual about their code of conduct. It could mandate to the researcher to secure the information of employees of Defacto Robotics and Automation Pvt. Ltd, the USA that had been shared by them during the research. It will be effective for making positive relation among research candidates as well as researcher. The researcher will also do not manipulate the data in the research to eliminate possibilities of ethical issues from the research. Investigator will not make credit of another researcher on themselves as it demonstrates the unethical behavior. Hence, the researcher will demonstrate the actual author name in their work to make a reliable study.


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