Role Of Internet Technology On Society For Strategizing Information Systems
The Products of the company
Discuss about the Role of Internet Technology on Society for Strategizing Information Systems?
Boxhill Technologies PLC was founded on 12th June in 2002 and it works as a holding company. It has it’s headquarter in London, United Kingdom. The main services provided by them include online gaming, marketing activities, and e-commerce and lottery administrators. The main believes of the company includes the power of web and the ways the company gets connected with its people to content.
The mission of Boxhill Technologies is to share access and manage content in an incredibly easy manner (Morozov, 2012). The company has a client base of above 50,000 organizations inclusive of Fortune 500 companies also. The company has an employee base of above 39 million people because of huge trust factor. The company through its each division has established a long term relationship with its blue chip client base inclusive of some leading charities and household names.
Here the discussion will be on the “Internet technology plays a prominent role in today’s society”.
The major products being offered by the company includes e-commerce services, PPS (Prize Provision Services), The Weather Lottery, Casino Cash, Pa Corp and Smart Pay.
Pay Corporation: In present scenario online purchases have become the life and blood of every company dealing worldwide customers in the developing world. Boxhill deals with a variety of products that offers the clients with solutions best suitable to their needs while working in a regulated framework and in regions in which the traditional acquiring partners are struggling for providing the clients with services that are safe and secure.
Casino Cash: This product of the company helps the worldwide customers in using their national and international payment cards for acquiring gaming chips with greater values in comparison to the cash withdrawal limit of their ATM (Von Krogh, 2012, p.142). A voucher has to be purchased by the customer from the Casino Cash Terminal and can get it redeemed with the cashier for collecting their funds. Through this secure, simple and fast process of voucher system a unique single use voucher is generated for every transaction.
Prize Provision Services: The Company has the license provided by the Gambling Commission for working as an External Lottery Manager and become a member of the Lotteries Council. Boxhill through its Prize Provision Services is able to provide its customers with lottery management services for societies all over UK. It operates through its Weather Lottery which is the largest fundraising lottery in UK.
Features and Functionalities of the Boxhill website
External Lottery management: BoxHill’s Prize Provision Services are one among the UK’s leading External Lottery Managers. The company provides the licensed lottery management services to various societies of UK and about above 850 society lotteries are administered by the company. With the help of such lotteries millions of rupees have been collected by the company for good causes. Boxhill with its Gambling Commission License and Prize Provision Services provides a variety of services such as player and fund management and prize allocation etc. Other than this the company also provides various other marketing services, advices and help for helping the societies in growing their lotteries and raising money.
E-commerce: Boxhill has developed a smart switch technology for its customers with an aim of improving successful transactions with a reduction in ongoing costs (Bijker, Hughes, Pinch, and Douglas, 2012). The company even offers the feature of de-risking certain transactions that helps in the reduction of settlement time while on the other hand cash flows are also improved.
The sensitive information of the company and its clients is protected by the customers in case where the money is transacted to various merchants and individuals. Boxhill provides the customized solutions to the unbanked customers and those clients who were left out of the traditional retail bank environments the company offers a range of various consumer products and peer to peer products that covers a wide range of needs of domestic and international customers (Powell, and DiMaggio, 2012).
Featured products: The products with specialized features if displayed on the home page of the company provided information to the website visitors about the products offered by the company.
Categories: The various categories in which the company deals are listed on the top of the webpage (Klein, Grossenbacher-Mansuy, Häberli, Bill, Scholz, and Welti, 2012). This categorization helps the user with easy access and navigation on the company website.
Newsletter or Company Information: It helps the users to stay in touch and updated with the company offers and products. This feature even helps in forming a mailing list of present and potential clients that can be further used for marketing activities and campaigns of the company.
Effective navigation: On any website providing e-commerce services it is essential to provide a feature of effective navigation (Saint-Onge, and Wallace, 2012). This enables users to make an easy access in the various sections of the website along with a feature of quick link back on the home page.
The information requirements and the type of systems used in the website
Privacy policy: A clear link of company privacy policy is displayed for keeping the users aware about the privacy policies followed by the company.
Good Payment Gateway: An effective payment gateway solution helps in providing the customers with peace of mind and assurance that their money is safe. The company must select that merchant account with which website visitors are comfortable.
Customer login and registration: This provides an opportunity to the customers for registering on the company’s website. This helps in tracking their order progress and completion and even returns in some cases. The customers are provided with a flexible and quick check out facility.
Good Graphics: The company website has make use of attractive banners and graphics capable of attracting visitors (Weske, 2012). The company can even display their attractive offers on its banners as that will be beneficial for users to click on those links for availing the company offers.
News & Events: The Company through this section keeps the website visitors informed about company’s products, events and any other news having relevance to the online business of the company (Utz, S., and Glocka, 2013,p.42). The company can even get in touch with its clients and audiences through a blogging platform or any other module that performs its job effectively.
Social Media Presence: The Company works for maintaining its presence active on the networking sites and for this the social media logos must be displayed on the site. The company even uses the social network platforms as their customer support systems while interacting with the customers for their order enquiries (Bimber, Flanagin, and Stohl, 2012).
The information requirements and the type of systems used in the website:
Boxhill for its e-commerce framework must ready-to-deploy and packaged services for:
Content management: It refers to the ability of the company for publishing, reusing and updating information for dealing with the changing business conditions effectively.
Personalization: It includes the ability of the company website to target, format and automatically adapt the content for meeting the specific user’s preferences and business requirements.
Security: It refers to the ability of users for accessing information about core business systems (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo, and Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012, p.1046). The companies must ensure that the clients must see only that much information that they are authorise to see.
Integration: It the ability of the webpage of company to present its existing business applications and data stores. Through integration the company forms a unified information stream that is beneficial for the customers, partners and employees etc.
System manageability: it stands for the business managers and partner’s ability for administering and managing accounts of users and other aspects of the e-business system and various other aspects of e-business systems for managing and responding the changing business relationships (Treem, and Leonardi, 2012, p.152).
Time-to-market: It refers to the ability of the company to mount e-commerce initiatives in a timely and cost-effective way. This is done with an aim that the company benefits out of this instead of detracting from the bottom-line.
An e-business system for supporting business personalization must include:
A framework of systems in which all functions of the system (information access, page layouts and transactions) must be based on the profile of users and group membership (Croteau, and Hoynes, 2013).
The business managers must be allowed to track the user trends and the site content must be refined on the basis of the changing business conditions.
The information is gathered interactively through implicitly and explicitly for improving and refining user profiles.
Impact E-commerce has on the organization:
It helps in reducing costs for Inventory management. The company can reduce the inventory management costs through its e-commerce feature (Besson, and Rowe, 2012, p.110). They can automate the inventory management with the help of web-based management systems. With this the operational costs can also be saved indirectly by the company.
The buying habits and interest of consumers can be monitored. The company by continuous monitoring of buying habits and interests can easily be able to tailor the needs of the consumers and establish a long term relationship with the worldwide customers (Grabara, Kolcun, and Kot, 2014, p.7).
Global market reach of the company becomes easy through e-commerce. It allows the company to hit the global market segments. In simple words it helps the company in increasing the online sales of the company while reducing the investment costs.
It helps in the reduction of the costs of the establishment of the store front. The overhead costs of establishing a physical store can be prevented because the company operates its business operations through its e-commerce websites.
The challenges of an e-commerce websites:
There are demands from the consumers for the amazing experiences on their mobiles.
The back of the retailers is hold by the legacy systems.
Seamless experiences across all channels can also be demanded by all consumers.
Requirements of upgrading the old platforms are impaired by innovation.
In case ineffective payment models are utilized by the current e-commerce platforms utilized by the enterprise (Men, and Tsai, 2012, p.727).
Conclusion and recommendations:
The Boxhill Technologies is specialized in developing simple yet powerful solutions that are beneficial for the commercial sector. This helps the customers in safely transacting in the digital environment and on the social platforms. In case a company is having an effective presence on social media platforms that will help the company in boosting the online sales and image of the company.
The use of e-commerce helps the company in the reduction of the costs of advertising (Carroll, and Buchholtz, 2014). With the attest software technology tools of advertising it will be easy for the company to update the information related to company’s advertising. The labor costs on the company websites can also be reduced by the automated order tracking and billing systems. If the supply of company products can be also be made though online processes then distribution costs for the company can also be reduced. The feature of promoting featured products on website helps in promoting new products whose sales the company wants to push for getting it noticed.
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