Role Of Human Resource Management, Physical Resource Management, Marketing And Information Systems In Achieving Business Objectives

Understanding the role of HRM in supporting business strategy and developing human resources

HRM has a major role to play in any and every business organization. They make sure that the best employees are being hired and trained thoroughly. This helps in attaining all the goals and objectives of the business. Same is seen in the Gauci Automobiles of Malta ( 2018). On the other hand, it has been argued by Allen and Vardaman (2017) HRM often makes mistakes like keeping am old employee handbook. This makes the employees unaware about the present laws in the employment relations.

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I have been part of this car manufacturing company for my internship. In the course of my Internship, I have been able to learn about the different kinds of roles played by the HRM for attaining the overall goals and objectives of the company. User (2018) has stated that as it was an automotive company it had to keep pace with all the upcoming technology and the new expertise.. On the contrary Galliers and Leidner (2014) have stated that HRM often did not carry on the recruiting process properly. It was often very hasty and there were lot of mistakes in the process. So, efforts are to be made for increasing the efficiency of the process.

In this organization, the HRM plays a major role in many different ways. They make sure that the re-recruitment is being carried on properly. They analyze and identify the job posts that are vacant. It is also the HRM who has to post all the new job advertisements through the online job portals and the other forms of job portals as well.  They make sure that the customers are satisfied all the time. The company is also able to keep their products ready or sale at any given point of time. The HRM recruits the best individuals for this job because they make sure that they are being able to deliver the best to their customers.

As per the opinion of Bratton and Gold (2017), HRM has to talk with the shortlisted candidates, talk with them over the phone and also arrange for the interviews. It is also the HRM who assists the managers to carry on the process of the interview in a proper way. As it is an automotive or a car manufacturing company there are the chances of accidents, particularly in the manufacturing unit. HRM maintains a thorough workplace and assures that the employees get a good and safe environment for working.

Implications of physical resource management on achievement of organizational objectives

They also look after the compensation and the benefits of the employees working within the organization.

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The HRM department has the duty of looking after the retention of the employees as well. They have developed many employee benefit schemes so that they can make the employees happy (Akunda, Chen and Gikiri 2018). They also arrange for regular meetings and make sure that the employees are getting a platform for talking about their expediencies, sharing any kinds of opinions or feedbacks. They also make sure that there are a performance bonus and a proper reward system for all the employees. They know how to retain the employees by motivating their efforts and encouraging their hard work as well.

As it is a manufacturing company, they have to keep themselves updated with the latest information coming up in the market. All the employees have to be trained properly in order to meet the needs and requirements of the customers. The HRM department arranges for many meeting sessions where they try to analyze the skill gaps among their employees. They want to make sure that the employees are opening up about their problems. They have arranged for many training sessions where they invite the experts in training the employees of their organization with the best knowledge and the expertise available.

The employees realize that they are valued within the organization. They realize the feeling of belongingness and feel themselves to be an important part of the organization. They also get proper training for developing any kids of skill gaps that they are suffering from. Moreover, the HRM officials act as a bridge between the employees and the managers. They help the managers to understand the needs and demands of the employees and take proper actions.

The most effective strategy that is used by the HRM department is looking after the training and development of the employees, assuring workplace safety and also maintains the overall employee relationships as well.

I feel that the most important method used by them is looking after the labor law compliance and the employee benefits. They make sure that the efforts and the hard work of the employees are being appreciated. They look after the happiness of the employees.


Required physical resources

Desired output

Increase the manufacturing units

Land and property

To open up new branches of the company

Increasing the overall production


Increasing the number of production

Making the work faster


Making the work faster, easier and error-free

Hiring more employees

Tables and chairs

Giving proper space to more number of employees.

As per the opinion of Onarheim, Gabrielsen and Christensen (2015), one of the main objectives is to meet with the increased number of demands of the customers. So, the company has to accept and produce the orders in a bulk amount. Gauci automobiles give the top most priority to their customers and make sure that they are keeping the customers happy. On the contrary Boon and Biron (2016 ) is of the opinion that the company needs to increase the number of factory outlets for increasing their production. So, they need to look for more land properties for starting the construction works of new units. In other words, they have to open new branches for increasing their production. They will also need to buy a number of machinery and equipment for increasing the number of units they are producing. As per the opinion of Yasuda et al. (2016) in the modern scientific era, HRM has to increase their pace of work.

The role of marketing in supporting business strategy

Marketing is one of the most important tools for the overall success of the organization. A good marketing team is one which helps in knowing the current trends going on in the market and the changing needs of the customers. The marketing managers find out many different means that would help for the proper marketing and sales of the organization. One of the major features of this place is the sales team that is led by Mark Gauci, who is always concerned about making the audiences the top most priority of the organization. They try their level best to analyze the current needs and demands of the customers.

 The marketing department helps in improving the relationship between the customers and the company. The HRM hires many marketing managers and the customer relationship management as well. They make sure that the customers are being able to share their views and their feedbacks regarding the products of that company. It is the duty of the marketing managers to act as a bridge between the customers and the organization. The marketing officials help in carrying the image of the organization among the common public. They have to promote the new products in such a way so that the customers get an interest to pay for and try out the new products. They act as the communication facilitator and also as the image administrator of the organization.

The marketing department promotes any new vehicles or other parts that are produced by them. They also explain to their customers regarding the benefits that they will get after purchasing from this organization. So, they help in developing the customer loyalty.

However, the company must make use of the ICT tools and the other modern scientific materials for improving their style of operation. They need to develop their marketing campaigns online so that they can reach out to a large number of customers within a short period of time. They have to focus on the online promotion of their products.

In this modern 21st century ISM is one of the most important applications that must be present within each and every organization. This organization is involved in the production of the automotive parts and it is for this reason that they must start adopting the digitized applications within their system. As per the opinion of Laudon and Laudon (2016), Gauci automobiles are trying their level best to take care of the customers in all the ways possible. They also maintain a scheme of car leasing. In other words, they lend cars to the customers for their convenience. They have the options like replacement or the buyback options and others. They also have the method of servicing through which they can give the car repairing facility to the customers. Fountas et al. (2015) has argued that the company must upgrade themselves in terms of technological advancements. They must adopt the usage of the computers and the modern scientific methods. It is for this reason that they must start getting the ISM or the technology based management system.

Contribution of ISM in achieving organizational objectives

As stated by Laudon and Laudon (2015), Gauci automobiles must install software that will help them to store all the data within one single place and access them at any point in time. This organization is now expanding their business so they have to keep track of a huge number of data. It is very risky to carry on all the official works manually. If all the official works like the data entry and the works of the accounts department are done manually then the work will become very slow and it will slow down the overall business as well. So, it is highly recommended that they start making use of the information technology in their operations. Being involved in the automotive business they have to keep a track of the new car designs that are being constructed all over the world.  So, they have to keep a track of the new products that are often featured online by the other companies. This will help them to develop their production by keeping in pace with the change in the needs and demands of the customers.

Valacich and Schneider (2015) is of the opinion that the entire business process has to be shifted from the handwritten or the manuals style to the computerized or the digitalized style. This will also need the HRM department to hire the officials who are trained in the co pouter studies and the business management procedures as well. Kerzner and Kerzner (2017) is also of the opinion that Gauci automobiles have to focus on the networking and the telecommunications system so that the important business data can be accessed and used by the employees all over the organization. This will also make the work very ready for the management. They will be able to easily keep a track over the working of the organization. The managers will be able to keep a record of the implementation of the plan and programs of the organization.


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