Role Of Employee Engagement Process In Project Management – Telstra Case Study

Project Management Lifecycle


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Describe about the stakeholder communication,project management information system and project monitoring and change control of Telstra Software company?

Project is short term endeavor. In the particular project study, the researcher has tried to understand the role of Employee engagement process which will help to implement the project within the Telstra. Application of PMIS software’s sources along with Project integration and combination has helped the researcher in gaining better details of the research topic. Based on the result of the study, the researcher has also listed list of recommendations that can ideally help the organisation in adopting better employment engagement strategy. The particular research is conducted in the reference to the Telstra a telecommunication company.  With the help of four major step of the project life cycle will give an insight of the planning to completion of the project. However, branding shapes up an important tool effective in shaping the consumers’ behaviour for a particular product.  With the help of the project integration, the project can be grilled with various phase of integration in order assess the risk and the best alternative chosen techniques or methods to complete the implementations.

Apart from that, by measuring and quantifying the success ratio of the company, the required implemented EEP will be judge whether it is effective or not. The monitoring plays major role to assess the project a actual outcomes and has been achieved by the company.  Project closure also ahs various things to be submitted before the closing such as documentations. Equipments, software and the  throwing success part and recognizing the talents  during the completion  within the company .

Implementation of the HRM policies within the organistaion is one of the most practices to lead the company during its growth.  Human resources process and policies are being focused on the managing the manpower. Telstra is one of the largest telecommunications company in Australia (, 2015).  Implementation of HRM polices in Telstra is one of the major challenges faced by the company owners in order make control over the organisations (Badiru, 2011).  The major objective of the study is to implement policies and practices of Human resources in Telstra. The study will focused on the specifically implementation of improved version of Employee engagement policies for equal opportunity for everyone (, 2015).  

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 The study will also go through the various stages of the communication management and information system require to implement the human resources polices within the Telstra. As the competitive business scenarios Telstra is looking increase the productivity of the employee by implementing new form of the motivations process and employee engagement process within the organizations.

Telstra as company is very much expanding its business now it has become global. Company has cross culture human resources within their management.  Therefore, company is looking to restructure its existing management in order to prove equal and the identical form of opportunity for its global employee (Baligh, 2008). Telstra is looking increase its productivity and efficiency of employees via giving the employee equal treatment which would be possible by increasing the employee engagement process polices and the motivate item employee to perform well.

Employee Engagement Process Implementation

 In order to motivate the employee engine for change is required within the current management system of the Telstra. Owner of the company Mr.David Thodey is looking to motivate the staff and give the equal opportunity irrespective of age, sex; culture and nationality of the staff by bring the flexibility, reward system and compensations (Carmichael, 2010). In order to implement the polices, new team and project management should be hired for the successful completion of the project.

Stakeholder communication plan will help to provide the information to the   existing stakeholder in order to take their response and feedback (Chitkara, 2007).  The implementation of the employee reformed engagement process in Telstra will increase the productivity and provide the equal opportunity to its global employees.

Figure 1: Stakeholder commitment curve

(Source: Kanabar and Warburton, 2008, pp-123)

With the help of the stakeholder commitment curve entire the employee will have enough scope to understand  need for the change within the  employee engagement process.  The project need to be agree  from the owners, employee, project manager sand the sponsors.

Stakeholders as per the importance 

Document name

Document format



Monthly status report

Hard copy



Weekly report

Hard copy


Internal management (project leader)

Weekly report



Technical staff

Daily report

Hard copy


Training head

Weekly report



Monitoring head

Monthly report

Hard copy


Table 1: communication plan for the stakeholders

Communication must be given as per the designations.  Stakeholder management involves various kind of interest and values addressing them during the durations of the project  in order to ensure that all stakeholders are satisfies with the project at the end of the day (Juli, 2010).  This will help the Telstra to gain the both internal and external environment by creating the positive relationship   via meeting their expectations for the project. Since the company is looking to implement the employee engagement process, company need to indentify the various facilities, rewards system like monetary and non monetary rewards system and the measuring the performance by setting of benchmark would help to enhance the company productivity (Jelinek, 2010). This would only be possible if the project leader will be able to generate expectation of the stakeholder with the employee engagement process and motivations.



Target audience

Delivery method

Delivery frequency


Status report

Awareness within the organizations


Owners, managers, committee

Paper, PPT, and email

Monthly reporting

HRM Project manager

Awareness to the regulators


Local user community

Stand up presentations

Project secluding and the time line at once


Remote awareness


Inform to the suppliers and community

Papers, news and websites



Table 2: stakeholder with the employee engagement process and motivations

Communication plan give the sufficient information to the stakeholders who create healthy environment for the HRM leader and the management work together in order to achieve the goals and objectives (Hilson and Simon, 2007).  Engaging employees in Telstra will improve the business financial performance. Communication is keys to status of the project on regular basis.

 With the help of PMIS software, Telstra   implementation of the employee engagement process will be implemented successfully. The PMIS project software includes, planned, monitored, controlled, evaluate and finish (Chitkara, 2007).  The aspect of the quality and the risk is also been identified within the project.  The project must be able to achieve the three major constraints like quality, cost and time in order to achieve its objectives.

 Use of PMIS has become necessary to effectively and efficiently manage the projects along with supporting team to manage to complete the project to  meet the constraints of the project.  With the help of conceptual framework of the PMIS would give enough scope to understand the workings of PMIS software (Carmichael, 2010).

Stakeholder Management and Communication Plan

Figure 2: Conceptual framework for PMIS

(Source: McManus, 2006, pp-332)

PMIS  will help the Telstra to build strong base for the project of implementing the employee engagement process via polices and the practices reformed (Melton, 2010). One of the advantage of the PMIS  for the project leader is that it helps to improves the efficiency of the managerial tasks  as well as helps in decision making easy for the managers.

PMIS communication information’s helps to analyses the total manpower and the organisational reporting structure which will help to understand the responsibility of the team and its members (Rad and Anantatmula, 2010). The communication will be in form of electronic mail within the shortest time along with lower cost in compare to manual communications.

Target audience

Nature of communications


Managing directors

Updating the progress and challenges

Project managers

Project manager

Budget and time updates , team building

Managing directors, supervisors and the project team

Assistant PM

Scope of change required

Assistant project manager

Project assistant

Schedule  for the project , meeting

Assistant project managers

Team leader

Updating the status and weekly schedules

project manager

Team members

Working as per instruction

Team leaders 

Legal departments

Deeds and contract must be duly signed.

Project managers

Table 3: PMIS information



Activity duration (days)

Depends on


Preparing the plan for  Employee engagement techniques



 Building team




Team leaders for the EEP implementations




Establish the requirements




Resources handlings  (funds and time)




Policies and practices for EEP




Taking feedback












Dummy testing



Table 4: Activity Table for the process

Figure 3: Network PMIS diagram for the implementation of EEP Polices within the Telstra

(Source: Created by author)

From the above , it has been found that,  more than 4 to 5 months is required  for the PMIS information’s (Schwalbe, 2010). The  PMIS system will help in analyzing the total days and total cost expenditure for the project which will help the company to reach them to their objectives.

Figure 4: Project Life cycle

(Source: Taylor, 2007, pp-334)

This is initial phase of the project. The project is been documented, feasibility study of the project of employee engagement process implementation will be analysed. Apart from that, HRM project manager will be hired for reforming polices of EEP (Atkinson, 2009). The project manger will be appointing the team for the EEP project. The structure of the project will show the how the project will going to shape. The project manager will look to keep eye on the project by completing the project of EEP by hiring team (Badri and Davis, 2010).

Figure 5: Team structure

(Source: Clarke, 2008, pp-139)

Project planning needed to be setting of the road map of the project which will help to make the project plan , resources and financial plan along with communication plan for the EEP  planning of Telstra (Crawford et al. 2008). Company is looking to sue PMIS software in technology in order to complete the job within the given time. The estimated cost require for the project would be 670, 000.

At this phase the project is been executed. The execution will be gives the standard time set for each and every step of employee engagement process and actual time taking to formulate the plans and polices (Haas, 2007).  The exception is part where the total plan is dependent upon which includes quality, control and the deliver data of the project.

Project closure is being called after the successfully implementing the EEP process in Telstra. The final outcome is handed over to the HR manager of the Telstra.  The completion of project also concludes the monitoring on the performance of the Employee engagement process is being fruit full or not for the Telstra in coming year or not (Jiang et al. 2010). 

Availability of entire Resources:  One of the major critical factors for Telstra is the Availability of all kinds of resources. Company has enough resources to complete the project EEP. One of the most important factors is availability of funds and the manpower (Jiang et al. 2007). Company has enough funds in compare to its competitors like Lyca mobile and Orange to implement EEP within its business. Company also have poor of talent and right blend of HRM polices which  can be one of its weapon for reaching the objectives (Kloppenberg and Opfer, 2007).

PMIS Software

Project integration helps the organization to manage  to manage and control the entire activities  of the project. Since our project is to implement EEP within Telstra to increases its productivity and maintain the equality within the business environment (Kwak and Ibbs, 2009). The integration includes unifications, assemble, communication and actions that are very needed for the project successful completion.  Integration helps in reducing the project tome and the cost (Lee and Kim, 2009).

Develop the project Charter : At this phase , the entire resources are to be gather including the intelligence gathering.  The project of the Telstra is very much real and achievable within the given time.  The project charter requires to resolve the conflicts and problem solving and expert judgment (Norman et al. 2008).

Develop project plan:  The project management plan is very much formal writer document which will be executed, monitored and inform to the key stakeholders.  For instance, Telstra has used various types of electronic and hardcopy format to submits the project plan to the chairman and other required officials (Pettersen, 2009).

Direct and manage project work: The project requires various types of manpower and other resources. Plans needed to reviewed and the alternative option needed to chosen (Schmidt et al. 2008). Project manager should look to integrate the change control. 

Monitor and control the project work:  Monitor and control the project in order to control the cost and the take action to ensure the correct implementations (Schmidt et al. 2008).  Analyses the defect and repair and strongly advise the HRM manager to control the stakeholder engagement and control the quality.

Perform integrated change control: The integration at phase gives enough scope to analyses the factors which causing the change in the project of EEP. Integrate change control analyses the configuration management to track the change management within the Telstra (Shenhar and Levy, 2008).  The verification of change ensures that latest change will be helping to gain the verifications.

Close project: As the project manager, it helps to ensure all procurements and create project closure documents. Obtain the formal approval to close out the project phase. Apart from that, construct deed and litigation must be pursued after the closure in order makes sure there is no more loopholes (Slevin and Pinto, 2008).

Main activities/ stages

Cost$ (00)

Week 1+2

Week 3+4

Week 4+5

Week 6+7

Week 8

Week 9+10

EEP Implementations



Team building




Creating layout



Formation of the research Plan




Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques (PMIS)




Formulating the employee engagement polices for Telstra 




Analysis & Interpretation of polices




Formation of Rough Draft



Submission of Final Work



Table 5: Gantt chart for the EEP project implementations

(Source: Schmidt et al. 2009, pp-123)

The project must have an back plan ready to infuse whenever the existing plan does not sees working.  Some of the major changes required during the project management of EEP would be   software PMIS which is effective (Slovic et al. 2008). So, project manager should keep up scope to manage these things. In the case of Telstra the company should look to use Prince 2 methodology in order to manage the change.

 Apart from that , the change will also required because of cost overruns for the EEP implementations. In order to control the monitoring of phase is necessary. The more rapid changes  within 2-4 weeks will help the project manager to formulate the change within the existing project cost of formulating the plans and polices.  Besides that, time is another major fcatirs which would bring changes in the project (Slovic, 2008).


Figure 5: Process of Monitoring

(Source: Schmidt et al. 2009, pp-36)

Output: If the out of the Telstra is same after the implementing the EEP, then there must be something wrong in the reward system of the company. He change is required by taking feedback of the employee about the new reward system (, 2015).

Results: The results of the company shows the higher profitability and higher productivity shows that , the project implemented was good. If the results are in favour of the company then the Telstra should look to change the existing plan by implementing some new policies.

Impacts : Impact of the  of the formulated plans  is in the favour of the companies gives enough scope to manage the company progress. Apart from that, evaluation of the programme needed to highest authority for change within the procedures (, 2015).

Quantifications: Telstra must be able to quantify its productivity with the implementation of EEP.  Lesser would be quantifications higher would be chances of changing the project specifications for the Telstra (, 2015).

The project closed is the final stage of the project. It is not give the team an opportunity but also ties all the loose ends.  Some of the major documents must be classified make sure after the closeting of the project (, 2015). Some of them are:


Preliminary project plan

Feasibility report

Project charter

Risk management

Project management plan

Product turnover

Closed documents 

Records of decisions

Throw party after completion

The post project review is that last critical appreciation of project life cycle. The post implementation review will give enough scope to assess the success and achievement of the projects.  The post reviews are measuring the benefit from the previous year to the existing years. Reviewing the project against the schedule and comparing the expenditure against the current financial statements of Telstra (, 2015).

Post implementation of the review helps the team  to identify the project achievements  and milestone. Document and lesion learned during the of project will be another major review for the team.  Post implementation helps of the project of EEP shows that,  project team overall achievement after the formulation of plan and polices for the Telstra  by implementing EEP (, 2015). One of the major lessoned learned is that FMCG and Service industry has various approach towards their organizations which why the Telstra looks  is basing their achievement on the basis of the profitability and FMCG on their sales.

9. Conclusion

From the above, it has been found that, project is short term endeavor. Telstra is looking to implement the Employee engagement process to give the equal opportunity for the each and every employee within their organizations. In order to do so the  project must be go through communication phase  o the interest part  before sanctioning of funds and other resources. The PMIS software is one of the successful tools which help the organization to reduce the cost and time for the project.

 Apart from that, there has been ample evidence which shows that, managing the project is one of the tough challenges especially while formulating the norms for the organizations.  One of the critical success factors of the Telstra would be enough resources like manpower and funds.  With the help of project life cycle it has been found that project needed to have finish within the given time.


Dummy Testing: Dummy testing will give enough scope to understand the EEP polices within the management. The policy must be included reward which would be monetary and one monetary benefit along with the recognitions.  Dummy testing will give a rough idea what will the Telstra is going to achieve in near future.

Balance scorecard:  It will be helpful to analyses the performance level of the new formed polices and plans. Balance score card will give enough scope to understand the nature of the existing employee engagement process. It will give an performance level of the plans and polices which has been implement in the Telstra.

Prince 2 methodology: Prince 2 methodology will give an helps to analyse and monitor the project and also gain the defaults within the project. Although the company has used PMIS but Prince 2 methodology will helps to minimize the operational risk within the project.

11. Reference list

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