Role Of A Chairperson In A Meeting, Annual General Meeting (AGM) Structure, Communication And Meeting Agendas

Informal Meetings

  1. There are two types of meeting, formal meeting, and informal meeting.

Informal meetings: this form of meeting can be in email, memo or letter form. However, it is signature of the convener of the meeting is essential. Agenda related to the meeting must be attached to the notice (Green, 2017).

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Benefits of informal meeting:

  • It is convenient for the members in case they are unable to attend the meeting.
  • It is convenient for the member as they can attend only the part of the meeting that they require to report (Thomas, Bystydzienski & Desai, 2015).

Formal meetings: formal meetings are the one that are with agenda and let the members of the management take the preparation of the meeting before conducting it.

Benefits of formal meeting:

  • Members get the time to prepare and get the opportunity to discuss about issues they want to rise.
  • It follows strong agenda that is often necessary in order to solve a issue and it gets the participants of every member (Juepner, McCormick & Ng’ethe, 2018).
  1. Formal meeting would be needed within my own organization. the purpose of setting up meeting in an organization is to discuss about issues, resolve conflicts, present new ideas, to improve communication and set the priorities of the organizations.
  2. Agenda:

Objective: improvement of services

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2:.00- 2:30 pm- Thank you for the participation in the special meeting. In this meeting we welcome the top engineers from the United States, the chairperson of apple, president and vice president who will give us the opportunity to take a look at the new innovations in the field of capturing photos.

We ask for apology as the head of the IT department will not be able to make it due to some personal turbulence.

2:30- 3:30 pm- topic discussion

The purpose of the meeting is to:

  1. Discuss the energy crisis.
  2. improvement in mobile camera

Activity 1B

  1. The meeting would be formal meeting starting from 2:00 pm. The meeting would aim to discuss the quality of the phone’s camera and regarding the energy crisis that the company is facing. The meeting would include the important persons and last for 3-4 hours.

Formal email:

To: manager

Subject: Reg: Application for leave

Dear Sir,

Greeting of the day!

I am writing this email in order to request you for an annual leave. I have made some personal commitment to my family and it is an unavoidable circumstance.

I request you to please understand my situation and approve my leave.

Thanking you,


Activity 1C

  1. The people who would be involved in the meet are the chairperson, the president, vice president, managers, employees and the external engineers.
  2. The meeting would be notified through formal emails.

Activity 1D

For the meeting, the meeting arrangement would be:

Notice of the meeting: formal email.


  • Catering: $ 1200
  • Staffing: $ 750
  • Venue: The conference hall

Activity 1E

  1. The meeting paper for the meeting would require:
  • Agenda of the meeting
  • Chairperson’s report
  • Financial report
  • Previous years documents
  • Notice for the meeting
  • Research report
  1. The timeframe would be the 20mins before the meeting starts.

Activity 2A

Chairing a meeting is a task involving leadership. The chair usually performs the task of releasing the talents of its group or organization as a whole.

As the CEO of the firm, my responsibilities involves:

  • To clearly convey the aim of the meeting that is to improve the camera quality and energy crisis
  • To direct the method that can be used in order to eliminate the issue
  • To ensure the member of the meeting have understood the purpose and the wellbeing that is required in the task.
  • To gain adequate information from the external engineers.


Activity 2B

Following the meeting conducted it can be ensured that it was focused due to the following reasons:

  • Giving relevant background information
  • Giving the importance of the issue

Following the meeting conducted it can be ensured that it was time efficient due to the following reasons:

  • It followed the agenda strictly
  • Maintained the allotted time.

Following the meeting conducted it can be ensured that it • Achieved the required outcomes due to the following reasons:

  • It gave an conclusion
  • Developed a executing plan of the issue

The meeting that was held and considering it, there were several ways I enable participation, discussion, problem-solving, and resolution of issues.

  • Participation: With a behavior that is equally friendly as well as formal I encouraged the participation.
  • Discussion: By giving them the opportunity to ask question any time they needed were encouraged.
  • Problem-solving: with encouragement of ideas and new collaboration problem solving was encouraged in the meeting.
  • Resolution of issues: It was performed by giving separate time to speak and debate. Also, by focusing on listening.

Meeting transcription:

Name of the meeting: The meeting on energy crisis and camera improvement.

The venue: 11-11-2018, 2:00 pm, in the conference hall of the office building.

The name of the chair, administrator and participants

Benefits of Informal Meeting

Apologies: apologies for the absence of IT head of the department.

Matter arising: the problem in the front camera therefore, improvement of the camera. Usage of more sustainable energy.

Voting: 78% for the solution agreed solution.

Decision reached: the task will begin from the next year fall and till then an research would be conducted.

Date of completion: 29-11-2019

Minutes should be constructed including various factors such as:

  • Recent events
  • Date and place name
  • Sums of the money
  • Name of the people who met or interviewed
  • Policies
  • Name of the departments or other organizations

The outcome of the report would be evaluated through:

  • Emails: each members would be emailed regarding the meeting and the decision made
  • Normal posts: there would be normal posts in the official places
  • Internet: it would be declared publically

Assignment 2

Outline the role of a chairperson for a meeting? (Elements Covered 2.1,B2)

The role of chairperson in a meeting comprises the followings:

To provide effective leadership: A meeting needs to be led properly in order to obtain effective solution of the issues. This leadership is given by the chairperson. Hence a chairperson needs to be an effective strategist as well as a good networker.

To ensure that the management committee functions appropriately: It is the responsibility of the chair person is to make sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and all the matters are dealt with an efficient as well as orderly manner (Park, 2015). The chairperson is subjected to make the most of all his or her committee members. This includes monitoring the arrangement of the meeting, addressing any specific needs and making sure that each and every member of the meetings has been invited.

To ensure that the organization has been managed effectively: The chairperson should coordinate the committee in order to ensure that appropriate polices as well as procedures are in place for effective management of the meeting

To prove the chief officer as well as senior team members with support and supervision: The chairperson is subjected to monitor the activities of the executives to ensure that no loopholes are there before the meeting is conducted.

To present the organization as its figurehead: In several meeting the chairperson is the chief spoke person who introduces the issue for which the meeting has been organized  along with providing effective guidance to the meeting.  

What is Annual General Meeting? Outline its purpose, Style and structure for conducting AGM (Annual General Meeting) in an organisation? ( Elements Covered 1.2, B1, B4)

An annual general meeting can be described too be a mandatory yearly gathering of the interested shareholders of a company.  At an Annual general meeting, the directors of the organization present an annual report that is consists of information for shareholders about the performance and strategy of the same. Shareholders who posses voting right vote on current issues that includes appointments of the board of directors of the organization, compensation of the executives , selection of auditors and dividend payments (Pon et al., 2016).

The chief purpose of holding an AGM includes allowing the shareholders to vote on issues of the company and for the boards of directors. In large organizations, this meetings are considered to be the only time in a financial year when the shareholders interacts with the executives of the organization. Shareholders who are not able to attend an AGM generally vote with the help of a proxy either through email or online.

The structure of an AGM is largely designed by the jurisdiction. In majority of the jurisdictions, the following items are discussed at an AGM.

Minutes o the previously held meeting: It is crucial to approve the AGM of the previous year.

Financial statements: The organization should present its annual financial statements to its shareholders for approval.

Ratification of the action of the directors: The shareholders either approve or ratify the decisions that are being made by the boards of directors over the previous year.

Election of the boards of directors: Finally, the boards of directors for the upcoming years are being elected by the boards of directors.  

Choose one of the communication mediums that you would use to contact the participants of your meeting with the details of the meeting, in the format favoured by your organisation, such as (letter, email or poster). Explain how you would distribute the agendas and minute papers to the meeting participants?   (Elements Covered 1.3, 3.2, A1(i), A1(ii), A4)  

Considering the fact that this is the age of technology, the communication method that will be ideal for communicating with the participants of my meeting includes emails.

The details of the meeting conducted by me are as follows:

Total number of participants: 15

Chairman of the meeting: Mr. X

Topic of the meeting: importance of internal communication within the organization.

The format to be followed:

Opening remarks of the president


Minutes of the previous meeting

Businesses arising from the minutes

Discussion about the issue


As being discussed earlier, the chosen communication medium of the meeting is email. Before conducting the meeting, the agenda of the meeting along with the stipulated time and date will b emailed to all the participants by the Human Resource manager of the company. Similarly as soon as the meeting will be over, the chairperson will mail the minutes of the same to the HR manager. The same will be then sent to all the employees as well as the executives through email so that each and every stakeholders of the company are of the new decisions taken. Along with that, an additional point will be included in the minutes that if any of the employees have any kind of quarries regarding the decisions taken in the meeting the can directly communicate with their immediate superior about the issue. 

Explain the points(elements) that agenda of a meeting includes? (Elements Covered 1.1, A1(i), B4)

The five chief element that the agenda of a meeting comprised of are the agenda header, the objective of the meeting , the body of the agenda, allocate time, keep time, call the question as well as responding to Urgent and Critical Issues that Arise.

The chief purpose of the header is to provide the following information:

The entity, institution or committee that is calling the meeting

The name of the body, that is the Board, Advisory Group, Committee

What is the date as well as time in which the meeting has been scheduled to both begin and end

The location of the meeting

The objective of the meeting answers the questions like why the meeting has been held and what is expected to be accomplished from the meeting. 

When it comes to the body of the agenda it includes the meeting work plan. This part consists of the list of the most time-sensitive first along with the most controversial or time-consuming next It is then followed by the less sensitive as well as low impact items and finishing up with a paper parking lot.

Allocating as well as keeping time, includes beginning as well as ending on time is a simple respect issue. Meetings that are timely, display that the time of the participants is valuable. The maximum amount of time should be allocated for each and every agenda item.

Explain how you would name and store your meeting minutes according to organisational requirements? (Elements Covered (3.2, A3, A4)

Meeting minutes are highly crucial parts of a meeting and hence should be stored either electronically or online. When it comes to my meeting, I prefer to store the same electronically in my computer. I prefer to give the meetings minutes a similar name each time it is conducted along with the date. For different kinds of meeting I use different folders like “board meetings” and “staff meetings”.

What are the possible outcomes of the meeting that you have conducted earlier in Activity 1A (Question No. 3)? Did that help you achieve your desired results, Explain? (Elements Covered 2.2,2.3)

Enhanced quality of the Camera

Goodwill of the consumers due to enhanced environmental sustainability 

What are the various ways of conducting meeting for an organisation? (Element Covered B3)

Making the objective clear

Considering the number an role of the participants

Considering who are being invited

Sticking to the schedule

Avoiding Hostages

Role play

Task 1

Person A:  Nice to meet you Mr. B. I am the chairperson of the meeting that has been conducted on this Friday.

Person B: same to you, Mr A. I will be taking notes on the minutes if the meeting.

Person A: Sure. So, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss about sustainable energy crisis as well as improvement in the camera of Apple mobiles.

Person B: so who were the chief participants of the meeting?

Person A: the chief participants of the meeting includes the chairpersons of Apple, the CEO, the assistant CEO and the top engineers of the United States

Person B: Fine. Can you please tell me what were the finale decision was taken in the meeting?

Person A: Sure: Firstly, in order to enhance the quality of the camera, pixel overlapping through Multi-sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) will be considered. Secondly, the aperture of the lens will be enhanced in order to enhance the view.

Person B: What about the sustainable environmental issue.

Person A: Well our team has decided to enhance the sustainability of the environment by investing on technologies like solar cell charging.

Person B: Are there any issue that your team have located?

Person A: Yes. One of the major issues is the lack availability of the technology in the provided field.

Person B: Thanks Mr. A for the information and the cooperation.

Person A: It’s my pleasure.

Task 2

Person B: Hello, Mr .B. I am the chairperson of the meeting.

Person A: Hello sir, nice to meet you. I will be taking the minutes of the meeting that was conducted on previous Friday.

Person B: Well, Mr A. Lets directly come to the purpose of the meeting. The meeting was basically conducted in order to enhance the quality of Camera of the upcoming models as well as the environmental sustainability of the organization.

Person A: Sir, can you please guide me so that can I efficiently take notes of the meeting.

Person B: Sure. Before you start taking notes, it’s crucial to understand the type of information you need to record at the meeting. As known earlier, you will need to follow the organization required content as well as the specific format of your organization. For instance, in our case the appropriate format for taking records of the minutes includes:

Date and time of the meeting

Names of the meeting participants and those unable to attend

Acceptance or corrections/amendments to previous meeting minutes

Decisions made about each agenda item, for instance:

Actions that has been taken or agreed to be taken

Next steps

Voting outcomes

Motions taken or rejected

New business

Items to be held over

Next meeting date and time

Person A: Thanks sir. This guidance will surely help me to take meeting minutes in the future.

Person B: That’s my pleasure.

Reference List

Green, L. (2017). Music, informal learning and the school: A new classroom pedagogy. Routledge.

Juepner, A. G., McCormick, D., & Ng’ethe, N. (2018). Manifestation and Benefits of Voice among Informal Sector Entrepreneurs: Experiences from Jua Kali Associations in Western Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(10).

Park, T. (2015). Effective Charge Extraction in the Heterogeneous Interfaces with TiO2 Nanoparticles/Nanotubes and Conducting Polymers. In Meeting Abstracts (No. 37, pp. 2003-2003). The Electrochemical Society.

Pon, N. C., Gordon, M. R., Coverdale, J., & Nguyen, P. T. (2016). Content-Area Framework for Conducting Family Meetings for Acutely Ill Psychiatric Patients. Journal of psychiatric practice, 22(5), 416-421.

Thomas, N., Bystydzienski, J., & Desai, A. (2015). Changing institutional culture through peer mentoring of women STEM faculty. Innovative Higher Education, 40(2), 143-157.

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