Risks And Benefits Of Cloud Migration: Journal Of Network Computer Applications

IaaS instance hosted by AWS/Azure

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The movement to cloud should be advantageous for the company as it should help the organization to save time and cost. However, migration is a difficult task that must be handled strategically. The various sections of this report can be discussed as:

Migration of a database will involve 3 steps i.e. extracting the data from the existing database, data massaging that involves making the data format which is supported in target instance and then injecting the data in a target system which is cloud systems and can be either of Amazon or Microsoft (Varia, 2010). As per the research and statistics, 17% of the Cloud service provide multi factor authentication, 40% encrypt the data and 20% are ISO 27001 certified. And these numbers indicate the risks involved in migration to cloud. The diagrammatic representation of IaaS can be shown as:

  • One of the most important Security control is that Webb stores must uses their own encryption and tokenization as well as control their keys (Rahumed, et al., 2011).
  • Webb stores must uses multi-factor authentication and not just 1 password. There are many devices that can generate real time passwords valid for next few seconds only.
  • File system permissions can be used and there should be permission like read, write for each file. Also, files can be password protected if they contain sensitive data which is almost like a 3rd layer of protecting the data
  • There are 2 advantages of encryption at rest. First, the data is not even visible to the cloud vendor and 2nd if due to the security flaws in the CSPs systems and data is stolen, it will still be rendered useless (Dlodlo, 2011)
  • Multi-factor authentication will make system more robust
  • File permissions limits the unauthorized access and actions

The various kind of risks can be discussed as:

Data loss risk is one of the biggest risks to the database. For example, migration involves data extraction and massaging. Data massaging is nothing but the transformation (Rahumed, et al., 2011).

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Data portability is another risk. If Webb stores decide to change their CSPs for some reason, how they will ensure the data extraction again needed for injecting the data in new systems

Data Compliance risks: Each CSPs is having their own security systems, capabilities and compliance mechanism and, there are numerous compliance and regulations like HIPAA, SOX, CIPA, PCI DSS that each organization must comply with.

Insider Threat risk: Cloud systems provides the flexibility of accessing applications from anywhere and not from the office network which is the case with the on-premise systems. With this flexibility comes the problem that people can store information on their personnel systems which they are not supposed to (Claycomb, & Nicoll, 2012).

Cloud availability: Although most CSPs have high availability rate but they do not provide any Service level Agreements (SLAs) that if system become down due to some reason, how much time it will take to bring it back.

Data theft risk: With increasing number of malicious attackers and intruders in the systems, data communication will increase when Webb stores will use Hybrid cloud strategy and thus there is a high risk of attack during transmission (Subhashini, & Kavitha, 2011)

Lack of controls like Firewall: Firewall is often difficult to use in cloud systems as compared to the on premises systems which simply increase the risk of malicious user entering into a system.

Security Controls implemented by Aws/Azure to protect IaaS instance

There are primarily two risks associated with maintain backup on the Cloud.

  • First one is most of the CSPs offers features of continuous or weekly data backup features. Now, if a company uses continuous backup features, it will consume a lot of bandwidth impacting the speed of the network. If the company updates the backup weekly, there can be a risk of losing the data for maximum of 5 days in worst case scenario
  • Another risk is that restoring the data from the backup will take a huge time as it will through the network while restoring the backup from the tapes is quite fast

Data privacy risk:  Clouds stores the large amount of information and as a result, they are on a constant target of malicious users and in case of any successful attack, there will be a risk of losing private data (Alhazmi, & Malaiya, 2013).

Data compliance/Location risks: Every country has its own rules and regulations and every organization has to abide by those rules. As clouds maintains backup at multiple locations across the world, there can be issues. For example, some countries have rules that employee personnel data cannot be stored outside the country (Subhashini, & Kavitha, 2011).

Data removal risk: Cloud systems stores data in a complex mesh of networks distributed across servers. In such cases, if a company wants to permanently remove some data, how it will remove it from database (Tang, Lee, Lui, & Perlman, 2012).

Authorization and Authentication risk: Clouds systems have to ensure that the retrieval requests are coming from the authentic sources and users are authorized for that information.

Data encryption during motion: Data encryption at rest is provided by CSPs but what about data encryption in motion. If data is not encrypted during motion, there is a risk of intruders attack (Kandukuri, & Rakshit, 2009).

Changing a backup location from on-premise to a cloud will definitely affect the DR plans for the company. DR from tapes is quite different from cloud systems due to difference in recovery time. Webb stores have to clearly identified risk, vulnerabilities with respect to location, surroundings, and geographies along with the CSPs. Also, earlier they were maintaining business impact analysis (BIA) for all business processes but now it will become responsibility of the cloud vendor (Ristov, Gisev, & Kostoska, 2012).

  • Identity access management so that only the authentic people will able to access IAAS infrastructure
  • Multi –factor authentication using RSA secure ID devices that generate temporary real time password (Dahbur, Mohammad, & Tarakji, 2011)

Webb should use encryption for data at rest as well as data in motion at their end also and not rely fully on the encryption provided by the CSPs

Cloud service providers must keep their security systems up to date with latest tools and techniques and must monitor the malicious attacks on a constant basis (Dahbur, et al., 2011).

Backup is a key activity that requires a lot of time. Webb must get the acceptable RTO (recovery time objective) from the vendor and conduct the pilots regularly till desired RTO is achieved (Jarvelainen, 2012). Another thing it must have service level agreements beyond which CSPs will be liable for penalty.


With the above discussion, it can be said that the management of Webb must have strong strategy in place for the implementation of cloud infrastructure. The above paper discusses various risks and mitigation strategies that should be used. It would be correct to say that ‘data back-up’ is the key strategy that would help the organization to overcome the threat associated with several risks.


Alhazmi, O. H., & Malaiya, Y. K. (2013, January). Evaluating disaster recovery plans using the cloud. In Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2013 Proceedings-Annual (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Claycomb, W. R., & Nicoll, A. (2012, July). Insider threats to cloud computing: Directions for new research challenges. In Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2012 IEEE 36th Annual (pp. 387-394). IEEE.

Dahbur, K., Mohammad, B., & Tarakji, A. B. (2011, April). A survey of risks, threats and vulnerabilities in cloud computing. In Proceedings of the 2011 International conference on intelligent semantic Web-services and applications (p. 12). ACM.

Dlodlo, N. (2011, April). Legal, privacy, security, access and regulatory issues in cloud computing. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Management & Evaluation (pp. 161-168).

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Kandukuri, B. R., & Rakshit, A. (2009, September). Cloud security issues. In Services Computing, 2009. SCC’09. IEEE International Conference on (pp. 517-520). IEEE.

Rahumed, A., Chen, H. C., Tang, Y., Lee, P. P., & Lui, J. C. (2011, September). A secure cloud backup system with assured deletion and version control. In Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW), 2011 40th International Conference on (pp. 160-167). IEEE.

Ristov, S., Gusev, M., & Kostoska, M. (2012). Cloud computing security in business information systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.1140.

Subashini, S., & Kavitha, V. (2011). A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. Journal of network and computer applications, 34(1), 1-11.

Tang, Y., Lee, P. P., Lui, J. C., & Perlman, R. (2012). Secure overlay cloud storage with access control and assured deletion. IEEE Transactions on dependable and secure computing, 9(6), 903-916.

Varia, J. (2010). Migrating your existing applications to the aws cloud. A Phase-driven Approach to Cloud Migration.

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