Risk Management Process: Assessing And Treating Risks
Establishing Risk Context
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:
Demonstration is off-the-job
A demonstration will require:
ØPerforming a skill or task that is asked of you
ØUndertaking a simulation exercise
Observation is on-the-job
The observation will usually require:
ØPerforming a work-based skill or task
ØInteraction with colleagues and/or customers
Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment, depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your instructor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
1.Establish risk context
2.Identify risk
3.Analyse risk
4.Select and implement treatments
You will also need to show:
ØOral communication
ØNavigate the world of work
ØInteract with others
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards.
Activity What is the difference between the new ISO13000 and AS/NZS 4360:2004?
The ISO 31000:2018 helps organizations to identify the different targeted objectives, which helps in enumerating the opportunities and the threats. The standard also helps the organizations in enumerating the different risk factors and thereby facilitates them with strategies to overcome the uncertainties.
The AS/NZS 4360:2004 is a standard that is adopted by the government of Australia to ensure the smooth functioning of the organizations on the basis of risk assessment and management.
Briefly outline the legal framework.
The standards emphasize on the development of a proper set of guidelines that is aimed at assisting organizations for managing the risks. The framework assures that the process is supportive and effective which means that risk management. It insisted on the most important component of governance, strategic planning, management and monitoring over the activities. It also helps in allocating the appropriate resources.
Case study: Christine Finkel worked13 hours a day, six days a week for three months. She noted that the floor was slippery but decided to help a customer before taking steps to clear the area. By the time that Christine returned to the area, she had forgotten that the floor was wet. Christine fell and broke her leg.
Identifying Risks
What unsafe behaviour have you identified here?
Christine was working in the organization for the past three months; however, the rules and timings of the business has affected the functioning of Christine. The issue that was faced by Christine was due to her callousness while attending to the needs of a client of the organization. Christine forgot that the floor was wet and thereby she fell, which clearly helps in identifying the unsafe behaviour.
What could be the impact of Christine’s situation to the organisation?
The organization could have helped in bringing forth changes in the situation through the involvement of the health and safety and security policies of the workforce. It would have helped the organization in bringing forth changes in the systems of the business operations.
What would you do if you took a job as a supervisor and walked into a similar situation?
Being the supervisor of the organization i would take steps to communicate the issues to the higher authorities and thereby take part in the formulation of different policies which will be helping the organization to maintain the safety standards of the business
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to determine scope for risk management process.
Activity Do you believe understanding the different types of risk can assist you in defining the scope?
The identification of the different types or risk helps in maintaining the understanding of the objectives of the organizational change. It helps in the identification of the scope of the change and to which degrees the organization might apply the change as per the capabilities of the business.
When writing the scope, what should the writer consider?
The writer must consider the different aspects of the project, goals, objectives and the activities that are undertaken by the organization as it helps in maintaining the varied amount of changes in the systems of the business.
What needs to be evaluated and why?
Based on your outline in the previous question, use your knowledge of your own organisation, or an organisation that you know, to write a brief scope of risk management. (Note: if you work or have worked in a large organisation, you can use this question to write a scope for a project you work on or have worked on) – In your answer, briefly explain the organisation or project.
The creation of the risk assessment is based on the evaluation of:
- The process, goals, activities, and the processes adhered by the organization
- Duration of the projects
- Scope of the activities
- Function of the department
Analyzing Risks
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues.
Activity List three internal stakeholders that you may find in an organisation.
The three internal stakeholders of the organization are:
- Employees
- Managers
- Managing director
List four external stakeholders that may be associated with an organisation.
The external stakeholders of the organization are;
- Government
- Customers
- Investors
- Suppliers
In the chart below, identify three stakeholders, state their objectives towards your organisation, or an example organisation, in terms of risk management (i.e. supplier believes goods loaded onto an unsafe delivery dock). Who is your contact with the supplier and how would you consult with them? What are the recommended feedback and consultation procedures with them?
Stakeholder Objective/s Contact Feedback and consultation
To invest for the welfare of the organization Agents Identification of the market trends
Departmental Managers
To increase the efficiency of the various departments Company database The identification of the different needs of changes in the departments to avoid the risk factors
To adhere to the objectives of the business to expand through quality and productivity Company database The issues that are faced by the employees while performing their job role in the respective units.
Case study: In recent months, your organisation has grown as demand for the product has increased. In turn, the number of deliveries from one of your suppliers has increased. Your organisation has established a strong relationship with one driver, Nick, and he is the only one able to deliver goods to the organisation due to the volatility of the goods delivered. Do you believe that the driver is put at risk? Why?
The incident might be affecting the proper performance of the organization as the business solely depended on the proper functioning of the driver as per the objectives of the business. It has affected the functioning of the business while operating in the international markets.
What could the impact of the increase of deliveries have on the supplier?
The increase in the number of deliveries might create issues for the suppliers foe the increased frequency of the supplies that are required to be undertaken.
The supplier contacts you and asks you to change your driver policy as the driver has complained. What is this called? How would you resolve this problem?
The problem that is faced by the organization based on the limited supply of the drivers can be mitigated through the recruitment of new drivers in the workforce. It will be helping the organization to reduce the dependence of the same on a single driver.
Selecting and Implementing Treatments
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context.
Activity Gather into small groups for the following group activity:
Choose an example organisation and make a list of at least one change in the following areas that will impact on the organisation’s risk management processes. What steps would you take to ensure that your work area is safe in regard to risk?
The areas are:
The flexibility of the company legislature will be helping the same in undertaking ventures in the different market conditions and thereby actively participate in the legislations of the different operational markets.
The identification of the economic conditions of the operating markets will be helping the business to plan the processes of the business. It helps the organization in identifying the fluctuations of the market and the manner in which the proper understanding of the needs of the organization is emphasized.
The identification of the culture and the background of the people helps in the identification of the different preferences of the customers in the market. The key elements of the change in the systems of the business are affected through the identification of the interests of the consumers and the manner in which they can be aligned to the offerings of the business.
The legal aspects that are required to be adhered by the organization is dependent on the identification of the ethical standpoints which helps in maintaining the proper functioning of the business systems in the mark
The technological innovations help in maintaining the different levels of changes in the systems of the business and their respective undertakings. The change in the technologies of the organization will be helping the organization to bring in changes in the systems of the business.
The policy context
The policy that is framed by the organization will be helping the same to bring in positive changes in the systems of the business through the application of new ideas. The ideas will be aimed at understanding the mitigation steps to facilitate the proper functioning of the systems of the busines
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements.
Activity Complete a SWOT analysis of an organisation that you know well.
- Good brand name of the organization
- Huge financial resources
- Lack of team bonding
- lower levels of customer preference
- the organization has an opportunity to capture more market and the supply chain
- competitive advantage of the organization
- expansion in the international markets
- Intense competition in the market
- Threat of new entrants
Is the organisation internally or externally driven? Why?
The organization is externally driven as the management of the business has taken several steps to keep the workforce motivated. It has helped the business in maintaining the proper functioning of the systems, which has helped the same in undertaking continuous innovations and expansions while operating in the international markets.
Evaluating Risk Management Process
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope; obtain support for risk management activities; and communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation.
Activity Use the following critical success factors and document how you would ensure that your organisation’s (or example organisation’s) performance improves. The CSFs are:
The trust of the leaders on the subordinates helps in maintaining the proper functioning of the systems that are planned by the management of the business. The identification of the trust factors has helped in managing the workforce and thereby motivating and encouraging the same.
Organisational culture
The identification of the organizational culture helps the business at the time of formulating the policies which are aligned to the objectives and the interests of the business while operating in the international markets.
Management support
The support of the management helps the organization in encouraging the involvement of the employees in the processes that are planned by the same for the progression in the competitive market structure.
Communication and interaction helps in the identification of the issues that are faced by the workforce and thereby bring forth changes in the systems of the business while operating in the international markets.
How can you know if you have handled the CSFs correctly?
I believe that the organization will be undertaking proper communication with each other. It will be helping the organization to bring in changes in the systems of the business operations.
For one of the CSFs ask the relevant personnel (or trainer, if not working for an organisation) for support in managing associated risks and briefly document this.
The proper interaction with the HR manager of the organization helps in maintaining the different levels of changes in the systems of the business while operating in the international markets.
Discuss the associated risks for the CSF, as mentioned in the last question, with those involved, or with two other persons from your training group, and note the outcome of this.
The risks that might be faced by the organization through the utilization of the CSF is based on the miscommunications and the manner in which the inter- trust factors is taken for granted by the workforce. It affects the productivity of the organization in a larger scale.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify risks.
Activity Identify a risk in your work area or example work area (this can be a possible risk if there are no risks requiring improvement).
Case Study
What is the risk?
The risk that might be faced by the organizations are based on the applicability of the changes in the structure and the functioning of the business. it helps in maintaining the balance of the performance of business while operating in the international markets. The lost documents and data from the computers of the accounting department due to virus attack affects the functioning of the organization in the market.
Provide details of the problem.
The seizure of the data files from the computers of the organization might affect the current operations that are planned by the business.
Who would you discuss this problem with?
If was given the authority, i would have consulted the IT departments for the proper understanding of the needs of the management to take steps to reduce the possibility of data theft.
What type of research would you do to measure the level of risk?
Quantitative research methods will be followed for conducting a study on the impacts of the problem. A questionnaire will be created and circulated among the employees for identifying the root cause of the issue and thereby mitigate the same.
What documentation could you use?
The risk assessment plans that will be formulated by the organization will be falling under the legal proceedings of the government as per the legal commitments.
What literature would you research?
The journals related to the risk management will be researched for understanding the different prospects of the research. It will be helping the researcher in undertaking an unbiased research study.
Invite other members of your team/training group to also help identify any risks and note down the outcome of this.
The risks that might be encountered by the organization while undertaking the changes are based on the proper functioning of the systems and the practices as per the objectives of the business.
Consultation is an important part of the risk analysis; in what ways can you gather information from stakeholders in this instance?
Insurance officers will be providing certain information to the management of the organizations as per the concerns of the assessments. The consultation with varied people helps the organization in undertaking proper functioning of the processes.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to analyse risks.
Activity Using the research from Activity 2.1.1-2.3.1, complete the following:
ØProbability of a given risk occurring, such as:
oAlmost Certain (exposed to hazard constantly)
oLikely (exposed to hazard occasionally)
oUnlikely (could happen but only rarely)
oHighly unlikely (could happen but probably never will).
Moderate Injury consequences & possible likelihood form part of standard Risk Management but you can decide if they meet your requirements.
Consequences may be rated as:
a)A fatality
b)Major or serious injury (serious damage to health that may be irreversible, requiring medical attention and ongoing treatment). This is likely to involve significant time off work;
c)Minor injury (reversible health damage that may need medical attention but limited ongoing treatment). This means that it is less likely to spend more than a day off work.
d)Negligible injuries (might sustain slight injury and may require only primary first aid) and no time off work
Assess the risk
What is the likelihood of this problem arising again?
It is likely that the problem might arise again. The SAI regulations have not been properly considered in the initial phase. Hence such hazards are likely to occur occasionally. In order to avoid the risks of workplace hazards, it is necessary to re-establish the security system thoroughly.
What are the possible consequences of this risk?
There are rare chances of a fatality. However, the chances are always there. As it seems there are chances of frequent minor injuries. On an odd day, it might take the shape of a disaster also. In that case the number of minor as well as minor injuries might increase.
Evaluate and priorities risks for treatment?
The risks that have chances of occurring occasionally, should be on the top of priority level. These risks hamper the productivity of the workforces. The deliverables do not reach the clients on time as an impact of such injuries. Hence, priority should be given to such risk for treatment purpose. Negligible injuries should not have any high impact on the organisation.
What risk priority would you consider?
I would consider a high risk priority. This is obvious that such occasions might arise frequently within the organisation. Hence the management should consider the situation with immediate effect. This is because such risks and the hazards arising out of such risks are having a negative impact upon the organisational performance.
What opportunities do you think there are in your case? How can these opportunities be used?
Generally routine procedures would have sufficed the issues. However, the management are liable to ensure that such issues do not arise again. Hence, there is scope of moderate responsibility in this case. The management should organize frequent meetings with various levels of employees to realize the causes behind the risks. After realizing the causes the management should identify the employees who are most exposed to risks. After that, action plan for risk management is to be formulated and a risk assessment template is to be maintained. This would show, up to what extent the risk has reduced
Consequences of Risks
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks.
Activity Using the Hierarchy of Control Pyramid to identify ways in which to eliminate, control or minimise the hazard used in the Activity 2.1.1-2.3.1 and 3.1.1-3.3.2:
Suggest at least one way of handling the risk for each step of the process:
Based on the World Health Organisation’s Code for Workplace Practice, risk elimination is the most feasible step that can be taken in this regard. In order to do that time and other resource is mandatory (Wilson, Mosher & Simmons, 2017). However, since the organistion cannot afford to invest resources in plenty at this moment, owing to the ongoing production phase of the business operations, the steps like prompt repairment of the deamaged equipmentsor removal of the hazardous equipments can be considered. This would reduce the risk of human error in handing hazarduous resources and the level of risk can thus be reduvced by elimination.
ØSubstitute or modify
The phase of substitution wou;ld come acfter the action plan for the risk impairment have been completed. In the substitution phase, the company’smanagement can decide to replace the manual package lifting facility with an automated computerised lifting facility (Akpan. & Nnamseh, 2014). Howvever, this substitution is posible afyter this production phase is over. The section of employees wjho are mostly exposed to the risk of manula lifting and manula relallocation nof the deliverables have to be iden+tifuied at first for the substitution activity to take place. Besides, budget allocation is also difficult at the middle of the production phase.
The isolation phase becomes critical if the substitution phase cannot be carried out with immediate effect. The main work area has to be kept temporarily closed (Rahadianto, Fariza & Hasim, 2015). The work equipmentys have to be shifted to a reserved area and the repairment phase have to be executed with immediate effect so that work hours are not wasted.
Engineering controls
The shifting phase have to be planned in a peoper way. Engineering controle have to be wisely installed, so as to waste least time and other resources. In this phse, the installation of guarding for the machine3ries is very essential. The workplace have to be partially evacuated during the repairment phase.
Administration controls
the main task of administration controls is to manoeuvour if the other phases and practices are excuted preoperly and under least risk. The implementation of the other phases are mainly monitered by the administration (Jbara, 2018). All work equipmemnt for the other phasese are to be properly allocated during administration controls and a discrete education as well as supervision program for the contractors givenm the responsibility dfor the work have to be carried out. The action plan monitoring phase include the tasks of administrative controls.
The use of PPE is not relevant in this case. The monitoringm plan of the management would cover the requirements of the PPE activities (Teklitz, 2016). The PPE program would be required if the same risk show up within an estimatd period after the repairing program. Hence, a PPE factsheet is to be kept prepared by the copmncerned steerinhg committee for the risk mitigation program.
What control would you recommend? Why?
I recommend controlling the pro active phase of the task that is the substitution and the elimination nphases. Considering the need of risk here, it is essential that these two phases be well monitered
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment.
Activity Briefly explain the risk action plan for this assessment.
In the initial phase, the objectives of risk mitigation have to be identified. The goals of the risk management have to be identified at first. The risk levels have to be kept in mind for that. In this step a clear statement is required regarding how the risks are hampering the organisations’ resources. Accordingly, a budget planning for risk mitigation have to be set. The organisation have to face risks in the delivery arena, arising out of manual shifting facilities (Iftikhar et al. 2018). The facilities have not been maintained for a long time. The lives of the workers of that department are at stake. The management would give the responsibility of renovation of the departmental facilities to an external contractor. A steering committee have been framed by the management which involves members from the team of the external contractors as well. The risk are structured as s set of LOD for the external contractor. The evaluation plan template of the management for the monitoringof risk have to be filled by members of the steering committee. The timeframe that has been considered for the task is 5 months. After that the task is to be partially kept closed. in the next spring, the work would resume again.
Group activity; in groups of three/four, take turns in briefly discussing your risk action plan.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately stored.
Activity Individually or in pairs, discuss the following questions:
What documentation and records do you think you will need to maintain and file before, during and after the action plan is implemented?
Before the risk mitigation action to take place the management should alternate the departmental shifting arrangements. Accordingly, the team members of the concerned team are to be alerted with notices (Duarte et al. 2016). After the risk mitigation template have to be maintained by the steering committee. After the completion of each task, the estimated cost, the risks that are covered and the future scope of benefits of the repairactivities have to be noted down. The repairing activities would also require the papers of permission form the local authorities and the action plan have to be passed form the authorities also. The NOC from the authorities is very important in this context. The risk evaluation template is to be duly filled also by the management committee members.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to implement and monitor action plan.
Activity Individually or in pairs, discuss the following questions:
You need to be able to implement the action plan. What do you need to do? Briefly outline how you will implement each step.
Immediately after the approval of the action tsk plan, the plan is to be implemented with immediate effect. All the necessary members including the workgroups as well as the stakeholders have to be communicated with the details of the action plan. The necessary details that have to be communicated are decisions made regarding how the hazards are to be mitigated. After that the reasons for implementation of each change plan is to be communicated. The stakeholders have to be assured regarding the benefits of the risk mitigation plan also. The key personnel including the directors of the organisation should realise the benefits of the action plan along with realising the severity of the risk in the organisation and how the employed can be affected due to the risk (Shafiq, 2017).
The next phase is the application phase. A communication plan is to be formulated working with the key personnel who are working over this task.
The next phase is to raise awareness among the employees regarding the changes like automation that would be brought about as an outcome of this phase. How the employees as well as the management would be beneficiated as an impact of the action is to be communicated properly (Williams et al. 2016). Key personnel who are in charge of every area of the risk mitigation program should communicate with each other also. The employees should also be communicated with the benefits of the action plan. They have to be made aware of the ways in which change is being brought about. Formal meetings can be arranged in this regard. Actions like meetings with employees and management should be done by the steering committee.
The build capacity is the next consideration in this regard. Capacity building involves how the taskforce is to be manoeuvred by the change. Employee participation in change process would increase the effectiveness of change.
Motivation is the next most important aspect of the risk mitigation. The key to staff participation is motivation. Another importance of motivation is empowerment of the stakeholders (Quintus & Ladefoged, 2016). In order to ensure employee ownership, incentives can be offered. Employees have to be given extra bonuses for mitigating the gaps in production due to the continuation of risk mitigation activities.
The last action is tracking and monitoring of the activities. Tracking of the success or the failure of the action plan is very essential. The tracking program should be made centralised so that there are no lapses in checking the field work.
How often will you communicate with stakeholders?
The group of employees should be communicated once in course of every activity. The steering committee should communicate once in every week for discussing the progress of the task. The management is to be communicated with the details of the progress after completion of every task. The CFO and the supervisor of the task should maintain their meetings according to the task schedule. Other stakeholders like the workers who are associated with execution of the concrete work should be called for a meeting so that they basic demands of the company can be communicated to them (Davies, 2014). The members of the external contractors should sit in meetings with the budget planning committee twice every month. In the period when the work would be stalled temporarily, the managers would meet thrice in all, to communicate the need of further repairs.
Implement your action plan for managing the risk(s) identified in Activity 2.1.1-2.3.1 and monitor this over a 3-4 day period. Note down the outcome of this.
The task that have been half completed, would be brought up for supervisions. After the monitoring phase where the representatives of all the stakeholder groups would participate, the further actions should be decided.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate risk management process.
Activity How will you evaluate your case? Develop a tool that you can use to perform this task.
The action evaluation template is the key proof of the activities that have been completed. After that feedbacks of the major stakeholders have to be collected in the templates (Chammas, 2015). The budget planning committee would allocate the resources after scrutinising the task progress. Finally, the steering committee will give the final report on the case.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your workbook.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
ØOral communication
ØNavigate the world of work
ØInteract with others
ØGet the work done
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1.What are the five steps for implementation of the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines? Explain.
The different steps that might be undertaken by the organization while implementing the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 are:
- The assessment of the different risk factors that might be faced by the organization while implementing a specific project
- Brainstorming different strategies that might be undertaken by the organization while undertaking the proper functioning of the systems
- Evaluating the different concepts and alternatives as per the understanding of the different aspects of the change in the systems of the business (Kloos & Renaud, 2016).
- selection of the best alternative that helps in mitigating the risk
- implementation of the strategy on the risk that is faced by the organization
2.Outline the difference between the Act, Regulations and Codes of practice
Acts are broad laws that are passed and every organization amends to the same for the smooth functioning of the processes. On the other hand, the regulations are guidelines that clearly states the manner in which the legal provisions of the act should be applied in the organizational structure. Codes of practices helps in understanding the different laws and ethics that are connected to the practices that are undertaken by the organizational workforce while performing the activities.
3.What are your organisation’s policies and procedures regarding risk management?
The risk management policies that are undertaken by my organization are:
- Internal, external and Financial audits undertaken by the organization
- Assessment of risks and the manner in which the risks are segregated among the different departments (Qazi et al. 2015).
- The formulation of clear strategies for the proper functioning of the risk assessment policies
4.How might you adjust your risk management to incorporate disabled employees/customers?
The risk assessment might be adjusted for incorporating disabled employees through the creation of:
- Undertaking interactions with the concerned people and thereby identify the issues that are faced by the same while operating as per the objectives of the business
- Implementing the different strategies that are formed by the organization for the formulation of the different strategies.
5.What steps will you need to take to monitor your risk management plan?
The organization has taken steps to monitor over the risk management plan which are:
- Formulating questionnaires and circulating the same among the relevant candidates for identifying the issues that are faced by the organization (Abidi & Miquel-Flores, 2018).
- Application of the concepts that are relevant to the current literature, which will be helping the organization to create an understanding of the relevant policies that, helps in the creation of the different functions.
6.How would you communicate your risk management plan to the relevant stakeholders?
The risk management plan of the organization will be communicated through the creation of the newsletters and emails, which will be helping the organization to interact with the stakeholders more effectively on the basis of the changes that are planned by the business.
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
Activity This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.
Attach your completed answers to the workbook.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:
5.Establish risk context
6.Identify risk
7.Analyse risk
8.Select and implement treatments
Complete the following and present it as a portfolio:
For this project you may use the follow scenario, or you can choose a risk that you are familiar with in your workplace. What you must be able to do is identify and describe in each step of the process the influence the organisations policies, processes and procedures throughout your answers to demonstrate your understanding of the risk management process.
If you are not employed, use a former employer and if you have never worked in the workforce, use the knowledge and legislation within your learner guide and refer to it where necessary in each question.
If you are using your own case, briefly outline the scenario.
1.What part/s of the legal framework will impact on this risk?
The legal framework that will be affecting the proper functioning of the risk assessment is based on the vulnerability of the events and the plans that are formulated by the organization to bring in changes in the situations of the current undertakings (Shad & Lai, 2015).
2.What standard applies presently?
The standards that apply to the functioning of the organization while operating in the international markets are based on the levels of risks that are faced by the business. The assessment of the risk that is faced by the organization has helped in maintaining the proper functioning of the systems of the business while oipe4rating in the international markets.
3.What areas does your risk address? (i.e. commercial relationships)
The risks that are analyzed by the organization is aimed at understanding the different risks that might be faced by the organization while undertaking their international amendments as per the company policies. As per Vandenberg (2015), the Financial aspects of the undertakings is being secured through the risks management strategies that are planned by the business while operating in the competitive markets scenario.
4.There are different types of risk, including legal, financial and safety risk. Which one/s do you think apply in your case?
Financial risks are the one that are faced by our organization while operating in the international markets.
5.Who is responsible for this risk?
The investments that are made by the o9rganization while undertaking the different expansion is affected through the proper functioning of the systems that are planned by the business.
6.Who are your external and internal stakeholders? What are their objectives?
The external stakeholders are:
- Government
- Suppliers
- Investors
- Customers
The internal stakeholders of the organization are:
- Employees
- Management
- Board of directors
7.Review any political, legal, social, economic or technological changes that will influence you. Create a SWOT analysis of these below.
- Brand value
- Steady base of customers
- Quality goods and services Weaknesses
- Lower market exposure
- Poor advertising
- Expansion in the international markets
- Introducing new range of products
- New entrants in the market
- Fluctuations in the economies
8.Outline how critical success factors will influence this case?
The critical success factors of the business is dependent on the proper assessment of the risks and thereby bring in changes in the systems of the business which will be helping the organization to sustain in the international markets (Ajibola, Omiyale & Ogunwolu, 2018).
9.Using the stakeholders identified earlier, identify how you would communicate and consult with each party changes?
The stakeholders of the organization will be communicated through emails which will be helping the organization to bring in changes n the systems of the business.
10.What other research would you need to do in this case?
Mixed methods will be utilized where there would be survey questionnaires and a review of the current literature, which will be helping the organization to bring in changes in the systems of the business (Yoon, Yildiz & Talluri, 2016).
11.In this next section, you may choose to complete a risk assessment form internal to your organisation. This is acceptable.
ØProbability of a given risk occurring, such as:
oVery likely (exposed to hazard constantly)
oLikely (exposed to hazard occasionally)
oUnlikely (could happen but only rarely)
oHighly unlikely (could happen but probably never will).
Consequences may be rated as:
a)A fatality
b)Major or serious injury (serious damage to health that may be irreversible, requiring medical attention and ongoing treatment). This is likely to involve significant time off work (Andrat & Jaswal, 2015);
c)Minor injury (reversible health damage that may need medical attention but limited ongoing treatment). This means that it is less likely to spend more than a day off work.
d)Negligible injuries (might sustain slight injury and may require only primary first aid) and no time off work
12.What is the likelihood of this problem arising again?
It is likely that the problem might arise again. The SAI regulations have not been properly considered in the initial phase. Hence such hazards are likely to occur occasionally. In order to avoid the risks of workplace hazards, it is necessary to re-establish the security system thoroughly.
13.What are the possible consequences of this risk?
There are rare chances of a fatality. However, the chances are always there. As it seems there are chances of frequent minor injuries. On an odd day, it might take the shape of a disaster also. In that case the number of minor as well as minor injuries might increase.
14.What risk priority would you consider?
I would consider a high risk priority. This is obvious that such occasions might arise frequently within the organisation. Hence the management should consider the situation with immediate effect. This is because such risks and the hazards arising out of such risks are having a negative impact upon the organisational performance
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