Risk And Technology In Internal Auditing: A Report For ABC Bank

Reasons behind the occurrence of operations risk at the branch

ABC bank internal auditing example is just an example of an occurrence of operations risk that takes place in the banking sector. The issue of permitting a transaction without following the required guidelines is many at times experienced in an organizational setup knowingly or unknowingly. Despite the good laid down roles and responsibilities of various managers in the organizational structure, fiscal roles implementation do undergo through evolution in trial of coming up with more effective management which is transparent (Parry, 2007). Challenges are a drawing back aspect in the banking sector which comes from within the sector or from outside forces. A lot of the accuracy issues in the banking sector are associated with reputation facilitation that involves transactions extending to the levels of finances thus being affected by the monetary policies and also acts as an avenue for managers to seek benefits from the transactions. Whenever their economic instability in a nation, not even a single budget allocation are spared because there are variations in the product and services prices which in many occasions is not captured in the organizational budget posing a challenge to the fiscal management and budget implementers as they seek to find an equilibrium status for the operations and expenditures (Benito & Bastida, 2009). These has been a venue that has not been identified as way to hide transparency because there is no constant way that the managers can link to certain prices thus taking advantage. The issue of transparency and role sharing results to negligence by the officers in the issues that affect the business transactions.  

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Criminal activity in the line of computing can be defined as any action that is geared towards ensuring that the connectivity that has been established has been interrupted in one way or another. This revolves around providing that those who are supposed to use a particular form of computing equipment are barred from it. Also, they can be viewed as actions that are geared towards ensuring that they access information or data when they are not allowed. Some rules and regulations are set aside by any organization that has set up computing networks, and that utilizes computer equipment to ensure that there is no misconduct while in the computer system. Any fault or deviation from what has been set in a computer environment cane termed as criminal activity and is subject to the consequences. The above is aimed at ensuring that customer lapses are monitored and actions are taken whenever it is noticed. The customers are expected to get their transactions protected and validated by whoever is conducting it.

Analysis of erring employees to the fraud

Electronic Management Plan is mostly applicable in controlling the access of information and data particularly using removable devices such as hard disks and flash disks. Forensic activities have become rampant which is as a result of the technological advancements in the audit world today. Majority of the organization that is affected by the legal activities include those that deal with financial transactions as the majority of the criminals target the systems for financial gains (Casey, 2011). The legal framework has been reluctant in establishing laws which are essential in preventing the computer-related crimes (Lader, 2012). This is because the computing technology is evolving at an alarming rate which makes it difficult to accommodate the various changes. Also, technological applications such as SMS alert are applicable to ensure that the management is notified when a transaction has taken place. In addition, the account owner should be notified when a transaction that affects his/her account is performed. Organizational policies and cultures in many at times dictate this sector behavior which in many cases tries to cover transactions in the favor of the involved individuals. Apart from the policies and culture, the banking sector is prone to issues that are directly linked to the service provision to the citizens.

With computerization, the performance of many tasks in the auditing department has been eased since the majority of the individuals can easily communicate over the network. Majority of the computing devices are connected to a network since there are files, information, and data that can be shared which serves both as an advantage and a disadvantage within the organization. This is an advantage that is experienced by those using a computer system (Dowland, Furnell, Illingworth and Reynolds, 1999). Along with this benefits that are experienced in the course of using the computer systems, some disadvantages are being encountered since there are criminal activities that are carried out in the systems. As a result of these pros and cons of computerization, it is crucial to come up with an Electronic Management Plan to ensure that data and information being shared is managed and controlled by suspicious activities.  In the quality management, there are some aspects that cannot be left aside to ensure that the performance of internal auditors is ever achieved. The various aspects include Quality of the performance, Customer Satisfaction, Employee participation and above all the continuous improvements of all these aspects (Warkentin and Willison, 2009). All these aspects are directly linked to management and when they are strongly emphasised in an organization, it’s kind of strength that has been inculcated in the roots of an organization. Therefore, this will be vital in the understanding of the various aspects of an organization that will help in the giving of recommendation and also build the foundation of other departments in the auditing department.

Control of operations risk and suggestion of future Strategy

One of the standard achievements that have been realized in the roles of internal auditors is the introduction of courts where cases related to auditing are handled. The internal auditors are educated on the various computer crimes and are given the skills to handle the issue. Majority of the organizations have used the rules and policies that are designed by multiple institutions to assist them in managing the numerous cases that are presented to them (Richardson and C.S.I., 2008). This calls for Actus reus and mens rea concept is applied where the action and the person initiating the action are considered. Therefore, majority of the cases are determined to depend on the rules that are dedicated to a particular organization. Mostly, it applies when the incidence of the cybercrime is internal. When the impact is external, copyright and data integrity, as well as confidentiality laws, are implemented by the constitution (Armstrong and Forde, 2003) (Warkentin and Willison, 2009). This has dramatically improved the status of security of the organizations in which the computer systems are invaded (Bulgurcu et al., 2010). Therefore, it is evident that there have been some strides that have been made but still, there is need to come up with a more complex system of law. These have have resulted to ensuring that the roles of the internal auditors have been enhanced and the complexity and hardships reduced.

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Computer crime can be initiated in the course of the system using human or even tools such as software or hardware to ensure that an ill intention is performed. Due to the increased level of computing technology, both in the infrastructure and knowledge on how to use the various computing devices both in software and hardware, the trend in which the criminal activities are being performed in the world today (Bryan Foltz, 2004). There is an endless list of illegal activities that are conducted in the world today as it depends on the context in which the term has been used. For instance, when it comes to the use of the internet, criminal computing activity can easily be committed as the internet acts a medium in which various actions take place. Different illegal activities that can be undertaken over the internet, for instance, including but not limited to fraud, terrorism, trade security theft, pornography, piracy of software and other materials that have been protected through the use of copywriting (Armstrong and Forde, 2003) (Bryan Foltz, 2004) (Cronan, Foltz, and Jones, 2006).

Hacking can be defined as the process of identifying a weakness in a computer system with the intentions of exploiting it. Majority of the networks which are considered to be in the risk of hacking when the persons involved do not believe the positive side of it but to the negative (Paradiso, Heidemann and Zimmerman, 2008). When a criminal activity is not done with the intentions of ensuring that the network infrastructure is improved or it is made better, then, that can be termed as Hacking, but it is of benefit to the organization. Hacking has been ventured into using IDS systems that are introduced in the computing world today (Parker, 1981). There have been various testbeds that have been used in the course of solving the menace though much has not been achieved due to the evolving nature of the attack.


Armstrong, H.L. and Forde, P.J., 2003. Internet anonymity practices in computer crime. Information management & computer security, 11(5), pp.209-215.

Benito, B. and Bastida, F., 2009. Budget transparency, fiscal performance, and political turnout: An international approach. Public Administration Review, 69(3), pp.403-417.

Bryan Foltz, C., 2004. Cyberterrorism, computer crime, and reality. Information Management & Computer Security, 12(2), pp.154-166.

Bulgurcu, B., Cavusoglu, H. and Benbasat, I., 2010. Information security policy compliance: an empirical study of rationality-based beliefs and information security awareness. MIS Quarterly, 34(3), pp.523-548

Casey, E., 2011. Digital evidence and computer crime: Forensic science, computers, and the internet. Academic Press

Cronan, T.P., Foltz, C.B. and Jones, T.W., 2006. Piracy, computer crime, and IS misuse at the university. Communications of the ACM, 49(6), pp.84-90.

Dowland, P.S., Furnell, S.M., Illingworth, H.M. and Reynolds,, P.L., 1999. Computer crime and abuse: A survey of public attitudes and awareness. Computers & Security, 18(8), pp.715-726.

Lader, D., Hoare, J. and Lau, I., 2012. Hate crime, cybersecurity and the experience of crime among children: Findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey. London: Home Office Statistical Bulletin.

Paradiso, J.A., Heidemann, J. and Zimmerman, T.G., 2008. Hacking is pervasive. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7(3).

Parker, D.B., 1981. Computer security management (p. 308). Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company.

Parry, T.R., 2007. The role of fiscal transparency in sustaining growth and stability in Latin America (No. 07/220). International Monetary Fund.

Richardson, R. and Director, C.S.I., 2008. CSI computer crime and security survey. Computer Security Institute, 1, pp.1-30

Warkentin, M. and Willison, R., 2009. Behavioral and policy issues in information systems security: the insider threat. European Journal of Information Systems, 18(2), pp.101-105.

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