Risk And Security Management For Alitum Limited
Overview of Alitum Limited
Information system or IS comprises of two distinct perspectives that are structural as well as functional perspectives (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The perspective of structural solely defines that any information system consists of the collection of several models, technologies, processes or people for the purpose of forming a specific cohesive structure and hence serving the organizational functions. The second perspective or a functional perspective states that IS is being deployed and implemented technically for the core purposes of recording, storing and eradicating each and every linguistic expression and in support of making inferences (Bajdor and Grabara 2014). The information system can also be defined as the set of several interconnected elements that can easily collect, process, retrieve or distribute the information or data to take any type of decision for that particular organization. The technological judgments are even done with the help of this system. Furthermore, the overall control or management of the business process is done with the information systems and hence data analysis is extremely easier.
The essay will demonstrate the complete risk and security management for a famous software organization in Australia, known as Alitum Limited. The organization of Altium Limited is responsible for providing various types of PC based design software. They provide the software for most of the engineers. These engineers eventually design printed circuit board or PCB. This essay will also be providing a brief description on the GMCs and ACs of this organization with various risk managing techniques.
Products and Services of Altium and Proper Use of Information Systems
The most popular organization of software in Australia is Altium Limited. They provide personal systematic electronics designing software (Altium. 2018). All the customers of this particular company are engineers, who have the capability to design the printed circuit board or PCBs. The most important services and products of the organization are CircuitStudio, Altium designer, NanoBoard, Altium Vault, CircuitMaker, Easytrax and Autotrax, Altium Live, PDN Analyzer and TASKING. Some of the important tools for design software and software are made by them so that the customers can easily design software with them (Altium. 2018). Furthermore, the field programmable gate array or FPGA is also used by the company so that they do not have to use separate or individual element in the printed circuit boards. Another significant factor and advantage of this organization is that they are responsible for providing several products and services of the information system or IS.
The business processes of Altium Limited are absolutely famous and unique in comparison to any other software company. Hence, the result of these business processes within Altium Limited is bringing various asset values in the business (Gallagher and Sixsmith 2014). This orgaizaiton has eventually deployed an information system for the business processes to enhance their business operations. They have obtained success and popularity due to this particular decision of implementation of the information system. Sales and marketing is considered as the most effective department for any company and if this department works properly, the rest of the departments are bound to work perfectly. As Altium Limited is the software organization, sales and marketing is extremely vital for them. Thus, they have deployed IS in the business (Demir and Krajewski 2013). Furthermore, the other departments like accounting, productions and finally finance could also be easily controlled with the significant support of IS or information system. The TPS or transaction processing systems and the DSS or decision support system are also managed by this particular system. Altium Limited has obtained other advantages like competitiveness in the business. Due to their quick decisions, they have earned profit in business and hence cost effectiveness is the nest important advantage of this system for the business process of Altium Limited.
Products and services of Alitum Limited
General management controls or GMCs are the overall management functionalities, which have the main objective in achieving the various company goals within the scheduled time (Klukas, Chen and Pape 2014). The general management control helps to gather as well as utilize the confidential and relevant information or data to successfully evaluate the total performance of the several organizational resources like physical and the financial resources. These various organizational strategies can be easily and promptly deployed with these general management controls. This process of the controlling the management majorly involves a good performance is getting compared to the planned performances (Castronova, Goodall and Ercan 2013). The next step in the procedure can be the difference in between the two that is eventually measured before the contributions. The last step in this process is the perfect action that is undertaken to eradicate or minimize of these recognized differences. Two kinds of the GMCs are the preventive controls and detective control. The preventive controls are used for preventing any type of error. The proper prevention of errors can stop them from coming into the organization. The detective controls are solely used for the perfect recognition of various irregularities only at the moment they are occurring (Card 2017). The most significant aim of the GMC is controlling or managing the management of any company.
Altium Limited has deployed several GMCs within the company. Being a software organization, GMCs are vital for the business operations. The main three factors that enhance the GMCS of this organization are standard set; evaluate total performance and taking correct action (Dumais et al. 2016). They get a significant assurance level from these controls and thus they have gained popularity. The few general management controls of this organization are as follows:
- i) Implementation Law: They have implemented various important laws within the business and thus illegal activities are stopped in their company (Xu et al. 2014).
- ii) Integrity: The second GMC is the integrity and this has helped them in gaining competitive advantages.
- iii) Proper Safeguards: Various resources of the company are absolutely safe and secured with these safeguards and hence Altium can be termed as one of the safest organizations in Australia.
The application control or AC is responsible for maintaining privacy and security for each and every asset in the company (Eason 2014). The maintenance of security thus provides confidentiality and reliability and the data or information of the company can be protected. The risks related to data are minimized to a greater level. Following are the few application controls for Altium Limited.
- Complete Check: With this particular application control, the record processing can be easily ensured and thus the complete check is done.
- Validity Check: This application control ensures that only justified or valid data is processed in the information system of Altium Limited (Jones 2014).
- Authentication: With this application control, only authenticated data and information is processed in the system.
- Controlling Inputs: Whatever data is put in the system, they are to be checked and thus the unauthenticated data is eradicated.
- Authorization: This AC ensures that only the authorized users have the right to access data.
- Identification: The authorized users are identified with this application control in Altium Limited (Lajoie and Derry 2013).
A basic comparison between the GMC and AC within the IS of Altium Limited is given below:
- The GMCs of this organization are connected to the ACs and thus all the functions are promptly supported by the connection. GMC can control the end users, mainframes and even the servers.
- The application control eventually controls the privacy as well as security of IS by means of managing the transactions and software (Bharamagoudar, Geeta and Totad 2013). Several factors are there that depend over these ACs like complete check, validity check, input control and many more. The organizational resources are easily managed by the general management controls and these are completely dependent on standard set; evaluate total performance and taking correct action.
Reliability, confidentiality, availability, integrity as well as security
The few techniques for risk managing are being used to manage the several risks within any particular company. There are two techniques to manage risks within the business or Altium Limited (Dahlstrom, Walker and Dziuban 2013). They have successfully implemented and used these techniques in their business so that they can easily stop the risks in bringing in any more destruction to the production in the business. Five distinct factors are measured by these two techniques. The five factors are confidentiality, reliability, integrity, availability and finally security (Marchewka 2014). Following are the two techniques to manage risks and maintain the above mentioned factors within Altium Limited.
- Prevention of Data Losses: This is the most important technique for risk management. The confidential data are always vulnerable to various risks. This particular technique ensures that the losses could be prevented easily and the data is stored successfully within the information system.
- Avoidance of Risks: The second important technique to manage the risk is the risk avoidance (Laudon and Laudon 2016). This type of avoidance can be extremely beneficial for the security of the data present in information system.
Risk identification is extremely important to identify the various dangerous risks present in the information system. This even helps in assessing and controlling the risks. Altium Limited has implemented two distinct techniques to identify, assess and control the risks. Following are the two techniques to manage risks and maintain the above mentioned factors within Altium Limited.
- Loss Reduction: The very first technique is the loss reduction, which ensures that the organizational losses occurred by risks are reduced to a great level (Bajdor and Grabara 2014).
- Separation: The catastrophe risks are well identified with this particular technique and hence Altium is benefitted.
GMCs and ACs of Alitum Limited
Audit is the official inspection of various accounts in a company for checking whether all the official resources are secured or not. The independent and systematic testing of these records or maintaining confidentiality and integrity of data is termed as auditing.
Audit plan is made by the company to successfully and systematically audit their resources (Demir and Krajewski 2013). Without the planning, the strategy could not be implemented properly. Various advantages are there for audit planning. The audit plan of Altium Limited is given below:
- Identifying Audit Requirements.
- Noting the Report Requirements.
- Conflicts within Interest Assessment.
- Proper Risk Assessments.
- Record and Resource Assessments.
The audit procedure is the procedure, how the audit is being executed (Card 2017). The audit procedure of Altium is given below:
- Discussing Scopes and Objectives.
- Procedural Collection of Data.
- Evaluating Several Internal Controls.
- Executing Plan.
Therefore, it could be concluded that the information system or IS subsequently uses the computing technologies to perform each and every intended task. This information system can include only desktops, laptops and software. Moreover, this IS could even involve several systems of various sizes and hence the respective databases and computer networks are involved here. The major elements of the information systems are several people resources such as system analysts or specialists of information system, software such as programs or processes, hardware such as associate device or computer equipments, communication medium and data or networks such as support for network. The complete orientation of activities of the information system is focuses by this and hence the security of the system is highly vital. The abilities of risk management are considered as the other significant and vital needs of information system. The essay has clearly described the complete risks and security management of one of the most popular company of software, known as Altium Limited. Several relevant details about the general management control and application control are also mentioned here properly. The several factors of risk like confidentiality, integrity, security and many others are also given here with proper techniques of risk management. The audit planning and process are also provided in this essay.
The implementation of MIS or management information systems in the business of Altium Limited is the basic recommendation for them. MIS would be emphasizing on the interlink of several technologies and components and thus the overall execution of business operations are much easier.
Altium. 2018. Retrieved from https://www.altium.com/ [Accessed on 15 Aug. 2018].
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