Revitalizing The Economy Of Clipper Bay: A Sustainable Approach To Tourism Development

Development Approach

In the old times, growth and revitalization of economy was considered as to conquer new land and finding new resources and materials in a specific area. But nowadays, the sense of economic revitalization has been changed to growth of community with the specific boundaries. If there is avoidance of society growth then it will deplete the resources and lead to society issues. So, there will be need of sustainable and long term planning to deal with community problems and resource depletion (Antonio, Arora, Doehring & Hernández, 2014). As per the given case, The Clipper Bay is a region that has population of 5000 people now has the capacity to attain the development from three generation. In this area, it is due to the availability of good sources of livelihood in fishing and heritage which is still retained alive the local population of Clipper Bay. Local government and authorities in this area are planning to revitalize its economy through developing its tourism industry. They believe that tourism activities will be more profitable to explore new opportunities than other sectors.

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Firstly, this report analyzes the approach of development that can be used for improving tourism at Clipper Bay area. This discusses about a responsible approach for development of tourism in the area. It includes the infrastructure and stakeholders who are associated with this economic revitalization at Clipper Bay. Moreover, there is the discussion about potential advantages and disadvantages of economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspects.

Considering the need of economic revitalization for the community to look at the issues of conversion, to protect the society people from economic decline and resource depletion and to preserve the cultural and natural heritage from deteriorating with the growth of population, it is very necessary to propose a development plan for Clipper Bay’s community. For this, stable and dynamic meetings need to reinstate their economy via developing new paths, notice ranges, business strategy for enhancing associations of neighborhoods and development of culture to upgrade the quality of life. An ultimate approach to manage the revitalization of economy is to develop a stepwise plan with engagement of gathering and major socio-cultural matters for assisting the final outcomes (Ramm, 2018).

This approach will include different steps and parties in order to revitalize the economy at Clipper Bay:

First step in economic revitalization is the recognition of the sector that has the opportunities and potential of immense future growth. In Clipper Bay area, fishing sector is the industry that has enough capacity for the development as the sources of livelihood for society. Additionally, agriculture or farming can also be preferred as another mean of livelihood in Clipper Bay’s next generation. Apart from these two industries, tourism is the major sector that can enhance the lifestyle and living standards of people (Tourism Republic of South Africa, 2011). This sector can promote the revenue generation and development of culture along with the farming, fishing and other businesses.

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The creative insightful of the development plan should be communicated by developing shared vision and mission. It must be shared within a fundamental period of system so that they can interface in a technique and strategy (Ramm, 2018). It will include different parties like government, business class people, society people, public etc.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Consented on shared mission and vision, local leaders and neighborhood developers will step up the association profitably. These people have the information about the nearby areas that can help them in executing the development and revitalization plan effectively.

There will be establishment of the partnerships among different parties like suppliers, exclusive enterprises, government assistants, social workers, territorial entities, local authorities and tourism authorities.

Public plays a significant role in the process of development of Clipper Bay. It is very important to take the feedback and association of local residents. They will be advocates and beneficiaries in this economic revitalization and improvement plan. This is the reason that their involvement cannot be avoided at any stage.

After selecting the parties and setting the mission and visions, different techniques will be used to develop an applied course of action. The government will held an awareness program for the domestic population of Clipper Bay area. It will ensure that people are properly aware about their security, safety and other related concerns. In this process, tourism authorities and operators should introduce new terms and rules for tourist attractions that should be complied with by travellers. In this way, all of these related parties need to be involved in the economic revitalization procedure at Clipper Bay area (Ramm, 2018).

Cost benefit analysis is a vital technique which can be implemented for the economic development at Clipper Bay. This is a technique which an organization or entity adopts to take the decisions in several conditions. In this area, it can be stated that tourism can be identified as the industry which will be support the economic revitalization in this town. The major reason behind this is that cost and benefit analysis will support the local authorities and government to focus on the crucial variables of development of tourism. In Clipper Bay area, growth of tourism sector comes at a cost. Cost benefit analysis can be implemented considering different aspects at Clipper. These aspects are such as: pool of labor, ease of access and readiness of resources (Najdeska & Rakicevik, 2012).

At Clipper Bay, pool of labor is one of the significant factors that can be practiced in cost benefit analysis. As mentioned above, a larger part of area’s population is doing fishing business and they may object tourism growth in this area. Due to this, tourism operators and authorities may confront the issues as they have the limited pool of labor with limited skills and capacity. They need to create awareness among public about the eco-tourism and they will recruit the employees from neighboring towns (Mason, 2015).

This is the major reason behind choosing tourism industry for economic revitalization in this area as tourists can reach to this area very easily. Considering this, the authorities will make investment in the development of infrastructure to improve the transportation, establishing hotel sector among social facilities so that they can host the travelers and guests. As per the case, a budget of $50m is granted for this revitalization. Out of which, a major share i.e. $30m will be invested on infrastructural development. Out of 30$m, 10$m will be utilized to link the Bay with roads from North. The rest 20$m will be invested on enhancing the conditions of small roads which are connected to tourist attractions. It will attract more tourists and provide many benefits to overall growth of Clipper Bay (Marin, 2015).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Developing Tourism in Clipper Bay

The people from all over the world reach to Clipper Bay for exploring its attractions and sites. To establish effective communication, $5m will be used to fix a communication line. $10m will be invested in improving the hotel industry and for providing the training to personnel. They will locate the hotels and resorts in coastal area so they can provide enough water and other resources to guests. Moreover, it will use 5$m on the security arrangements in the area and $5m will be used for environmental sustainability.

However, in spite of the costs, the benefits of tourism industry to this Bay will be massive. From environmental protection, socio-cultural sustainability, employment development to enhancement in the revenue generation, tourism activities will enhance Clipper Bay’s economy (Eide, Fuglsang & Sundbo, 2017). Thus, it is the best decision to choose tourism industry for economic revitalization of Clipper Bay.

As discussed above, Clipper Bay has chosen tourism industry to be developed for area’s economic revitalization. It can be stated that responsible tourism is the approach that can be used as sustainable tourism approach. Responsible tourism is the approach which can be used in very responsible manner. It is the approach that minimizes adverse economic, social and environmental effects, produces great economic advantages for local population and improves the welfare of host societies (Frey & George, 2010). At Clipper, this approach will include all the external stakeholders and parties in revitalization activities of tourism. Through this, the local government and authorities will emphasize on the fact that all of its stakeholders are equally involved in the development of tourism in Clipper Bay (Tourism Republic of South Africa, 2011).

By using this sustainable approach, diverse departments will be engaged in performing different tasks. It will set the objectives of making this area better to visit and to stay there. This will be beneficial for the economic rejuvenation of this particular area. Responsible approach will definitely support the government to improve tourism activities and processes at Clipper Bay. Ultimately, this will lessen the negative impacts of economic, environmental and socio-cultural factors and it will offer economic benefits to local people of this area (Mihalic, 2016).

For a tourist place, the basic planning for infrastructure includes the planning for hotels, roads, electricity, watch towers, buildings, parks, hospitals, highways, resorts and other structure which support the tourism and economic development. For effective infrastructural planning, Clipper’s government will use Geographic Information System (GIS) supported by STP that includes 3 steps i.e. segmentation of visitors, zoning and network planning for transportation. This will help the related parties in managing different activities of tourism. By practicing these steps, they can establish communication among different parties such as tourists, transportation division etc. Under this model, the next step will be zoning that will include diverse zones of Clipper Bay that will be divided as per tourists’ interests. It will ensure that all of these zones are linked with a road network (Leigh & Blakely, 2016).

In tourism industry, efficiency and sustainability of adopted changes cannot be supervised without enhancing its superstructure. Thus, it is very important for Clipper Bay to make improvement in its components of superstructure. At Clipper Bay, the major examples of superstructure includes medical and nursing facilities, rescue centers and teams, hotel rooms and facilities, changing rooms on beaches, security towers and team and foot outlets (Boniface, Cooper & Cooper, 2016).

For this economic revitalization, the stakeholders can be divided into three major groups. Among them, first group includes the primary stakeholders who have contractual and direct connection with this tourism planning in Clipper Bay. Second group includes the stakeholders like employees, suppliers, clients, investors and owners. Apart from them, secondary stakeholders are societies, activists, media firms, non-governmental authorities and public administrations. The above stakeholders will work collectively for the development of Clipper Bay and its people (Faber & Gaubert, 2015). 


With the economic revitalization and development of tourism at Clipper Bay, there will be various economic advantages such as generation of new employment opportunities, balance of payment and revenue generation and collection through tourism activities. With this economic renewal, new resorts, restaurants and hotels will be opened in the area that will lead to the development of job opportunities for local population of Clipper Bay. It will provide the direct employment for the city’s local people (Ardahaey, 2011). Apart from this, local businesses will recruit more people to handle enhancing the demands and needs of tourists. At Clipper, there will direct multiplier effect as tourism management authority will generate the funds from tourists by charging a fee when they will explore the tourist destinations. Moreover, they will be engaged in selling local food products like sea food that will help them in earning more wages. This is the major economic impact due to development of tourism industry as it will increase the income of local population of Clipper Bay. Due to this, they will be able to improve their living standards and lifestyles. Thus, development in tourism will have positive impact on overall economy of Clipper Bay (Chou, 2013).

With the fast growth of area’s economy, there may be condition of inflation at Clipper Bay. Increase in the number of tourists will enlarge the manufacturing and sales of local produces and supplies. Due to this, there will be increase in the expenses of domestic people that will have negative impact on inflation. It will lead them to spend unnecessary expenses and costs on their living (Cárdenas-García, Sánchez-Rivero & Pulido-Fernández, 2015). Furthermore, another demerit of tourism development is employment improvement. Though, it will be good for the population, but they will shift to tourism and hospitality jobs from their traditional business i.e. fishing and weaving.


Due to the growth of tourism, there will be various advantages such as cross cultural awareness, promotion of local sculptures and artworks and protection of rich heritage. With the arrival of more tourists at Clipper Bay, the local people will be aware about their culture and values. Additionally, tourists will also have the knowledge about domestic people (Raj & Griffin, 2015). Domestic people will have the potential to gain the benefits while the frequent tourists start to show their interest to activities and lifestyles of Clipper’s people. This will support in the revolution of eco-tourism in this area. Another cultural advantage of tourism development is that it will showcase and promote the local artworks and sculptures of this town. It will increase the tourist arrival in Clipper Bay. Moreover, it may lead to the commercialization of these cultural symbols. Additionally, tourism department can establish different traditional centers to protect these local artworks. The government needs to recruit the instructor and guards who can preserve the local heritages from environmental impacts (Aina & Babatola, 2015).

Apart from above advantages, there are various social demerits from tourism development at Clipper Bay. One of the major disadvantages is that people from different nations will be approaching the town that will distract the focus of youth from their regular work. Moreover, this may affect the local traditions and values adversely as local population will be avoiding joining fishing business and preferring to have job in hotels and resorts (Kim & Seo, 2014). With the increasing number of tourists, there may be the condition of moral collapse as youth may start to intake alcohol and smoking. It will have adverse impact on their religious values.


This will be right to state that economic growth and revitalization at Clipper Bay will support its government and authorities in the protection of environment and natural resources such as air, water etc. They will allocate the required space for the parks and gardens so that they can safeguard the creatures and animals. In these parks, harmful and wild animals will be kept in restricted area for ensuring the safety of local people and tourists. Moreover, the efforts will be made for protection of vegetation in the area. Thus, these environmental factors will enhance the lives of plants. Furthermore, Clipper’s government will take different initiatives to become environmentally responsible (Li, Yang, Liu & Zheng, 2014).

The growth of tourism at Clipper Bay can have various negative impacts on environment and its elements. There may be the issues like water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. Arrival of more tourists will increase the utilization of local transport i.e. busses and cars which may pollute the area and may cause the lung diseases (Mowforth & Munt, 2015). Moreover, other environmental problems may be because of using drugs, cigars and plastic bags.


In the limelight of above discussion, it can be concluded that it will be better for Clipper Bay’s government to choose tourism industry for practicing economic revitalization in the town. Tourism can impact the society in many ways by bringing different cultural, economic, social and environmental advantages primarily in rural regions and developing nations. The above analysis indicates that the government in this area will make improvements in its infrastructure and superstructure in order to entice an increased pool of tourists. Though, it is very important to understand that long term advantages of economic revitalization can be profitable when the development projects are managed effectively.


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