Review On Android Application Development For Business System
Week 2 Review – Activities, Fragments and Intents
Describe the Review on Android Application Development for Business System.
In the week 2 slide of the Mobile application development the activities, fragments and intents are discussed. The slide states the life cycle of the activities and the use of fragments for customizing the user interface of the application. The slide also helped to understand the idea of intent. The user interface of an application contains the activity window and for the development of an application zero or more activities can be used. The activities are used to make the interaction process attractive. There are different types of activities like onCreate(), onResume(), etc. and they can be used to display a process dialog (Meier 2012). The activities can be linked with the intents and it enables the different activities used in different application to work jointly. It may happen that there are two intents with same name and in this case the user is required to choose the default intent. The data can be passed over the different activities using the intent. The fragments are used to develop an application but the lower version of android does not support this feature, many of the activities consists of the fragments. Multiple fragments can be combined to form an activity and it can be reused multiple times in the app (Annuzzi, Darcey and Conder 2014). The fragment can be added dynamically and for this the fragment manager can be used. The fragment is used to call the built-in applications and for calling the intent is used. The intents can pair the data and the actions and it also helps to notify the user displaying notification messages.
The user interface is the main component of an android application because the user interacts with the system through the UI of the application. A pre built user interface is provided for the development of the application and different modules are provided that helps the developer to build an attractive graphical user interface (Lee 2012). Other modules can also be added which adds extra interface like notification, dialogs and menus. The menu bars used in the application can be replaced by action bars. The action bars are highly customable and are used in most of the application as a default paradigm for navigation. The action bars gives the user a familiar user experience and the user finds it easy to use the app. The user interface can be created using programs and codes. Horizontal view swiping can be applied with the application of ViewPager, and the activities in the view can be overridden (Clark et al. 2012). The ViewPager uses XML layout and it can be reused in multiple section of the application. The implementation of the navigation panel can also be used in the development of the user interface of the application and it allows the developer to add navigation drawer, provide back navigation, etc. Multiple screens can also be built with different screen size such that the application can run on different devices with different screen size (Sokolova, Lemercier and Garcia 2013). The views can b registered in each of the windows to pop up notification and handle the multiple views of a single event.
Week 3 Review – User Interface
There are different view classes like the TextView, Button, EditText, ImageButton, ImageView, Radio button, Spinner, Radio group, AutoCompleteTextView. The view classes are used in android app development it generally inhabits a major portion of the screen and is used in the frames of the application (Holla and Katti 2012). The views creates the output and the input fields of the app. The fields may be of different types like text field, image field or radio field. The view group acts as the layout to hold the different view properties. The developed contains the views nested in different view classes. The text view is a class and holds the text contents and allows the user to view or enter texts or numbers. The image view is used to displays image in the application (Dalmasso et al. 2013). The checkbox is used to select more than one option or one option provided to the user. The radio button allows the user to select an element and the other element provided is automatically unchecked. The button view creates a button on the screen and can be of different types like image button or normal button (Darcey and Conder 2012). There are other views like the progress bar view which shows the progress of the task running in background, autocomplete text view that shows a list of suggestion to complete the process, picker view that allows the user to select the date and time.
Using the views the usability of the application can be increased the list view can be applied to display a list of items and allowing the user to select their choice from them. The spinner view can also be used for selecting and fragments can be used to customize the user interface and list the items from an array and save their preference for the application.
In the previous week we have learned about the various views that can be used to build the application. The fifth week presentation states the use of the views to display images and creation of different types of menus. The menus can be of two types such as the optional menus and the context menus. Previously the views were used to display text but images can also be displayed using the view the function used to display image is the imageView, ImageSwitcher, GridView and gallery (Holla and Katti 2012). In the gallery view the image is displayed in a centrally locked horizontal scrolling list. The image switcher works with the gallery view and animation and transition are added in this type of view. The grid view is used to display the images in a two dimensional scrolling array.
Week 4 Review – View Classes
The option menu is used in the application to display information of the current activity. It can be activated touching on the menu option. The context menu is used to display the information of a particular view and it is activated by long pressing the menu option. For creating an option menu in the application two methods are needed to be implemented in an activity i.e. onCreateOptionMenu() and onOptionsItemSelected() (Plaza et al. 2013). There are some additional views like the analog and the digital clock views used to display the current time and web views that allows web contents to be displayed in the activity.
Review on data persistence
The data persistence is used in the application development in android and it is mainly used to reuse the data in different parts of the application. There are two types of persistent techniques to save the small lumps of data in shared preference i.e. using traditional file system and RDBMS with SQLite database (Mednieks et al. 2013). Different techniques are discussed that would help in the creation of private data and access it. The data can be stored in files using the FileInputStream or FileOutputStream class. The storage option for storing the data is required to be chosen by the developer and it can be modified later.
The content providers are used in the application development process to access a structured data sets. The data can be encapsulated and thus this increases the security of the data. The content providers act as a standard interface to connect the data of one process with the code of another process. ContentResolver and ContentProvider can be used to communicate with the provider (Wei et al. 2012). The android OS itself contains content provider and it manages the contact information, audio and videos and it can be accessed by the application for usage. There are pre-defined query strings that can be used as a resource for the application. Filters can be added in the content provider for building custom content provider (Holla and Katti 2012). To build a content provider is necessary to design a data storage and designing the content URI. The SQLite can be used for managing the database.
Some extra feature can be added to the application like sending SMS messages for verification of the registered mobile number or send email from the application. Adding this feature in the application would make it attractive and tracking function can also be added to it. The SMS messages can be sent programmatically using the built in SMS app but there is a need to set user permission before using the SMS service. Receiving the SMS message need the object BroadcastReceiver and it enables to fetch information from the default SMS application (Darcey and Conder 2012). It is also required to prevent other application to get the messages and thus a small programming is need to done that would block other apps to fetch information. The activity of the application should run in background such that when any message is received it displays the message on the screen. For sending emails from the application the user have to configure their account or it can be done programmatically or by using the default built in application (Dalmasso et al. 2013).
Week 5 Review – Displaying Images and Creating Menus
Review on location based service
For combining the google map with the app the gps of the mobile is used. This can accurately locate the current position of the device. For setting up the new project phonegap or eclipse can be used. The integration of the google map in the application can be used as a location tracker (Bugiel et al. 2012). The address of a particular location can be fetched and the location feature can also be used to detect the current position. Reverse geocoding can be applied to calculate the longitude and latitude of the selected position and find the address of that location.
The application developed might need to gather data from the internet and update the information available in the system and for this there is different approach. HTTP, XML, Jason or socket service can be used to connect to the internet. The HTTP is used to download the webpages and other binary data like videos, gifs, or audios. Permission must be granted to the app to use the internet (Jackson 2013). There are pre-defined methods that can be called to operate different task like downloading or decoding. The downloading process can run in background to increase the usability of the application. If some plain text is downloaded they are stored in strings. The web services are accessed using the XML files at first the web service is connected and the contents are stored in the XML file. Using XML files can increase the size and cost, it requires more CPU resource and thus reduces the efficiency of the application. Thus an alternative of the XML i.e. Jason (Java Script Object Notation) is used to store the web contents (Linares-Vásquez et al. 2015). The response of a web service is read as a string in JSON and the string is stored in an array. Socket programming can also be used for more secure connection to the server. The Http connection is stateless and for more secure application this cannot be used and thus socket programming come into play. It is used for the chat servers for one to one communication (Georgiev et al. 2012). The socket programming uses the TCP/IP protocol the message is sent to the server and the server return the message to the destination client.
Developing the android service is the most important factor for the success of an application. The application are built that uses less resource and runs smoothly in background without using the user interface. The overriding function are used to create this service like onBind(), onStart() or onDestroy() (Gargenta and Nakamura 2014).The services are declared with a tag and intent and the long processes are kept in separate thread in the AsyncTask class. Timer can be added for the long process that would run the service after a defined interval.
Data Persistence Review
The application must be tested before going online and for the testing the developers must use a methodology. It is required to have a proper analysis of the working criteria of the built application and the targeted device on which the app should work. The testing is much important for the success of the application because there are numerous apps available in the market and the user finds the app unresponsive and lacks in some feature, they quickly moves to a new app (Zhang et al. 2013). The testing should be done on the quality of the application and it should be noted that the application meets all the user requirements. There are many testing through which the application have to pass like the functional, lab, performance, memory interrupt, usability, installation and certification testing. The application should be tested in multiple devices with different screen size and hardware configuration.
The application developed should be attractive with an attractive icon that defines the application. The use of the splash screen can also make the application attractive, screenshots can be added in the app store to make the user understand the application. A short description about the working of the application would also make the user confident to use the app. When the application is submitted in the app store it should be categorized and a relevant keyword is also needed that would be used to search the app. For making the application available in the app store the needs to be verified and 30% of the profit is required to be paid to the app store at an interval of 30 days. The revenue invested in the advertisement of the app is exempted and all the terms and condition must be read carefully. The marketing strategy for the promotion of the application can be developed by answer a set of questions like who are the targeted users, what are their requirements and if it is fulfilled by the application, etc. The apps are generally built by a third party company and they must built it to make it a successful product. A number of strategies can be applied for the promotion of the app like offering free version of the app, subscription based service, selling ads through the app, etc. A proper analysis should be done on the present market condition and adopt policy to survive in the market with the competitors.
Week 6 Review – Content Providers
In the week 11 the difference between the research and the scholarship is taught. The scholarship is the process of different study materials from different sources. Research is a process used for the analysis of the current system and collection of data about the system. This lesson is taught to make us understand about the positive and the negative effect of using the mobile technology (Gudmundsson et al. 2016). The definition of science is also taught and ways to gather knowledge is described in the lesson. The important terms of philosophy and the use of the knowledge for the analysis are also taught. Some of the important terms like the Metaphysics, Ontology and Epistemology are also discussed in this week. Ethics and its paradigm are discussed; there is different approach for the identification of the paradigm such as the Interpretive, critical and logico-empirical paradigm (Jackson 2013). The historical overview of the empiricism, rationalism, philosophy, logico-empirical paradigm is also discussed in the class week 11. The interpretive or constructivist and critical theories are also discussed in the class. Lastly the research process model is discussed and the steps involved in the development of the model are taught and the type of research that is to be performed is also discussed in the class.
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