Review Of The Article “Trust And The Unintended Effects Of Behavior Control In Virtual Teams”
Background of the Article
Give a review of the article trust and the unintended effects of behavior control in virtual teams.
The study has evaluated the article “Trust and the Unintended Effects of Behavior Control in Virtual Teams.” Here, the reviewer also assessed all the objectives of the article in a proper manner, which has determined the effectiveness of virtual teams in an organization and about its importance. The overall analysis of the article also covered the efficiency of the behavior control mechanism, which is used in traditional terms and has a significant impact on the virtual team. Virtual teams, trust, behavior control theory, physiological contract and team works are some of the key elements, which will appraise the success of the article. The classification of the article is divided into six major parts, which will assess a proper analysis of the article “Trust and the Unintended Effects of Behavior Control in Virtual Teams.”
The author of the article covered the aspects of modern business environment; the role of the virtualization contributes as one of the significant issues of business operations. According to the article, it can be said that the idea of the virtual teams is to a group of temporarily dispersed individuals, which bought together, with the help of information and telecommunication technologies. The emergences of the virtual team have initiated many research studies, which will undertake different challenges and benefits in the overall organizational aspects. This particular review led to the development of several theories as well as models, which coordinates between the virtual team trust and leadership. The entire research process conducted an experiment towards involving 51 temporary virtual teams. The overall article also summarized the behavior control mechanism, which is used in the advanced mode of construction an effective teamwork.
The researcher has decided to analyze all the factors in the overall research proceedings, which evaluate the thesis and purpose in a defined manner. The article covers all the important aspects of the virtual team. The emergence of computer-mediated technologies has begun to support a new type of work group with the framework of the organization, which is termed as the notion of the virtual team (Pinar et al., 2014). The author of the article has led to the development of different theories and models, which includes virtual team trusts and leadership (Parke, Campbell, & Bartol, 2014). Some of the key components, which are required in the development process of a proper virtual team, include virtual team communication, emails, discussion, RSS feeds and video teleconferencing.
Critical review of the Article
The key benefit in the process of developing a decent virtual team, have access to specialized expertise across the geographical boundaries, which are prepared for a better communication process and will find creative solutions to complex problems (Barmeyer & Haupt, 2016). Similarly, the main challenges, which are highlighted in the process of developing a decent virtual team, include different kinds of conflicts (Keller, 2014). After analyzing the overall article in an appropriate manner, some of the significant conflicts are reflected in the following part of the analysis procedure. Lack of face-to-face communication, time zone differences, communication delays and communication gaps due to space-time dispersion are some of the key challenges in the development process of virtualization (Cogliser et al., 2012).
Behavior control and trust decline are the two most important theoretical framework of the article. Control theory as originally conceptualized focused on the organization as the unit of analysis and addressed broad-based organizational control structures (Wright, 2015). By this nature of the behavior control mechanism, there are certain areas, on which the organization will be benefited. This particular concept increases team member’s vigilance and makes perceived evidence, which the members of the organization has failed to uphold the organizational obligations.
The article is classified into four sections. The primary part of the article describes different kinds of theoretical assumptions, which the analyst found to be relevant to support the proceedings of the research work in an efficient manner. The second section of the study describes the methods as well as the tools, which the analyst in the study has used with the view of developing a proper research outline. The third section of the survey is the most important part of the overall analysis procedure, which covers the application of both quantitative as well as qualitative analysis process. Some of the key parameters, which are reflected in the third chapter, include data collection as well as data analysis procedures. The final part of the article will conclude an overall discussion of the findings, limitations, and implications for research and practices. The analyst in the study has done a remarkable job while completing the overall research process in the mentioned time. So that it can be said that due that to lack of resources, sometimes it becomes very much difficult for the analyst to complete the overall research process in the given time (Saafein & Shaykhian, 2014). Nevertheless, the analyst was able to manage all the situations in a proper manner.
The researcher has followed all the necessary techniques while organizing this particular research framework. The introductory part of the analysis covers all the important aspects of the process of developing the research hypothesis. The role of the research hypothesis concludes about the effectiveness of the research operations and its significant impacts.
The literature review of the article “Trust and the Unintended Effects of Behavior Control in Virtual Teams” consists of several theoretical frameworks to evaluate the objectives of the article in an efficient manner. It would have been better if the analyst in the study focused more on the derivation process of new as well as modern theories (Griesinger & Schmitt, 2016). The literature review of the article has some loopholes, which is one of the major drawbacks of the articles. All these theories will evaluate the benefits as well as challenges, which will focus on the behavioral objectives of virtual teams.
The analyst, with the help of certain theories, supported the literature review by real facts and findings. Nevertheless, it would have been better if the analyst would support the overall analysis procedure with the combination of both modern theories as well as existing methods. Towards magnifying the knowledge about the topic, writing a literature review lets both the researchers as well as the readers to demonstrate skills in the two perceived areas, which includes information seeking and critical appraisal (Keller, 2014). Dynamics of Trust Decline and Behavior Control and Trust Decline, are the two most important theoretical aspects, which evaluates the theoretical backgrounds of the literature review. All these theories are relevant; however, the only gap, which is identified in the overall research process, is the use of existing approaches. It would have been better if the analyst preferred the combination of the both modern ideas and existing methods. Behavior control and trust decline contribute as one of the major parts in the world of virtualization (Baruch & Lin, 2012). However, in some part of the literature review section, there was a lack of systematic and organized findings. Systematic findings would result in more accurate procedures and steps, and there are certain things in the overall findings research process, which are always done to get better results.
However, it can be said, that the idea of the research methodology in the article covers how the researcher has developed the outline of the investigation procedure. Data collection and data sampling system are the two important aspects, which summarize the overview of the research process. It will have been better if the researcher diversifies the sample size. The researcher only targeted from six schools from United States, Europe, and New Zealand. On an average, they were 28.1 years old and had 5.1 years of work experience. About 10 percent of the respondent reported having been a member of a virtual team in the past. The analyst followed a preliminary survey, which includes background, experience, and demographical information. The approach behavior mechanism applied in the study with the view of identifying the loopholes in the analysis process. Both quantitative, as well as qualitative analysis, are performed by keeping mind the framework of the research work.
Limitations are influences, which the researcher cannot control while organizing an active research work. Any restrictions in the overall research proceedings that might affect the processes of the investigation should be mentioned in a proper manner.
The limitations of the study must be recognized before the results are interpreted. There are some restrictions on this particular research work and the study mainly focuses on the effectiveness of virtual teams in an experimental setting. The most important part of the overall research work is it did not provide specific training to manage the behavior control mechanism. On the other hand, the application of this particular research is restricted only behavior control of the virtual team. However, in the data analysis and collection procedure, the investigator has asked the research questions, which were limited only in the schools and universities. It would have been resulted in a better manner if the analyst in the study diversified the data collection procedures. The overall research system also lacks in the face-to-face communication in virtual teams tends to hinder clean and efficient information. It leads to the biases of the overall collected data in the research process. However, to plan and carry out research it is necessary for the analyst to develop an overall in general as well as in the specialized fields of language, which will inure an overall effectiveness of the research proceedings (Goldberg & Howe, 2014).
The concluding part of the analysis procedure covers the entire important factor, which will evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual team in the modern communication process. The overall review of the article will cover the major aspects, which the researcher has used with the view of constructing an active research work. There are four classifications in the research process. All the important aspects of virtualization are highlighted to analyze the main advantages of the system.
The outline of the research process evaluates the effectiveness of using different kinds of research methods by which the researcher will be able to the frame the proceedings of the study. The data analysis procedure contributes the combination of both quantitative as well as the qualitative approach of sampling. However, one of the significant gaps, which have been identified in the proceedings, is the biasness of the collected data, as the analyst has used only one source of collection. The literature review section consists of relevant theories; however, one of the major drawbacks, which have been identified, is the applications of lack of modern ideas to evaluate the proceedings in a proper manner.
Reference list
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