Respect. Now. Always Campaign: Background, Problems, And Objectives

Background of the issue

What Are The Responses That The Local Health Providers Need To Have?

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What Are The Responsibilities Of The Local Community?

What Are The Main Causes For Their Harassments?

What Are The Basic Issues For This Campaign?

How Are Those Issues Important To The Society?

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What Are The Existing Laws, Policy And Strategy That May Be Related Or Might Cause Problems And How Are They Implemented?

How Could These Changes Help In The Policy Resolving Of The Problems?

What Is The Type Of The Policy That Needs To Be Changed In Case Of The Regulation, Legislation, Legal Decision, Proclamation, Institutional Practices And The Others?

What Are The Financial Implications That Has Been Proposed In The Change Of The Policy?

In this report, the campaign Respect. Now. Always will be discussed. This program has an action plan that deals with the initial responses in the survey of the report in the universities of Australia. This has also developed further initiative series that is a major one and will be funded and undertaken as a part of the campaign Respect. Now. Always. In this report the background of the campaign along with its issues that needs to be addressed and its definite campaign goals will also be discussed. The policy of the environment will be elaborately discussed with the help of the power maps that will help in the understanding of the campaign.  The campaign has opened its support help lines for its victims and survivors that is available around the clock and throughout the year. This services are available for face to face counseling even. This kind of services is also available at the Universities even. This services are operated by the specialist counsellor in the Domestic Violence and Rape services in Australia. This plan was initiated on 1st August that includes a series of preventions and awareness initiatives that will help to complement the local initiatives that will play an underway for the prevention. 

The campaigning program Respect. Now. Always was first started on February 2016, in one of the University of Australia that has made an initiative on a ground breaking level in order to primarily prevent and address the harassments and the sexual assaults (Neubauer and Lank 2016). The campaign Respect. Now. Always highlights the determination factors that is found in the Australian University so that an ensuring idea can be made on the places that has its own respect and safety measurements. The campaigning work was built by the individual University in Australia that has developed its procedures, services and practices in their support systems (Charter and Tischner 2017).

Problems of the campaign

Firstly, there is a need to identify the problem so that it may be resolved. The main motif of this problem is to highlight the underpinned areas in a society to its forefront so that it may be get an awareness. There is also a need to make those communities suffer that is more often due to the evidence that is often regarded dispute. The program makes a particular community suffer more that includes the harassments and the assaults. The questions that may arise are:

There is a requirement to carry out the research and an analysis that is based mostly on the resources of the campaigns

In order to make a proper development of the strategy the policy needs to be developed along with the involvements that has proposed changes.  The main problem is that the people are not willing to speak out about their problems and they keep it to their self rather than to talk it out and make the possible way for resolving this. The main motif of this campaign is to make the people come up with their problems so that they become relaxed and lead a normal life. There is a need to make those victims come back to normal life so that they can enjoy every spheres of their life without any stoppage.

The Respect. Now. Always campaign has some aims those are:

  • To assist the different Universities in sharing the best resource practices globally around the sectors
  • To raise the awareness of the sexual harassment and the sexual assault and also to uplift the visibility of the various support services for the students
  • To obtain the data that will help to guide to bring further improvement in the services and the policy of the University.

There are many ways through which the credibility can be maintained as an activist in the program of the Respect. Now. Always. This campaigning program is stated as a credible activist that is regarded as one of the most critical skill in demonstrating the campaigning program in this case (Dauvergne and Lister 2013). In order to improve the credibility there is a need to make the consistency as one of their key elements that starts with being an expert by keeping the trends advance the up to date impacts for the future (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). There is a need to know the external environment that will trust people in making new judgements, and advices in the internal realms. Some of the activist campaigns are considered to have a long term investment horizon that will be based on the suggestions in their reputations. Through the study of almost 2000 activist campaigns over the last 10 years by the people will help them on an average holding period that is just over the two years (Kandachar and Halme 2017). The activist campaigns are often termed friendly that has the approach of a shareholder that points on the view that is based on the capital that has several opportunities that may be deployed even in enhancing the value. The conversation is between the investor and the management of the campaigning program (Loorbach and Wijsman 2013).

Objectives of the campaign goal

The campaigns are activist in nature that has its objectives and tactics that mostly vary. There are certain activists that discreetly put in front the proposals that are more focused on the incremental creation of the value that is primarily through the constructive interactions with the managements of the programs. There are other rapid ways to mount it in order to make it more aggressive and the public campaigns that is primarily aimed at making a proxy to their contests. In other ways there are tactics to make them force towards the major campaigns that includes transformations or making a composite change in the composition of the management in the boards even (Hesselbarth and Schaltegger 2014.).

There are different countries apart from Australia that has attracted a large amount of attention from the activists that has no other industry that may have appeared immune to it (Hörisch, Freeman and Schaltegger 2014). There are other regulatory interests that has come into the play that has marked them as the activists in order to mark it across the broad range of the industries that might unlikely continue to do so.

The factors that tends to be attracted to the attention of the activists that has a strong amount of the cash flow that has low dividend payout ratios along with under performance and conservative balance sheets that will work as shifting the face of the market forces and making the business models (Boons et al. 2015).

There is a need to make a complete analysis of the concepts of the policy that is found in the research that will act as a vital part of their environment that has its effectiveness in the advocacy strategy (Boons and Lüdeke-Freund 2013). The key elements that is usually added in the context of the analysis includes identification of the cause that is related to the issues of harassment along with the complete analysis of the structural policy making bodies (Rosca, Arnold and Bendul 2017). This also includes the informal and the formal policy making processes along with the complete analysis of the political powers as its key factors. There is various opportunity that will eventually help in gaining the advocacy capacity along with the pestle analysis that needs to be closely analysed keeping in mind the positions of the government and their leaders as well (Bohnsack, Pinkse and Kolk 2014). The broader the socio economic aspects the more apprehensive is the concerns that includes the donors, business, research institutes etc. The key questions for its analysis includes:

Establishing credibility as an activist

There is another major aspect that will help in the policy making environment that has an enormous impact on the advocacy level of the transparency and open mindedness (Bocken, Ran and Short 2015). That is in some of democratic and the open regimes that will not only make them obtain the information in these relevancy through the channels in an official way. This also takes the relevancy of the information that is through the consultations and the meetings. In converse to the regimes that often lacks the transparency and the openness that is quite difficult in order to make the key information through a successful way in terms of the policy in the political system and its democracy (Slawinski and Bansal 2015).

Investigating the different strategy for the development of the strategy that is an underlying fact for the issues of the policy. In case of its deal with the government there is a need to formulate the strategy before taking any administrative or legislative action (Benn, Dunph and Griffiths 2014). The strategies will help in identification of the motivations, interests and attitudes about a very particular issue that has its future plans even.

There is a need to implement the plan that has been made in making the campaign a successful event (Hesselbarth and Schaltegger 2014). The plan includes various promotional activities like the celebrity talk shows, debates, distribution of the leaflets, live screening and special photoshoots along with the stage shows. These are the few ways through which the plan for the campaigning of the Respect. Now. Always has been made. The weakness and the strengths of the campaigning materials and its strategy needs to have a targeted outcome about its potential objectives. Ultimately it all depends on the various types of the events that will be hosted by the campaigning program (Carayannis, Sindakis and Walter 2015).


        Week 1

         Week 2

       Week 3 

         Week 4

 Run special promotions

 Live updates

 One: one


   Free counseling

Promoting merchandises

Leaflets distribution

Live screening

 Distribution of leaflets

Special photo shoot

Celebrity talks

Stage shows


Free counseling

Victims talk about their issues



Special photo shoot

In the critical analysis of the campaigning outcomes will help in making the plans in a very profound way (Bansal and DesJardine 2014). The main outcome should revolve around making the campaigning plan a huge success. There will be various critical analysis analysis of the outcomes of the campaign that needs to be dealt with so that the campaign makes the plan a huge success (Armstrong et al. 2015). There is a need to make a logical framework that has its sub goals that can easily be attained in order to fulfil the goals of the campaign. There is a lot more difference between the outcomes and the objectives that has almost taken a long time in making it to the actions of the stakeholders. There is a need to refer to the different aspects that can easily be implemented in making it an alliance that has a supportive and awareness of the campaigning goals and its objectives (Wheelen and Hunger 2017). A brilliant way would be to use the steps that has been stated in the campaigning planning calendar in order to make the promotion a success.

Analysis of the policy environment


From the above report, it is quite evident that the campaigning program is all about the various issues around the Respect. Now. Always. The campaign outlines along with the strategy map with the use of the strategic development and the campaigning outcomes has been vividly discussed. In this report, the strategy maps along with the developments of the strategy has been vividly discussed with the use of the campaigning problems. The background of the campaign Respect. Now. Always has been elaborately explained with a complete analysis on the strategic development.


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