Resource Summaries For 10 Tasks On GPUs, AI, IaaS, IPv6, Malware Attacks, OpenFlow, Legacy Systems, And Data Mining
Task 1: GPUs and Comparison with CPUs
There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required.
Each resource summary should be around 200-300 words.
The text discusses how Central Processing Units (CPUs) function but is silent on another processing component of modern computers, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what a GPU is and how it differs from a CPU. The resource (and your summary) should discuss at least one non-graphics related use for GPUs.
The foremost determination of this segment of the paper is to focus on the functionalities of CPU and GPU. This unit help in understanding the basic fundamental difference between the two types of processing units. The resources used in this section helps in understanding the non-graphics functionality of the GPU. The main objective of choosing this resource is that it guides the readers to understand the working functionalities of the two different processing units. The most essential point of discussion is regarding the specifications of CPU and GPU. In CPU there are numerous processing cores which are used by different activities of a computer system such as the rendering of the complex 3D graphics in the most recent computer games. GPU which is also known as the Graphics Processing Unit is defined as the type of microprocessor which is optimised to display graphics of any program (Science Node. 2018). The clock speed of the GPU is much slower than the CPU. The exquisite property of GPU is that it can consider huge batches of data and information use them for different types of purposes as per requirement. Compared to CPU, GPU have more cores which are effectively used by them for performing different types of threads and processes. The chosen resource helps in successfully guiding the readers about the functionalities of both the CPU and the GPU, the specifications of the both these processing units are compared for different cases. The extensive uses of GPU are much common in bigger gaming computers where the graphics play a huge role to play. The resource provides in depth knowledge about the application and specifications of the different processing units for all the backend functionalities of computer systems.
One of the potential next advances in Operating Systems (OSes) will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses how AI could change the way OSes function and/or interact with users.
The prime objective of this resource is to discuss the AI capabilities of the advanced operating systems. The designing and development of the latest operating systems are done in such a way that that it do not have any type of compatibility issues with the operating systems which are installed in the computer systems. The main reason behind the selection of this resources is that this resource provides an in depth knowledge about the compatibility issues of AI and different operating systems. All the specification of AI such as understanding, learning, analysing and executing are described in details in this resource. All the complexities associated with the operating system such as the starvation of the resources and the process synchronisation which have a negative impact on a computer systems are described in a professional way in this resource. The effectiveness or the advantages of application of AI in different OS are stated in the segment such as the effective process management and uniform resource management. The different types of operating systems used in portable devices such as tablets and mobile phones are used for different types of purposes such as the automatic detection of location. Multiple actions can be performed in a browser of the latest operating system with AI enabled applications (Medium. 2018). The AI enabled operating systems includes a card system in a micro format for dealing with different types of static as well as dynamic data. Most of the latest AI enabled operating system and applications provides specifications such as automatic spelling and grammar check as well as recommendations regarding any kind of programs specially in computer games or designing a framework with the help of a programming language. The resource is used to understand and minimise the compatibility issues of the AI enabled operating system.
Task 2: AI Enabled Operating Systems and Compatibility Issues
The text discusses how Netflix uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE other commercial IaaS provider that is NOT Google. The resource and your summary should describe how the IaaS differs from AWS.
The foremost purpose of this resource is to understand the different types of cloud service providers and its utilization in the different business organisation. This particular resource is selected as it gives an in depth knowledge about the most used cloud services around the world such as IBM, Oracle and Alibaba. The total approximated revenue of IBM form their cloud service department is around $10 billion USD every year and the rate is increasing every due to their enhanced service. Customer satisfaction one of their main reason behind their huge success. This resource focuses on the Amazon Web Services which is formerly known as IaaS, it is a category of cloud service. IaaS is the most widely used cloud service provider in the world. The functionality of Amazon Web Service is integrated with the virtual machines which helps the clients to get their desired services from the cloud service providers according to business situations (Hern 2018). Each specification of Amazon Web Service can be entirely customised by the users according to their needs and situations. The most essential discussion of this category is that is states the prime differences between Amazon Web Service and IaaS. This resource states that the conventional IaaS was used to store huge blocks of data, AWS is the modified version of IaaS. The composition of IaaS is that is made up of automated and scalable resources. The users of the cloud service platforms are given login credentials by which they can access their account and manage their accounts. This resource is helpful in understand the composition of cloud service providers, and also the different types of cloud service providers and the main reasons behind their success.
IPv4 is discussed in the text, yet the emerging IPv6 protocol is only mentioned briefly. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes the IPv6 protocol. The resource and your summary should describe how IPv6 differs from IPv4.
The prime reason behind selecting this resource is that it guides the readers to know about the difference between the two types of protocols such as the IPv4 and IPv6. The two specifications of the protocols described in details in this resource. The total possible address by IPv6 is 7.9×1028 times to that of the earlier version of the Internet based protocol. One of the prime features of Ipv6 is that it provides end to end datagram transmission across different computer network protocols. IPv4 is the fourth generation internet protocols which are actively used for identification of devices on a computer network with the help of any addressing system. IPv4 which is the mostly used internet protocol all over the world are used in the inter connected network systems of packet switching communication of computer networks. The prime benefit of using IPv6 is its automatic configuration property and the prevention of the private address collisions as they are the first ones to provide these properties. The flexibility of this IP is much more than the other protocols. The security provided by this version of the internet protocol is much more than the other versions of the internet protocol (Parr 2018). The previous version of the internet protocol did not supported these features which makes this protocol as one of the most widely accepted protocols all over the world. The multicast routing feature provided by this version of the internet protocol is better than all the previous versions of the internet protocols. The resource will be helping the readers to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of internet protocols.
Task 3: Comparison of IaaS Providers: AWS and Other Commercial IaaS Providers
WannaCry and NotPetya were two of the most significant malware attacks of 2017. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how ONE of these pieces of malware work. Note that the resource should focus on ONE of these, NOT both.
This resource will help the readers to understand about the different types of cyber security issue in computing industry. The resource mainly highlights on the application of the major cyber security in the form of Ransome ware. This cyber threat was very common in 2017 when it infected those of computer systems all over the world. More than 130 countries all over the world were impacted by this deadly phenomenon where data were hostaged by the cybercriminal and those essential data were only given access to the users in exchange of bit coins worth millions. This malware attacks were most common in the Microsoft Windows system users who do not update their operating systems. The prevention of this attacks were proposed by the Microsoft Corporation in the form of patches which helped the impacted computers to a significant way (Fruhlinger 2018). The other type of preventive measure against this cyber security is the application of the Kill Switch which helps in preventing the spreading of the virus from one computer system to another or from one network to another. This resource helps in understanding the methodology of this virus as well as it guides the readers against the preventive steps of this virus. The resource illustrates the importance of updating the versions of operating system which provide some sort of security to the systems from the external threats. This resource also helps in understanding the importance of the firewall and the other anti-virus software which plays a huge role considering the cyber securities.
OpenFlow is a protocol that enables Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how OpenFlow works and/or how it enables SDN.
This resource is chosen due to its in-depth data about the application of the Open Flow protocol which is one of the most important types of communication protocol in the software enabled environment. According to this resource, flow protocol technology is as type of expertise which enables the software defined networking. The different types of working principals of Open Flow protocol are stated in this resource in an efficient way which is one of the main reasons behind selecting this resource. The process through which the open flow protocol enables the software defined networking is described in this paper with prime importance in this resource. All the internal functionalities of open flow protocol are highlighted in this resource which helps the readers to understand its mechanism in details. The controller which communicates with the switches through the open flow protocol and imposing guidelines on the movement are described in this resource. The resources guides to understand the features of the protocol such as the reduced latency, speed, number of hops (Open Networking Foundation. 2018). All the functionalities of the protocol from the initial to the final stages are described this resource. The resource is useful to understand the activity of the SDN controller for interaction process between different types of network system such as the router and switches. The involvement of different types of memories such as the physical and virtual memory and their adaptability in different types of market environment are focussed in this resource.
Task 4: IPv6 Protocol and its Comparison with IPv4
Historically, organisations have been able to improve business processes by implementing Information Systems. However, as these systems age they can negatively impact on organisational agility and can ultimately prove problematic. Such systems are broadly referred to as Legacy Systems. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses the impacts of legacy systems on organisations. The resource and your summary should clearly identify problems with maintaining legacy systems.
The main reason behind the selection of this resource is to understand the impact of the different types if information Systems in different types of business processes.
This resource helps in understanding the problem associate with the application of the legacy systems. The resource helps in understanding the good and bad effects of the latest information system for business purposes. The chief purpose behind the selection of this resource is that it highlights the effectiveness of the legacy systems as well as it highlights the importance of the implementation strategies by which these information systems are incorporated in to the business organizations for performing different types of functionalities (Goldstein 2018). This resource helps in understand all the probable issues and challenges related to the incorporation of new information systems in a business enterprise. The main purpose of the information systems in different business organisation is to optimise the current infrastructure and make the professional unit much more productive. The issues related with the legacy systems are also evenly discussed in the resource. The resource helps in understanding the different types of legacy systems used by the global organisations, the effectiveness of the functionality of the legacy systems are the main topic of discussion this resource. The usage and implementation of the legacy systems are discussed in details in the resource.
With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for data mining and analysis. Recently, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have come under intense scrutiny for their use of user data, allegedly in order to influence the US 2016 election. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what Cambridge Analytica did and why their services were so controversial.
The foremost reason behind selecting this resource is that it focuses on the negative impacts of the data breaching, this resource considers both the recent as well as the old incidents. These resources help us to know about the famous data breach of Facebook during the general elections of 2016. This resource examined the violators of the case Cambridge Analytica who was accused of having a major influence regarding the outcome of the results. His method was helpfully for the leader of the opposition Mr Donald Trump to win the election and become the president of the United States of America. This changed the whole scenario for many countries due to the foreign policies of United States. This resource is helpful to understand the importance of data protection and data piracy. The unethical issues related to the data protection are highlighted in this paper with prime importance. The illegal activities of Cambridge Analytica are focussed in this paper (Vox. 2018). The resource focussed on the 50 million Facebook profiles which were used in the famous data breach act and also the violations of the Facebook rules and regulations. The resource also stated about the preventive measures taken by Facebook to ensure security to all the users all around the world after those controversial data breaches in 2016.
Task 5: One of the Most Significant Malware Attacks of 2017: WannaCry or NotPetya
Load (or performance) testing is a critical step in the information systems development process. The purpose of this testing is to simulate the peak expected load on a system to ensure both hardware and software can operate effectively and meet key metrics. To do this, specialised performance testing tools are used. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE such tool. The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the tool.
The main purpose of selecting this resource is to gather in-depth knowledge about the different types of performance testing tools used in the developmental process of information systems. The apache Jmeter is defined as the type of load testing tools which are used in different types of organisations all over the world. The main reason behind selecting this resource is to know about the functionality of each performance testing tools specially the JMeter. JMeter is an open source java application which is used to load the behaviour of the test functions and study its performance for the growth and development of the concerned organisation. This report focuses on the different specifications of the JMeter. All the internal and external mechanisms of the JMeter are discussed in a brief way in this resource which is one of the reasons selecting this resource. The different features of this tools are also described in this paper such as the JDBC database, File Transfer Protocol, LDAP, HTTPS, Switch Mode Transfer Protocol, SOAP services, IMAP, POP3, shell scripts, Transmission Control Protocol . Every bigger corporation can use this type of performance testing tool to maintain the efficiency and productivity of the corporation ( 2018). This type of load testing tools is also helpful from both the perspective of the organisation as well from the perspectives of the clients which gets services from the organisations. This tool is used both in the design phase and in the developmental phase of the construction phase.
While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, there is a high incidence of failure in attempting to implement them. These IS/IT implementation project failures frequently result in substantial financial losses. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE example of an Australian IT/IS project that has failed. Note that the resource should focus on ONE single example and it and your summary should clearly explain the cause(s) of the failure.
The foremost purpose of selection of this resource is that it gives in-depth knowledge about the major IT failure in Australian soil which costed the Australian Cargo Management millions of dollar and its affects were very much severe for their economic slowdown as the cargo containers were travelling all over the country due to malfunctioning of their newly incorporated cargo management system. The prime cause of this failure is the compatibility issues between the new cargo management system and the Australian IT polices which were not updated for a long period of time (Philipson 2018). Considered as one of the biggest IT failure all over the world, this failure costed around 250 million AUD for the Australian Cargo Management. This resource helps in understanding the causes of the IT failure as well as the impacted areas of Australia. The security issues of the goods due to the faulty data which was circulated in the entire Australian soil are discussed in this resource with clarity so that similar IT accidents can be prevented in any parts of the world. This resource helps in understanding the challenges faced by the cargo management system in Australia after the major IT failure. According to this resource, the most impacted cities of Australia are Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. Along with the cargo management system all the associated goods carrier services departments which had a direct negative impact after the major failure is focussed in this paper. This resource helps in understanding the impact of this IT failure on the Australian economy.
Philipson, G. 2018. Cargo cult dooms project to failure. [online] The Sydney Morning Herald. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018]. 2018. What Is Load Testing?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Vox. 2018. The Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal, explained with a simple diagram. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Goldstein, P. 2018. How Your Agency Should Think About Legacy System Modernization. [online] Technology Solutions That Drive Government. Available at: [Accessed 26 Sep. 2018].
Open Networking Foundation. 2018. Open Datapath – Open Networking Foundation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Fruhlinger, J. 2018. What is WannaCry ransomware, how does it infect, and who was responsible?. [online] CSO Online. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Parr, B. 2018. IPv4 & IPv6: A Short Guide. [online] Mashable. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Hern, A. 2018. Amazon Web Services: the secret to the online retailer’s future success. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Medium. 2018. Which Ai Operating System (AiOS) to Choose for your Business in 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
Science Node. 2018. GPUs versus CPUs, Part 1. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Sep. 2018].