Resolving Organizational Issues At Lincoln Hospital: A Third-Party Intervention
Process of Resolving Issues at Lincoln Hospital
Part A:
A.1. Process that help to resolve the problems of Lincoln Hospital as President.
A.2. The process of identifying the issue and provide related solution rather than OD consultant of Lincoln Hospital.
A.3. Appropriateness of third party intervention and other possible OD interventions.
Part B:
B.1 Descriptions of Specific actions and intervention that effective in third party interventions and improved outcomes.
Lincoln Hospital Was experiencing a wide range of issues within their workplace including divided of staffs into several group that especially notices between the two groups named Don and Mary. Apart from that, there are also other issues such as scheduling issues, turnover issues, communication issues, service delays, etc. For this reason, this report reflects the process that resolves issues for Lincoln Hospital from the point of view of a president. However, the study identifies potential problems and provides relevant solution. In part B, this study reflects the specific actions that already taken by the president for organizational change at Lincoln. Apart from that, the report mentions the obstacle that arises during the implementation of improvement plan along with recommendations.
Leal Filho (2013) presumed that change management is the core part of an organisation. Process of change management mitigate the current issues for the organisation and change the aspects of people. However, for future development of an organisation in the hospitality industry, change management is the most useful and appropriate process (Knieling & Leal Filho, 2013).
This report displays the third party intervention for Lincoln Hospital. This report consists two different parts. In part A, this report demonstrates the process of resolving issues that identify in the case study. In addition, in this part also describes the different OD consultant procedure in terms of solving problems. Explain the possible OD intervention for Lincoln Hospital in this part A. In part B, concern about the specific interventions, actions, and approaches that effectively improve the current situation of Lincoln Hospital according to needs and demands of their director. However, this part also utilise the possible problems to implementing the improvement plan.
As a president of Lincoln, Hospital to resolve the problem, need to change a wide range of things that relates with the hospital of Lincoln. In the given case study contracting process was not descriptive between the president of hospital and OD consultant. For this reason, the outcome of this contract was not set effective process and unable to make necessary efforts. However, as a president of Lincoln Hospital there are several suggestion for establishing effective as well as efficient contract that suit better between all parties.
According to the Graetz & Smith (2010), the process of contract must be intervened that determine the exact way of OD process along with the flow. Apart from that, contract that made must embrace all parties of Lincoln Hospital including Don and Mary. This process helps in ensuring their contribution towards the process and procedure of Lincoln Hospital along with expectations based on resources and time. In addition, this contract should fulfill the objectives within the constraints of hospital. By et al. (2012) acknowledged that, through this contract consultant of OD can make his or her expectation from the point of view of organization process.
Specific Actions and Approaches for Organizational Change
As a president of Lincoln Hospital need to conduct contract that involved all parties along with clarifying their commitment of resource and time. Within the organizational process, Mary and Don have to agree with the consultant and participate centrally (Gerth, 2013). However, it is suggested that entirely sensitive information keep in safe and the guideline that relates with the correspondence must determine in the contract.
As a president of Lincoln Hospital, it has been guided diagnostic part has to provide all description to the president. However, in order to create balanced and objective vision it has been suggested that Don and Mary never attend initial meeting along with their team member within the workplace. OD consultant of the Lincoln Hospital has to depend largely in terms of collection of data for further interpretation and analyzed it in terms of identifying issues that firmly concentrate on the process of set up steps that attain success and mitigate commitment problems.
Du Gay & Vikkelsa (2012) argued that third party intervention within the organisational process of a hospital turned out to an accurate intervention. As a result, hospital gets positive outcome in terms of making decision for future success. From the point of view of Lincoln Hospital case study, third party intervention within the process may decrease lack of commitment between Mary and Don.
In addition, third party intervention in the process of Hospital will develop effective function and set incredible process for the entire hospital. Unlike OD consultant, need to get Don and Mary for better vision in their past difference. Developing a set of procedure and contract between Mary and Don, president has to develop better cooperation between them in a productive manner. This process will help Mary and Don in realising their characteristic that unaware and their contribution to the hospital. Apart from that, this process will also help the Lincoln Hospital in generating benefits as Don and Mary are provoking the symptoms of subsequent in terms of take place entire levels of Lincoln Hospital.
However, as the majority details were retrieved from Don and Mary as well as other parties, this process will allow for increasing objective details and unbiased information during the process of diagnosis (, 2015). Third party intervention will also assist in implementing problem resolutions properly and the way that is more effective. However, third party intervention will collect information with effective and analysing that data according to the foundation of recommended intervention. Thus, it will increase the Don and Mary with a chance of making their contribution from the point of view of problem solution. This process provides completely new instrument to the Mary and Don in order to interact and meet with their use method in the future.
Third party intervention is an appropriate method according to the case study of Lincoln Hospital in terms of solving the problems completely as well as properly. Third party intervention creates some additional distributing affects to the organisation current process of Lincoln Hospital that increase the disagreement between the Mary and Don. Apart from that, other problems are also relevant to the solution of third party intervention. However, third party intervention provides require solution at all levels of Lincoln Hospital. In addition, third party intervention is the appropriate procedure for controlling both parties Mary and Don over the issue resolutions (, 2015). It is also accepted mutual responsibility for the staffs of Lincoln Hospital within the workplace situation. Third party intervention provides the ability in concentrating the new solutions instead of personal vision of the related problems.
Obstacles in Implementation of Improvement Plans and Recommendations
There are also several OD interventions instead of the current OD consultant of Lincoln Hospital. Third party intervention is not able to disappear the conflict between Mary and Don completely. In order to resolve the conflict problem between Mary and Don, process consultation will be the best attempt. Burnes (2010) argued that, process consultation approach will increase flexibility in terms of commitment of time for the entire levels parties within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital. Apart from that, continuing practice will helps in obtaining new behavioural approach for Lincoln Hospital staffs that brings a positive outcome.
From the point of view of given third-party intervention, this case study has not any long term impact. Outcome evidence of third party intervention provides a positive influence and describes ineffective organisation and interpersonal tension between the Mary and Don. In order to bring the effective commitment between Mary and Don within the workplace along with the team member of OR (Operating Room) has to take more responsibility on a regular basis.
Apart from that, in order to mitigate issue between Mary and Don, OR has to provide effective productivity process named Intergroup Relations Interventions (IRI) to the customers along with quality service by influencing team member of Lincoln Hospital (Durodia, 2011). Need to provide training for controlling attitude and behaviour within workplace. It should help in resolving impossible problems within the workplace of hospital without active participation, as well as support from Don and Mary. Third party intervention successfully increases the commitments of Mary and Don within workplace of Lincoln Hospital and need to build the way that helps in understanding the benefits of trustful relations within the hospital industry. Jones & Recardo (2013) cited that the long-term outcome of the third party intervention depends based on the commitment of both parties and with their support within the workplace of an organisation.
Intergroup Relations Interventions (IRI) |
Process Consultation |
Salah et al. (2011) argued that intergroup conflict intervention is the method that specifically designs for mitigating contract problems within the workplace of hospital. For this reason, it helps to resolve the conflict problems between the two groups such as Don and Mary. However, an application stage of IRI resembles several tactics that generate successful results for the third party intervention within Lincoln Hospital. |
It helps in setting up the several activities within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital including group norms, leadership and authority, communications, functional roles of the group members, decision-making and group problem-solving. |
Within the organisational process of Lincoln Hospital, third party intervention was most effective because the president used several tactics in order to identify the potential problem of Lincoln hospital. There are three different ways that made third-party intervention effective such as –
Figure 1: Effectiveness of Third Party Intervention
(Source: Created By Author)
However, it has been identified that, involved third party intervention diagnosis properly in terms of finding out the major problems of organisation. Based on the diagnosis, intervention identified that both parties such as Don and Mary along with their team member is the main problem of Lincoln Hospital. Apart from that, in term of reducing the problem, third party intervention gather information via preliminary interview of entire staffs within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital. Apart from that, method of preliminary interviewing was also allowed to gather huge information from the tea members of Lincoln Hospital.
On the other hand, using several activities of sustaining momentum, staying the course and developing new competencies, third party intervention developed effective way within the organisation of Lincoln Hospital that allowed both parties including Mary and Don Control over their intended. According to the Kumar & Singhal (2012) sustaining momentum commitment to the changes of organisational and refers to the energy of success. In addition, Price & van Dick (2012) acknowledged that there are five different activities that help in attaining sustaining momentum within an organisation especially in the hospital sector such as
Effective Contract and OD Consultant
Resource for Change: In order to change the organisational process, need to provide several resources. However, within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital, third party intervention develops the contract and describes details about the contract. This process allowed to build a way that control over the commitment of Mary and Don along with their team members.
Support System: Sibbet (2013) argued that for attaining sustaining momentum required to build support system for the change agent. Within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital, third party intervention uses information that collected from the staffs individually. These underlying factors were allowed to develop possible way for increasing as well as improving relationship between Mary and Don.
Reinforcing new behaviour: DRH reinforcement shaping is used in Lincoln Hospital workplace. It was reinforced the behaviour that occurs from staffs, as well as Mary and Don. This intervention decreased the amount of time that available for lack of appropriateness behaviour.
Building new competencies and skills: In order to build skills and knowledge, intervention adopts training process within the workplace. On the other hand, in terms of building new competencies, intervention created five different stage such as treat the problem solving process as a project, utilize holistic strategy, dedicated like a team, treat it as change and secure sponsorship.
Proper planning and the procedure of implementation was the potential stage of effectiveness of third party intervention in the organisational process of Lincoln Hospital. This would allow third party intervention in attaining solution regarding the arise problems of Lincoln Hospital.
Following diagram shows the process that used in evaluating the effectiveness and interventions and specific actions within the organisational process of Lincoln Hospital.
Figure 2: Organisational System diagnosis Model
(Source: Salah et al. 2011, pp- 260)
Organisational Design: In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention of third party and specific actions, first design the organisational structure functionally. Third party intervention designed the organisational structure with varies of several department according to the needs and requirement of business.
Personal Characteristics: Motivate staffs to work goal oriented and committed them towards attaining successful of business. Thrives the uncertainty and provide the continuous look for improving opportunity. Build creativity for making decision and running the Lincoln Hospital.
Skills Variety: In order to achieve success and mitigate the problems of Lincoln Hospital, involve member based on skills. Employee is recruited regarding performance and skills both individual work as well as group work.
Task Identity: Identify the relationship between Mary and Don and develop plan to decrease problems between both parties. It helped in mitigating problems between the two parties and improving relationship.
Task Significance: Both Mary and Don are important for running business of Lincoln Hospital. For this reason, need to develop a good relationship between the two parties. From this point of view, president of Lincoln has to resolve issues that affect negatively within the business operation of Lincoln.
Feedback about Results: In order to improve organisational performance, need to take a review of the results. Regular meeting with the staffs helps in understanding current job performance within the organisation.
Third-Party Intervention for Lincoln Hospital
In order to implement the involvement plan of third party intervention within the organisational process of Lincoln Hospital, there are several obstacles faced by the president such as –
Time was the key problem of implementing improvement plan for Lincoln Hospital. Due to lack of time, president was not able to set up good relationship with Mary and Don.
Recommendation – In order to mitigate this problem, President has to budget for time leadership. Need to configure the implementation process of improvement plan routinely that will help in leading the project.
Within the workplace of Lincoln Hospital, staffs are divided into two different groups. Don handled one group, and Mary handled other. For this reason, members of both group never support to implement the new plan for improvement due to several issues. This was one important obstacle to implementing improvement plan.
Recommendation – In order to reduce this problem, President of Lincoln has to understand the staff’s motivation. However, according to the motivation has to be prepared proper planning that changes staff’s behaviour. In addition, in terms of implementing improvement plan, President of Lincoln has to be strategic as well as proactive.
It was also a major problem during implementation of third party intervention plan within Lincoln Hospital. Due to insufficient resources, president was unable to implement the plan successfully. As a result, difference between Mary and Don never closed within Lincoln.
Recommendation – However, in terms of attaining sufficient resources need to make a commitment for change within the entire levels of Lincoln. Develop proper plan and priorities towards change. Identify the size of the opportunity. Evaluate the results with the collected feedback from staffs.
This report described the implementation of third party intervention for Lincoln Hospital. Change management process that provides the information about change strategies, resistance to change, managing change, organisational change and communicating change. This report provides the way of changes that firmly connected with the responsibility of other people that has an effective role within the organisation. Third party intervention empowers the participation of Mary and Don with an opportunity that offers effective solutions. In order to diagnosis the organisation problem third party intervention, used rigorous analysis that helps in analysing the Lincoln’s problem critically.
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