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Week 7 Discussion Topic –Weird Food People often eat things in one culture that people in another culture find disgusting. All of these things provide some of the nutrients needed for survival. Why are some things found to be edible and others not consumed or consumed under unusual circumstances?  Can you use what you know about the biology of eating and drinking to explain people’s tastes for the foods listed here? Try “Ray’s List of Weird and Disgusting Foods” for some ideas. Netherlands: Salted Horsemeat Sandwiches, Raw Salted Herring, Peanut Butter Sauce on French FriesFrance: Escargot, Tripe, Frog’s Legs, Steak Tartare, Brains, TrufflesMediterranean: Sheep’s head (the whole thing, cooked and skinned, including the eyeballs), Octopus, Cicada, Octopus and Squid in Ink.Africa: Blood fresh from living livestock, Grasshoppers, Okra, Urine, Clay, Goat’s HeadChina: Bird’s Nest Soup, Breast Milk, Sea Cucumber, Jellyfish, Rat, Snake, Drunken Shrimp, Jelled Blood, Bear Paws, Tiger Testicles, Owl Soup, Thousand-Year Eggs, FishAustralia: Vegemite, Marmite, Kangaroo, Witchety Grub, Beetroot, Honey AntsJapan: Fugu, Sashimi, Tofu, Miso, Seaweed, CricketsArctic Alaska: Blubber, StinkheadsU.S. in general: Spam, Chewing Gum, Iceberg Lettuce, Bread, Beer, Peanut ButterU.S. Northwest: Geoduck ClamsU.S. West: Prairie Oysters, Fried Pork Rinds, Blood-Rare Steak, RattlesnakeU.S. Midwest: White Castle Sliders, Jell-O Salad, Fruitcake, American Cheese Food Product (such as Velveeta) in Fried Cheese Balls, Cincinnati Greek ChiliU.S. South: Grits, Crawfish, Hog Maws and Snouts, etc., Dropped Fowl, Chicken FeetChitterlings, Iced Tea, Ramps, Turkey Deep-Fried Whole (Fried Everything) Chicken-Fried Steak, Dill Pickles FriedU.S. East: Souse, Pork LoafU.S. Northeast: Scrapple, Cod Liver Oil, Pumpkin Pie, Raw Oysters, Lobster, Fiddlehead FernsCanada: Sugar Pie, Cod Tongues, Cod Cheeks, Pemmican, Cracklings, Seal Flipper Pie, Spruce BeerMexico: Tequila Worms, Menudo, Habanero & Jalapeno Peppers, Mole, Chichirrones (Chitterlings), Ceviche, GrasshoppersWeb Link12.5 Ray’s List of Weird and Disgusting Foods grammar and at least one in text citation with reference APA atyle  125-150 word answer

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