Research Term Of Federal Bureau Of Investigation: A Case Study On Youth Gangs And Criminal Behavior
Youth Gangs and Crime Statistics
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported in 2006 that savage crimes occurrences expanded by 1.3 percent and property crimes occurrences diminished by 2.9 percent from 2005 to 2006. The little increment in violent unlawful activity should be translated with alert on the grounds that the figure does not change for population development. In 2004, the National Youth Gang Survey (NYGS), a broadly illustrative example of law requirement organizations, assessed that there were 760,000 dynamic gang individuals and 24,000 gangs in the United States. Around 25 percent of murders in urban communities with populaces of 100,000 inhabitants or more in 2004 were associated by police offices with being pack related. The toll is higher in some extensive cities, including Chicago and Los Angeles, with more than half of all murders thought to be gang related.
The topic of youth gangs has emerged to become a major issue and has brought upon serious concerns in different communities in the U.S with special mention of the law enforcement communities. There is a lot of empirical evidence available that suggests that the presence of youth gang have now been at large all over the world, in both urban and rural areas. This research paper will review the available literature on the effect of gangs and police in online publications and print forms. The research was conducted using online search for relevant journals and books.
Gangs are considered to be a violent reality that individuals in today’s society have to deal with from time to time. The question here remains as to why these gangs or the gang culture has evolved, or why some individuals, including kids, feel that being part of the gang culture is prestigious. On the surface it may be stated that the formation of the gang culture has stemmed from the individual’s wants of the individuals along with the effects of peer pressure. For the purpose of determining the effective end to gang involvement, it is first important to understand how these behaviors or the impulse to be part of the culture evolves among individuals (Metcalf, 2012). As much as research has tried to find these answers, sadly, the basis of the same can only still be debated theoritically. There are several institution that are to be blamed here including the media, government, theatre, drugs, cultural and individual influence and the economic systems here. There is a theory by Sutherland & Cressey, (1974) that has been developed with the idea of being able to explain the reasons because of which youths have taken up the path to associate with criminal behavior. This theory defines criminal behavior as an act which is obtained by learning over time engaged with communal relation to different peoples. According to Burke, person gains knowledge during time spent indulging in criminal demeanor assisting the drivers which is definite, for example, their state of mind and thought process. Additionally having relationships to peoples who are having basics of criminal thought that violating the legal rule is satisfactory is other element manipulating criminal conduct. The theory says, about nine components are there which explains the motivation for somebody’s rendezvous in activities which are criminal and gang cultures and conduct. These nine elements are as depicted beneath:
Literature Review on Gangs and Police
Criminal behavior is acquired:
Burke (2008) stated that an individual’s actions directly affect he behavior and decisions of others that they interact with. Since family and friends are considered to be the closest association of these individuals, thus it is believes that the norms and social values that an individual’s learns comes first from the family members as well as form the peers and social groups. Burke further believed that the learned behavior of an individual id not invented, nor id it inherited. Thus engaging in criminal or gang activities can be defined as the resultant effect of a long standing learning process against the fact that it comes as part of human actions perceived at birth.
Criminal behavior is learnt through interactions
It is established that when an individual is exposed to criminal behavior or a close acquaintances involvement in gang culture then such acts and involvements becomes the precursor to their own interest in similar behaviors and cultures. This is especially important since the behavior of close adults or friends seem to leave a lasting impact upon children because they learn from the people they observe closely in and around them (Jones, 2008). Thus having delinquent individuals closely can influence a young individual to consider or adopt similar norms going ahead.
Influence of intimate individuals
As much as media and other mediums can affect the choices of an individual, the above two points clearly show that having a personal interaction or influence of a close individual can have a bigger impact upon an individual.
Criminal behavior develops through rationalization motives and specific techniques
As much as influential individuals tend to act as triggers to unsocial behavior, however they may only be the primary resource. This is because if one is around an offender, they learn that an offense can be committed. However if they are surrounded with norms or learning that depicts the fact that these offenses are unacceptable or unwanted and also may have serious consequences, then it can influence an individual into thinking that their partaking in such activities in unwanted and most importantly unacceptable.
Cultural influence
Newborn in 2007 said, that UK and USA exists in the folk of the nations to great deal of persuasion. Close by nation’s fluctuated observations with regards which accepted the good and adverse standard. In this way prompts enriching clash from culture of gang, independent to norm of the nation comparing ideology
Explanatory Theories on Criminal Behavior and Gang Culture
Organization with individuals
Other illustration happens after ordinary persons begin relation by recognizing themselves through further that demonstrate illegal conduct while considering those exercises in addition to regulations to conduct which is reasonable to the peoples. The infringement of law for them turns out to be greater. It additionally expresses that differential affiliations particularly remain changed with regards to intensity, recurrence need and length of time. This is the most imperative element which additionally expresses that whatever further knowledge procedure is generally compared to criminal conduct learning making relationship in the company of criminals.
Individual decision
Regardless of individually giving the statement requirements, qualities and conduct of criminal is not elucidated. The remaining constant as each typical and conduct of criminal ensued to articulation for similar values and needs. In favor of instance, considering both the individuality requiring recognition and money. One may adhere with ordinary compliant behavior; and another might pick the illegal way to achieve their requirements. Consequently holding criminal demeanor or not remains a personal decision.
At first glance, peer pressure and covetousness give rise to an individual’s piqued interest about gangs. Numerous adolescents in gangs will force their friends to be part of the gang by painting a superfluous yet glamorous picture of the norm and culture. Money is likewise an essential element. If a child who is 6 – 10 years old, who is not as of now a part of the gang is regularly demonstrated how he/she could make between two-hundred to four-hundred dollars a month for a little low maintenance gang work (Caroll, 1987), then it will irrevocably attract them to the culture. Albeit, one wouldn’t think that components, for example, this are sufficiently solid to make kids do things that are unequivocally against their ethics.
“Gangs bring the delinquent norms of society into intimate contact with individuals (Clinard & Meier, 2015).” So, as should be obvious, if TV programs are capable enough to make children believe that criminal activities are standard norms, then this will definitely be reflected in the activities of the child from time to time. This happens even more when parents fail to make their children understand the different in between stories depicted on television and the reality. it is important to inculcate in the child the ability to differentiate in between what is wrong and what is right.. Furthermore current books and a few sorts of music will likewise implement this kind of thought (Liddy-Judge, 2013).
If explained properly, it is noticed that kids listen and learn as well as inculcate what is being taught to them. In a situation otherwise, with beliefs that are not true, children may be forced into the gang culture and circumstance by anything that they see occurring in front of them, be it family issues or otherwise. For instance, it has been noticed in poor families with numerous youngsters or upper-white collar class families where the parents or guardians are continually working, the kids will frequently feel denied of affection. While parents can frequently feel that being able to feed and clothe their children is “sufficient adoration.” However, it is not always enough. Children also want to feel heard, wanted and loved. Often it is noticed that children start becoming part of gang because here they are recognized, valued and they feel a sense of belonging which they miss at home (Young, Fitzgibbon & Silverstone, 2014). Over time, a type of adoration or kinship develops between the gang individuals and the children. It is then that the bond between the child and the gang is established in light of the fact that the gang has successfully assumed the position of the crew.
The new anti-social structure of urban communities additionally impacts the straightforwardness in which a young individual can join a gang. “The arrangement of gangs in urban areas, and most as of late within rural areas generally get encouraged by similar nonappearance of society amid parents. It is not comprehended by parents that are done by their children for two grounds. In the primary place, a great part of life of the parents, manage problems exterior of the neighborhood population, whereas, a life lead by the children are connected to their nearby neighborhood (Rodger, 2008). Secondly, complete created society, and relationship system provides each well-versed guardian, in a “sentries” community information of kid’s exercises is followed. Within current places of accommodation in rural or urban this system is constricted (Merton & Nisbet, 1976).In the gangs of male, issues happen to individuals who are generally masculine. The frequently prompts every individuals in participation with “one-up-man ship (Carrie, 1993).” Quite regularly this will then prompt every individual gang member to try and carry out a greater and more brutal crime or basically a larger number of crimes than the rest which gives rise to a range of crimes. The unity among gang members are also very strong which makes it very difficult for the police to intervene to put a stop to their activities, or to catch them while they are at it with inside information. In many families belonging to the lower socio-economic belt, the families do not keep a track of where their children procure the money which is payment for their activities, instead they praise them all the same for procuring it. This sends a wrong message to the gang members because they feel that their families are in support of their activities.
Researchers have recognized various danger components for the rise and continuation of youth gangs. Research by Chatterjee, (2006) indicates that financial considtions including destitution and unemployment, real or perceived burden, family-related issues like dysfunctional, oppressive or careless family, education and state of the community are variables that add to marginalization of youth, and in addition negative individual, natural components like anti-social states of mind, FASD might add to the development and continued presence of youth gangs.
Research data indicates that there are numerous factors that add to youths’ choice to join a gang, and they cover with the risk elements. These include: a dysfunctional family – portrayed by abuse and neglect, socially disrupted groups, poor scholastic execution, absence of chances for expert social exercises including authentic vocation, vicinity of gang individuals in family, peer bunch and/or neighborhood leading to modeling, and youths’ requirements for acknowledgment, love, discipline, structure, money, security, personal assurance and medications (Young, Silverstone & Fitzgibbon, 2013).
The most well established gangs have a typical code of conduct and at times these gang have a rites of initiations, distinct clothing styles and diction that separates them from the others. It is mandatory for a gang member to stick by these norms because non compliance of any kind may lead to severe punishments including bodily harm as well as a death sentence. Gang individuals submit an assortment of evil doing by following the range of minor and major, like, robbery, housebreak, destruction, vehicle robbery, assault, bombardment, selling drugs, marijuana and invasion from home, terrorization and manslaughter (Howell, 2010). They may similarly have participation in falsified activities, pirating, selling films, and data fraud, furthermore communicating to various individuals from the gangs in mobile phones, the computer and internet.
Research scholars Harris, Atkinson, Turner, & Garrett, (2011) trust enrollment of gang have equally transient and enduring results for young people of the community. Cases comprise hazard of capture, of incarceration, of injury and a brutal death, lack of transition to ordinary grown-up way of life that includes legitimate business. The effect on the community, equity framework and medicinal services framework is likewise gigantic, and some of the time not very much perceived. Financial expense because of gang exercises in every one of these domains is impressive; also, there are social expenses in lost potential and trepidation of crime inhibiting normal exercises of the community members.
The interconnectivity of youth gangs, in various groups or even within a community is not supported by any kind of empirical research. Most researchers trust that most of these young individuals, who become part of the gang culture, do it based upon fleeting knowledge, expecting their contribution to last for one year or less. However, certain members find it very hard to leave the gang. These are usually older members, people who have been in gang culture for the tradition or the ones who really mean business (Whyte, 1955). The imminent wish to forego or leave behind the gang life and culture stems from several different causes. This may be because of fear of personal safety or that of the family members, loss of individuals who were once considered close, the wish to lead a normal life, death, injuries abuse and so on. A proper support system is extremely necessary so as to ensure that these wayward youth have a chance at retribution and that they may find their way back into the mainstream society.
Dealing with gang issues is a genuine test confronted by the law authorization community and in addition the general public when all is said in done. Research indicates that gang activities are to a great degree complex in their origin and functioning, in which financial, mental, family-related, personal variables, contribute as reasons because of which a young individual might want to become a gang member (Young, Fitzgibbon & Silverstone, 2014).
To address ganged related unlawful activity appropriately, the national government ought to constrain itself to managing tasks that are inside of its unavoidably planned circle and that state and locality government can’t perform independent from anyone else. Criminal street gang are an issue basic to every one of the states, yet the illegal behaviors that they carry out are altogether and inherently local in nature and conducted by state criminal law, law requirement, and courts. Hence, local and state governments are most appropriate to react to the conventional road crimes committed by gang.
Some 33,000 violent gang, motorcycle gang, and jail groups with around 1.4 million individuals are criminally dynamic in the U.S. today. All use viciousness to control neighborhoods and help their unlawful money-making activities, which incorporate gun and drug, robbery, misrepresentation, blackmail. As indicated by the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment report, gang is in charge of a normal of 48 percent of violent unlawful activity in many jurisdictions, and up to 90 percent in others.
To help curb the development of gangs criminal activities the federal bureau of investigation at the direction of congress set up NGIC i.e. national gang intelligence center in 2005. It supports law enforcement by transferring accurate and timely data and information and by offering tactical and strategic analysis of intelligence.
The Central American Law Enforcement Exchange, also recognized as CALEE, is a combined State Department and FBI activity which brings U.S. also, Central American offices together to share data and information in the battle against the developing gang issue. The Central American Law Enforcement Exchange (CALEE) Initiative makes open doors for U.S., Central American law implementation faculty to involve you in exchange projects to strengthen gang avoidance action and intervention methods and to construct law authorization limit (, 2016).
CAIP i.e. (The Central American Intelligence Program) Initiative makes an effective development and training opportunities to improve the accumulation, investigation, and trade of knowledge between U.S. furthermore, Central American law implementation offices in the battle against transnational criminal associations.
The, CHIP (Central American Criminal History Information Program) Initiative gives remote law implementation organizations with criminal history data in regards to people being expelled to their nation of origin.
In involvement with the Policies National Civil (PNC) of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, the FBI set up the Transnational Anti-Gang (TAG) Task Force Initiative to battle transnational gangs in the U.S. and Central America Every TAG team is employed with FBI and PNC faculty (, 2016).
It has been seen that within America MS-13 i.e. Mara salvatruvha is the most violent and largest street gang and commit crimes includes extortion, murders and drug trafficking. Therefore to combat with gang members they implements CALEE and law enforcement work together across boundaries and shagging data and information related form crime investigation and records technology to continuing intelligent hard work.
To address gang related crime at least eight recommendations to address gang violence on the government level and these are the Gang Abatement and Prevention Act of 2007, the Fighting Gangs and Empowering Youth Act of 2007. The distinct plans represents a variety of strategies for tending to the issues, from making new government crimes to passing out expansive pieces of cash for police pay rates and making projects to stop happening gang enlistment.
Therefore it has been observed that with the help of implements above laws the rate of crime has been reduced in effective manner.
The main agenda behind having intervention programs is to ensure that the youth who have become part of the gang culture for unfulfilled needs such as discipline, love, insurance, personal well-being, a sense of belonging can make use of the intervention programs and make their way back into mainstream society away from the gang culture. Such interventions need a lot of support from the parents and families of these youths and children and it is essential that they understand the role that they in themselves played that lead their children to take the life choices that they did. This may also include programs in schools such as anti-bullying programs that may help the children feel secure and give them a sense of dignity and self esteem (Clinard & Meier, 2015).
Empirical evidence has demonstrated that community preparation was a standout amongst the best procedures in addressing gang issues (Brouwer et al., 2011). This suggests garnering backing and full interest of neighborhood inhabitants for both adults as well as adolescents, places of worship, and instructive, social organizations equally metropolitan and provincial groups, in several social and economical stage various area is influenced. Neighborhood assembly and assets sharing strength from the grassroots level should exist with incorporation by long lasting anticipation systems reprimanding curriculum of gang. Involvement in favor of the formative years officially indulged by gang exercises focusing concealment which is deeply involved crimes. Rehashed genuine is the identification of members of the gang which is needed in few situations (Brouwer et al., 2011). In any case, an intensive and precise appraisal of every society’s gang issue must be attempted in initial pace to arrange, create, execute fitting techniques. Examination additionally spots the viability of the accomplice, complete, adjusted technique anticipating, and decrease battle team issues.
It might be difficult to determine what the one incident was that brought about the police officers to fear for their lives, particularly when in minority territories. The one approach to take care of the issue, in any case, is to guarantee that future eras won’t inherit the same hostilities and reasons for alarm from their progenitors. How then can this be made conceivable? The larger part of everybody’s predispositions are solidified at a younger age. Children are extremely receptive, and will emulate the vast majority of the grown-up practices that they see around them. Presently, with the majority of the news stories and challenges being broadcast that show glaring assaults on police officers, a child will doubtlessly get on the hate and anger that is being tossed from the subjects to the police (Chatterjee, 2006). There is most likely this is teaching them to hate. Instead, schools ought to be teaching different options for these challenges. In the event that this happens, children will grow up having no compelling reason to question police officers.
In conclusion it may be pointed out that, according to contemporary rationality, people ought to assume a dynamic part in how their lives are formed. With the issues that have been cropping up between the police and minority groups, numerous individuals are complaining, however no one has been offering any sensible answers for the issues. Rioting, violence and boycotting are not sensible arrangements. So as should be obvious, gangs are a result of the surroundings that individuals have made for themselves. Some of these components include persecution, the media, insatiability, brutality, and the present gangs. There is by all accounts no real way to end the issue of gangs without absolutely reconstructing the present day economy esteem system. Since reconstructing the system is completely unthinkable and since the ethical worth system will turn out to be increasingly more awful later on, one must figure out how to adapt to gangs and attempt to keep their following to a minimum. Tragically, there is no genuine organized power to battle gangs. The best available way to decrease the activities and petulance of gangs at present is to let the members of the community know the reality of what gang life and gang culture is actually like.
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