Research Study Report: Data Collection And Analysis
Research strategies and methods applied
This section of the portfolio is where the proposal in part (a) is put into action and the research is carried out and results are collected, analysed and presented in the research study report. It will include:
Data Collection
• Explain which research strategies were used and the research methods applied to your study. Discuss any ethical issues.
Explain in detail how you collected all your data, and any problems you had with this data collection. Discuss both primary and secondary data.
Research Results
• Analyse and present the findings of your data collection. You may wish to use graphs and tables for quantitative data if appropriate, or more likely, simply discuss your findings and what they mean.
• How do the results answer your research questions set at the beginning of the semester?
Discuss how your aims and objectives have been met, or not. If not, why not?
What are your main conclusions and what can be learnt from the study?
Research strategies have played a vital role in providing the organization with the development of friendly work environment or in surviving unfavorable conditions (Burnes 2011, p. 96). Strategies can be defined as a scheme of planned development of resources and the interactions with the environment that defines or determines how the organization wants to achieve its goals (Green, G., 2011, p. 4).
The different types of research strategies, which are present in a research work, are surveys, experiments, case studies, interviews (“Editorial Board”, 2004). Survey is the process through which the researcher collects extensive information for wide range of population in a cost effective way (Jones, 2014, p. 132). The process of survey can be implemented by online or offline methods. One more strategy of research is case study, which is an advantageous research strategy and it helps to gather secondary knowledge depending on certain incidents (Dawson, 2014, p.287).
In regards to this task a survey, has been conducted, as it helps in gathering information from the population .The survey questionnaires are distributed among the employees via online or offline methods for getting extensive idea (“Editorial Board”, 2004).
There are certain ethics that should be taken under consideration while performing these sorts of tasks (Kvalnes, 2014, p. 469). The researcher under any circumstances should not implement the organizational data (in this case Opus Solution’s data) for commercial purposes.( Cao 2011. p.126) The respondents should be allowed to enjoy willing participation of data and no one can exert external pressure on the respondents or the researcher. The information provided by the respondents should be not be disclosed and kept in full privacy.
Ethical issues
There is the necessity to keep up the level of confidentiality while securing the sensitive and individual details of the respondent (Chan et al. p. 93). However, none of the respondents can be forced to keep being the piece of the examination; rather they can retreat at any point they feel like. Every individual from the workforce should be offered fair chance of participation and not even one of review inquiries can be biased in nature (Welbourne, 2014, p. 22).
In this particular study, the researcher has selected the survey strategy to obtain proper picture of the research. Until and unless the entire research process is completed the researcher is not liable to disclose his primary data. In this study, the researcher has carried the quantitative data collection method. Graphs and charts along with the table in this method can elaborate received statistical data. The reason of carrying the quantitative data collection method over social networking sites is that it is difficult for the researcher to reach the respondents for conducting the survey (Freshwater, 2012, p. 142). Therefore, the researcher has distributed the question via online
Q1. What is your gender?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Male |
44% |
22 |
50 |
Female |
56% |
28 |
50 |
Table 1: Gender
Graph 1: Gender
In the basic question asked about the number of male and female workers it was found out that 44% of the respondents were male whereas 56% of the group was female. This shows that the majority of the respondents were female.
Q2. How far do you agree that good leadership can bring change in the organization?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Strongly agree |
52% |
26 |
50 |
Moderately agree |
16% |
8 |
50 |
Neutral |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Disagree |
8% |
4 |
50 |
Strongly disagree |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Table 2: Good leadership can bring change in the organization
Graph 2: Good leadership can bring change in the organization
When asked about how they agreed that good leadership can bring change in the organization, 52% of the respondents strongly agreed with the fact that good leadership indeed brought change in the organization. This fact was moderately agreed upon by 16% of the respondents, whereas 12% of the respondents preferred to remain silent in this matter. 8% of the workers seemed to completely disagree with the statement and it was strongly disagreed by 1% of the respondents. It seems that the responses varied from respondents to respondents, while some approved of the fact that good leadership can bring change in the organization.
Q3. How far do you satisfied with the change in the higher leadership of the organization?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Highly satisfied |
48% |
24 |
50 |
Satisfied |
22% |
11 |
50 |
Neutral |
10% |
5 |
50 |
Dissatisfied |
18% |
9 |
50 |
Highly dissatisfied |
2% |
1 |
50 |
Table 3: Change in the higher leadership of the organization
Collection of data and related problems
Graph 3: Change in the higher leadership of the organization
In regards to the question about the change in the higher leadership of the organization, 48% of the respondents were highly satisfied with the change.22% of the overall workers were satisfied with the change in the leadership. Among the total number of respondents 10% preferred to remain neutral, whereas, 18% claimed that they were dissatisfied with the change in the higher level of leadership, and the remaining 2% of the workers seemed to be highly dissatisfied with the change made by6 the organization in the matter of leadership.
Q4. What are the challenges faced by the employees due to change in leadership?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
46% |
23 |
50 |
Emotional Attachment |
24% |
12 |
50 |
10% |
5 |
50 |
18% |
9 |
50 |
Table 4: Challenges faced by the employees due to change in leadership
Graph 4: Challenges faced by the employees due to change in leadership
In response to the question asked about the challenges faced by the respondents due to the change in leadership, it was found that, 46% of the total number of respondents was happy with the way in which they were able to communicate with their new leader. It was also observed that 24% of the people were happy with the emotional attachment of their leader with his workers. 18% of the respondents agreed with the compulsive nature of their leader. On the contrary, It is to be said that only 10% of the people seemed to agree with the dominating tendency of their leader.
Q5. How far do you agree that leadership can affect the operations of the organization?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Strongly agree |
24% |
12 |
50 |
Moderately agree |
36% |
18 |
50 |
Neutral |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Disagree |
16% |
8 |
50 |
Strongly disagree |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Table 5: Leadership can affect the operations of the organization
Graph 5: Leadership can affect the operations of the organization
In reply to the question, 24% of the total participants have mentioned that they strongly believe that effective leadership can influence the operations of the organization deeply. 36% of the people have agreed with the matter of the question. However, 16% of the people have disagreed with the question and they replied that leadership does not affect the organizational operations. Only 12% of the people strongly disagreed with the issue. However, 12% of the total people have remained neutral with this particular issue.
The above analysis showed that majority of the populace agreed that effective leadership can influence the organization in a serious manner specially the operations of the organization.
Q6. How far do you agree that the leader must clarify the doubts in the arouse in the employee’s mind?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Strongly agree |
28% |
14 |
50 |
Moderately agree |
36% |
18 |
50 |
Neutral |
16% |
8 |
50 |
Disagree |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Strongly disagree |
8% |
4 |
50 |
Data Analysis
Table 6: Leader must clarify the doubts
Graph 6: Leader must clarify the doubts
In reply to the above question, the researcher has found that nearly 28% of the total people have mentioned that they are strongly agreed with the matter that leader must clarify the doubt. 36% of the people have also agreed with the issue. 12% of the total people have mentioned that they are not agreed with the question. 8% of the total people have showed that they are also strongly disagreed with the matter. 16% of the participants have not mentioned anything as they chose to remain neutral on this particular topic.
From the above analysis, it can be assumed that most of the people want that the leaders would clarify the doubts that arouse in the mind of the employees. If the leader will do so then the confidence of the employees will be boosted also.
Q7. What kind of leadership you prefer in your organization?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Authoritative |
28% |
14 |
50 |
Democratic |
52% |
26 |
50 |
Laissez Faire |
20% |
10 |
50 |
Table 7: Kind of leadership
Graph 7: Kind of leadership
When asked about what kind of leadership was preferred by them in the organization, 28% of the respondents said that they preferred an authoritative leadership. In response to the same question, the response came from 52% of the workers that they preferred to work under a leader who practices democratic leadership. Finally, 20% of the surveyed people said that they preferred to be Laissez faire, which means that they preferred to be left to take care of their own work, without interfering.
Q8. What are the quality you expect within you leader?
Options |
Response (%) |
Response (freq) |
Total |
Honesty |
36% |
18 |
50 |
Communication |
32% |
16 |
50 |
Positive attitude |
16% |
8 |
50 |
Inspiring |
12% |
6 |
50 |
Table 8: Quality within leader
Graph 8: Quality within leader
The respondents were asked about what their expectations were regarding their leader. 36% of the employees said that they expected their leader to be honest. It was agreed upon by 32% of the people that, they expected their leader to be communicative with them. They expected their leader to approach them and talk to them directly. 16% of the respondents said that they wanted a positive attitude in their leader and the remaining 12% of the people said that they wanted their leader to inspire them in their work.
Graph 8: Quality within leader
In order to conclude the researcher has linked the research work with the questions provided in the beginning of the research. All the required information have been collected about Opus Recruitment Solutions through a survey process, which was conducted by the researcher via online.
Quantitative data collection and analysis
To identify the impact of leadership for implementing change management in a small scale business
The leader takes active participation in helping the employees to achieve a set of objectives. The leader is required to possess effective leadership traits such as emotional stability, dominance, enthusiasm, intuition, compulsiveness, tough mindedness, conscientiousness and self-assurance (Yuko Oso & Abdisamad Hassan, 2015).
To evaluate the importance of leadership for adapting the employees of Opus solutions in relation to change management
In this case the problem faced by the company was that the leaders of the company were unable to convince the employees (Billot & Codling, 2013). Therefore, the employees were reluctant to adapt the changes and it created a negative impact on the operations of the organization in the competitive market.
To identify the challenges faced by the leaders for implementing change management in Opus Recruitment Solutions
Primary data was collected with specific information from the respondents through the survey. The researcher was able to identify the issues underlying the topic while gathering factual data from the respondent (Billot & Codling, 2013).
To propose suitable recommendations against the rising issues of Opus recruitment solutions in regards to change management.
The researcher mainly identified the issues faced by the employees for adapting to change and to evaluate the various ways approached by the leaders to handle crises (Burnes, 2010). Identification of the issues allowed the researcher to probe for suitable recommendations for successful adaption of change management in Opus Recruitment Solutions
This is to ascertain that the researcher has understood the importance of leadership in the change of management of an organization (Burnes, 2010). He has understood the transformational leadership style and the important traits that are required in a leader. This assignment has helped the researcher to take the ethical manners that has to be taken under consideration (Yuko Oso & Abdisamad Hassan, 2015). The researcher was also faced with some problems while making doing the survey. It is also understood that the company has adopted a transparent approach in its communications with its workers.
Reference list and Bibliography
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Dawson, P., (2014). “Reflections: On Time, Temporality and Change in Organizations”, Journal of Change Management, 14(3), pp.285-308
Freshwater, D. (2012) “Reading mixed methods research: contexts for criticism”, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), pp. 134-46.
Green, G., (2011). Experimental validation of the R³I design evaluation methodology. J. of Design Research, 9(1), pp. 1-9
Jones, S., (2014) Distributed leadership: A critical analysis Leadership, 10(2), pp.129-141
Kvalnes, O.,( 2014). Leadership and moral neutralization Leadership, 10(4), pp.456-470
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Burnes, B. (2010). Call for Papers: Journal of Change Management. Journal Of Change Management, 10(2), 241-242.
Editorial Board. (2004). Research Strategies, 20(1-2), ii.
Yuko Oso, W., & Abdisamad Hassan, D. (2015). Performance of Small Scale Business Projects in Borama, Somaliland. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.