Research Proposal: Outrage Due To Ban On Plastic By Coles And Woolworths

Methodology adopted for collecting data

The decision of banning plastic from the manufacturing process of Coles and Woolworths resulted in outrage among the customers. The stores witnessed dire consequences of the outrage. The regular and the loyal customers of both the companies’ protested against such hasty and weird decision. The intensity of the outrage compelled researchers to collect data on the subject matter (Mackey and Gass 2015). This assignment would delve deep into the methodology adopted for conducting this research proposal.

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Usually, a research is prepared on the basis of three designs- exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. Explorative design requires the researcher to explore the unknown realms of the subject matter. In the Explanatory and descriptive research design, the researcher needs to delve deeper into the aspects related to the subject matter of the research. In this research, the researcher would select descriptive research design (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). In this research, the researcher would choose descriptive design.

In this research, the research would choose descriptive design. This is because the design would help the researcher to shed light on the different theories and concepts related to the outrage from the ban of plastic bags by Coles and Woolworths. The major drive behind this is the large scale use of plastic bags and easy availability of plastics.

For executing a research, the researcher applies two kinds of approach-inductive and deductive. Inductive approach is when the researcher induces new facts, theories and concepts for the already established facts. On the other hand, through deductive approach, the researcher deduces relevant conclusions from the acquired knowledge on the different topics. For executing this researcher, the researcher would select deductive approach (Brannen 2017).

Using deductive approach would help the researcher to deduce relevant conclusions and recommendations from the outrage, which resulted from the haste decisions of Coles and Woolworths managers. Moreover, this approach would assist the researcher in formulating the hypothesis and assessing the productivity of the organizations as a whole.

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The whole population is the sample for the researcher as the subject matter involves betterment of the whole society. However, in order to cope up with the time and financial constraints, the researcher selects a certain sample size. This is done mainly through three techniques- simple, random and probability. In simple technique, the samples are selected without any criteria. This is also followed in random technique (Barnham 2015). However, in probability sampling technique, the researcher adheres to certain criteria for selecting the sample size. In this research, the researcher would desire to select Systematic Probability Sampling Technique.

Systematic Probability Sampling Technique would enable the researcher to avert any kind of biasness within the data collection. Moreover, this technique would enhance the transparency within the researcher, assuring the respondents about the safety and security of their responses.

Data is crucial for efficient execution of any kind of research. Collection of data is done mainly through primary and secondary methods. These methods are further divided into quantitative and qualitative. In primary quantitative, data is collected through survey and in case of qualitative, data is collected through interview. In case of secondary methods, data is collected from government websites, journal articles, books and others (Alvesson and Sköldberg 2017). In this research, both primary and secondary methods would be used for collecting data related to the outrage due to the ban on plastic bags by Coles and Woolworths.

Exploration of research designs: Exploratory, Explanatory, Descriptive

Primary data collection methods would enhance the awareness of the researcher into the approach of the staffs towards the outrage. The basis of this data collection would be quantitative data analysis. On the other hand, incorporation of secondary data collection method would be helpful for the researcher in terms of enhancing the knowledge related to the outrages and the decisions, which degrades the image of the companies and organizations.

The data collected for the research is analysed through primary and secondary method. These methods are also subdivided into quantitative and qualitative methods. In primary quantitative, the collected data is analysed through the preparation of survey and interview questions. These responses are depicted on tables, charts and graphs for deducing relevant conclusions and recommendations (Ormston, Spencer, Barnard and Snape 2014). In this research, primary qualitative method would be used by the researcher for analysing the collected data. Open ended and close ended questions would be prepare for gaining an insight into the approaches of the staffs towards the outrage due to the ban on plastic bags. The questions are as follows:

Q1. For how long are you availing the services of the organization?

· 3 months

· 6 months

· 9 months

· 1 year

· More than 1 year

Q2. What do you think about the packaging of the products in the organization?

· Good

· Satisfactory

· Neutral

· Bad

Q3: Do you have any idea why plastics have been banned?

· Yes

· No

Q4: Do you think management is handling the outrage in appropriate manner?

· Yes

· No

Q5: What do you think about the organizations’ alliance with the environmentalist group about the decision to ban plastic bag?

· Highly prospective

· Prospective

· Neutral

· Retrospective

· Highly retrospective

Q6: What are the issues, which you are facing due to the sudden plastic ban from the organizations?

· Carrying separate bags for shopping

· Difficulty in carrying the purchased products

Q7: In the current situation, when the reputation of the organizations is at stake, will you continue shopping in the near future?

· Yes

· No

· Neutral

Q8: Do you think pre-ban psychological contract was a warning to the organization in terms of such an outrage?

· Yes

· No

· Maybe

· Neutral

Q9: How far do you think this decision would prove fruitful in preserving the ecological diversity of the environment?

· Highly fruitful

· Fruitful

· Neutral

· Unproductive

· Highly unproductive

Q10. What recommendations do you propose for restoring the normalcy in case of the organizations?

· Survey and feedbacks from the clients and the customers

· Discounts, schemes and offers on products

· Adopting special packaging means

                                                             Table 1: Survey questions for the research

                                                                    (Source: created by the researcher)

Ethics is important in terms of executing the research in terms of executing the research in an efficient and effective manner. Moreover, it helps the researcher in gaining the trust, loyalty and dependence of the respondents. Applying Data Protection Act (1998) enables the researcher to maintain the safety, security and privacy of the responses generated by the samples (Fusch and Ness 2015).

Incorporating Data Protection Act within the research would help the researcher to assure the respondents that their responses would be used solely for the purpose of research instead of commercialization. Along with this, exposing a liberal approach towards the comfort of the samples would reflect his ethical approach. Acknowledging the sources would help the researcher to avert the instances of plagiarism and collusion. Conscious approach towards these aspects would help the researcher to produce reliable and valid research.

Task name




Research proposal project time

Week 1-3

Week 1

Week 3

Selection of the topic

Week 1-2

Week 1

Week 2

Approval of the selected topic

Week 1-2

Week 1

Week 2

Identifying the sources of the secondary data

Week 2

Week 2

Week 2

Commencing of the secondary data collection

Week 3-4

Week 3

Week 4

Completing the data collection process

Week 4

Fourth week

Fourth week

Submitting the draft

Week 4-5

Week 4

Week 5

First round evaluation

Week 5-8

Week 5

Week 8

Final submission

Week 8-9

Week 8

Week 9

                                                                         Table 2: Gantt chart

                                                               (Source: created by the researcher)


Alvesson, M. and Sköldberg, K., 2017. Reflexive methodology: New vistas for qualitative research. Sage.

Barnham, C., 2015. Quantitative and qualitative research: Perceptual foundations. International Journal of Market Research, 57(6), pp.837-854.

Brannen, J., 2017. Mixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research. Routledge.

Creswell, J.W. and Creswell, J.D., 2017. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.

Fusch, P.I. and Ness, L.R., 2015. Are we there yet? Data saturation in qualitative research. The qualitative report, 20(9), pp.1408-1416.

Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.

Ormston, R., Spencer, L., Barnard, M. and Snape, D., 2014. The foundations of qualitative research. Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers, 2, pp.52-55.

Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.

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