Research Methodology For Understanding The Factors Affecting Employee Performance In An Organization
Research Philosophy
This section of the paper is known as the research methodology that is inclusive of the research philosophy, research design, research approach, data collection and the method of analysis and the sampling method that would be used in order to attain the research purpose. In the other aspect, research methodology section is constructed by the researcher for addressing briefly the approaches and the methods that would be undertaken within the research paper for collecting adequate data and attaining the research aims and objectives of the research (Brinkmann, 2014). The research objectives and aims constructed after reviewing critically the academic literatures and various other research works and papers in order to have an understanding about the factors that affect the performance of the employees in an organization and thereby construct an effective conclusion for the research. The data gathering and assessment process of the chapter explains the kind of data that is to be gathered and the mechanisms that is exploited for evaluating them thereby understanding the actual data that is relevant in accordance to the research questions (Saunders, & Bezzina 2015). Furthermore, the ethical consideration of the research and the time allocation to the several operations of the research mechanism are even explained in this section of the paper.
The research philosophy takes into account the processes that is essential for assessing the factors that affect the performance of the employees in a firm. The research philosophy can be addressed as the guiding ideologies that assists a researcher in establishing knowledge in order to gain the effective conclusion for the research. The degree of the research philosophy even explains the nature and the quality of knowledge that has been established. The philosophy of the research is mainly of three kinds and they are interpretivism, positivism and realism. According to Vaioleti, (2016), the philosophy selected by the researcher is ideal for the research and is dependent on the objectives and aims of the research paper. The philosophy of positivism is utilised when the researcher makes use of the literary theories and the academic theories on the topic of the paper and which highlights certain vivid information and the research objectives that validates the same. In the philosophy of realism, the real facts and figures regarding the present condition in the research aspect are explained and consequently is validated by the researcher with the help of the research. On the other hand, Bauer, (2014) explained that interpretivism is a bigger philosophy as it explains the current incidents facts in the given research and even provides the psychological explanation behind those occurrences and facts.
Research Approach
This specific research therefore make use both realism and positivism philosophy for this specific research paper in order to understand the factors that have an impact on the employee performance in an organization. The two philosophies are helpful in assessing the data that has been gathered in an effective manner so that a lucid outcome can be attained. The secondary data and the facts that are collected from the academic theories, literature review and the previous researches have been utilised in order to construct the research questions and the objectives and thereby provides a realistic background for the research paper (Wiek, & Lang 2016). The realism process was implied in the current paper by taking assistance of the information that have been gathered from certain selected employees.
The research approach is one of the key steps that is utilised in the development of the research paper in order to arrive at the desired and real end result for the paper. In this aspect, Dumay, & Cai (2015) cited that the research approach assists the researcher to discover the actions in order to perform the demanded operations of the research paper. The research approach is mainly of two kinds and they are the deductive and the inductive approach. As explained by Karp et al., (2016), the inductive approach aids the researcher to construct innovative frameworks and theories after discovering the end result of the research. On the other hand, Perner et al., (2015) are in the idea that deductive process concentrates on examining the theories and the frameworks that are available and associating them with the study of the research by taking support from the data that has been collected.
This research paper concentrates on understanding the factors that have an impact on the employee performance of a firm and therefore the researcher has looked to make use of the deductive approach in order to take the research ahead. This is due to the fact that the researcher has utilised the quantitative assessment for attaining a result of the research paper. The quantitative assessment is performed by assessing the responses that have been received from the selected participants (Farooq & O’Brien 2015). Furthermore, the positivism philosophy is related directly to the quantitative data assessment, in which the data collected has been evaluated with the assistance of the previous patterns and the models that are existent and the evidences that have been proven. Hence, deductive approach has been regarded as the most precise information for gaining the real outcome of the research paper.
Research Design
The researcher has not implied the inductive approach as this process does not consider the qualitative and quantitative data assessment (Sutrisna, & Setiawan 2016). Additionally, the researcher has not looked to construct new frameworks and theories after gaining the research study. Hence, the inductive process cannot be utilised for the undertaking of the research paper as the responses of the individuals have been provided the most significance.
The research design aids the researcher with the benefit of coursing the paper towards accomplishing distinct goals that are reliant on the research aims and objectives. As explained by McCusker, & Gunaydin (2015), research design aids the researcher to give out the references by restricting the specified outcome with the help of which the parts that are remaining for the research paper on the specified goal. There are three sorts of research design which are known as the descriptive research design, exploratory research design and the explanatory research design. The explanatory research design assists in addressing the cause and effect relationship by predicting the probable future results of the process that is ongoing.
The exploratory research design is mainly undertaken in order to have an understanding the factors that are behind the problems of the research. It generally concentrates on the knowledge of the research problems that has an impact on the issues related with this research (Zou, & Sunindijo 2015). Descriptive research design on the other hand, aids in exploring and addressing the problems and the issues associated with the research topic. It generally aids the researcher a chance to broaden the knowledge and the understanding base.
This paper has the intention of understanding the factors that have an impact on the employee performance in an organization within which the expected objective can be attained. Hence, the existing research even has a comprehensive explanation of the factors that have an impact on the employee performance in a firm. The researcher even has the idea of constructing various suggestions for mitigating the issues at the completion of the research. Therefore, the researcher has looked to make use of the descriptive research design for completing the overall research (Kao et al., 2016). The other designs that have been explained is not applicable for this research as they are unable to explain the factors and the issues that are associated with the research in an effective manner.
The data is assessed as the comprehensive requirement to authorise the success rate of the research paper, where the gathering of the appropriate data is reliant on the characteristic of the paper and the targeted outcomes can be attained. In this aspect, Luma et al., (2014) explained that the information can be classified into secondary and primary data. The secondary data is gathered specifically from the secondary resources which are inclusive of the websites, books and journals in order to have an understanding about the historic representation and hypothetical scenarios. This would assist in reviewing the existing pattern of the research problems that have been addressed. Fletcher, (2017) explained that secondary data has been effective more than the primary data as these information are readily available from the sources that are online and offline in nature.
Data Collection
On the other hand, Vamsi Krishna Jasti, & Kodali (2014) debated that as the primary data is collected from the responses of the individuals, it is more realistic in comparison to the secondary data. Thus, by looking at the present research paper, the researcher has looked to utilise the primary data without depending on a specific choice. The primary data can even be categorised into quantitative and qualitative data and in accordance to this research paper, quantitative data has been exploited. The qualitative data is not effective for this research because of time availability for undertaking the research paper.
The quantitative data comprises of the segments of the data which can be assessed and examined in order to filter the data in accordance to the research outcome. Bakker et al., (2015) has explained that quantitative data provides the data on the aspect of the attitude of the human responses that is in accordance to the particular research topic. Hence, it needs a specifically wider size of the sample for their assessment. In this specific research, the factors that affect the employee performance in an organization needs to be evaluated and therefore respondents that have been chosen will assess the issues regarding the employee performance.
In this research, the researcher has looked to make use of the primary data from the assorted areas. In this aspect, Farrokhyar et al., (2014) addressed that the information needs to be gathered from precise and relevant resources for creating a authentic outcome of the research paper.
Primary data is the original and fresh data that is needed by the researcher in order to undertake a critical research with respect to this topic. This kind of data is generally gathered from the perceptions of the respondents who have been selected from the sample pool and their ideas and perceptions can be exploited in order to have an understanding about what the respondents feel about the employee performance and the factors that are associated with it (de Brún et al., 2016).
The researcher has collected the primary data by undertaking a survey of the employees who are working in the organizations that are operating in the geographical area that have been selected. In order to undertake the research, the researcher has constructed a questionnaire that includes only close ended questions. Thompkins et al., (2016) has explained that survey is one of the best process that can be used in order to collect the quantitative data as it assists in the collection of the substantial information from a bigger sample size. In accordance to the current research paper, the questionnaire for the survey has been generated by relying on the research aims and goals in order to attain the precise information. The researcher has mostly summoned the individuals who are working as an employee in an organization in the selected geographical area (King, & Mackey 2016). The questionnaire have been constructed in Google Form and the link of the form is forwarded to the respondents with the help of electronic mail thereby reducing time and expense. The participants are provided with a time period of fifteen days within which they are asked to fill up the form in the link so that the responses can be attained effectively without any problem.
Primary Data
Sampling has been known to the mechanism within which the selected respondents for the research paper are chosen from a large pool of population (Tracy, & Reddenv 2015). The process of sampling assists the researcher to make a choice from the most authentic and relevant primary data source in order to have a blend with the precise data, which becomes similar with the research objectives and aims. Hence, the process of simple random sampling has been exploited in order to take the survey forward with the researcher as it would provide an equivalent chance to the sample population of having the opportunity of being chosen for the survey. Hence the quantitative data has been attained by utilising the method of ransom sampling from a bigger sample (Stanley et al., 2015).
The sample size refers to the various aspects that have been chosen from a defined population. The size of the sample requires to be a function of the variation in the parameters of the population in accordance to the study and the projected accuracy required by the researcher (Sessler, & Imrey 2015). There are certain principles that influences the size of the sample consists of the bigger variance or dispersion in the population, the vastness of the sample requires to provide the projection accuracy, the greater the needed accuracy of the estimate, the vastness of the population, the narrowness of the interval range, the higher the confidence level of the estimate and the greater level of sub-groups of interest within a sample (Faber., 2016).
In accordance to this paper, there has been an observation that by taking help of the process of simple random sampling, the researcher has been able to select 100 respondents from the overall employee pool. The Google Form Link was forwarded to around 200 people and the out of the same only 100 of them have replied back to the form completely within the stipulated time period and therefore responses of these 100 questionnaires have been taken into consideration and their answers would be fundamental information that can be used for the purpose of data analysis and thereby the outcome of the paper can be attained.
The access to the information about the employees who can be chosen has been undertaken by taking assistance of the employee database of various organizations and through government data base (Barquero, & Bosch 2015). The information that was permitted to given by the organizations and the government employee department has been used in this paper. The accessibility of the data has been the key source for the authenticity of the paper and therefore various actions have been taken that have assisted in gaining the information that was essential.
Secondary Data
The section of data assessment is the most critical aspect of the research for which the researcher has looked to make use of the various processes and techniques by relying on the kind of data that has been collected (Pahwa et al., 2015). As this paper has gathered the primary data from the respondents in the organizations in order to understand the factors that have an impact on the performance of the employees, statistical assessment is a suitable approach for this research. Therefore, the researcher has exploited the frequency analysis, the descriptive statistical assessment and the correlation process in order to address a comparison among the respondents (Guthrie, 2015). The responses that have been collected after surveying the employees is recorded in the numerical sheet in excel and this data would undergo various evaluations in order to discover the correct solution to this paper. Furthermore, this process aids in the maintenance of lucidity and effective understanding of the data that have been composed.
The researcher in this paper has monitored the effective code of conduct in order to perform any kind of tasks in the process of data gathering. All the data that is related to this topic has been attained from authentic and valid diversified sources thereby ensuring the dependability of the research results (Kovach, 2015). The researcher has even evaded the questions that are delicate in the survey in order to persuade the respondents so that they can take active participation in the survey. Additionally the information about the respondents has been kept confidential so that no business use can be done of the research statements that has been interested from the aspect of the researcher.
The researcher has looked to gather the data from the most reliable sources and the responses of the individuals. The researcher has taken a try to preserve the reliability of the data collected by the usage of the Google Form in order to construe the data. Furthermore, the researcher has even utilised the most authentic and precise websites for the collection of the accounting journals that has been used in the review of literature and chose the employees who are working in the selected geographical location for explaining the issues of the research (Clark et al., 2017)
The primary data that has been gathered from the employees have certain restrictions as well. The preciseness of the information is the vital limitation that generates a boundary among the research results and the completion of the paper. The professionals look to give out an optimistic image of the firms by not addressing the bigger issues. It is due to this effect that the researcher may face issues in recognising the problems and constructing recommendations in order to surpass them.
The chapter of research methodology has given a detailed knowledge about the strategies and the processes that has to be utilised for the gathering of the information and attaining the purpose of the paper. The research approaches and techniques that have been utilised by the researcher have been explained in this section of the paper along with providing with a justification for selecting them. The process of the collection of the data and instantaneously the mechanisms undertaken by the researcher in order to assess the gathered data are explained. The research questions that have been computed after assessing the theoretical concepts on the performance of the employees that have been examined ultimately for coming to an end result. This section of the paper has explained that this research has utilised primary and quantitative data with the help of surveying the employees. The framework of the questionnaire have even been explained in this paper. The assessment of the research process and techniques have even been discussed and the areas where additional improvements can be made in similar researches in the coming future.
Ethical Consideration
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