Research Into The Events Industry And Trends In Notting Hill Carnival

Creation of the Infographic

There are number of events being evident in the recent time especially in the United Kingdom. These events are from cultural sector, sports sector and business sector. Although all of these events are popular in own way but sports and festivals are the major crowd gathering events. One of these events is the Notting Hill carnival (Johnson 2014). This event is one of the major and largest cultural events in the United Kingdom started in 1966. It takes place in Notting Hill of London in August. It is reported that more than million people are being attracted to the event each year and this makes it one of the largest street carnival in the world. In addition, Notting Hill carnival is also considered as one of the major landmark icons of the United Kingdom (Johansson 2017). A huge business opportunity is associated with this festival and thus it is important to have the fair understanding about the trend of the entire event industry in the United Kingdom and identification of different avenues for further improvement of this sector.  

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This essay will discuss about the resources being used in creating the info graphic of the Notting Hill festival by analyzing the major information being gained from them. In addition, the major trends in this sector and future potentialities will also be discussed in this paper.

The info graphic of the Notrting Hill festival is being done using the Canva software. With the help of this software, visual elements are being properly designed and put along with the information. The information is being briefed from different academic articles, books and media sources. Using of different sources helped in having the clear picture of the event along with the identification of different current and future trends. It is identified about how the whole concept and approach of Notting Hill Festival is being adhered with that of the concept of events. The following sections will analyze and evaluate the external sources being used in creating the info graphic.

Prior to the discussion about the concepts of Notting Hill festival, it is important to have the proper idea about the concept of cultural events or festivals. According to Ferdinand and Williams (2013), festivals and events can be considered as experience mechanism or system. This is due to the reason that festivals are mean to offer and provide experience to the involved stakeholders in different ways. In addition, the authors have also stated that events should be well coordinated and in sequential pattern. This is due to the reason that success of the events is depended on the extent to which they are properly coordinated. The major reason behind using this source is to compare the elements of Notting Hill festival with the characteristics of festivals being stated here by the authors. However, on the other hand, it is also being identified that this article is having a few limitations. One of the major limitations identified is one sided approach towards the definition of events. This is due to the fact that the authors have discussed about the different elements of events but not the implications of these elements in their effectiveness. In addition, it is also identified that this article is being discussed only from the perspective of the tourism. However, in the current trend of events and festivals, different other aspects are also evident, which should also be considered in determining and evaluating the current trend of events.

International Festivals as Experience Production Systems

It is also important to have the understanding about the different other elements being associated with the concept of events and festivals. This is due to the reason that in the last section it is already discussed that current scenario of events is having the association of different other elements. According to Omitola (2017), one of the major elements to be considered is tourism. This is due to the fact that in the current time, majority of the countries are positioning their major events and festivals as one of tourist attraction tools. In the case of Notting Hill Festival, it is reported that the United Kingdom attracts a huge inflow of foreign tourists at the time of the event. Thus, the cultural events are now not limited among a certain cultural groups, rather it is becoming major tourist destination. The authors have aligned the concept of sustainable development with that of the tourism in Nigeria. According to them, initiation of the festivals and events as tourist destinations is helping to have more inflow of foreign traffic and having sustainable way of economic development.

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This article is being used mainly due to identify the other relevant factors associated with the Notting Hill festival. The information from this article can be used in identifying the trend of involvement of the foreign tourists in the festival. In addition, this information will also be useful in determining the impact of the Notting Hill festival on the economy of the United Kingdom. The concept of the Notting Hill festival is being effectively adhered with the economic scenario of the United Kingdom. It is also being identified that the authors have discussed the entire concept of festivals from the economic perspective but it is important to consider that not all the festivals are profitable from the economic perspective. Thus, it is one of the major limitations of this article.

As discussed in the first section, it is important for the events to be well coordinated and planned in order to have the maximum effectiveness. Getz and Page stated about the importance of policy in the planned events. According to the authors, policy of the events mainly in the case of the festivals is focused on designing the approach of the event. This is due to the reason that festivals can provide less or more involvement of the visitors. In the case of the Notting Hill Festival, the involvement of the visitors is high and they can effectively participate in the event. Thus, as per the authors, this can be termed as the policy of the Notting Hill festival to have the higher involvement of the stakeholders. In addition, it is also being stated that planned events with having effective and proper policy helps in maximizing the value to the stakeholders and in turn enhances the viability. The information of this book is beneficial in evaluating the policy being initiated in the Notting Hill festival. In addition, it is also being discussed with the help of this book about how the value of the shareholders is being maximized with having proper planning and policy.

Tourism and Sustainable Development in Nigeria

In this book, the authors have discussed about the major policies being followed in the case of planned events along with their implications. However, it is also should be considered that different events are having different approaches along with different strategic intent. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate the different policies of different festivals with the singular approach being discussed by the authors. In addition, it is also being identified that policies may also pose a number of difficulties in the planned events, which are not being discussed by the authors in this book. This can be considered as a limitation of this book.

The above sections have already discussed about the different concepts in relation to the events and festivals and this it is important to evaluate and discuss about the Notting Hill Festival. According to Ferris (2013), Notting Hill Festival is one of the major festivals in the United Kingdom with having their presence from the late fifties. It is being stated by the author that the main objective of the Notting Hill Festival is to promote cultural unity and thus the involvement of the people from different social and cultural backgrounds is well evident till now. It can also be considered as a major trend and the cultural diversity of the Notting Hill Festival is increasing rapidly. It is also being stated by the author Notting Hill Festival is majorly being inspired by the Caribbean trends due to the reason that the organizers are from Caribbean islands and the Notting Hill region is having good portion of Caribbean Diaspora. However, in the following stage, the whole event was turned in to a limited company and they are the main organizer of the Notting Hill Festival till now.  

This article is beneficial in providing a few information and trends being followed in the Notting Hill Festival, which is further being added in the info graphic. In addition, this information also helped in identify the objective of organizing this event and who the organizers are implementing different steps in meeting and achieving their objectives. However, on the other hand, it is also being identified that this article lacks the negative side of the Notting Hill Festival. This is due to the reason that it is reported that organizers of the Notting Hill Festival was accused of charging the journalists for covering the events and demanding copies of their coverage. This should also be discussed in order to have the proper insights about the festival.

Werbner and Fumanti (2013) stated that one of the major trends being followed in the Notting Hill festival is the involvement of the music bands in the event. This is due to the reason that traditionally Notting Hill festival started with colorful parades representing the different cultural aspects and diversity. However, in the following stages, different music bands are being involved and it is now became a trend of having music as an integral part of the festival. The authors have also stated that the evolving trend of involving music and dances positioned Notting Hill festival as a major cultural event in the United Kingdom and also increased the market coverage attracting larger sets of society. This article helped in identifying the major trends being followed in the Notting Hill festival and how they are changing the entire approach and positioning of the event.

Policy for Planned Events

Taylor and Kneafsey (2016) stated that even though Notting Hill festival is one of the major events of the United Kingdom but still it is important to identify newer avenues for future development. It is stated by them that one of the major options for the organizers of Notting Hill festival is to develop new market in the new regions. This is due to the reason that this festival is happening from the exact location from its initial stage and a certain level of saturation is evident. Thus, it is important for the organizers to increase the visibility of the festival by conducting in different other potential locations. The authors have also stated that these locations may be from the United Kingdom or from the global regions. This can help in increasing the awareness about the festival along with increasing the economic viability. In addition, it is also identified that organizers of Notting Hill festival should also involve more cultural avenues apart from music and dance and should also have more cultural adaptation. This will help to have more diversity in terms of cultures in the festival and will help Notting Hill festival to have more social acceptability among the different regions.


It is concluded that from the resources discussed in this paper that Notting Hill festival is one of the major events of the United Kingdom. It is identified that this festival started as cultural event in the late fifties but gradually turned more mainstream and became a major tourist destination for the foreign traffic. In addition, it is also discussed about the different positive and negative elements associated with the Notting Hill festival. The major trends including the involvement of the music bands in the event are also being discussed in this paper. This essay concluded that it is important for the Notting Hill festival to identify different avenues for further development and viability. A few avenues are being discussed in this paper, which will further help Notting Hill festival to grow in new regions in the long term.


Ferdinand, N. and Williams, N.L., 2013. International festivals as experience production systems. Tourism Management, 34, pp.202-210.

Ferris, L., 2013. Incremental art: negotiating the route of London’s Notting Hill Carnival. In Carnival Art, Culture and Politics (pp. 127-144). Routledge.

Getz, D. and Page, S., 2016. Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events. Routledge.

Johansson, M.A.R.J.A.N.A., 2017. Performing diversity at festivals. Making sense of arts management. Research, Cases and Practices, pp.92-98.

Johnson, W.C., 2014. Guerrilla Ganja Gun Girls: Policing Black Revolutionaries from Notting Hill to Laventille. Gender & History, 26(3), pp.661-687.

Omitola, A., 2017. Tourism and sustainable development in Nigeria: attractions and limitations of carnivals and festivals. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 19(2), pp.122-132.

Taylor, E. and Kneafsey, M., 2016. The place of urban cultural heritage festivals: The case of London’s Notting Hill Carnival. In Cultural heritage in a changing world (pp. 181-196). Springer, Cham.

Werbner, P. and Fumanti, M., 2013. The aesthetics of diaspora: Ownership and appropriation. Ethnos, 78(2), pp.149-174.


Event studies: theory, research and policy for planned events BY GETZ, DONALD PAGE STEPHEN 2016

Events management BY BOWDIN G A J 2011

Festival & special event management BY ALLWN JOHNNY 2011

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