Research Essay On Business Process Engineering


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Runtime monitoring is considered as one of the significant task to offer functioning pronouncement in order to hold up the running of the business process and ascertaining weather they are in accordance with the rules and regulations. The 12th international conference on business process management 2014 was organised in Haifa Israel during the month of 7th September 2014. It has been learn that in the precedent decade, the meeting has established its reputations by illustrating the most important edge in the field of research and development by obtaining highest quality meetings and tutorials along with the discussions in the field of leaders and innovations and leaderships through innovations in the thought process.

The business process management conference highlights the diversity and the richness of holding such conference, which act as a melting pot with the mix of disciplines. Such conference is rich in information in computer science along with the information in the areas of technology management and information system.

The 12th business process conference provided information to the number of new topics which contributes to the significant areas of interest along with the significance to the business process management research and industry. Indentifying the correlation of the nature of business process management there were eight topics which were included in the higher level of areas of discussion while some of the important areas of discussion were classified into certain areas. The relevant topics were of centred around the fields of human management subject and experimental studies, management process involved in the implementation of data, business process management scenarios with non-traditional elements, process architecture and platforms (Becker 2013).

The conference also takes into the account regarding the process flexibility and evolution, procedure for modelling theory and the management procedure model. The conference highlights that each of the topic for discussion was undertaken by the committee members of the programme while the senior programme committee members provides an additional review in certain cases.

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The conference sessions comprised of the six research papers, which was presented with two short paper session. The conference provides the well-founded and perfect running time techniques for monitoring and verification of branch weather a property is on any interest. The system is dynamic oriented and the properties are usually articulated by making an effective use of modal operators accounting for the point in time (Fleischmann et al 2012).  

Challenges in Implementing Business Process Management Techniques

The conference highlights the use of chronological logics in the corroboration process. It is learnt that linear-time temporal logic is predominantly best matched for observing the definite process for implementation. In addition to these, the linear time temporal logic monitors weather the present outline is prefix for an infinite trace which shall never be concluded. The conference provides an in depth knowledge about the presence of previous operational model which used to support the decision for techniques to keep an eye on the limitation over restricted traces. 

It is also noted that there are two main areas, which has not been challenged or tackled in an organised way. At initial stages numerous alternatives have been proposed to make linear time temporal logic suitable for runtime verification but there is no such comprehensive techniques which is based on the finite state of automation. Meantime the conference also reflects that the verification process involved in runtime for logics is typically considered as finite traces whose continuity is though infinite. In addition to this, implementation of such techniques of semantics in the business process management has only been tackled so far with an effective manner where the continuation is infinite (Jeston and Nelis 2014). 

On the other hand the second most important challenge is the implementation of the most technically advanced forms of monitoring constraints where some of the issues are of challenging prospect. Some obligations needs to be put in place in order to support the monitoring process of compensations where some of the obligations are not yet been fulfilled. Hence, such features are considered as one of the most challenging aspects for fundamental compliance of monitoring the functionality. Thus, it is still considered as one  of the most challenging aspects as the systematic approach for supporting the specific level of constraints in the specific language.

This paper highlights the two most specific challenges, which enable the study of runtime constraints while monitoring the properties expressed in the linear time temporal logic.  Perhaps its extension is a impactful tool for logic which undertakes all the monadic second order logic for the finite traces (Poggi et al 2013). 

Business and the business process management are more than a century old and the social construction always undermine the human society. Perhaps the business process management or business process is modern day construction of information technology. The purpose of the business process has partially succeeded, specifically in contrast to improving the efficiency of implementation of process. The business process management encodes a number of limited assumptions, which is treated as an important application in the present research method.

Shortcomings of Business Process Management

It is  important to note that business process management is significantly characterised in the functionality and usual procedures, while on the other hand it is occasionally declarative in terms of logical temperament. The stated concept off modelling is traditional and it is also different from the traditional mode of programming language. Secondly, business process management is usually treated as one of the most centrally view attribution of physical distribution. Hence, it can be said that business process management is technically more focussed rather than the aspects of business. While it can be regarded that business process management is not in favour of business process as rather than redefining it in terms of operational terms. Hence, it also ignores the standard of correctness while on the other hand it provides as a means to implementation and formulation of effective practice in information and technology (Brocke and Rosemann 2014).

It is argued that business process management is insufficiently equipped with the modern day challenge, which consists of the process that incorporates the human organisation along with the diversification of the services and device, which reflect the autonomy of the human organisation. If the business process is rethought from the very first principal it is understood that social construction would establish the new conceptual theory which is based on the foundation of business process that defines it as one of the social technological systems. Such concepts defines the process to verify the various correctness which is independent of any implementation evaluation of properties in contrast to specifications so as to enact and govern them in an decentralised manner.

The conference has also highlighted some key concern. It reflects that process modelling of language which can be used in the new notation or evaluation of  the existing model. The conference highlights competing requirements for example the language which is used must be very simple and easy to understand. On the other hand the intended language used for the automation of discussion and documentation may be used to verify the process mining in other words it is also called as “hidden Markov chains”( Röglinger et al 2013).

The second key concerns is the procedure for enacting the infrastructure in order to execute, support and keeping an eye on the process. Illustrations of matters, which are discussed in this concern, are related to the development of workflow engines, which is service, oriented for cloud computing along with the enterprise applications and systematic procedure of work distribution. On the other hand, process model analysis refers to the concerns of analysis of process, which is based on the model of using important event data. There are papers, which address the concerns about the growth and development of the flow of work engines, computing which is service oriented, simulations and model checking along with process of network and controllability (Dumas et al 2013).

Rethinking Business Process from a Social-Technological Perspective

Meanwhile process mining is the analysis of technique which is data oriented. For instance the techniques which constructs the model is based on the pragmatic traces. Hence, this procedure is not restricted to discovery and consists of checking the conformances and extending it. The process of conformance checking used to check the reality as mentioned in the event log in conformity to the model. While on the other hand extension creates a new outlook in the design process which is cross-correlation with an event log.

The process elasticity model is concerned with the problems, which is prevalent with the capability to deal with both the foreseeable and the unforeseeable circumstances by varying with those business processes, which is varying in nature. Such variation is making it difficult for the retention of the format of those parts, which are not affected by the variations. Hence, there are articles, which highlight the adaptive workflows and late-binding process for declarative language. While the final concern, which is reflected in this paper, is the problems related with the reinvention and reuse. The challenging aspect is to avoid the duplication of the modelling and repositories of the process involved, which are typical in the approach of promoting the reuse concept.

The above stated cases in the above address the problems, which are tagged in one or more key concerns. The most important concerns, which were identified before the tagging of the articles, is concerned with the concept of process integration, patterns and collaborations. There are many such articles which are concerned with the services provided by the web and other technologies involved to integrate such business management process. While there are several business management process related articles, which offers new patterns for collection and evaluation on existing languages, which are used in present pattern of workflow challenges. Such studies are now tagged as process for developing languages. On the other hand, there are concerns, which is constantly recurring on the collaboration for example the collaborative process of modelling and systems development.

It must be understood that the process differentiates the perspective of controlling the activities of the cash flow. There are certain important concerns, which are either neutral or orthodox in relation to these perspectives. Although there are most of the articles which emphasis on the perspective of the organisation while dealing with the optimum resources allocations or role based assessing the control. Perhaps it would have been very useful to add the additional tags to the articles that is based on the prospects which considered. 


The essay presents the general approach for the automatic procedure of matching the model in two of the following steps. At first, the hypothesis study was used based on the automatic denoted activities such as labelling the leverage in a semantic format of interpretation. On the other hand the study makes the use of the constraints incurred from the behavioural relations of the process models.

This research offers a valuable and in depth advancing of the field of process model matching. The conference plans to improve the approach, which is based on the identification of weakness. Finally, the study provides that there is an opportunity to improve the results which is based on the orthodox domain. This may help to maximise the accuracy of the computed hypothesis.  

Reference list:

Becker, J., Kugeler, M. and Rosemann, M. eds., 2013. Process management: a guide for the design of business processes. Springer Science & Business Media.

Brocke, J.V. and Rosemann, M., 2014. Business process management.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management.

Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J. and Reijers, H.A., 2013.Fundamentals of business process management (pp. I-XXVII). Heidelberg: Springer.

Fleischmann, A., Schmidt, W., Stary, C., Obermeier, S. and Brger, E., 2012.Subject-oriented business process management. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.

Gong, Y. and Janssen, M., 2012. From policy implementation to business process management: Principles for creating flexibility and agility.Government Information Quarterly, 29, pp.S61-S71.

Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014. Business process management. Routledge.

Lohrmann, M. and Reichert, M., 2013. Understanding business process quality. In Business Process Management (pp. 41-73). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Poggi, N., Muthusamy, V., Carrera, D. and Khalaf, R., 2013. Business process mining from e-commerce web logs. In Business Process Management (pp. 65-80). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Röglinger, M., Pöppelbuß, J. and Becker, J., 2012. Maturity models in business process management. Business Process Management Journal,18(2), pp.328-346.

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van der Aalst, W.M., 2012. A decade of business process management conferences: personal reflections on a developing discipline. In Business Process Management (pp. 1-16). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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Weske, M., 2012. Business process management: concepts, languages, architectures. Springer Science & Business Media.

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