Research And Academic Writing Skills: Strategies For Preventing Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is a major social concern to define which; the Australian government defined a law namely the Family Law Act 1975 (Berns 2017). This law stated that, if any action of violence or threat affects a family member or controls them, make them fearful, this will be determined as domestic violence. However, the increasing numbers of domestic violence related cases has affected the social structure of the country (Woodlock 2017). As per the statistics, 1 in every 6 women and 1 in every 5 men are being sexually abused before 15 years of age as well as more than 1,15,000 men, women and children were homeless due to domestic violence(data from year 2014) (Brown and James 2014). Further, more than 3000 men and women were admitted to hospital due to physical violence by their partners or spouse (Zannettino 2012). In this research paper, the discussion of prevention strategies of harm from domestic violence will be discussed with a detailed search strategy and discussion of five peer reviewed articles. Further, recommendations will also be provided so that domestic violence related cases can be controlled.

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What are the preventive strategies for the domestic violence related harms in women and children living in a society having good socio-economic status?

(socio-economic status OR sound economic status OR higher class of living) AND (society OR environment OR Surrounding) AND (Domestic violence OR Physical violence OR Violence) AND (Violence against children OR violence against Women OR Violence against women and children) AND (Preventive strategies OR Restricting strategies OR Preventive measures OR controlling measures OR preventive plans)

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After conducting the search for the articles containing preventive measures for violence against women and children (physical, metal and sexual) those articles were selected that demonstrated the social aspect of harms or included preventive measures that can be applied to a society without any legislative control. This was important as mentioned in a research by (), domestic violence can only be controlled if the society is ready accepting the changes within itself.

Domestic violence against women and children is not only an Australian concern but also a global human rights related concern that is affecting millions of women and children across the world. Due to this, economic, as well as cultural boundaries are violated. The data collected from WHO determined that 30% of the women worldwide have experienced physical and sexual violence by their partners.

In this aspect, the peer-reviewed paper by Ellsberg et al. (2015) should be discussed that included studies from high-income countries that primarily focuses on the response of the society, government and the victim to the violence. On the other hand, this research also reviewed researches done in low and middle-income countries where several interventions were useful in preventing such violence related acts against women. Responses to violence against women in high-income countries were divided into four parts, women centered interventions, and school based interventions, interventions aimed at perpetrators and legislative reforms. Where the women centered interventions provided women with psychological, counseling, home visiting and advocacy related support, for men who attempt such violence against women were provided with educational training so that they can understand the role of female empowerment and become advocates for women power and control. On the other hand, low-income countries included violence preventive programs, group training for boys, synchronizing gender approach by including men and women in training, community mobilization and providing women with economic power so that they can live independently. Therefore, the findings indicated towards educational and training related interventions to prevent harm of domestic violence for women. These programs provided a measureable success in preventing domestic violence related harms so that development or social reform can be determined.

Research and Assignment Writing Process

There are several reasons for domestic violence in a society starting from social economic status, substance abuse, gender inequality and so on. Alcohol abuse is one of them due to which, more than 13.2% children of Australian society are at risk of domestic violence. In a research article by Laslett et al. (2012) the primary aim of the researchers was to determine the prevalence of alcohol abuse related harms in children and the preventive measures used to minimize that harm. For this purpose, the researchers conducted a survey amongst the Australian society to identify the number of children being affected with domestic violence by their parents suffering from substance abuse. It was found that more than 22 % of families have children who were affected with domestic violence due to one of their parent suffering from substance abuse. Total 1147 respondent where involved in a study that indicated it towards 12.4 % of severe domestic violence cases. Findings indicated towards the identification of children maltreatment incidences within the subjects and found that if the parents were provided with correct treatment and knowledge for their substance abuse early in their life, they would have been aware of its level. Hence, the findings indicated towards providing such parents with correct rehabilitation or treatment service so that domestic violence associated with substance abuse can be prevented.

Intimate partner violation is another form of domestic violence against men and women, which is increasing tremendously in current times. To find out the violence and preventive measures in this aspect of domestic violence, a research article by Capaldi et al. (2012) was collected. This systematic review article (in which all the peer reviewed articles were included) determined that several factors such as age, gender, ethnicity. Socio-economic status, stress, acculturation, alcoholic abuse and substance abuse are responsible for such violence actions. On the other hand, psychological aspects such as marital and relationship associated status, discord, mental and physical attachment, negative emotions and jealousy, physical and mental satisfaction were reasons for domestic violence amongst others. The findings for preventive measures included counseling, gender equality in relationships and training including such couples so that respect for the other partner can be evoked in such couples (Nelson, Bougatsos and Blazina 2012). Further, this paper also indicated towards the parenting factors so that from a growing age, men and women can be provided with equal treatment related education, proper monitoring, support, and engagement in non-violence related behavior can be added to their personality and they can understand the need of equality for each gender in the society.

The other research article by Chen and Chan (2016) focuses on this issue of parenting and determine it as one of the important aspect for involving children in positive and development related reform of the society, where no one is affected with domestic violence. The article reviewed the effect of parenting program in determining decreased children abuse as well as to determine the modifications this parenting program does that helps in social reform. In this review, the researchers identified 37 studies and after analysis determined that arrangement of parenting programs were useful in reducing child, maltreatment related reports and substantial incidences of children sexual abuse. On the other hand, the research also indicated that inclusion of such parenting programs in societies having maximum number of women and children abuse can be helpful in creating a society in future where no such activity will be able to harm the social balance of equality. The interventions such as group parenting training, home visiting and counseling was helpful in reducing the number of children maltreatment related case in respective areas.

Global Perspective on Domestic Violence

Finally, while discussing about the legal implications for prevention of domestic violence, the need of changing the social perspective becomes important. The fifth review article mentions this need by changing or modifying the alcohol advertisements that influences and evokes masculinity in alcohol consumption, due to which maximum teenagers becomes substance abusive (Towns, Parker and Chase 2012). This research article aims at changing the advertisements of alcohols, which is one of the leading reasons for binge consumption of alcohol and then violence in society. These advertisements portray masculinity in alcohol consumption that becomes abusive for healthy and intimate heterosexual relationships, which then stands in the path of prevention of domestic violence in the society. This article indicated towards the advertisements, where Australian nationalism, men and their masculinity or feminism is portrayed as the supreme power and truth due to which others are portrayed as negligible and deprived, that indicated towards inequality in the society. This influences a major section of teenagers due to which number of gender violence, intimate violence, sexual violence, child abuse and racial discriminations increases. Hence, the finding indicated towards implication of several guidelines depending on which such advertisements sponsoring domestic violence can be controlled. Further, it also mentions that the government should take necessary steps to control such advertisements that increase the chances of domestic violence within society. Moreover, this also mentions that it is the duty of every parent to provide their children with the correct information regarding alcoholism and other substance abuse so that abusing level of these can be controlled.

Therefore, from above discussion of several research articles, it becomes evident that to make changes in the mindset or to lead social reform, it is important to provide the required time and training to the society so that it can prepare itself for the upcoming changes (Berns 2017). As recommendations, the first priority should be proving the victim community with support and empathy so that they can never feel alone. Further, they should be provided with training, economic and psychological support to overcome their fear (Letellier and Island 2013). Besides these, the society including men and women should be provided with equality training so that both the gender can understand the devastating effect of domestic violence for their future generation. On the other hand, to deal with child abuse and maltreatment, parenting training programs should be arranged where parents will be provided with strategies using which they can positively improve their children’s mindset for domestic violence related situation (Chen and Chan 2012).


Domestic violence is not acceptable in any modern and developing society in any form and hence, it is important for the government and citizens to implement strategies to fight back such situation and create a society where no such violation will be faced. In this research project, discussion of child and women domestic violence related harms were discussed with the focus on sexual and physical violence and for this purpose, five research articles were included in the assignment. These articles were reviewed so that preventive measures for harms related to domestic violence can be found and implemented in the society.


Nelson, H.D., Bougatsos, C. and Blazina, I., 2012. Screening women for intimate partner violence: a systematic review to update the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. Annals of internal medicine, 156(11), pp.796-808.

Laslett, A.M., Ferris, J., Dietze, P. and Room, R., 2012. Social demography of alcohol?related harm to children in Australia. Addiction, 107(6), pp.1082-1089.

Chen, M. and Chan, K.L., 2016. Effects of parenting programs on child maltreatment prevention: A meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 17(1), pp.88-104.

Towns, A.J., Parker, C. and Chase, P., 2012. Constructions of masculinity in alcohol advertising: Implications for the prevention of domestic violence. Addiction Research & Theory, 20(5), pp.389-401.

Ellsberg, M., Arango, D.J., Morton, M., Gennari, F., Kiplesund, S., Contreras, M. and Watts, C., 2015. Prevention of violence against women and girls: what does the evidence say?. The Lancet, 385(9977), pp.1555-1566.

Capaldi, D.M., Knoble, N.B., Shortt, J.W. and Kim, H.K., 2012. A systematic review of risk factors for intimate partner violence. Partner abuse, 3(2), pp.231-280.

Zannettino, L., 2012. “… There is No War Here; It is Only the Relationship That Makes Us Scared” Factors Having an Impact on Domestic Violence in Liberian Refugee Communities in South Australia. Violence Against Women, 18(7), pp.807-828.

Brown, J. and James, K., 2014. Therapeutic responses to domestic violence in Australia: A history of controversies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of family therapy, 35(2), pp.169-184.

Berns, N.S., 2017. Framing the victim: Domestic violence, media, and social problems. Routledge.

Woodlock, D., 2017. The abuse of technology in domestic violence and stalking. Violence against women, 23(5), pp.584-602.

Letellier, P. and Island, D., 2013. Men who beat the men who love them: Battered gay men and domestic violence. Routledge.

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