Requirements And Critical Points Of Resource And SLA Management For Cloud Migration

Resource Management Challenges in Cloud Infrastructures

Remote Server Administration Tools: This is a special requirement since the Windows 8 is any need of the incorporation for server manager systems, the Microsoft management control snap-ins the Windows PowerShell cmdlets and the other suppliers. The entire arrangement for remote server administration tools for the organization also would like to include the tools that incorporates command-line and helps in controlling the features and the responsibilities for making a turn on the Windows Server 2012 (Sookhak et al., 2015). Therefore it is quite understand double case where there maybe occurrence of restricted cases and the instruments can be utilized for this purpose to oversee the parts as well as the components that keeps on running over the Windows Server 2008 R2. This entire component can also done over Windows Server 2008. The requirements in some cases can also perform at the same time for working for Windows Server 2003.

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Requirements of resource management: For cloud Infrastructures resource management has been one of the most challenging problems since the resources that it needs has heterogeneous unit. The variability of the workload and the data centre used for skin also causes the challenging problems (Amazon, 2015). It is needed that efficient management of both the physical as well as virtual resources must be achieved in any kind of infrastructure to consider the performance requirements of the application that host the infrastructure cost. this is adaptive resource management system for IaaS cloud system reinforce the learning technique for adjusting the CPU dynamically and holds the thresholds for each physical machine by keeping the memory index running periodically on a virtual machine placement optimization algorithm. In this case the cloud manager could be utilized to deliver via On Command for delivering the management core for achieving every end point of the data fabric. This will be entirely performed on the cloud environment since it helps replication of the information around the entire multi-cloud as well as hybrid storage (Varia & Mathew, 2014). It would further help in managing the expenses of the cloud storage systems.

SLA Management: The SLA management system is Vinita that is specifically used for observing the runtime performance of the entire cloud environment and the services provided to make sure that the cloud services are fulfilling the contractual QoS requirements that have been published in the SLAs. The data which is been collected by SLA monitor can you preceded by a proactively activated SLA management system and that needs to be aggregated in the reporting metrics used for the same technique (Newcombe et al., 2015. This system has a Proactive knowledge and potential of repairing or failover cloud services in every exception condition that would occur like when the SLA monitor marks Cloud Service to be performing as down. This indeed clear the factor that the movement of cloud has a number of ramifications in action. This can be further regarded as the imperative changes that occurs in the standards of SLA (Wittig & Wittig, 2016). Institutional in generally undertaking the IT groups have been finished controlling the Assets and that it can help in characterizing the SLAs as per personal choice and abilities regarding the two minutes that being closed on premises. This technique has a presentation of the open Cloud and it has a tendency of separating the conditional unconventional clouds containing the on premises and different of premises assets in stages as well on both the angles. This is where the SLAs comes into action for covering up the ability of these numerous IT atmospheres.

Adaptive Resource Management System for IaaS Cloud System

The MetaSoft board has decided, as an initial step, to move their SharePoint instance and their SQL Server 2012 Database servers to the AWS cloud in order to begin the migration process, and test their strategy. 

Describe the steps that you would include in the plan to migrate these services. (10 marks)

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What are the critical points and issues that you see occurring at each of these steps? Explain why you see these points or issues as critical. (10 marks)

The server mitigation is one of the most crucial and sophisticated task that is to be done by the organisation. Migrating the data in the amazon servers will help the organisation to keep the data more secured. This will also help the organisation in accessing the data from servers in a faster manner (Madduri et al., 2014. Further this will reduce the operational costs of the organisation and increase the work force productivity. Mitigating the data to the amazon AWS is very simple thing that is to be done. These includes five stages of data migration:

  • The first step to be to make the business planning and getting ready for the mitigation process. Understanding the portfolio, the needs between applications, and begin to consider what types of migration strategies will be needed to meet the business case objectives. This this the one of the most crucial thing that is to be done in order to mitigate the data.
  • The second stage is to discover and plan. IN this step the organisation needs to learn more about the AWS and search for applications of AWS that will be required in the organisation (Mathew & Varia, 2014). Choosing the right option is one of the major thing that is to be done.  Hence this step is to be done in a proper manner.
  • The third step is to designs the process that is needed and start the migration. This is also an important stage of the data migration policy. All the requirements are to be properly understood in this stage and then the migration process is to be started. Tare several strategies that can be used like the Rehost.   During the migration process it has to be ensured that all the data are properly migrated and nothing is left behind (Mishra, 2017). This is process must ensure that all the required checks are properly done not any data is left behind.
  • The forth step is to validate the data and the applications. The organisation must check all the data that are migrated and also check every application that is to be used in the future. The integration of the data with the applications is also an important thing that is to be done. If anything is wrong the help must be taken form the AWS managers.
  • The final step for the organisation is to operate on the applications and the data migrated. The use of the AWS enhances the working of the organisation and helps in providing extra support to the customers of the organisation.

There are many of the crucial steps and important nodes that must be taken care of while the process of the data migration is been done. The first thing that is to be ensured is that the selection of the correct applications that are to be used by the orgasaition. Choosing a false or not needed application can increase the cost and reduce the functionality of the organisation. The second most important thing that is to taken care of is the strategy through which data are been shifted (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). There are many options available for the process of the migration and the correct option must be chosen. Choosing the wrong strategy can increase the data loss and thus increasing the cost of the organisation. Validating the applications chosen is also an important prospect of migration (Ali, Khan & Vasilakos, 2015). This process ensures that the organisation has what is needed and not any wrong application or extra application are chosen. Hence it must be ensured while the process of the mitigation is on all the actions taken by the managers of the organisation is perfect. 


Ali, M., Khan, S. U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2015). Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information sciences, 305, 357-383.

Amazon, E. C. (2015). Amazon web services. Available in: https://aws. amazon. com/es/ec2/(November 2012).

Madduri, R. K., Sulakhe, D., Lacinski, L., Liu, B., Rodriguez, A., Chard, K., … & Foster, I. T. (2014). Experiences building Globus Genomics: a next?generation sequencing analysis service using Galaxy, Globus, and Amazon Web Services. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(13), 2266-2279.

Mathew, S., & Varia, J. (2014). Overview of amazon web services. Amazon Whitepapers.

Mishra, A. (2017). Amazon Web Services for Mobile Developers: Building Apps with AWS. John Wiley & Sons.

Newcombe, C., Rath, T., Zhang, F., Munteanu, B., Brooker, M., & Deardeuff, M. (2015). How Amazon web services uses formal methods. Communications of the ACM, 58(4), 66-73.

Rittinghouse, J. W., & Ransome, J. F. (2016). Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press.

Sookhak, M., Gani, A., Talebian, H., Akhunzada, A., Khan, S. U., Buyya, R., & Zomaya, A. Y. (2015). Remote data auditing in cloud computing environments: a survey, taxonomy, and open issues. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 47(4), 65.

Varia, J., & Mathew, S. (2014). Overview of amazon web services. Amazon Web Services.

Wittig, M., & Wittig, A. (2016). Amazon web services in action(p. 424). Manning.

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