Required Skills Of Managers For Efficient Business Operations
Skills required for efficient business operations
Write an essay about the “Management Skills”.
In the twenty first century, the role of managers in an organization is very fundamental. This paper is mainly focusing on the required skills of the managers that requires for running the business of an organization smoothly. To manage the day to day business of the company smoothly, the managers has to utilize his management skills properly. Managers always have to be ethical to their work and to adopt the decision about any issues of the company ethically. They should takes the appropriate decisions that not only helps the company but also he have to understand the employees perspective also (Hazlitt, et al, 2011). Problem solving skills and taking proper decision in the proper time by the managers helps the company to improve their performance. Proper communication skill is also a needed skill for the managers. A good manager has to be a good leader. Motivating the employees to their work is also a good skill of the managers. They have to maintain a good relation with their employees. For better understandings of the managers’ skills, two situations are analyzed in this paper. In both the cases the observing and proper decision taking capabilities of managers helps the company to control the situation efficiently.
The qualities a manager should possess in the organization in the twenty-first century are numerous and varied but most of them are part of the repertoire of any manager of any organization of any size. So by managers we mean the people that are responsible for the actions of the workers of the organization and directly interact with the employees. So the manager is the part of the organization that takes care of the whole process of the organization and continuous operations of the organization. The first quality a manager should possess is the quality of observation. A manager needs to be observant to the operations of the organization and the role played y each and every employee of the organization so that he can take care of the work ethics of the organization. So the observation of the employees is a vital skill that helps the manager in the allocation of duties. So he has a clear idea of what is right or wrong in the organization and the clear understanding of the culture of the organization. So the quality is important for a manager to have as he will be able to spot any breach of organizational policy in the organization (Belker and Topchik, 2005).
Except for the observation the other quality a manager should possess is the ability to discern the skill level of the different employees of the organization so that he can understand the skills required for the employees to do any specific duties so he will be aware of the qualities of the staff and the skills of an individual and their ability to accomplish task will help the manger decide if they are capable of the duties given to them or not. There is also the point of making the job challenging and pushing the boundaries of the skills of the employees to make them grow which is also one of the responsibilities of the manger that cannot be done without the skill to discern their abilities and this will also help the manager decide if the employee is using his potential and the organization is getting the full effort of the employee or not (Blanchard, Zigarmi and Zigarmi, 1985).
In the Richmond case the employee who was not valuable to the organization was instantly dismissed from the organization but the same manager of the organization is thinking about the decision carefully when a much more valuable employee of the organization Henry the chief of operations commits a similar crime by breaching the protocol of the company. In the same way in the sharp styles case the employees that took sick leave from the organization are making the manager worried because she knows that the employees are valuable for the organization and any disciplinary step on the employees will reflect badly upon her as she will be held responsible for the drop of performance of the organization (Hazlitt, Chandler and Paulin, 2011).
The managers of any company have a great role in the smooth running, profits maximization of any company. As the observation skills are among the vital skills of the managers, they should properly utilize their observation skills before taking any decision. Mangers also have to understand the employees’ point of view before taking any decision against him. Every successful manger is a great leader (MANAGER., 1941). As a leader, mangers should properly communicate with their employees and also motivate them to their work such that the company can obtain better performance from them. The effective communication with the staffs of the company also helps the company to perform better (Vitale, 2003). The managers should take fair and ethical decision and also they should not be partial to any of their employees. In the first case of the manger of the Richmond Company dismiss a comparatively less valuable employee of the company without pay attention his argument. But when the manger gets know about the Henry, the chief operating officer of the company doing the same offence, he decides to think again about his decision of dismissing the lower rank employees. In this case, using his observing skills the manager decides to take proper decision as per the real situation. In the second case, the manager is also worried about the performance of the employees as she knows that employees’ performance is most vital for the improvement of the business. So, in both the cases, the skills of the managers help the company to get rid of the unexpected situation and this also shows the mangers involvement in improving the performance of the company.
The manager needs to be an ever present figure in the mind of the employees of the organization and the manager should be helpful and observant of the employees. So there is the skill set of the managers that has been described before in the essay to make sure that the employees understand the implication of the steps taken by the mangers and the reasons of the steps and the manager should appear unbiased in the eyes of an employee and he should be a figure of perfection of the organizational culture and decorum. There is also the practice of the employees which makes the managers a larger than life figure and if the manager flaunts his hold over the employees and his power is exercised carelessly it could sow the seeds of dissent in the minds of the employees. So a manager needs to be a figure of perfect unbiased behavior that makes the employees understands that the manager is an example to be followed and his decisions are based on the wellbeing of the employees as well as the organization. So the employees of any organization and the manger needs to have a good working relationship where the manager is an approachable figure who will be willing to listen to the problems of the employees and the employees can approach him for instructions on the operations of the organization and if anyone is unclear of their role in the organization they can approach the manager for assistance (MANAGER., 1941). So the role of the manager is to remain above the normal operations of the organization but be aware of all the staff and their skills and the steps taken by them to make sure that the employees understand that the manager is their guide and not their observer. Then the employees can have good and productive relationship with the manager and the people of the organization will be aware of the fact that the manager is aware of their action. This relation is based on the cooperation of the staff and the manager and the employees of the organization and the performance of the organization will both benefit from the role of the manager if it is fulfilled carefully. So the relation between the manager and the employees is dependent on the approach of the manager and his method of controlling the workforce and guiding their efforts in the right path. So the effort of the manager is unbiased and sympathetic then the relation of the manager and the employees will prosper (Vitale, 2003).
The desired skills of the managers that are needed for improving the performance of the company are discussed in this paper. All managers have to utilize their observing power to take proper decision for the company as well as employees. In the given two cases, the respective managers are concerned for the performance of the company and also they properly utilize their observing power to take appropriate decision for the company. The effective communication between the mangers and their employees also helps the managers to understand the perspectives of the employees and they also are able to motivate their employees to their work such that the performance of the company gets increased.
Belker, L. and Topchik, G. (2005). The first-time manager. New York, N.Y.: AMACOM.
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Hazlitt, W., Chandler, D. and Paulin, T. (2011). The manager. Cambridge: ProQuest LLC.
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Vitale, A. (2003). Manager. Broomall, Pa.: Mason Crest Publishers.
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