Report On Working With And Leading People
Recruitment process
Discuss about a Report on Working with and leading people?
Recruitment planning and process is done by the human resource management of the company. The process is planned as per the requirements of the company. Procedure followed for recruitment has being discussed in this report. Job description and legal regulatory process has to be defined as this would help in selecting the best method that would be useful in introducing the best recruitment process. The process followed for recruitment has to be reported to the management. This would help in reducing the operational expenses related to the recruitment process.
Recruitment procedure can be adopted and implemented by the human resource department of the company after evaluating the job description. Vacancy plan highlights the human requirements for the company, along with the number of candidates required for task execution. Recruitment plan includes analysing the posting period and evaluating the posting goals. Job description highlights the specific requirements of the candidates who would be recruited for the job. Selection of candidates through interview, screening and testing process are some of the steps that are followed by the human resource department of the company (Dess and Shaw, 2001).
The job specification needs to mention the skills, qualification, and experience possessed by the candidate. This helps in selecting the right type of candidate who will be suitable for the job. While planning for the interview process, it is necessary to highlight the requirements for the job, as this will help in implementing the right type of recruitment plan.
The process adopted by the human rescore department managers has to be clear, reliable and effective. This will encourage the management to recruit suitable candidate who can handed the job requirements in the right manner.
Legal regulatory factors include communicating with the new employees the benefits or other factors that needs to be followed by the members. This is associated with the benefits that will be provided to the staffs, legal implications or actions that would be taken against the employees for breach of contract, type of employment, and other factors (Miyake, 2002).
Ethical consideration includes following the principles that has been developed by the organization. While recruiting and selection process for the staffs, ethical factors considered are respecting people, handling issues associated with insecurity of jobs, and following the legislative requirements. The process and the methods followed by the managers will be clearly defined as this will help in improving the performance (Kaplan, Norton, 2004).
Legal regulatory, and ethical consideration to recruitment and selection process
The selection process proposed to be adopted by the management or the HR department has to be planned. This would help in achieving the desired target, without losing time and efforts on the same. At first the method expected to be followed for recruitment has to be communicated with the managers. It can be done directly by the managers or indirectly through agencies. This would help in selecting the best candidates who would be able to help in improving the performance of the company.
Selection process needs to define the criteria’s that would be analysed for recruiting the staffs. Some of the factors that are checked while analysing the ability of the staffs includes qualification, knowledge of the members, and experience. These are the process followed for streamlining the suitable candidates for the job (Whitmell Associates, 2004).
As a recruitment manager, it is necessary to draft and implement an effective selection process that will help in recruiting suitable candidates. The time period and the process necessary to be followed for the task execution have to be communicated with the members. This helps in executing the task in the right manner. Recruitment of the staffs from external factors is an expensive task. The members have to do the right things as this will help in selecting the best candidates.
Job requirements from different departments have to be analysed. This is done through job description method. Members can be selected after considering the requirements for the job. Expectations of the management and other factors have to be interacted with the new members. This will help in improving the relationship between the management and the new members. The manager has to ensure that the decided steps and process are effectively followed by the human resource department. Strategy prepared for selection and recruitment is implemented while conducting the interview process (Walker, 2009).
Skills and attributes required for leadership
Skilled and effective leadership skills help the managers to overcome the underlying challenges at the workplace. Some of the skills and attributes required for task performances are –
Communication – leaders need to adopt uninterrupted and precise communication method. It is essential to hear the views of other individual, as it helps in handing the challenges associated with communication (Gompers et al., 2003).
Organizing – The tasks assigned to the team members has to be organized. This would mitigate the challenges that exist at the workplace.
Report for selecting process followed
Fair process – Team members have to be treated equally, and for this fair method have to be adopted by the leaders.
Integrity – This is viewed as the respect of the individuals towards the objectives that has been designed by the management. Task performances are quite important as it helps in achieving the desired task in the right manner.
Negotiator – Disputes and disagreements has to be sorted out by the leader, who assume an important position in the company.
The process of leadership and management has to go hand-in-hand. There is a vast difference between both the terms. Management draft the plan to execute the job, and organize different factors that are associated with the task performance. Leaders and leadership skills on the other hand, motivate the team members to work towards the goal achievement. Management of the company are the administrators, who are entrusted with the task of expecting the performance oriented task for the company. Important decisions about the business execution and the process expected to be introduced for executing the tasks are drafted and introduced by the management (Quigley, 2007).
Leaders on the other hand communicate the job requirements with the team members, and ensure that the task in done in the right manner. Differences between the groups of individuals and the members are effectively handled by the managers or leaders. This is an important factor, which ensures the management to do right things for improving the business performance (Jordan et al., 2008).
Mr Worthy followed autocratic method of leadership style. The leader reviewed the work performed by the staffs of the company, by analysing the report that was provide day the manager. Decision about the management process and the strategic changes were introduced after evaluating the contents presented in the report. There was no coordination and communication between the manager and the staffs of the company. Jobs and its requirement were mentioned to the members. Performance of the members was regularly checked and corrective measures were taken to implement necessary business related changes (Turknett et al., 2005).
MS Hogan followed participate style of leadership. In this method, the leader communicated with the staffs to analyse the challenges faced while performing the tasks. Team members were permitted to discuss the issue, for which a solution had to be found. The manager believed in creating an effective management process, which would encourage the staffs to improve the business performance.
Contribution as recruitment manager
MS Hogan was an active leader, who would communicate with the members of the company. The process was followed to find the challenges and introduce an effective method through which the production activities can be improved. However, it was equally important to motive the staffs working for the company. In order to encourage the members and encourage to achieve the objectives for the company, the below mentioned steps has to be followed-
Introduce an effective incentive payment method
Organize reward system for facilitating best performing staffs of the company
Create positive and practice work culture, why would encourage the staffs to work towards the goal achievement
Analyse the challenges faced by the members, and introduce the best process for overpowering the issue.
Motivated staffs of the company tend to increase the business performance, which was one of the important factors that would contribute towards the growth of the business (Turknett Leadership Group, 2005).
Teamwork improves the business performance, and mitigates the differences that exist between the members. Team leaders encourage the staffs of the company to work towards the goal achievement which is one of the important factors through which the business objectives for the company can be achieved. The method adopted and implemented for increasing the business performance is an important factor as it helps the management to work on the challenges that can affect the business performance. Some of the benefits associated with the team work are –
Improved morale – Team members can develop and follow great moral values, which is necessary for the conduct of the business activities. Positive attitude of the team members would encourage the staffs to undertake the challenging tasks that exist at the workplace (Alexandra et al., 2009).
Improved flexibility – Flexible team members are trained to undertake different challenging tasks that could affect the business objectives. Team members are aware of the task that needs to be done for achieving the desired goals. The tasks are evaluated and corrective measures are implemented for increasing the performance (Chang et al., 2004).
Innovation – The members of the team work on developing innovative methods for task execution. This is required for the smooth conduct of the business activities. The challenges and other factors associated with the task performance can be overpowered by implementing effective changes within the system.
The goals and the team performance can be allocated to the team members. Immediate action for increasing the business performance and overpowering the challenges can be introduced by the management.
The members of the team are responsible for performing the tasks that has been allocated by the management and the team leader. While performing the tasks, the challenges faced for improving the production activities can be communicated with the leaders. Team members can share knowledge and the process through which the quality of the task performance can be improved (Christina, Gursoy, 2009). This is one of the important factors that would help in achieving the desired task that has been highlighted by the management. Team members can be a part of the decision making process, but are not entrusted with the responsibility to make decision on behalf of the leaders and the management. Members of the company are expected to work together and overpower the challenges that can affect the business performance.
Team leader is responsible for drafting plans for task performance. The leader has to manage the team and ensure that different tasks are performed as it was extended by the members. The challenges or issues existing between the team members have to be mitigated by the managers. This is done by introducing improved techniques that would help in overpowering the challenges that exists at the workplace. It is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that the right process is followed for task execution (Chen et al., 2006).
Management of the company prepare business goals, which is communicated with the leaders and the staffs. Task allocation and control process is done by the leaders. As a team, the members are responsible for performing the tasks that has been allocated by the management. The steps expected to be followed by the members has to be informed to the managers. This would help in increasing the quality of task performance and adopting the best strategies for increasing the business performance. The goal of the company is to increase the value of customer satisfaction. This can be done by introducing the changes that are essential for handling the customer requirements and implementing the right process, through which the changes can be implemented. The changes have to be designed and implemented by the management in an effective manner. Different tasks expected to be performed by the managers and the team has to be planned. This will help in achieving the goals that has been drafted by the management (Barry, 2000).
Factors involved in planning and monitoring the work performance
The tasks have to be allocated to the members of the team. This has to be done after analysing the strengths and weakness of the team members. Effective training process can be introduced by the management. This would help the team members to adopt the best strategies that will improve the business performance. The objective of the company is it improves customer satisfaction. Different factors affecting the quality of customer services within the company have to be analysed. This will help in implementing the challenges that can affect the business performance. Some of the planning and monitoring process included for analysing the challenges faced while expecting the tasks is as follows –
Differences between management and leadership
Highlight the changes that are expected to be implemented by the company for increasing the performance (Hughes, 2007).
Include individual performance evaluation process, through which the required changes within the performance can be implemented
Implement effective changes that will help the members to adopt the best process that will be useful in increasing the performance.
The plan for analysing and developing the individual needs of the employees or the team members is an important factor. Such a task is performed by the managers and the leaders of the company. Through this method, the expectations and preferences of the employees of the company are analysed. This helps in adapting and implementing an effective strategy that would help in increasing the business performance (Lassâad Lakhal, Federico, 2008).
Analysis for the individual performance incudes –
analysing the needs and preferences of the employees
Develop different methods and process through which the tasks of analysing the needs of the clients can be evaluated.
Introduce the right process, that would help in improving the business performance
The plan is to introduce an effective system for analysing the performance of the company. Individual developmental plan has to be related to the goals and objectives outlined by the company. The methods expected to be followed for achieving the targeted goals has to be associated with the process that will be followed for achieving the desired task. The plan and the method have to be communicated with the members. This will help in increasing the coordination between the staffs and the management of the company (Patricia, Jay, 2007).
The assessment process adopted and implemented by the management is to increase the team performance and productivity for the company. In this process, the steps expected to be followed for achieving the desired task and the methods through which the members would be encouraged to work towards the goal achievement has to be discussed (Park, 2009).
The steps and the process expected to be followed for the conduct of the assessment method has to be interacted with the members. Changes are introduced in order to encourage the members to adopt the best strategies that will help in increasing the business performance. The assessment process can be prepared to be evaluated on a monthly basis, as this will enable the management and the leaders to analyse the challenges that can affect the performance. Necessary changes within the assessment process can be introduced after evaluating the challenges involved with the method. This will help the management to adopt the best and reliable methods through which the required changes can be introduced within the company (Lyons, F.H., Ben-Ora, 2002).
Leadership style of Mr Worthy and MS Hogan
The manager of the company play an important role in simplifying the task related to recruitment. In this process, the importance of the team work and the process that needs to be followed for improving the business performance has to be defined. The managers of the company have to motivate the staffs, as this will increase the business performance for the company. Strategies prepared and followed by the management differ, depending upon the requirements of the company.
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