Report On Strengths Of Leadership And Personal Qualities With Working Experience
Leadership Strengths and Qualities
Discuss about the Developing Career Prospect and Skill Development.
This reflection report presents my strength of leadership. It also describes my quality with theory. It also illustrates my working experience in Singapore. This reflection report also depicts my personal qualities, experience, and attributes and also illustrates the reason behind this. It also illustrates the personal and professional effectiveness on the basis of quality. This report also determines certain challenges, which are faced by me in the workshop exercises. It also explains my strength that is different from others. It also discusses my qualities that would be effective to make future professional development.
I had leadership skill as my strength. I have succeeded in bringing people together at the workplace. This leadership skill would be beneficial for me to work together with team member at the workplace. I will apply my strength to become a good leader by understanding the needs of employees and talk to them on a personal level. I have quality of becoming business leader as I will apply this quality to listen to the concern of employees and understand their problem. As well as, I will try to bring people together in a way that does not leave people out. I have analysed that most of the employees have followed my guidelines due to my friendly nature with them. Further, I have a vision that I want to accomplish in the future. This skill would be applied by me to allocate the responsibilities to each employee at the workplace. I have motivation skill as I will apply this skill to persuade the workforces towards their work. I have knowledge about the motivational theory as I will apply my knowledge to understand the needs of workforces and motivate them. I will also consider different monetary and non-monetary factors to increase the contribution of employees at the workplace. These factors would be rewards, promotions, recognition, bonus, and incentives (Northouse, 2018). I have grown my skills from taking risks and failing and from making mistakes. For example, when I was working in Charles and Keith, Singapore then I tried to motivational tactics, which has backfired and led to low morale. I had gained my learning from that mistake by experiencing what went wrong.
Strengths are the qualities and abilities that an individual has to get benefits and successful. Along with this, I had used behavioural theory to lead the workforces. This theory defines that a how a leader should behave at the workplace (Parkay, Anctil and Hass, 2014). As per the behavioural theory, I have democratic leadership skills. Democratic leader enables the team member to offer input before decision making. The extent of input could be differing from leader to leader. This leadership style would be applied by me in terms of team agreement matter. However, it could be complex for me to manage the different perspectives and belief of person (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). This theory would be also applied by me to lead the people in an effective and efficient manner.
Application of Strengths and Qualities in the Workplace
I have communication skill, which is a trait of becoming a good leader. I have applied this skill to interact with both lower and higher level of employees in an organization. For effective communication, I had discussed about the importance of departmental work to persuade the employees towards their work. When I was working in The Cocoa Trees, Singapore then, as a good communicator, I had informed the staffs about changes and updates of the project. For this communication, I held a regular meeting to make sure that all staff member is aware of the project status. I had used my leadership quality as strength for increasing productivity of the company. I had team building skill that is effective to get growth in my career. I have worked in Charles and Keith, Singapore, where I had utilized my team building skill to encourage employees to work together. Consequently, it was effective to get higher productivity and improve morale. In this company, I have learned that team leader should ask with their employees about departmental functions and process as it could help them to feel that they are a prominent part of the team. At the same time, when I was in Charles and Keith, Singapore, then I had no decision-making skills. But, from the experience, I have improved my communication skills to make a prompt and fast decision. In this way, I have learned that individual should understand the scope of work that employees handle, the concern of supervisor and financial constraints. It is evaluated that leader should be thoughtful, analytical and committed at the time of making a good decision (Lussier and Achua, 2015). I would apply my communication skill in an organization as it would be effective to enhance my career. In addition, I have interacting skills that I can apply in the prospect company. As a leader, I am a passion for my responsibility that I do and feel it is significant for me. This skill could be beneficial to motivate the employees for becoming more productive. I have also developed my experience that leader should praise their employees in case they do a good job. As a result, it would be beneficial to improve the morale of employees.
A leader has a wide range of qualities, attributes, and experience, which possess leadership skill as strength. These qualities are a good communicator, organized, fair and kind, integrity, influential, confident in the team, respectful to others, willing to delegate, powerful facilitator, and a skilled negotiator (Day, et. al., 2014). I have these qualities, which possess my leadership strength. I had applied these qualities in my previous and current organization to improve the productivity of an organization. I had also applied these qualities in my personal life in terms of communicating with others. As a team leader, I had communicated clearly as effective verbal and written communication skills permitted me to demonstrate the expectation to subordinates in a way that they want to comprehend. This skill also allows a leader to listen the input of other (Dinh, et. al., 2014). I had also an organizational skill, which aids me to plan strategies and objectives. It also enables the team member to act optimally. It is evaluated that organized team leader can organize to a team member by making an environment with regards to keeping order and instructing team member for attaining goal and objectives of the company (McFadden, Stock and Gowen III, 2015). This quality is effective for me to enhance my personal as well as professional career. Further, I have confident skills that are effective for me to make a secure decision regarding team members. As a self-confident team leader, I had reassured to my team members for their authority within an organization. I have also fair and kind qualities that would be applied by me in my personal as well as professional life. This quality had utilized by a leader to treat team member fairly (Latham, 2014). I have also used this approach in terms of offering rewards, recognition and disciplinary action. As a fair leader, I had ensured that all employees should receive the same treatment. In addition, I have integrity quality, which would be applied by me in my personal and professional career to get growth. As an integrated team leader, I was open and honest with my team members. When I was working in Charles and Keith, Singapore, I have learned that leaders who possess integrity could build the trust among their team members because leaders perform what the employees say and treat others the same manner that employees wanted to be treated. This experience was effective for me to enhance my professional career in the future. I had also worked as a powerful facilitator in Charles and Keith, Singapore in terms of providing support to my employees to understand their goals. This skill will aid me to organize the action plan and ensure team members for meeting their objective and goal in an effective and efficient manner. As a result, this skill has not only developed my personal life but also improve my professional career.
Challenges Faced by the Leader
I find it challenging when I come to group discussion in the class as each individual has their different point of view and opinion. I had also faced communication issue as there were some people who were talking too much and smothering the staff with too many facts. For instance, some people tend to dominate each conversation as well as some workers were unable to reply to demand. They made some statement rather than asking the question with me and also asserted wrong assumption and belief as facts. I had also faced the confronting challenges in terms of filling the management vacancies. I found difficulties to address the internal and external talent. I had also faced challenges to build the team due to lack of diverse skills and interests. In my team, members belong to similar skills and interest as it had created complexities to attain the purpose of the team. When I was working in Charles and Keith, Singapore, then there was lack of a strong leader to guide the team hence team has lost morale and declined their productivity. Further, in my current organization, I have faced difficulty to lead the team member as people have different thoughts from each other in a group. Hence, they do not coordinate to each other for meeting the goals. Moreover, there were some people, who were not interested to attend the training program as it creates complexities for me to gain productivity of an organization. I have also faced challenges due to lack of understanding among team members about their particular roles. They were also not interested to follow through with their responsibilities as a team member has not gained their productivity. Leaders could confront challenges due to the poor working environment in the organization (Kalish and Luria, 2016). Team members were not willing to share the file, communicate with others and monitoring of tasks as, it unable the employees to attain the goal of the company. I have also faced complexities due to inadequate training. When I was working in Charles and Keith, Singapore, then the company had not passed a budget for resources and time to provide training. It is assessed that working with minimally trained staff needs a leader to spend more time for monitoring the employees (Chemers, 2014). I have also observed that the inadequate training almost take assurance that employees will have suffered challenges to perform their responsibilities.
Communication Skills
It is found that I have communication skills hence I was competent to communicate more effectively in a workshop with my team members. I have also outgoing personality as I often perform best in the position in which I have to get interact with other people. I offer friendly and supportive customer services and also enhance the attitude of other employees by being happy and positive. But, at the same time, I cannot flourish in positions that stay them behind a closed door and separated from others. I cannot work in the position of information technology as there is need to work behind a computer all day. I cannot do account payable job as it does not require more interaction with vendors and other staff members as these jobs are not suitable with my extroverted personality.
I always believe about the big picture as I not only see where my company is now but also I think that where it should be in the future. I make a creative and broad plan, which is intended to maintain the company moving forward. I also think about new initiatives to solve the current issues. But, I am unable to execute the broad plans. I am not detail oriented people as I faced difficulty to move in the existing direction of the company. However, if I worked on the project then I will execute it with the smallest detail as there could be complexities to attain the goal. I am often organized and maintain the records hence the project could be recreated later if required. As a result, my leadership strength would be beneficial to run the company.
I have leadership quality that would be beneficial to grow in professional career. In this way, I have used my leadership quality to coordinate the team member and effectively communicate with others. I have also used this quality to avoid the conflict among team member as it was effective to increase the efficiency of staffs within an organization. I have also used my leadership quality to influence the team member towards their work. I will gather the feedback from my subordinates about myself in order to improve my strength. I will also assess my capacity by comparing my skills with the standard as it would be beneficial to improve my strength.
I have developed my understanding about the Johari window. In this way, it is stated that the Johari window is a tool, which aids people to better understand their association with others and themselves. It is a self-assessment technique that is used to evaluate the personal characteristics of individuals. There are four quadrants such as arena, Facede, Blind Spot, and Unknown. These are discussed as below:
It demonstrates characteristics of person as it could know by both others and individuals himself (Chemers, 2014).
Team Building Skills
It is concealed individual attitude that is known by himself but these characteristics are unknown by others. It means individual is aware to their attitude or characteristics while other people are not aware to the same.
The blind spot demonstrates characteristics of individual that is known by the other people while individuals are not aware to the same (Dinh, et al., 2014)
It considers all the personal traits of individuals as it would unknown by both other and individuals. This method could not be effective because it facilitates to collective ignorance of such traits (Dinh, et al., 2014)
From the above discussion, it could be concluded that I have leadership quality, which is my strength. During the workshop exercises, I have faced different challenges due to diverse people, and ineffective leader. I will develop my strength by using different tools such as self-assessment and peer feedback. I will also use my leadership quality, attributes and experience to make future development.
Chemers, M. (2014) An integrative theory of leadership. UK: Psychology Press.
Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., and McKee, R. A. (2014) Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25 years of research and theory, The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp. 63-82.
Dinh, J. E., Lord, R. G., Gardner, W. L., Meuser, J. D., Liden, R. C., and Hu, J. (2014) Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives, The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp. 36-62.
Goetsch, D. L., and Davis, S. B. (2014) Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Kalish, Y., and Luria, G. (2016) Leadership emergence over time in short-lived groups: Integrating expectations states theory with temporal person-perception and self-serving bias. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(10), P. 1474.
Latham, J. R. (2014) Leadership for quality and innovation: Challenges, theories, and a framework for future research, Quality Management Journal, 21(1), pp. 11-15.
Lussier, R. N., and Achua, C. F. (2015) Leadership: Theory, application, and skill development. UK: Nelson Education.
McFadden, K. L., Stock, G. N., and Gowen III, C. R. (2015) Leadership, safety climate, and continuous quality improvement: impact on process quality and patient safety, Healthcare management review, 40(1), pp. 24-34.
Northouse, P. G. (2018) Leadership: Theory and practice. USA: Sage publications.
Parkay, F. W., Anctil, E. J., and Hass, G. (2014) Curriculum leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs. UK: Prentice Hall.