Report On Leading A Cross-functional Team To Analyse And Update The Health And Safety Policy Of An Organisation

Team Objectives

Care Malta is an old age home, it provides the services to the old people. It provides the services such as residential services, nursing, independent living for an older person, specialized dementia care, nursing and independent living for an older person. Since 1993, it is a leader in the care sector. It provides the accommodation facility to the old age people  with the vast majority of the new resident. It takes care of the 1300 residents with the 1000 employees who are highly dedicated and well trained in their work. The role of the housekeeper is to manage all the resources of the care home by keeping the health and safety policy in mind (Care Malta, 2018).

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In this report, Peer team has been formed by considering the objectives to achieve the goals and to provide the facility to people who are neglected by their children. Team focus is to do the work together but they face many challenges during the task allocation or delegate the authority.

Bond the team members:

It has been analysed that the team is formed by collecting the new ideas and suggestions to achieve the objective of the organisation. Objective of the company can be achieve by making the good relation among the members (Costa, Passos, and Bakker, 2014).

Team formation is a kind of motivation for the team members. It is necessary for the members to work with the team and support each other. A member can inspire by the other one. The objective of team formation is to motivate the members for their work.

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The main objective of the team formation is to remove the conflict between the members. Working together builds the strong relationship between the members and tries to reduce the conflict (Rahim, 2017).

It has been analysed that Health and safety is the major consideration for an organisation. Health and safety is an essential for an organisation as well as the human resources. The workplace should be safe for the people who are doing their work. It is the responsibility of a housekeeper to keep the environment safe or clean. The care home reduces the various risks in many ways.

A housekeeper should take care of the electric or other dangerous equipment. Housekeeper has the responsibility to keep the environment safe and clean by arranging the asset or checking the equipment.

Housekeeper should be preparing for unhappening events. Care Malta has the responsibility to train the staff for fire prevention. Care Malta has to provide the prevention equipment to the housekeeper for the safety.


Housekeeper should know about the use of first aid kit. Care Malta has to make sure that first aid kit is available to the staff or not. It is the duty of the company to provide the first aid kit to the housekeepers and staff. It has to provide the training to the housekeeper for the safety during the accident (Karthik, 2015).

Care Malta has to make the rules for no smoking in the organisation. It is the duty of Housekeeper to paste the paper of no smoking in the organisation area or to ensure that no one smoke in the organisation area.

It has been evaluated that the team members can be motivated by fulfilling their needs.

It can be said that team can be motivated by satisfying their necessary needs or by giving respect to their values (Poston, 2009).

It has been analysed that the team faces many challenges with the help of the Tuckman model.

Task allocated to the members as per their ability. It develops the feeling of biases in the members that causes the conflict between members. In the care home, conflict is a big problem and it has a negative impact on the old people’s health. Due to the conflict between the members, they behave independently which decreases their goodwill.

Peer team is made to collect the ideas or work together. During the collecting ideas, different ideas competing with each other that are badly affected the home or the people who live there. This phase breaks the relations between the members that badly affect the services of the home. The members focus on consensus instead of completing the task that creates the problem for the care home. Old age home is not surviving long term with the incomplete services. It is a major duty of an organisation to provide the good quality of life to the people who live there. In this case, the housekeeper is playing an important role to keep the environment peaceful and healthy by giving a suggestion or to remove the conflict between them. Peer team also has a responsibility to take care of the services and completing the task (Lemons, and Strong, 2016).

After training the team, the housekeeper has to take the step back and analyse their work. in this stage, the team has to trust themselves and give their best in completing the task by the following the rules and values suggested by the leader. In this case, team leader faces the risk that is team losses their self-confidence or their own creativity and reach at the point of failure (Lawlor, and Allred, 2017).

Health and Safety Policy

In this stage, the team members have a right to take their own decisions with the suggestion of every team member. The members should participate in decision-making and encouraged each other for their views. In this case, there is a minor risk of communication in business which affects the relation of team members (Nardone, Johnson, and Vitulano, 2018).

This is the last stage of the team in which the team is broken into the parts for the self-development. In this case, team members are independent to do the work. They take their own decisions and complete their task by following the rules and values of the Care Malta (Natvig, and Stark, 2016).

It is observed that a team face many issues at the time of task allocation or the negotiation process. By forming a team, conflict is reduces but in many time a leader has to solve the disputes among the members. A team has to corporate each other and do the work which is allocated by the leader.


From the above analysis, it has been concluded that the Care Malta provides the excellent services to the old age people who are abandoned by their children. It provides the accommodation facility to the old age people thus; it is a duty of Care Malta to take care of the health or to protect them from an unhappening event. Care Malta has to make more valuable health and safety policy to protect them. It is observed that the housekeeper has a major role in protecting the people by following the policy. Housekeeper should make a team to work together or to allocate the task as per their ability. In this case, the housekeeper faces many challenges that affect the organisation, and people who live there. It has been analysed that the care home has a lot of risks to form the team.


Care Malta. (2018) Who we are. [online] Available from: [Accessed 1/08/18].

Costa, P. L., Passos, A. M., and Bakker, A. B. (2014) Teamwork engagement: A model of emergence. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87(2), pp. 414-436.

Karthik, M. (2015) A New Trend in Hotel Housekeeping Practices and Challenges. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(6).

Lawlor, K. N. and Allred, S. (2017) Group Development and Integration in a Cross-Disciplinary and Intercultural Research Team. Environmental management, 59(4), pp. 665-683.

Lemons, L. and Strong, J. (2016) Developing Teamwork and Team Leadership Skills through Service Learning. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 89(1), p.18.

Nardone, M .J., Johnson, N. D. and Vitulano, L. A. (2018) Executive coaching as an organizational intervention: Benefits and challenges of a team of coaches working with multiple executives in a client system. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 117-134.

Natvig, D. and Stark, N. L. (2016) A Project Team Analysis Using Tuckman’s Model of Small-Group Development. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(12), pp. 675-681.

Poston, B. (2009) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The Surgical Technologist, 41(8), pp. 347-353.

Rahim, M. A. (2017) Managing conflict in organizations. Oxon: Routledge.

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