Report On Employees As Customers For Exploring Service Climate, Employee Patronage, And Turnover
Learning Log 1
Discuss about a Report on Employees as customers for Exploring service climate, employee patronage, and turnover ?
As referred to in the first learning session that highlights on the concept of managing the individual and the team, it is my personal opinion that the session has been quite effective in attaining its objective of reaching out to the students like us and make us understand thoroughly about the importance of managerial skills or more specifically “people management skills.” This skill is increasingly needed by organizational managers to deal with all the members in the most appropriate manner and develop teams that are supportive and coordinated to a great extent. Some of the key emphases of the session were the existence of the external environmental factors that influence on the building up of management skills, the differences between the approaches such as coaching and mentoring to be used for developing management skills, understanding the systematic approaches to recruit, select and retain staff, and various other functionalities of organizational management (Diekman, 2007). The session imparted me the significant learning about the need to practice high-performing organizational cultures, the significant ways to achieve desired performance from the teams along with removal of generic barriers to effective employee engagement, and also about specific approaches to enhance the performance and commitment of employees in the organization. The learning session provided me with the experience of developing some essential managerial attribute requisites to understand professional practice, the ability to question principles, boundaries and practices. It enables me to think independently, creatively and analytically and also engaging in an imaginative manner into the innovative areas of investigation (Abston and Kupritz, 2011). The session was truly beneficial as it imparted me with the basic knowledge of what management is all about. Previously I had imagined management to be just a field that ensures arrangement of organizational resources to lead to the final productivity and profit. Now I know that my knowledge was incomplete. Management is much more than that. It is about human beings and the focus upon making people capable of performing in a combined manner to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. This is the reason the concept of management is quite critical and that everyone may not get the depth of it. The knowledge that I have gathered from the session would help me through my entire life to build some of the most essential managerial skills within myself that would enable me to grow up to a person that I have always objected to as an organizational manager (Abston and Kupritz, 2011). This would not only make me effective as a professional individual but also as a human being. I would acquire the most effective skills of being a people’s manager and develop supportive and effective teams within my organization to lead in the competitive environment.
Learning Log 2
This learning section is another beneficial session that imparted a lot of good knowledge and information. This session of the course enabled to understand the real feel of being a manager. It is based on the principle that many learners aim at succeeding. They are generally capable of succeeding but simply lack the belief that they can do so. The session taught me about the true essence of being a manager, their roles in the business environment, the distinctions between managers and leaders, etc (Gamble, Lincoln and Adamson, 2007). The information is highly essential before getting into this field of management. Previously I had only little knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of a manager. Now, that this session has provided me with a big picture that a manager is responsible for fulfilling the particular purposes and mission of the organization he belongs to; he makes work even more productive and helps other members to achieve their goals; he also manages social impacts as well as social responsibilities. It emphasized on the Drucker’s Five operations for Managers, that it sets objectives to describe what needs to be done and executed; organizes and analyses the activities and creates organizational culture as well as selection of staffs; he motivates as well as communicates with the entire team and describe them their personal responsibilities; measures the performances delivered by the staff based on their goals; and dedicates increasingly to develop people into effective employees (Goksoy and Alayoglu, 2013). The learning session mean a valuable source of information for me as I learnt the interpersonal roles of managers as highlighted by Mintzberg. A manager has figurehead role, leader role, and liaison role. I became more aware with the concept of management that it is a social process that entails responsibility for the effective as well as economical planning and regulation of the enterprise operations with respect to the objectives of tasks. This responsibility involves making decisions in determining plans as in using data to control performance as well as progress against plans (Shipper and Davy, 2002). It may be reflected that this learning session guided me through my goal of understanding the concept in a better way. Another significant focus of the session is the management philosophies that include mutual trust and respect, involvement and availability, positive action on an individual basis, culture of management, staff and customer satisfaction, recognition and credit, fair and equitable treatment, and lastly emphasis on results (Hailesilasie, 2009). It even imparted me with the knowledge about the Management Standards Centre that was responsible to draw up the National Occupational Standards for managers in the year 2004. The standards state the level of performance as expected in employment for managers. I learnt that the MSC aimed at helping development of skilled managerial workforce through a national recognized scheme of standards for managers approved by education providers as well as employers (Smith, 2005).
Learning Log 3
The third learning session is all about managing teams by a manager. Teams play significant role in organizational deliverance. The session has been extremely useful and resourceful as it imparted with the learning. It highlights the distinctions between teams and groups along with the techniques for team development. The session provided me with the increased knowledge about managing multinational teams and also managing diverse groups within the organization. This session explained me about the factors that typically inhibit the designing, development as well as delivery of employee management skills (Houger, 2006). It also made me understand the business or legal or ethical rationale for a systematic approach towards employee management approaches. While through with the session learning, I learnt that teams would usually comprise of individuals with similar interests and complementary skills. I have learnt that teams must work together for achieving goals (Wickramasinghe and Dabere, 2012). It emphasized that teams cannot complete the task without there being effective team members. This is also reflective that teams tend to respond towards challenges that are set by the organizational management, where management sets the goals. These have increased control over how they meet the objectives (Hutchinson and Purcell, 2010). The learning session has imparted with the knowledge that teams are considered to be basic performance units that most organizations possess to accomplish objectives. This is helpful for my personal knowledge as it would enable me to act exactly the manner I am supposed to within organizational context. The prior knowledge would ensure that I inculcate all the requite attributes of a team player before I expose myself to the professional front. The session enabled me to identify that as a team member my role would be to enhance self-awareness as well as personal effectiveness (Ángel Calderón Molina et al., 2014). I may foster mutual trust as well as understanding amidst members. I would also successfully improve my strategy of selecting teams and building concrete teams. I am well aware that each of the team members would possess some weakness or drawbacks which are inevitable; but this would not mean that the team would become ineffective (Ippolito, n.d.). It is important that the strengths are utilized in the most effective manner to reap its fruits. The session provided me with the knowledge about the virtual teams and how these operate to achieve objectives of effective performance. There are factors that are influential in the level of performances. It is beneficial to go through the session as it imparted me with the knowledge of teams and what are they like. Teams play major roles in framing the organizational functionalities and how there would contribute in organizational performances (Jeon, Younghwa, 2010). The session imparted me the significant learning about the need to practice high-performing organizational cultures, the significant ways to achieve desired performance from the teams along with removal of generic barriers to effective employee engagement, and also about specific approaches to enhance the performance and commitment of employees in the organization (Lauer, 2003). The learning session provided me with the experience of developing some essential managerial attribute requisites to understand professional practice, the ability to question principles, boundaries and practices. It enables me to think independently, creatively and analytically and also engaging in an imaginative manner into the innovative areas of investigation.
This learning session highlights upon the concept of delegation and managing of own manager and that too of self-managing capabilities. It emphasizes on aspects like delegation concept, effective delegation, manager’s expectations, strategies of managers to manage awkward people and also managing self at the same time. It gives a first-hand experience of what delegation looks like and how it must be conducted (Leigh, 2014). It benefits me as I get to learn a lot about the process of delegating responsibilities and how can it be achieved effectively. It is important to realize that a manager needs to remain accountable for the actions of the employees, the staffs must know what they are expected to perform; they must be capable of delivering performances effectively along with adequate knowledge about related risks and how to counteract those. The session is helpful as I understood the various expectations that the managers hold of their members and these may be achieved in the long run. I found the session very interesting since I even got to know about the various issues that organizational managers face in their course of employment (Ming Chow and Kleiner, 2002). This would guide me to improvise on my perspective and attitude and act accordingly while communicating with them. It imparted me with the learning about the ways to improve the dealings with all aggressive managers or supervisors. It taught me to inculcate the positive and assertive behaviors and attitude. . The learning session has imparted with the knowledge that teams are considered to be basic performance units that most organizations possess to accomplish objectives. This is helpful for my personal knowledge as it would enable me to act exactly the manner I am supposed to within organizational context. The prior knowledge would ensure that I inculcate all the requite attributes of a team player before I expose myself to the professional front (Passarelli, 2010). The session enabled me to identify that as a team member my role would be to enhance self-awareness as well as personal effectiveness. The knowledge that I have gathered from the session would help me through my entire life to build some of the most essential managerial skills within myself that would enable me to grow up to a person that I have always objected to as an organizational manager. This would not only make me effective as a professional individual but also as a human being. The session was truly beneficial as it imparted me with the basic knowledge of what management is all about (Rudman and Phelan, 2007). Previously I had imagined management to be just a field that ensures arrangement of organizational resources to lead to the final productivity and profit. Now I know that my knowledge was incomplete.
Abston, K. and Kupritz, V. (2011). Employees as customers: Exploring service climate, employee patronage, and turnover. Perf. Improvement Qrtly, 23(4), pp.7-26.
Ángel Calderón Molina, M., Manuel Hurtado González, J., Palacios Florencio, B. and Luis Galán González, J. (2014). Does the balanced scorecard adoption enhance the levels of organizational climate, employees’ commitment, job satisfaction and job dedication?. Management Decision, 52(5), pp.983-1010.
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Goksoy, A. and Alayoglu, N. (2013). The Impact of Perception of Performance Appraisal and Distributive Justice Fairness on Employees’ Ethical Decision Making in Paternalist Organizational Culture. Perf. Improvement Qrtly, 26(1), pp.57-79.
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Houger, V. (2006). Trends of employee performance. Collaborative effort between managers and employees. Perf. Improv., 45(5), pp.26-31.
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Ippolito, F. (n.d.). Takeover Defenses, Firm-Specific Skills and Managerial Entrenchment. SSRN Journal.
Jeon, Younghwa, (2010). Research Of Employees’ Organizational Commitment And Vocational Ethical Behavior. Journal of Ethics, 1(79), pp.53-78.
Lauer, M. (2003). Tools of the trade: Motivating employees. Perf. Improv., 42(5), pp.38-40.
Leigh, D. (2014). The Relationships Among Generativity, Values, Individual Differences, and Commitment to an Ideal Vision. Perf Improvement Qrtly, 27(2), pp.7-34.
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Wickramasinghe, V. and Dabere, S. (2012). Effects of performance-based financial incentives on work performance: A study of technical-level employees in the private sector in Sri Lanka. Perf. Improvement Qrtly, 25(3), pp.37-51.