Report For Strategic Management And Leadership For Development And Change

Assessing monitoring and measurement techniques of change management within an organization

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After conducting a change management within the organization, it is essential for the top authorities and managers to monitor the changes at workplace over the course of time. It helps in understanding the mentality of the employees, their problems, and benefits with the changes occurred in the organization[1]. Monitoring of employees also facilitates the top authorities in gaining knowledge regarding employees’ outlook, attitude and performance after the change management has occurred. It should be done while the change process is going on within the organization as it helps in identification of places where further modification is required[2]. Based on it, further amendments can be implemented to make this change management successful across the workplace. It helps in improving the satisfaction level of employees and managers and hence their working quality and quantity both gets improved[3].

While making changes within the organization, it is important to focus on the employees at the workplace. Apart from taking decisions regarding the overall benefit of the organization’s productivity and an output; it is equally necessary to take certain steps to provide comfort to employees[4]. It is because if the employees are content and satisfied with changes at the workplace, they are motivated to work better, and retention rate of employees also gets improved. So, the focus is to be given to human resources of the organization as they are one of the vital components of the organization. The changes made should be pertained to employee satisfaction and motivation to retain them within organization[5].

Both qualitative and quantitative measures are applied for judging the performance of employees. It assists the researcher in analyzing employee performance, employee engagement, and employee satisfaction, working capacity, improvements in working attitude and behaviors across the workplace[6]. The overall productivity of the organization and the rate of retention of employees clearly depict the satisfaction rate of employees. The measures applied are graphs, presentations, surveys and vivid analysis of collected information and data[7]. These measures help in better understanding of the changes that occurred within the organization and the level of success these changes have achieved among the employees. It, therefore, helps in identification of the change aspects that needs more modification or should continue within the organization[8]

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Figure 1: Measuring Techniques of Change Management within organization[9]

Change within an organization is bound to face certain resistances from the stakeholders; that strongly impacts on the overall organizational operations and productivity. It is important for an organization to adopt strategies for minimizing the adverse effects of change[10]. One of the strategies that can be adopted for minimizing the adverse effect of change is constant monitoring of the employees’ working. It should be done to see whether employees are content with the change or need any other modifications for better workplace structure or culture[11]. Another method of minimizing the adverse change effect within the organization is through proper and meaningful communication. It, therefore, helps in avoiding ay miscommunication between the employees and top authorities. Proper training sessions are to be conducted within the organization to reduce the fear of employees in facing something new and unknown[12].

Analyzing strategies for minimizing adverse effects of change

It is seen that some of these strategies as mentioned above have worked well, and some of them need modification. The strategies those went well with the change management are constant observation, the involvement of stakeholders, communication, usage of social media and training sessions[13]. It, therefore, involved the problems and troubles that occurred within the organization to which, appropriate solutions are given. On the other hand, the strategies like the creation of small wins, centralized decision-making process and laid back attitude towards conflict resolution were not strong enough to cope up with the change management. It may be due to improper training sessions of employees and miscommunication of the changes[14].

Force Field Analysis is a common tool that helps in systematic analyzing of diverse factors in identifying barriers or resistances in change management. It is done for understanding the reasons behind stakeholders’ acceptance and rejection of the changes within the organization[15]. Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are used that helps in understanding the forces that drive or restrains employees from the workplace. It is a five stepped procedure that comprises of defining a problem, defining the change objectives, identification of driving factors, identification of the restraining factors and developing a complete change strategy[16].  These steps help the organization in identifying areas of the problem after change management has occurred within the organization. A complete analysis of these processes also helps in avoiding any conflicts at the workplace and doesn’t hamper the success and productivity of the organization[17]. 

Figure 2: Force Field analysis to identify the resistance or barriers[18]

When a change has occurred within an organization, it is obvious that it will have an impact on the overall business. This impact is to be analyzed for identifying and understanding several potential consequences of change, estimation of requirements for the change and its effectiveness[19]. A change in a business process is reviewed through resource allocation, its effectiveness its application as well as through its scheduling. So, every organization should be prepared for change impact in the organization. The process of reviewing the impact of the change in an organization is a five stage process. The steps are, therefore: preparing for impact analysis, brainstorm major affected areas, identification of all areas, evaluating impacts and managing the consequences[20].

In the 1st step that is “preparing for impact analysis”, it is necessary to gather an alright team with correct access to information. The purpose and provided solution should be clearly defined as well as people involved in this change also need to be well-informed[21]. In the 2nd step that is “brainstorming the major affected areas”, the organization needs to think of the impact that change management may cause to the different departments. The 3rd step of the process is the identification of all areas those impacted by the change should be done. It, therefore, helps in mapping out the several business processes of operation as well as any modifications required to it[22]. The 4th step of the process is the evaluation of impacts on several stakeholders and businesses processes. This evaluation helps in enlisting the entire positive as well as negative impacts on organizational decisions along with its consequences. The 5th step of this process is the management of consequences as a part of decision-making process. Several actions are to be taken that helps in managing and mitigating the consequences[23].

Identification of processes for reviewing the impact of change

Figure 3: Process of reviewing the impact of change[24]

After the change management has occurred, it is necessary to ensure that all departments of the organization are working well and are in harmony. McKinsey’s 7-S framework involves seven interdependent factors that help in improving organizational performance as well as the implementation of proposed strategy[25]. The strategy helps in maintaining as well as building competitive advantages over the competition. The structure should be well-defined to avoid confusion of the employees while reporting. The systems also include the daily activities as well as procedures for engaging the staff members[26]. In the share values, the organization’s core values are shared by corporate ethics and culture.  In the style and staff section, the leadership style, as well as general capabilities of the employees, are measured respectively after the change management process. The last section is skilled where actual competencies and abilities of employees are measured[27].

Figure 4: McKinsey’s 7-S framework[28]

In recent times, it is seen that change management is mainly focused towards organizational issues such as leadership, culture and motivation. These elements are the essential factors of an organization’s success[29]. So, reviewing the results after change management has occurred within the organization is important. The review of several changes occurred within the organization signifies the levels of improvement of motivation and culture within the workplace. The hard factors like timely achievement, revenue growth, reduced cost and increased inquiries are measured through analysis of information and data[30]. The soft measures like motivation, behaviors and morale of employees’ and managers are measured through surveys, forums and feedback.

While reviewing the hard measures like a timely achievement, it is to be seen that whether the organization has improved in is productivity as well as timely delivery of its products and services[31]. The revenue growth is measured through viewing the timely graph of its output and profit margin the organization sees after the change management. Both the graphs about before change and after the change are compared for analyzing the results. Moreover, the increased inquiries that are measured through analysis of data also shows the level of involvement of employees regarding their work[32]. It helps in estimating their level of motivation and involvement in organization growth after change management has occurred. The reduced cost also shows the maximum and effective utilization of resources. It means the resources are well allocated and is efficiently used by employees for maximum productivity[33].

On the other hand, the motivation of the employees is measured through periodic surveys and through taking feedback. It helps in understanding the employee’s outlook and mentality towards change management and their level of embracing it for business success[34]. The morale of the employees is also important to measure as it signifies the level of ethics, rules and regulations of employees and their adherence towards maintaining organizational culture. The behavior of the employees also needs to be measured as it helps in understanding the employee’s embracement towards changing behavior and culture within organization[35]. The higher satisfaction level of employees and managers clearly denotes the employee’s high level of encouragement and satisfaction with the organizational change management.

The findings of the impact review are clearly depicted through discussion, Webinar, reporting and presentation. After the change has taken place in an organization, review of these changes is done periodically to analyze the effectiveness and demerits of the changes. It is done to provide solutions to the problems occurred during the change management[36]. Through discussion, the employees, managers, workers and top officials understand the purpose of change management and the aspects those are undergoing changes within the organization. It is an open method of communication that satisfies employees for involving them in the change. Moreover, the findings of the impacts of change management can also be done through webinars. It helps in providing new insights into the development as well as also encourages innovative ideas and framework regarding the better impact of the change[37]. It also signifies the principle behind the change and discusses the positive implementation of it in the workplace. It also ensures that both senders and receivers have a clear understanding of the change and the communication between the two should be same without any modification.

In addition to this, reporting is another method of understanding the impact of change management within the organizations. It, therefore, engages the employees and managers to adhere to the changes occurred within the organization. Any problems regarding the change management should be reported to the top authorities so that they can analyze the problems and take appropriate solutions to solve them[38]. Even more, the reporting can also be done if any of the changes is found appropriate and is easily embraced by the employees and managers; so that further modification can be done to it. Another method is providing a presentation to the employees and managers regarding the changes occurred in the organization. The graphs and diagrams are shown at the workplace regarding the troubles and positive vibes the employees have faced after the change management. It, therefore, helps in finding out certain opportunities as well as strategies for betterment and modification of the changes taken place in the organization. Through these findings, problems faced by the employees are discussed with appropriate solutions to these. It, therefore, makes the change management successful within the organization[39]. Moreover, it also reduces mistrust and disbelief of employees on the top management.

Figure 5: Methods of finding impacts of change management within organizations[40]


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Free, C., Phillips, G., Galli, L., Watson, L., Felix, L., Edwards, P., Patel, V. and Haines, A., 2013. The effectiveness of mobile-health technology-based health behavior change or disease management interventions for health care consumers: a systematic review. PLoS med, 10(1), p.e1001362.

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Mostafavi, S., 2016. Study Effectiveness of Change Management in Government Organization (Case Study of Iran Telecommunication Company). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, 3(1), pp.1954-1965.

Paulsen, N., Callan, V.J., Ayoko, O. and Saunders, D., 2013. Transformational leadership and innovation in an R&D organization experiencing major change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 26(3), pp.595-610.

Pierce, J.R. and Aguinis, H., 2013. The too-much-of-a-good-thing effect in management. Journal of Management, 39(2), pp.313-338.

Pyzdek, T. and Keller, P.A., 2014. The six sigma handbook (p. 25). McGraw-Hill Education.

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Rosenbaum, D., More, E. and Steane, P., 2016. A longitudinal qualitative case study of change in nonprofits: Suggesting a new approach to the management of change. Journal of Management & Organization, pp.1-18.

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Rummler, G.A. and Brache, A.P., 2012. Improving performance: How to manage the white space on the organization chart. John Wiley & Sons.

Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014. The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.

Samuel, K., 2013. The Effects Of Change Management in An Organization: A Case Study of National University of Rwanda (Nur). Wyno Journal of Management & Business Studies, 1(1), pp.1-18.

Schalock, R.L., Lee, T., Verdugo, M., Swart, K., Claes, C., van Loon, J. and Lee, C.S., 2014. An evidence-based approach to organization evaluation and change in human service organizations evaluation and program planning.Evaluation and program planning, 45, pp.110-118.

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Speelman, E.N., Groot, J.C., García-Barrios, L.E., Kok, K., van Keulen, H. and Tittonell, P., 2014. From coping to adaptation to economic and institutional change–trajectories of change in land-use management and social organization in a Biosphere Reserve community, Mexico. Land Use Policy, 41, pp.31-44.

Starbuck, W.H. and Hedberg, B., 2015. How organizations learn from success and failure. Available at SSRN 2708267.

Turner, N., Swart, J. and Maylor, H., 2013. Mechanisms for managing ambidexterity: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(3), pp.317-332.

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[1] Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization development and change. Cengage learning.

[2] Senge, P.M., 2014. The dance of change: The challenges to sustaining momentum in a learning organization. Crown Business.

[3] Cameron, E., and Green, M., 2015. Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.

[4] Langley, A., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H. and Van de Ven, A.H., 2013. Process studies of change in organization and management: unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1), pp.1-13.

[5] Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson.

[6] Creasey, T., Jamieson, D.W., Rothwell, W.J. and Severini, G., 2016. Exploring the relationship between organization development and change management. Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition, pp.330-337.

[7] Van der Voet, J., 2014. The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure. European Management Journal, 32(3), pp.373-382.

[8] Hayes, J., 2014. The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan.

[9] Burke, W.W., 2013. Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage Publications.

[10] Speelman, E.N., Groot, J.C., García-Barrios, L.E., Kok, K., van Keulen, H. and Tittonell, P., 2014. From coping to adaptation to economic and institutional change–trajectories of change in land-use management and social organization in a Biosphere Reserve community, Mexico. Land Use Policy, 41, pp.31-44.

[11] Kondalkar, V.G., 2013. Organization effectiveness and change management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..

[12] Frankland, R., Mitchell, C.M., Ferguson, J.D., Sziklai, A.T., Verma, A.K., Popowski, J.E. and Sturgeon, D.H., Applications In Internet Time, Llc, 2013.Integrated change management unit. U.S. Patent 8,484,111.

[13] Berlinger, L.R. and Sitkin, S.B., 2015. Paradox And Transformation-Toward A Theory Of Change In Organization And Management-Quinn, Re, Cameron, Ks.

[14] Samuel, K., 2013. The Effects Of Change Management in An Organization: A Case Study of National University of Rwanda (Nur). Wyno Journal of Management & Business Studies, 1(1), pp.1-18.

[15] Rosenbaum, D., More, E. and Steane, P., 2016. A longitudinal qualitative case study of change in nonprofits: Suggesting a new approach to the management of change. Journal of Management & Organization, pp.1-18.

[16] Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

[17] Jones, D.J. and Recardo, R.J., 2013. Leading and Implementing Business Change Management: Making Change Stick in the Contemporary Organization: Making Change Stick in the Contemporary Organization. Routledge.

[18] Mostafavi, S., 2016. Study Effectiveness of Change Management in Government Organization (Case Study of Iran Telecommunication Company). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)​ ISSN 2356-5926, 3(1), pp.1954-1965.

[19] Reiß, M., 2012. Change Management: A Balanced and Blended Approach. BoD–Books on Demand.

[20] Paulsen, N., Callan, V.J., Ayoko, O. and Saunders, D., 2013. Transformational leadership and innovation in an R&D organization experiencing major change. Journal of Organizational Change Management,26(3), pp.595-610.

[21] Schalock, R.L., Lee, T., Verdugo, M., Swart, K., Claes, C., van Loon, J. and Lee, C.S., 2014. An evidence-based approach to organization evaluation and change in human service organizations evaluation and program planning.Evaluation and program planning, 45, pp.110-118.

[22] Fullan, M., 2014. Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.

[23] Rice, A.K., 2013. Productivity and social organization: The Ahmedabad experiment: Technical innovation, work organization and management. Routledge.

[24] Rosemann, M. and vom Brocke, J., 2015. The six core elements of business process management. In Handbook on Business Process Management 1 (pp. 105-122). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[25] Rafferty, A.E., Jimmieson, N.L. and Armenakis, A.A., 2013. Change readiness a multilevel review. Journal of Management, 39(1), pp.110-135.         

[26] Davenport, T.H., 2013. Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.

[27] He, H. and Brown, A.D., 2013. Organizational identity and organizational identification A review of the literature and suggestions for future research.Group & Organization Management, 38(1), pp.3-35.

[28] Free, C., Phillips, G., Galli, L., Watson, L., Felix, L., Edwards, P., Patel, V. and Haines, A., 2013. The effectiveness of mobile-health technology-based health behavior change or disease management interventions for health care consumers: a systematic review. PLoS med, 10(1), p.e1001362.

[29] Harmon, P., 2014. Business process change. Morgan Kaufmann.

[30] Chang, J.F., 2016. Business process management systems: strategy and implementation. CRC Press.

[31] Helfat, C.E. and Peteraf, M.A., 2015. Managerial cognitive capabilities and the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 36(6), pp.831-850.

[32] Pierce, J.R. and Aguinis, H., 2013. The too-much-of-a-good-thing effect in management. Journal of Management, 39(2), pp.313-338.

[33] Rothaermel, F.T., 2015. Strategic management. McGraw-Hill.

[34] Turner, N., Swart, J. and Maylor, H., 2013. Mechanisms for managing ambidexterity: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(3), pp.317-332.

[35] Doherty, B., Haugh, H. and Lyon, F., 2014. Social enterprises as hybrid organizations: A review and research agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews, 16(4), pp.417-436.

[36] Rummler, G.A. and Brache, A.P., 2012. Improving performance: How to manage the white space on the organization chart. John Wiley & Sons.

[37] Pyzdek, T. and Keller, P.A., 2014. The six sigma handbook (p. 25). McGraw-Hill Education.

[38] Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014. The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.

[39] Galvin, B.M., Lange, D. and Ashforth, B.E., 2015. Narcissistic organizational identification: Seeing oneself as central to the organization’s identity.Academy of Management Review, 40(2), pp.163-181.

[40] Starbuck, W.H. and Hedberg, B., 2015. How organizations learn from success and failure. Available at SSRN 2708267.

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