Replacing Aging Fleet Of Council Trucks And Implementing High-Speed Train System In Australia
Options for Replacing Aging Fleet of Council Trucks
As the advisor of the minister, my duty would be to explain the minister about the merits of the high-speed railway system. Further, I have established the sustainability requirements developed for the minister. According to my opinion, the establishment of a project top level spec is highly essential. It is known that the planning phase project team downstream is not to be connected with the requirements of sustainability for the HSR project. We are on the right way to advance the chances of such requirements being fulfilled if this particular specification can properly give an overview of the expectations of the project. The use of the HSR can help in the process of ensuring that all major cities of Australia are covered. As said by some of the group members, creating a new airport can increase the cost of the government. This can also increase the time of implementing the project. The proper must be completed in time, and hence things are needed to be done fast. I selected all the three frameworks and analysed the scenario separately in a manner to analyse and propose the best suitable framework that can meet the needs and requirements of the consumers.
As an advisor to the Minister, I must inform the minister about the major benefits of deploying the high-speed train system. Further, it is to advise the minister about the major aspects of the shareholder’s analysis. The cost that is estimated to be at the cost of the 62 billion dollars and $108 to enhance the track. The high-speed railway system is one of the interconnected networks of the railway system that connects the major cities of Australia. The major cities that will be covered using this railway system are:
- Roma Street Station and South Bank in Brisbane.
- Central Station, Eveleigh, Home bush and Parramatta in Sydney.
- Southern Cross Station and North Melbourne in Melbourne.
- Civic and Canberra Airport in Canberra.
Thus it can be said that with the help of this connections can help in the cost and the time that is taken for travelling in this direction. Some of the major decisions that have to be taken by the minister about the consents of the shareholders.
The week one all about understanding the shareholder’s prospect of the HSR system. The major shareholders of the system are the passengers, the investors, the workers, the employees and government. All the mentioned are the primary shareholders for the HSR system. Other than the primary shareholders there are the secondary shareholders that are the suppliers and contractors. The shareholders the major part of the project as every aspect of the project is connected with the work. Identifying of the stakeholders are done using the salience model of shareholders analysis. The salience model helps in the process of proper analysis of the stakeholders at different times in a project.
The internal shareholders they are the investors have to maintain certain major aspects of the project like:
- The Cost between $61 billion and $108 billion in 2011is estimated to build and involve laying more than 1,600 kilometres of new standard-gauge, double-track railway system.
- Achieve speeds of up to 350 kilometres per hour and offer journey times as low as 3 hours between Brisbane and Sydney and Sydney and Melbourne; just 40 minutes from Sydney to Newcastle; and 1 hour between Sydney and Canberra;
- Carry around 54 million passengers a year by 2036; and
- Offer competitive ticket prices, with one-way fares (in $2011) from Brisbane to Sydney costing $75–$177; Sydney to Melbourne $99–$197; and $16.50 for daily commuters between Newcastle and Sydney.
The ministers need to properly understand the value of every shareholder of the organisation and how they can affect the projecting the long runs. Proper steps are to be taken in order to enhance the relationship with the stakeholders in order to properly explain them the plans about the HSR.
Case Study Analysis – Scenario Updates
The idea of introducing a new airport can help a lot in the proper implementation of the HSR. The nearest HSR station to Goulburn is present in Canberra, which is one of the major hubs. Thus if there is an airport present in the Goulburn, then it can help the passengers to take the flights and then avail for the location of the Goulburn. Thus with the help of it seems like the location has the potential to positively affect stakeholders. The use of the HSR can help in the process of ensuring that all major cities of Australia are covered. As said by some of the group members, creating a new airport can increase the cost of the government. This can also increase the time of implementing the project. This can increase the tourist in all the places that are linked with the ECHSR. In some of the major studies that in the recent future there can be a significant increase in the population of the area. The cost that is estimated to be at the cost of the 62 billion dollar and $108 to enhance the track. The high-speed railway system is one of the interconnected networks of the railway system that connects the major cities of Australia. Thus, building at the airport in these area can help in other important cities as well.
Further Goulburn is in also a short distance to Wollongong which is a port city. Thus, it can help in the transferring goods as well as tourists. Thus the use of the ECHSR can be one of the major implementation that can be done. Other than this one of the other major thing that can be done is to expand the airport at cenaabera. As this is one of the major international airports thus, it can increase the number of stakeholders at the positions. This can help in the process of increase in the production and proper management of the airport. This can also help in the increased carrying of the passengers and goods.
Week3: Governments make a policy commitment to add rural communities as expanded centres under the centre’s policy at Seymour, Albury Wagga, Goulburn, Taree, Kempsey, Coffs Harbour, Grafton and Lismore.
One of the major thing that any government must ensure is rural management skills. The use of the proper rural infrastructure helps a lot. But in this case, if there the HSR system is given some stops in all the rural area that is listed then it can increase the deficiency of the system. One of the solutions to this can be better roadways connections from the HSR stations. One of the other major that has been earlier discussed in the paper is the concept of the new airport and HSR station in the Goulburn. The plan proposed by the government of creating a new airport at the Goulburn can help in the process of proper analysis. This can also help in the process of ensuring that the stakeholders are investing in a proper manner. This can be said with the introduction of the new system. This can help in the process of enhancing the solution. This can help in the process of increasing the efficiency of energy. Also the use of the proper planning and framework then energy efficiency can be used properly. There are need to develop key considerations that are aligned with stakeholder’s varied perspectives. To this end, it can include energy consumption, increases in travel, and fiscal responsibilities. I think all seems to be on the right track, but I am reflecting on my original list of stakeholders and am wondering if I should be more inclusive. Apart from the cons, there are also some of the major pros that comes with the introduction of the HSR with time. This includes health efficiency and providing other major support to the systems.
Advisor to the Government on the Framework
The concepts of strategic management are one of the major things that can be done to deal with the solution. As the HSR system connects the majority of the western cost of Australia thus improving the solution for the government may be one of the major step towards development. Controlling the entire project is one of the major solutions for this process. The plan proposed by the government of creating a new airport at the Goulburn can help in the process of proper analysis. This can also help in the process of ensuring that the stakeholders are investing in a proper manner. This can be said with the introduction of the new system. This can help in the process of enhancing the solution. This can help in the process of increasing the efficiency of energy. Also the use of the proper planning and framework then energy efficiency can be used in a proper manner
Through the vision of engineer implementing the HSR can be one of the major complicated challenges that need to do. Installing the railway systems and other major features can not only decrease the efficiency of the platform. One of the major problems is the use of the stakeholders and the use of the money. The funding is one of the major problems that have been developed. Other than the funding the calculation of the risk is one of the other major problems that can be faced. Design parameters are one of the other major problems that can be faced while the process of the development is found. The organisation has to make sure that there are very fewer chances of any errors that can help in the process of ensuring. Implementing the project is one of the other major things that can be used for the process of ensuring the complexity. Providing the correct way to ensure that all the distance is one of the major issue related to this. The use of proper risk management procedures is one of the other major things that can help in the process of ensuring the riks management.
Introducing the challenge is one of the major things that is to be implemented properly. As a member of the engineering team, there can be a various number of challenges that can reduce the chances of the scope. The major challenges include that of proper risk management and other major functions.
1) The social aspect of people retreating away from coastal areas due to climate change which could alter the transport demands.
2) Low lying corridors of the ECHSR may have to be relocated
3) Maintenance costs may be an issue in areas affected by storm surge.
Other than this the maintenance can be one of the other major problems that can affect the working of the HSR.
1st Peer: Matheson Croyston
As explained by Matheson Croyston have provided some of the best analysis reports for all the weeks. In the first week as an advisor to the minister explained most to most of the other students about the salience model an about the awareness of the stakeholder’s importance. Further, he also quarrelled with other students about the concept of the stakeholder analysis. Some of the major points that are covered by him are
Benefits of Implementing High-Speed Train System in Australia
“The physical space can be far-reaching therefore Stakeholders who may be impacted should be thoroughly assessed. For example, the rail project could impact domestic airline Stakeholders, road transport Stakeholders, etc.
– Historical / Cultural related Stakeholders should be considered
– Financial resources and the associated impacts upon relevant Stakeholders should be considered, such as Financiers, investors, supply chain entities, local communities, all tiers of Government, etc.
In week 2, he explains about the importance of introducing an airport at the Goulburn and how it can impact the transport industry. I think his thoughts are similar to mine and we both think that an airport in the Goulburn can help a lot.
In week 3 and 4: In week 3 Matheson explains and clarifies the points that are made by Daniel. He supports the points that are made by Daniel and proposed that the social pillar are the most important thing that is to be used. One of the other major points that match with the thoughts of mine is as the HSR are high-speed railway system. Therefore some stations can reduce the efficiency of the train.
In week 4: The points that are made by him are mix points of other students. He has summered the points that are made by others, and no new idea have been posted by him. He states that pollution free” pitch is not really a point of consideration, spares/parts may be an issue, the “express” element may be lost due to the number of stops, additional rail lines will be needed. Further, no other comments have been properly posted by him.
Week 5 and week 6:
He explains the facts about the planning and engineering management. He had done a proper analysis of the case study and gave some of the best results. He explained the concept of the sustainability and how it can help in the process of completion of the project. One of the thing that he have well explained is the question to the cultural aspect. In certain points I cannot agree with the concept of him but in long time these can help in the process of understanding the concept.
Peer2: David Hilton
In the first week of the course David is unable to provide any proper update on the topic. He had summarised the points that are made by Daniel. Although the points that are made have helped me understood the problems of the scenario. Also David have explained about the need of indulgent of the e State Environment Protection Authorities (EPA) & Federal Department of the Environmental & energy and how it does play a important role in the concept.
In week 2 David Hilton have made only one post regarding the topic. This week the points that have been made by him are totally irrelevant to the topic. He had suggested about creating a nuclear power station. This is one of the major irrelevant topic that have been mentioned in the post. Although this have explained about the process can be thought of in long time but is none of us in this context.
Week 3 and 4:
David have well explained the concept of the strategic planning. But I cannot relate to points made by him. One of the point that have been stated by him is creating 2 stations in the rural area. But my point is that if there are more number of stations in a short interval of time then it can decrease the efficiency of the platform. Thus it must be said that the points that are have been made.
Week 5 and 6:
In the week 5 there have been given some of the major points by David. One of the major idea that have been given by him is the point of dividing the project in 4phases. This can be one of the major solution to the problem. He have done some of the best researches in the fields of the social, financial and the environmental terms. He had have explained some of the major other points that can be very much beneficial for the project.
In week 6
The comments that have been made by him in the week 6 are very much helpful. I think that the points well explains the need of the different corridors. He have well explained the concept of different corridors. He had explained some of the personal experiences that can be helpful for the project.
Thus concluding the topic it can be said that the proposed High speed railway system is one of the major thing that is to be implemented in a proper manner. The use of the HSR can help in connecting the major costal cities of Australia. Improving the network can help in the process of enhancing the sectors like the medical industry and other.
The major thing that are explained in the paper are the:
Corridors: The corridors are the major things that are ensured in the system. THe corridors are those which can connect all the cities around the station. Long-distance travel demand characteristics, including towns and cities linked by air routes. These centres include coastal cities in northern NSW and inland cities through southern NSW and northern Victoria. • Existing transport corridors, as they tend to link regional cities and towns. These are broadly the New England and Pacific Highways through northern NSW, and the Hume and Princes Highways through southern NSW and Victoria.
Demand: The major demand are in the area where there are more number of people and less transport system. The HSR can help in the property to enhance the regular working of the people.
Cost estimation Costs have been estimated to enable the comparison of various corridor and station options together with economic benefits and other factors. They have been based on the strategic information available at this stage of the study only and a probability assessment has been undertaken to confirm a confidence range for the estimates.
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