Renewable Energy Assignment

Electricity Generation in Australia

  • It is given that in the period 2015 to 2016 the generated amount of electricity in Australia was 257.4 TWh. It has been assumed that the demand of electricity in any year is the produced amount of electricity generated. Also, it is given that the demand of electricity is growing by 2.5% in every year. The generated electricity or the electricity demand is given in the following table.

Now, in the period 2020/21 it is needed that 20% of the total electricity demand must be generated from renewable energy resources.

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Hence, the amount of electricity that is needed to be generated from the renewable energy resources in the period 2020 to 2021 is 291.224474*(20/100) = 58.24 TWh.

  • Now, it is needed to mix different types of renewable energy resources in order to meet the demand of 58.24 TWh of energy demand from renewable resources in 2020/21.

Now, it is clearly visible that that the total of all the primary renewable energy generated in the period 2020/21 is more than the demand of 58.24 TWh electricity demand in the mentioned year.

Hence, the adjusted mixture of those energy demand to get exact total amount of electricity in the period 2020/21 is given below.


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  • Now, the capacity that is needed to be installed to provide this demand of 58.24 TWh of electricity is given below.


1) & 2) The thermal efficiency at an instance of the solar flat plate collector is given by the following equation.

Now, after putting the first two efficiency values in the equation (1)

3)  The useful energy delivering rate by the collector = useful energy gain / the collector area.

Hence, the power output from the collector is given by,

4) Now, the stagnation temperature is the peak difference between the ambient and the water inlet temperature at the time when useful energy is not removable from the collector. This is given by the intercept of the Efficiency vs  curve with the  axis. Now as per the situation of the question (3) 28-15 = 13 is the stagnation temperature.

1) The latitude of the house is given by 30°18’ South and the longitude of the house is given by 153° 8’ East. Now, using the online software and by putting the above co-ordinates the sun path diagram is formed. The region based on the given co-ordinate is Coffs Harbor in New South Wales, 2450 block. The time of the day considered as 16.01 PM in local and the date is 8th August 2018.

Sun path diagram:

 2) The shading diagram can be constructed on the sun path diagram using the Solar Azimuth and the Solar Latitude angles given in the Table of question 3 of the three objects. The followed sign convention is 0 to +180 degrees in the east and 0 to -180 degrees west from true North for solar Azimuth.

An example of the shading diagram on the sun path diagram is given.


Now, using these three similar paper the shading diagram of the three objects can be done.

3) Now, in block 2450 in Coffs Harbor the equinoxes and solstices will occur on the following days and times in 2018.

  1. i)1stequinox has occurred on 21st March 2018 on 3.14 AEDT.

The 2nd equinox will occur 23rd September 2018 on 11.53 AEST.

  1. ii) Winter solstice is observed on 21stJune 2018 on 20.07 AEDT.

iii) Summer solstice is observed on 22nd December 2018 on 9.22 AEDT.

As Australia lies is in southern hemisphere, from December to February are summer months and June to August are the winter months.

1) The given table of Question 4 shows that the major or the most amount of renewable energy resource that were used in the period 2012-13 is Bagasse. The energy which was produced from resource Bagasse is 95.3 PJ.

2) In the period 2006/07 to 2012/13 the renewable energy which has the biggest increase in production is the difference between the production in 2012/13 and 2006/07. The difference is given in the table.


The table shows that maximum increase in production occurred for the wind energy with an amount of 17 PJ increase in the production as compared to the period 2006/07 and the percentage increase of 153.2%.

3) The fastest growth rate in utilization is calculated by taking the average of all the growth rate in each year from 2007-08. The growth rate in every year is the production in that year which is divided by the production in the former year. The growth rate is shown in the following table.


Table shows that the highest average growth rate is for the solar electricity growth rate which is 1.97.

4) The biggest decline in 2012-13 as compared to 2006-07 happened for the Bagasse. The decline percentage is -13.989% as given in question 2 table. Bagasse is the waste part of the sugarcane after extraction of all the juice from it. This is similar to the biomass energy and contributes significantly for renewable energy generation. Now, the cause of fall of electricity generation from Bagasse may be due to forest fire which destroyed many of the sugarcane fields in Australia during the period 2012 to 2013.

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