Relevance Of Marketing Mix And Policies For Product Awareness And Sales

4. Marketing mix for MacBook pro

Due to increase in competition, many companies strive hard to provide the best possible services to the clients. This includes providing additional services which will benefit the users. Apart from this, the strategies adopted by the company for marketing has to be planned and implemented for increasing the sales for the new products that is manufactured.

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Marketing policies has to be adopted and implemented in an effective manner. This will help in promoting the existing and new products that has been manufactured by the company. In this case, the strategies prepared have to cater the needs for the company. This report has been prepared to analyse the relevance of the marketing mix and the policies that can be followed for increasing the product awareness and sales for the product that is manufactured by the company. The relevance of pricing and product level has been discussed in this report.

4.1. Product

1. Product level

Through the product line, the management of the company analyse the below mentioned factors – 

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1. Core – the latest version of MacBook pro has uni-body construction, which has been updated for the 17 inches products that has been manufactured by the company. At the time of marketing, the promotional team ensure to include these features.

2. Actual – The quality of the product is focused upon while promoting for the MacBook pro. This has been done with an intention of increasing the sales for the products and attracting the attention of the buyers.

3. Augmented – The new product comes with additional features like extra memory and big screen. Such benefits have been discussed so as to ensure that the customers get the best services (Johnson and Schultz, 2004).

2. Product life cycle

The success of the product depends upon the product life cycle that has been adopted by the company. Through this method, the company adopts and implement an effective method that would increase the sales. The phases that are included in the process are –

1. Introduction – Apple is a leading company that manufacture innovative products that will cater the needs of the clients. The MacBook pro has been introduced for the clients and the product has lots of features that will take care of the customer’s needs. At the time of introduction of the products, the company ensure that the right steps for promoting the products are adopted.

2. Growth – In this phase, the steps include policies through which the sales can be increased. The management ensure that the product features are discussed with the clients, as this will promote the sales (Kitchen, Bringell, and Jones, 2004).

3. Maturity – In this phase, the growth of the product and the sales is analysed. This is done to find the effectiveness of the product that is manufactured by the company. Through this phase, the company analyse the challenges that can impact the sales.

4. Decline – this phase explains the decline of the demand of the products amongst the buyers. Such a thing basically incurs due to change in the demand of the customers related to the products.

4.1. Product

1. Objective of pricing

Pricing strategy is quite one of the important factors that is considered by the company. The strategy selected by the company has to be effective as the customers could be attracted towards the products that are being sold by the management. With the help of the pricing method, the company can decide the price for the products. This is one of the most important factors as this will help in approaching maximum number of clients. The company has adopted skimming pricing method for determining the price of the products that is sold by the management. In this case, the relevance of the pricing for the product life cycle method has to be adopted by the company (Kim et al., 2004).

  1. New pricing strategy

The pricing strategy for the product and services that is been rendered to the clients. It is quite important for the company to select the right method, through which the right quote for the price can be implemented. The pricing strategy is implemented with an intention of offering the products that will take care of the needs of the clients. This will also help in tackling the challenges that would help in overpowering the existing competition (Kotler and Keller 2009).

  1. Pricing tactics

Price skimming is considered to be one of the most effective methods that help the company to set out the right price that will help in increasing the sales for the product. Through this method, it is possible for the company to recover the costs that is involved in the production MacBook for the clients. This is also considered to be effective methods for coping with the challenges that are associated with the lack of information related to financial resources. Through this method, it is possible for the company to decide upon the volume that needs to be sold to the clients. Also, the promotional activities can be conducted without increasing the operational expenses for the company (Kotler, 2003).

  1. Perceptual map
    1. Placement
  1. Marketing channels

The method adopted for marketing of the product is quite important. In this method, the company analyse the future goals and draft the best possible policies that would help in increasing the sales. Some of the channels are –

1. Direct selling – In this method, the sales for the products are done directly. The company approach the customer and sell the product to the clients.

2. Indirect method – Here, the company adopts indirect method that includes dealers and retail shops. Through such methods, the company attempt to increase the sales and ensure that the right is adopted for the same.

3. Reverse channels – In this process, the sales is done from the clients to the intermediaries and then it is transferred to the beneficiary.

4. Dual distribution – Here, the company makes arrangement to sell the products to different clients by adopting the best sales process (McGrath, 2005).

  1. Distribution of products

Direct sales and indirect sales process is considered to the best method for increasing the sales for the company. Through direct sales, the company attempts to approach maximum number of clients and explain the benefits of the product that is offered for sales. Apart from this, the strategies could be adopted that will help in attracting the clients. Through indirect method, the management proposes to approach dealers and retailers who would carry out the promotion activities for the company. Such a task is quite challenging and thus, the management of the company ensures to implement the right strategies.

  1. Alternative method for distribution

1. Product level

The marketing and promotional activities are considered to be quite important. For increasing the sales, the management proposes to create brand awareness through the online and mobile promotional activities. Such process will attract more clients towards the company.

sales method


direct sales


indirect sales


mobile applications


dual distribution


reverse channels


  1. Describe the promotional mix elements

Promotional mix is quite an important factor, through which the sales and brand awareness can be created amongst the customers. This also helps the management of the company to cope with the challenges that exists due to increase in the level of competition. In order to choose the right type of promotional mix, it is essential to analyse the future objectives of the company. This will help the company in approaching maximum number of clients from different markets.

Some of the promotional mix elements that are considered to be essential in this process are –

  1. Advertising
  2. Personal selling
  3. Direct marketing
  4. Point of sale displays
  5. Merchandising
  1. Tool that has been used

The company depends a lot on the dealers and the internet technology for increasing the sales for the products. This is quite effective, as majority of the buyers from different markets prefer to buy the products and services through online method. Apart from this, it is also possible to gather the required information about the products through this method. Through online method, the campaigns can be conducted through which the sales would increase. Besides this, such method will enable the company to reach out to the clients quite easily. Mobile application is another important aspect through which the company can communicate with the potential customers.

  1. Features


  1. Cost effective method
  2. Quite reliable for communicating with the customers (Kotler, 2003).
  3. Can interact with the clients and analyse the expectations of the buyers


  1. The results cannot be measured
  2. Quick services are a must or else the company wouldn’t be able to yield the expected results.
  3. If the website is not interactive then it will create serious problem for the clients.

Marketing strategy has to be selected in the right manner, as this will help in increasing the sales for the company. In this process, the challenges have to be analysed, as this would contribute towards the product promotion and brand awareness. Some of the aspects that has to be analysed in the process are –

1. Product – The details about the products has to be provided to the clients or the potential buyers. This will help in creating brand awareness, which is necessary for increasing the sales for the management. At the time of creating the brand awareness, it is essential to discuss about the details of the products and the features that will be useful for the clients. Through this method, it is possible to develop and implement an effective strategy through which the changes in terms of challenges related to the competition can be easily overpowered. This is one of the most important factors, as the company would be able to convince the potential byers about the features of the products. The details of the products have to be clearly mentioned to the clients, as this will encourage the clients to invest in the purchases of the goods and services that are sold by the company.

2. Pricing – the selection of the pricing method has to be done after considering the challenges that can affect the expectations of the clients. In this process, the company has to analyse the expectations and preferences of the buyers. This will help in drafting policies through which the sales can be increased. Apart from this, the prices quoted for the products have to be reasonable as this will help in attracting the clients from different parts of the world. Apple sells reputed products to the customers, at a higher price. In this process, the prices and quality of products offered by the rival company has to be also analysed. This will help in increasing the sales and convincing the customers to buying of the products. Skimming is one of the best methods through which the company determines the price of the products (Peltier et al., 2003).

2. Product life cycle

3. Placement – In order to place the goods and services sold by the company in the market, it is essential to adopt the best marketing strategies. In this process, the objective of the company to place the goods in the national and international market has to be analysed. This will help in developing and implementing the changes that are considered to be necessary for increasing the sales. For placement of the goods and products, the company can also use the online method. This will help the management to reach out to maximum number of clients, and ensure that the best possible services are provided to the clients.

4. Promotion – The Company can introduce effective online marketing strategies through which maximum number of clients can be reached out at the short span of time. For this, the company can also introduce mobile application method for promoting the goods and services that are manufactured by the company. In the promotional activities, the features of the products and services that are sold by the company have to be highlighted in the best possible manner. This will help in attracting maximum number of clients.

6.0 Conclusion

The company aims to target new and existing market. By doing so, the management intends to increase the sales and render the best possible services to the clients. This is quite important for increasing the brand image for the company. For the product strategy, it is essential to highlight the features of the products that are sold by the company. This can be done through effective promotional activities. At the time of marketing, the company can highlight the features of the products, through which the customers can analyse the requirements and choose the best product that will cater their needs. Pricing is one of the important factors and needs to be done in the right manner. For implementing the right price for the products, the company has to analyse the challenges and the present market condition. This will help in increasing the sales and approaching maximum number of clients from different markets. Promotional activities have to be done on a timely manner, and the right strategies have to be selected for the same. In this case, the steps that has to be followed for conducting the promotional activities has to be planned and communicated with the clients.

The strategy for product strategy has to be improved and the right steps for the same have to be implemented by the company. This will help in adopting the best strategies that will help the company. Innovative promotional activities include introducing the changes that will attract the clients at the short span of time. Pricing strategy will help the management in adopting the right price that will be useful for the company. Introducing changes in such methods will help the management in adopting the right strategies through which the sales can be increased.


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