Relationship Between Livelihood And Carbon Storage Of Forest Commons

Hypothesis Framework

This article focuses on the areas of the forest, its users and groups used for the services from the forest properties. The article is particularly focused on the importance of Livelihood Contributions Index and Carbon Storage, and their complex relationships with forest commons. Source of revenue of the poor in rural areas of developing countries depend on development aid organizations estimate that in all these forests. The present studies or the common benefits of forests and provides:

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  • A valid understanding of the conditions of forests sustainably and contribution to the well-being of the people.
  • The function of rights of property by local regulations on the demographic and economic forces and the regime of the national policy (Epstein, 2017).  
  • Process of participation and decentralization or decisions, the influence on the specific results related to forests.

Hypothesis Framework

  • The average standardized livelihood (zliv) was hypothesized to 0.5 and was tested against two way alternate hypothesis at 5% level of significance.
  • The effect of the local authorities and the Government with carbon sequestration benefits was hypothesized to have no significant impact on the community and living expenses, in particular with regard to the integration of local knowledge and decision making.
  • It was also assumed that there was no significant impact of distance from forest commons on livelihood based on the difference from forest commons.
  • The article also hypothesized no correlation between the carbon storage and the benefits derived from these forests at 5% level of significance.
  • The scholar assumed that the area of the forest commons had no significant association with livelihood benefits and carbon storage.
  • Finally, ownership of forest commons was assumed to have a no significant relationship with livelihood benefits and carbon storage.

The article data was collected from International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI), as part of the collection of data (Data, 2012). The current research method constituted of 80 forests in ten countries. The purpose of the research was to identify the relationships between ecological and social processes in different forest landscapes (Rustagi, Engel, & Kosfeld, 2010). Data collected were entered into a database; and the R- 3.4.3 version complier was used to analyze the different institutional relationships between people and forests (Braun, & Murdoch, 2016; Mohan, 2016).

 The data set consisted of Forest ID, Country code, Standardized Livelihood Contributions Index (zliv), Carbon Storage (Basal Area) (zbio), Forest Commons Outcomes, Forest Commons Ownership, Distance to Forest Commons, Distance of Forest to Nearest Administrative Center, Local Autonomy, and Log of Forest Size. Descriptive and inferential analyses were used to establish the complexity of relationship amongst the variables. The zliv and zbio are the two dependent variables of the study, with other factors considered as independent variables.

Sample Data Analysis

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Forest commons usage was categorized mainly among four outcomes as deferred, sustainable, overuse, and unsustainable utilization. The scholar categorized sampled forest commons in four categories: (a) ‘‘sustainable commons’’ (providing above average livelihood benefits and carbon storage) (b) ‘‘overused commons” (those providing below average carbon and livelihood benefits), (c) ‘‘deferred use commons” (for high carbon storage and low livelihood benefits) and ‘‘unsustainable commons” (for high livelihood benefits and low carbon storage). Amongst these overuse and unsustainable consumptions were identified as two primary usages (Ostrom, 2015).

The sample involves a significant variation in the biophysical properties and in societies that depend on it for diet. Result index measures the contribution of forest for the basic needs of local users, consisting of shares of wood, food, green biomass, which comes from the forest of domestic wood common. The distances of forests from place of residences were found to primarily within 10 Km radius area. Moreover, density within 5 Km of radius was significantly outsized.  

The sample shows significant differences in the results of two ownerships, where government ownership was far ahead of community possession of forest commons. The instantaneous effect of the size of the forest along with local and the Government authorities were scrutinized by the scholar. The combined carbon sequestration benefits were also weighed against the living expenses of the community.

Many studies observed the distribution of benefits in terms of carbon storage and livelihood, the scholar proposed greater role of local autonomy in decision making about association of forest management in the sustainable commons. In the current sample, the division was almost equal for low and high authority towards the autonomy of the forest commons.

Sample Data Analysis

Standardized carbon storage (M = -0.014, SD = 1.037) distribution was greatly inclined towards positively skewed (S = 0.777) demand for a better general understanding of the nature of the services for the benefit of all, in the context of the many contributions of forests that have been increased to the well-being of the population.

The histogram representation of standardized livelihood (M = 0.135, SD = 0.914) focuses on the usage of commons form the forest, which is heterogeneous in nature with almost normal trend (S = 0.352) within defined forest boundaries. The benefits of the forest are particularly important for understanding the complex relationship between carbon storage and contribution of the forest residents, where the distribution of standardized carbon storage signifies standard normal characteristics.


To scrutinize the impact of forest size, local autonomy in rulemaking and community along with government ownership, the article analyzed the reparation relationships between livelihood with respect to the ownership of the forest of the commune, local and self-government ownership. The average standardized livelihood (zliv) was hypothesized to 0.5, and one sample t-test established that livelihood estimates was significantly (t = -3.572, p < 0.001) different at 0.1% level of significance from the hypothesized value. With 95% confidence the average “zliv” was estimated to be somewhere between the range [-0.0685, 0.3384]. The effect size of the sample of “zliv” for hypothesized average value of 0.5 was calculated by Cohen’s D = 0.399. The effect size of the sample of “zliv” for one sample t-test was found to be standard.

The effect of the local authorities and the Government with the combined carbon sequestration benefits failed to have any significant (t = -0.188, p-value = 0.851) impact on the community and living expenses.

The complex relationship was simplified by the scholar by dividing the sample into communities’ small populations with three partitions based on the distances from the forests. A one-way ANOVA was used to testify the impact on livelihood based on the difference of distance from forest commons. Distance from forest was identified as a highly significant impact factor for livelihood from forest commons (F = 6.642, P < 0.001) at 0.1% level of significance. In addition, the scholar recorded the distance from the forest to the nearest administrative center.

No correlation between the carbon storage and the benefits was derived from these forests. Pearson’s product-moment correlation tested the alternate hypothesis that there was non-zero correlation between livelihoods and carbon storage at 5% level. The results showed that due to lack of consistency there was no statistically significant correlation (t = -0.49, p = 0.619), and the estimated linear correlation coefficient was r = – 0.056.

The scholar noted that the area of the forest commons was significantly and positively associated with carbon storage (r = 0.261, t (78) = 2.39, p < 0.05) and livelihood benefits (r = 0.384, t (78) = 3.68, p < 0.05). Specifically, sustainable commons group of forests or larger forest commons are more likely to provide above average carbon storage and livelihood benefits.


Conversely, ownership of forest commons was found to have a significant relationship with livelihood benefits and carbon storage. The positive effect of government ownership on carbon storage (t = – 6.79, p < 0.05) and livelihood benefits (t = – 6.23, p < 0.05) of compared to community ownership of sustainable commons was identified.


This article contains two articles on ongoing discussions on synergies between livelihoods and carbon storage in socio-ecological systems (Chhatre, & Agrawal, 2009). The analysis presented in particular, to ensure the benefits of living and storing carbon in managed forests. Over the past two decades, the use and management have been transferred to more than 200 million acres of local forests users and communities in 60 countries. It is clear that the decentralization of public administration affects not only forest management but also development policy and the fight against climate change. The article findings have two main implications for reforms.

First, if they want to improve the food and storage of carbon by decentralizing forest management, they can achieve meaningful results and benefit from everyone by ensuring that the various packages of forest management region are enhanced with facilities to common people (Barnes, 2017; Collen, Krause, Mundaca, & Nicholas, 2016). Secondly, the benefits of carbon life and storage can be improved in the future.

The statistical analysis of the article for local autonomy establishes that the community against government property has parallel simplified the complexity of these concepts. There are many fine distinctions that belong to the community and the government. This particular study can be also performed for greater sample size with forests from various countries around the world (Andersson et al., 2018; Luintel, Bluffstone, & Scheller, 2018).


Andersson, K. P., Cook, N. J., Grillos, T., Lopez, M. C., Salk, C. F., Wright, G. D., & Mwangi, E. (2018). Experimental evidence on payments for forest commons conservation. Nature Sustainability, 1(3), 128.

Barnes, C. A. (2017). Approaching facilitated self-governance of the forest commons: On the roles of external actors in community forest management in India (Doctoral dissertation, Utrecht University).

Braun, W. J., & Murdoch, D. J. (2016). A first course in statistical programming with R. Cambridge University Press.

Chhatre, A., & Agrawal, A. (2008). Forest commons and local enforcement. Proceedings of the national Academy of sciences, 105(36), 13286-13291.

Chhatre, A., & Agrawal, A. (2009). Trade-offs and synergies between carbon storage and livelihood benefits from forest commons. Proceedings of the national Academy of sciences, 106(42), 17667-17670.

Collen, W., Krause, T., Mundaca, L., & Nicholas, K. A. (2016). Building local institutions for national conservation programs: lessons for developing Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programs. Ecology and Society, 21(2).

Data. (2012, June 8). Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

Epstein, G. (2017). Local rulemaking, enforcement and compliance in state-owned forest commons. Ecological Economics, 131, 312-321.

Luintel, H., Bluffstone, R. A., & Scheller, R. M. (2018). An assessment of collective action drivers of carbon storage in Nepalese forest commons. Forest Policy and Economics, 90, 39-47.

Mohan, M. (2016). Mathematical and Spatial Modeling of Forest Carbon Management: A Multi-Objective Programming and Remote Sensing Approach.

Ostrom, E. (2015). Governing the commons. Cambridge university press.

Rustagi, D., Engel, S., & Kosfeld, M. (2010). Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons management. science, 330(6006), 961-965.

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