Relationship Between Attitude, Job Satisfaction And Organizational Behavior
Literature Review
Explain the relationship between Attitude and Job Satisfaction and organisational behaviour, and the second part should explain how Attitude and Job Satisfaction would affect the employee’s motivation at work referring to one specific motivation theory.
The attitudes of the employees as the job satisfaction are two of the curial points which provide the huge impact on the organizational behavior. This literature review will help in explaining the desired relationship between the attitudes and job satisfaction with that of the organizational behavior (Adam, 2010). The satisfied workers provide their finest efforts as to bring out the preferred change required for the enlargement of the business procedure of the concerned firm. Positivity inside the employees creates the desired new ways for enhancing the general performance of the concerned employees of the respective firm. There are certain theories such as Maslow’s needs of hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s theory of two-factor, McClelland’s theory of needs, Porter as well as Lawler’s Theory of Expectancy, McGregor’s Theory of Participation, and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, which reflect the importance of the employee’s motivations for maintaining the effectiveness and the efficiency of the concerned workforce. It is the decisive duty of the managers as well as the leaders of the concerned association to motivate the employees in order to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the concerned organization (Cakmur, 2011). There are three of the crucial components of attitudes which help in recognizing the desired behavior of the employees regarding their particular work and this can enhance the overall profitability of the organization.
Relationship of Attitudes and job satisfaction to organizational behavior
Attitudes of the employees play the crucial role in enlarging the success as well as the efficiency of the apprehensive association. Furthermore, the satisfaction of the job is considered to one of the most significant factors which help in retaining the experience as well as the old employees within the concerned firm (Cassells, Gong, and Keegan, 2010). The managers along with the employees of the firm need to understand the desired significance of attitudes and job satisfaction as this improves the overall performances of the organization concerned. The attitudes are the desired evaluative statements or the decision regarding the certain objects, events or the people. As per many of the well known past researchers, there are three of the crucial components of attitudes for the concerned people. These are cognitive components, affective component, and the behavioral component. As per (Culliney, 2014) the attitudes of the employees create a vital force on the implementation of the business processes of the apprehensive firms. The positive attitudes of the concerned staff members or the employee of a concerned organization evaluate the overall profitability of the organization. The past researchers have proved it to be very important to understand the desired relationship of the attitudes of the concerned workforce and the job satisfaction with that of the organizational behavior. There are different types of the attitudes such as the job satisfaction, Job involvement, organizational commitment, engagement of the employees and the perceived support for the organization. There are certain theories of organizational behavior which are considered to be of immense significance for the growth as well as the expansion of the business process of the concerned organization. These are theories of aptitude, theories of behavior, motivational theories, theories of perception and the theories of attitudes and behavior. On the other hand, it is very crucial for the management team of any of the firm to measure the satisfaction of the employees regarding the particular job they had. According to (Du, 2013) sometimes it has been seen that the dissatisfaction of the employees from the concerned job creates the negative impact on the growth as well as the development of the employees. There are two of the important ways for the measurement of the satisfaction of the job for the employees these are the global rating and the summation score. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the organizational behavior, the most significant are to evaluate the desired attitudes of the employees.
Relationship of Attitudes and job satisfaction to organizational behavior
The negative attitude of the emloployees towards the supervisor or the manager affects the effectiveness of the workplace and decreases the efficiency of the concerned association. The engagements of the workforce are very imperative for the evaluation of the company procedures for the concerned firms. Moreover, there are two of the diverse aspects of the managerial behavior such as the satisfaction of the employees and the dissatisfaction of the employees regarding the job they posses. The past researchers have significantly brought up the fact that there are different ways for enhancing the satisfaction of the employees which helps in retaining the old employees within the firm (Fernandez and Pitts, 2011). There are different ways adopted by the employees by which they express their dissatisfaction. Some of the ways are exiting, neglecting, voice and by showing loyalty. The efficiency of the concerned firm can be evaluated with the help of improving the overall performances of the respective employees. The attitudes of the employees help in providing the desired effort in the evaluation of the concerned work process of the respective firm. The past researchers have stated that there exists a strong relation relationship between the attitudes of the employees and the job satisfaction with that of the organizational behavior. Positivity inside the employees creates the desired new ways for improving the overall performance of the concerned employees of the respective firm. If the employees get no satisfaction from the job they do they the employee turnover may increase causing a great loss for the concerned organization. The attitudes, as well as the job satisfaction of the people, assess the preferred expansion of the firm on a large scale. The management team along with the experienced managers of the organization should formulate effective strategies in order to retain the employees within the organization (Heaslip, 2014). There is a crucial relation between the performance of the employees and the organizational behavior. The overall performance of the employees creates a bad as well as a good impact on the execution of the business procedure of the association. The satisfied employees provide their best efforts in order to bring out the desired change required for the enlargement of the business procedure of the apprehensive firm. The managers of the organization need to arrange effective training for the employees which will improve the overall effectiveness and the concerned efficiency of the particular firm. The job satisfaction helps in increasing the performances of the concerned employees and the employees are then able to assist the concerned customers with the better quality of the services and resolutions. The attitudes of the different employees of an organization evaluate their concerned perception regarding the execution of the business processes for the concerned firm (Korzynski, 2013). The experienced researchers evaluate the fact that the employees should have the positive attitudes as this will enhance the effectiveness of the organization and will increase the desired number of the customers towards the organization.
Impact on Employee’s motivation at work
There are different types of the motivational theories which help in providing the desired ideas regarding the importance of the employee’s motivation. The manger, as well as the leaders of the concerned organization, plays the considerable role in appraising the desired performance pg the employees. The performances of the employees are considered to be imperative for evaluating the desired growth of the concerned organization. Effective training from the mangers helps n motivating the employees within their concerned workplaces and it enhances the effectiveness and the desired efficiency of the organization. The attitudes and the complete satisfaction of the employees play the major role in evaluating the profitability of the concerned organization (Lassiter, 2010). A worker packed by people keen to learn as well as develop is a certain sign a corporation hire well. The workforce who is busy in their respective jobs along with careers wants to distinguish more on their business plus industry also to learn the skill which will develop their overall performance. An employer who wants to attach the full assessment of their staff in addition to foster loyalty, as well as preservation, will locate guidance is a captivating vision for all concerned. There are certain motivational theories which provide a desired sense of motivation to the employees and improve the overall performance of the complete firm. Organization, as well as their managers, are reasonably apprehensive concerning motivation. Motivated workforces are pleased, productive as well as loyal and this required by the companies. Although encouraging workers can be demanding, an amount of theory concerning motivation at the job may be used as the base to create practices, actions as well as processes to have an effect on worker motivation. There are certain theories which reflect the importance of the employee’s motivations for maintaining the effectiveness and the efficiency of the concerned workforce (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen, and Andersen, 2015). These theories are Maslow’s needs of hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s theory of two-factor, McClelland’s theory of needs, Porter as well as Lawler’s Theory of Expectancy, McGregor’s Theory of Participation, along with Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. Maslow explained that the needs of the employees need to be understood properly in order to increase their job satisfaction. The theory of Hierarchy of needs specifies how public in common attain an intelligence of happiness. This hierarchy is frequently used in the company setting to clarify worker motivation. Maslow projected that desires are pleased in a positive manner also that high-level desires may only be pleased formerly low-level wants are met. The needs of the employees are, as of base to the peak of the hierarchy: physiological needs, safety as well as protection, social, value and status along with the desires for self-actualization or existing up to an individual’s complete prospective (Patterson, 2012). Within the concerned workplace, large amount employees’ physiological desires are met. Security then turns out to be a concern, with the definite type of jobs which have extra safety challenge than the others. For enhancing the performance of the workers as well as the entire organization, the most crucial is to understand the desired aspects of the Herzberg’s two-factor theory. There are certain factors which help in highlighting the requirement and the needs of the employees regarding their satisfaction related to the job. There are some of the crucial points which are included within the job satisfaction. They are an achievement, recognition; work itself, responsibility, advancement and the desired growth. The managers of the concerned firm need to identify or recognize the performance of the employees and then they should provide the desired sense of motivation in order to increase the efficiency of the association (Snyder, Lopez, and Pedrotti, 2011). The attitudes, as well as the satisfaction of the job, creates an immense impact on the motivating the respective employees within the concerned workplace. There are different types of the methods used by many of the well-known organization to motivate their concerned employees’. These are the use of the incentives, rewarding programs, appraisal programs and promotion of the post of the employees to the higher posts. The past researchers have crucially identified that these factors create a great impact on the output of the work provided by the concerned employees of the particular organization. Numerous workers need pleasure commencing their employer to generate excellence work. Recognition, as well as worker reward scheme, recognize workers who carry out their work well. Acknowledge a work well complete makes workers experience well as well as it encourages them for doing fine things. Employer recognizes workforce by tracking development along with providing responses regarding their improvement over time (Webster and Williams, 2011). People recognition is as well an inspiring reason to drives employee efficiency.
There is another factor such as the behavior of the employees generates a decisive impact on the effecting of the business method of the apprehensive firm. Providing of the different types of the incentives as well as the rewarding programs help in bringing out the desired efforts and the outputs from the concerned employees which finally enhance the overall performances of the firm. In the words of (Workplace visions 2011, 2011) the attitude of the employees plays the major role in assessing the significant expansion of the firm and the execution of the business process within the concerned workplace. Herzberg critically evaluated the fact that in order to provide complete means of satisfaction to the employees, the most crucial, is to enhance their willing power by providing incentives and rewarding (ZIEGLER, HAGEN and DIEHL, 2012). Therefore, the two points such as the attitudes and the job satisfaction are considered to be large importance for providing motivation to the respective employees of the firm and this can be done in various ways.
The paper concludes that there exists a crucial relation between the attitudes of the workforce and their satisfaction regarding the job with that of the organizational behavior. The managers as well as the leaders of the concerned organization play the considerable role in assessing the desired performance pg the employees. The attitudes and the complete satisfaction of the employees play the key position in assessing the profitability of the concerned organization. The past researchers have confirmed that there survive a strong relation relationship between the attitudes of the employees and the job satisfaction with that of the organizational behavior. The attitudes are the desired evaluative statements or the decision regarding the certain objects, events or the people. As per many of the well known past researchers, there are three of the crucial components of attitudes for the concerned people. There are different types of the attitudes such as the job satisfaction, Job involvement, organizational commitment, engagement of the employees and the perceived support for the organization. The managers of the organization need to arrange effective training for the employees which will improve the overall effectiveness and the concerned efficiency of the particular firm. The attitudes of the different employees of an organization evaluate their concerned perception regarding the execution of the business processes for the concerned firm. The incentive is one of the crucial motivating factors which manipulate to drive actions as well as motivate workers to create superiority work. The employer uses numerous types of incentive to amplify invention numbers. Worker incentives provide a range of performances counting paid instance off, bonus, cash as well as move perks. Incentive forces employed to enhance the desired input provide them and to fascinate the growth of the concerned organization. As per many of the researchers, the satisfaction, as well as the dissatisfactions, is opposite to each other and if the employees are not satisfied then they may leave the concerned organization which can affect the overall profitability of the firm. The attitudes of the employees help in signifying their desired needs regarding the evaluation of the work within the concerned workplaces. Organization as well as their managers are reasonably apprehensive concerning motivation. Motivated workforces are pleased, productive as well as loyal and this required by the companies.
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