Relationship-Based Procurement And Its Implementation In Complex Projects

Procurement model and the 16 Elements:

The book “Collaborative Project Procurement Arrangements” by Walker and Walker have been associated with explaining the RBP or the Relationship Based Procurement by the application of the Wittgenstein Idea of Family Resemblance. This book has also helped a lot in understanding the RBP model along with its sixteen elements. The key concept of the BRP includes the development of a mechanism that is entirely associated with the development of mechanism which is responsible for the distribution of the responsibilities amongst the various collaborators of the project so as to consider them as responsible for solving any kind of issues that are faced by project. Besides this it is also to be noted that the interpretation of the RBP is very difficult and varies in accordance to the project and for this reason it can be concluded that there is no such standard for the implementation of this concept in project.

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The model is also associated with providing the definition of the KRA or the Key Result Areas which helps in understanding the project performance. This in turn is measured by making use of the areas of key performance. This is often considered to be an important constraint in the RBP model. There exist four platform foundational facilities and are considered to be very much important in the process of procurement. The major reason behind this is that they are entirely responsible for the providing the elements of the entire infrastructure. These four platforms are associated with providing five behavior shaping factor. All these factors which are generally considered during the procurement is responsible for driving the various normative practices which are very much needed for the purpose of defining the ambience, the individual feelings and the cultural aspects of the workplace. The behavioral aspects are turn associated with the driving of the major six processes along with the routines and the mean factors.

The implementation of an executive relationship-based procurement is entirely dependent upon the complete analysis and reviewing of the RBP model and this is considered to be the most appropriate technique helping in the management of the complex projects in an effective way. This in turn would be associated with ensuring the fact that the project is executed in a successful way. For all this reason, proper assessment of the model is considered to be an important aspect which is to be considered for the projects.

The 16 elements of the model have been discussed below:

  1. Motivation and Context: this mainly includes the definition of the various circumstance and the influences related to the procurement. The circumstances generally refer to the incidents that are likely to affect the projects certain potentials and the collaborations that are possible.
  2. Joint Governance Structure: This generally includes the elements that are associated with the providing of different ways which are standard along with being legitimate and are responsible for governing all the activities of a project. This governing is generally done in accordance to the various rules, standards or the norms. Besides this the element is responsible for the creation of the values along with the creation of coordination between the routines and mechanisms of the organization. Initially this would lead to providing a clear definition of the ways related to the communication and the collaboration so as to increase the benefits and effectiveness.
  3. Integrated Risk Management Strategy: This is the strategy associated with the providing of definitions of the risks associated with the project along with providing the appropriate framework needed for the purpose of mitigating the identified risks. This in turn would be helping in the maintaining the project along with helping in establishment of an effective strategy for managing the risks.
  4. Joint Communication Strategy: This is associated with providing a common platform that can be used for the purpose of having an effective communication. This in turn would be helping in the creation of coordination between the project members which would help in successful integration of the project. Confusions would be decreased between the peoples associated with the project along with helping in mitigation of various issues as well.
  5. Co-Location Strategy: This is the strategy associated with making sure of the fact that there exists a close interaction amongst the team members thereby increasing the coordination amongst the team members as well as the productivity.
  6. Authentic Leadership: The indicated the authenticity that the leaders are having so as to evaluate the values as well as the consistency that the leaders should have and is to be integrated in each and every level. This is to be done so as to support people along with the design and the supply chain. So basically, it can be stated that this is associated with describing the team as well as the project culture.
  7. Trust-Control Balance: This generally refers to the capability that the other team associated with the project are having so as to understand the value proposition. Besides this a clear and transparent mechanism is also provided so as to define the accountability in a project. This also refers to the capability of understanding along with providing of suggestions related to improvement. The true relationship is enhanced along with a workplace culture is provided which is safe as well as productive.
  8. Commitment to be Innovative: This generally refers to the capability of being innovative and besides this the innovation is not meant for the individuals but is also associated with aspiring the others so as to get innovative as well. For this reason, there is always a requirement of close participation from everyone associated with the project.
  9. Common best-for-project Mindset and Culture: This element is responsible for specifying the criteria associated with providing a definition of a successful project and this is generally not dependent upon the individual performances. This is entirely dependent upon the project outcomes which along with being positive are also successful in nature.
  10. No-blame Culture: This is the concept associated with taking of responsibilities for any kind of issue that are faced by the project in a collaborative way instead of blaming one another for the issues. Besides this it is also to be made sure that everyone associated with the project extends their helping hand so as to solve the issues.
  11. Consensus Decisions: This is generally associated with measuring the extent of the total agreement upon the executive, operational and the strategic level. This generally requires a discussion regarding the strategy of the project along with the testing and exploring of the mental models that are available. This strategy is associated with stating the fact none of the options should be opt out in order to make a decision.
  12. Learning and Continuous Improvement: There is always a need of having a proper learning proposition in order to understand learn and transform into continuous improvement. Along with this the team associated with project should also be associated with valuing the KPIs and the KRAs that has been documented.
  13. Incentive Arrangements: This includes the need of being innovative for the operations of the risks in which there exists a risk as well as reward mechanism so the arrangement of the incentives is very important for any project.
  14. Pragmatic Learning-in-Action: This generally refers to the collected values gathered by means of surveying the active as well as the effective members. Besides this in this there should always exist a focus upon the learning in order to gain competitive advantage along with providing opportunities for everyone by means of learning and adaptation which is to be done in a collaborative way.
  15. Transparency: This is the extent upto which the participants of a project agrees to get analyzed and to provide confirmation related to scrutiny.
  16. Mutual Dependence and Accountability: This the element which is associated with depicting the fact that the members of the team should not only be associated acknowledging the interdependencies but should also be responsible for evaluating the interdependencies as well. Governance is generally associated with supporting the responsibility of individual team or the cross-team collaboration.
  • Project 1: Forward strategy for payroll system
    • Platform Foundation (pp. 117-118)


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KSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)

1. Motivation and Context

Technical KSAE:  this is associated with providing a definition of the various circumstance and the influences related to the procurement.

Project Management KSAE: The tasks are defined in a proper way so as to make it understandable by the team members in order to complete the project effectively and efficiently

Business Solution KSAE: motivating the entire team to work in collaborative way so as to manage the entire project and besides this communication related motivations helps in discussing the various aspects or issues related to the project.

2. Joint Governance structure

Technical KSAE:  Need of developing an end-to-end governance structure and a board for project governance at the outset of the project

Project Management KSAE:

In order to manage the procurement a overreaching governance framework is to be developed in between the vendors

Business Solution KSAE:

Relational KSAE:

3. Integrated Risk Mitigation Strategy

Technical KSAE: Optimization of the Workbrain (1,029 customisations) and SAP (1,507 customisations) systems so as to increase the compatibility

Project Management KSAE:

Steps for the reduction of the errors along with contingency planning development so as to mitigate the risks

Business Solution KSAE:  

Making improvements in the process of rectifying the defects and the issues by means of the endorsement of the longer-term approach by implementing the key system changes.

Relational KSAE:

Collaboration amongst employees which is to be maintained so as to identify the risk and mitigate them in an effective  manner.

4. Join Communication Strategy

Technical KSAE: Implementation of the electronic communication helping in achievement of speed as well as efficiency in the communication process.

Project Management KSAE: Reviewing of the communication and proper planning which is to be followed by the analysis so as to identify the issues as well as the scope related to improvements in performance

Business Solution KSAE:

Each and every identified stakeholders needs to be made aware about the various activities and progress of the project. Includes detailed communication regarding the risks which needs to be address.

Relational KSAE: The communication process program needs to be considered as a single portfolio so as to improve the communication by the engagement of the stakeholder.

5. Co-location Strategy

Technical KSAE: Needed for providing the required resources as well as team supports so as to assists the staffs in improving the liability related to overpayment.

Project Management KSAE:

Project portfolio consideration so as to engage the specialists and the team members along with keeping a track of the expenditure.

Business Solution KSAE:

Making the resource allocation compatible with the four year strategy developed for the Queensland Health Payroll program. Besides this it should also be associated with following the work priorities.

Relational KSAE:

Presence of close interactions between employees and management along with arranging of specialist interactions so as to identify the resource requirement and allocate the resources

  • Behavioural Factors (pp. 119-120)


KSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)

6. Authentic Leadership

Technical KSAE:  Awareness creation regarding the different issues amongst the employees.

Project Management KSAE:

Creation of a proper development strategy. The leader should be associated with the implementing the strategy whenever needed along with providing Training to the employees in order to make them aware of the system.

Business Solution KSAE:

Identification of the requirements of the business for the project and to make sure that the team is having the efforts and work strategy so as to follow that requirement.

Relational KSAE:

For the purpose of communicating with the members and employees in order to motivate them so as to increase their efficiency in different activities of the system

7. Trust-Control Balance

Technical KSAE:  

· Development of the specification  along with the description so as to define the value proposition

Project Management KSAE:

Making sure of the fact that everyone is having a proper understanding of the value proposition along with its importance

Business Solution KSAE:

Team collaboration framework is to be optimized along with the value proposition in accordance to the project requirements

Relational KSAE:

Building of trust as well as collaboration amongst the team members.

8. Commitment to be Innovative

Technical KSAE:

Development of the team in a proper way by providing of learning along with innovative framework  

Project Management KSAE:

Ensuring the fact that the team members are capable of understanding the requirements of the project and the learning and innovating aspects as well

Business Solution KSAE:

Development of the business context related to the project along with its integration with the learning and innovation framework

Relational KSAE:

Associated with Encouraging everyone so as to learn and to provide assistance to whoever requires

9. Common best-for-project Mindset and Culture

Technical KSAE:

Providing a proper definition of the importance for the common development along with the designing of the guidelines so as to achieve collaborative success

Project Management KSAE:

Assessing the performance of the team by considering or assessing the development and success of the project

Business Solution KSAE:

Optimization of the collaborative framework so as to achieve team development along with the success of the project

Relational KSAE:

Creation of trust amongst the team members along with the development of vision as well as culture so as to have joint development.

10. No-blame Culture

Technical KSAE:

Providing of Guidelines related to accountability along with the specifications related to the identification of the issues and ways of mitigation

Project Management KSAE:

Identification of the issues along with collaboration of the entire project and Joint solution development for the issues

Business Solution KSAE:

The accountability guidelines are to be optimized

Relational KSAE:

Creation of trust as well as responsibility amongst the entire project team

  • Processes, routines, and means (pp. 121-123)


KSAE’s to maximize the effectiveness (pp. 123-133)

11. Consensus Decisions

Technical KSAE:

Agreements and framework for conducting the discussion is to be developed.

Project Management KSAE:

Application of the agreement at the different levels of the project like the strategic, operational and executive level

Business Solution KSAE:

All the business related context needs to be analysed so as to frame the decision

Relational KSAE:

In order to have a collaborative decision all the team members need to be invited.

12. Learning and Continuous Improvement

Technical KSAE:

Designing of the Resource design so as to learn and develop

Project Management KSAE:

The requirements of the project need to be identified so as to develop the knowledge in accordance to the requirements.

Business Solution KSAE:

The KRAs and the KPIs needs to defined properly in accordance to the requirements of the business.

Relational KSAE:

The team is to be motivated so as to improve the overall performance of the team members and increase their efficiency as well.

13. Incentive Arrangements

Technical KSAE:

A detailed overview of the rules and regulations is to be provided related to the awarding of incentives

Project Management KSAE:

Existence of accountability in a collaboraive way for any kind of risks associated with the project

Business Solution KSAE:

Risk mechanism along with a reward mechanism is to be developed.

Relational KSAE:

The team members are to be encouraged by means of incentives which would also help in motivating the team members as well.

14. Pragmatic Learning-in-Action

Technical KSAE:

Having a strategic focus so as to learn and gain competitive advantage along with it.

Project Management KSAE:

The team members should be associated with taking active as well as effective participation in the different tasks associated with the project

Business Solution KSAE:

The values of the business need to be defined according to the requirements that a project is having.

Relational KSAE:

Values are to be collected by means of active as well as effective participation of the different members of the project.

15. Transparency

Technical KSAE:

Creation of the framework in order to audit the service along with the efforts of the team which is to be followed by making the team members get familiarized with the framework

Project Management KSAE:

Responsible for the application of the framework by considering the activities of the project activities along with the project framework

Business Solution KSAE:

The framework is to be optimized in accordance to the business needs

Relational KSAE:

Creation of trust amongst the members of the team along with encouraging them so as to remain transparent while identifying the issues and accepting scrutiny

16. Mutual Dependence and Accountability

Technical KSAE:

Providing of a detailed description related to the team collaboration requirements along with the providing of definitions of the strategies related to mutual dependencies

Project Management KSAE:

The governance is to be designed for the dependencies which are mutual in nature according to the scope and the requirements of the project

Business Solution KSAE:

Providing a proper definition of the business along with the mutual dependencies along with creation of a stakeholder view for their accountability in the project.

Relational KSAE:

Associated with allowing the team members to work by having a close interaction along with helping in the creation of a sense of accountability within the team by providing of a description of the project in a detailed manner.

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