Relation Between Social Media And Conflict Management

Social Media

The usage of social media in business has increased rapidly in recent years. It has become near to impossible to globalise without the assistance of social media. The primary reason for using social media in business is communication (Perrin, 2015). It is the communication with the world and approaching potential customers worldwide that social media makes easy. Often social media is used for communicating with investors, manifesting a company’s products and services and creating the brand image (Dekker & Engbersen, 2014). Studies show that the correct use of social media can have a positive impact on the organisation’s growths and improvement. In this report, I will discuss regarding social media, conflict management and the ways the two terms are interrelated. Firstly I will explain the concept of social media. Secondly, the idea of conflict management will be explored by me. Thirdly, I will find out the relating existing between social media and conflict management and its implications in my present and future role in business. The report will consist of my perspective as well regarding the topics.

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There are undoubtedly numerous benefits of social media in business, and that is the only reason for using social media widely by millions of organisations across the globe. Social media can be defined as the collection of channels making communication possible around the world in less or no time (Hays, Page & Buhalis, 2013). There are websites, blogs, forums, networking platforms and many more useful tools that give millions of opportunities to the companies to use them as business tools. Few of the critical social media platforms used extensively and commonly are LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube, Pinterest, Google+, Reddit and Wikipedia (Curty & Zhang, 2013). Social media offers excessively easy ways to communicate. It provides exceptionally low cost methods of interaction and communication with audiences (Lyon & Montgomery, 2013). With the help of social media, people can put forward their perspective and opinion. Different social media has various features which attract people with its unique features and qualities. Along with time people are increasingly becoming technology driven since it is an easy, attractive and not expensive people are only increasing on social platforms. Among the examples I provided, I am a holder of accounts in two to three platforms. I have found myself reaching for internet and social media for most of the information I seek daily. There have been times when I have given my personal view on social media on various issues, opinions and perspectives through filling surveys, liking posts, or commenting on topics. I have successfully made friends with unknown people and often ended up having disputes on arguments. Therefore in my opinion, social media is a powerful tool with great potential that can help you with your ideas or even create issues. Also, I agree to the point that it depends on the way communication has been carried out which settles down as conflict or agreement.

Conflict Management

Conflict management is the practice in an organisation that involves recognising issues that have the tendency to create dispute and dealing with such disputes in a rational, balanced and effective way (Head & Alford, 2015). It is often a limiting process that is used to limit the negative aspects that can cause conflict. The primary aim of conflict management is an enhancement of learning and group outcomes involving performance and effectiveness in any organisation or company. Organisations that can have appropriate measures of conflict management or any organisation that has adequately managed conflict can improve the overall organisational performance (Jensen, 2017). Conflict resolution is a process involving elimination, reduction and termination of various forms of conflict (Al Ramiah & Hewstone, 2013). Thomas and Kilmann have identified five styles of conflict management. The five types of conflict management identified by Thomas and Kilmann are competing, compromising, collaborating, avoiding and accommodating. Appropriate kind or levels of conflict can be beneficial for businesses which are primarily the main aim of conflict management and not the conflict resolution (Tidström, 2014). In the way a proper way of conflicting management can be beneficial to an organisation in the similar way organisation not valuing the importance of suitable conflict management can face risk in the business. Conflicts that are maintained by the organisation’s conflict management can be in the internal environment or external environment. Internal conflicts are the disputes that are within the organisation such as departmental disputes or disputes among employees. External conflicts are the disputes of conflicts with other organisations or with any other external body associated with the organisation such as media, legislature and many more (Ratner et al., 2013). Like I mentioned under the social media section, there have been situations where I have faced conflicts presenting my views and especially when my perspectives are different than another person. However, reflecting on the experiences, I have learned that it is often the way of communication and remembering a few key terms such as accommodating, cooperating and avoiding that can be helpful in while managing the conflicts.

Social media is widely used in business for the easy and low cost methods that social media provides. It has become of the most vital tool in business that cannot be ignored while planning for the business’ growth and improvement (Hays, Page & Buhalis, 2013).  Business is involving more and more people, and social media gives the access to connect with millions of people in a few seconds. Therefore, the use of social media has become mandatory in a business where organisations can promote their goods, services, understand customer demand, customer behaviour and the current trends. It is certain that social media provides way more opportunities in low cost than other broad media and other mass media. However, it is important to note that social media the opportunity for people to present their perspectives with full access to freedom of speech. It is a platform that has a high potential of causing conflicts and disputes. Therefore, there are specific conflict management tools that are used by businesses and the social media platforms to avoid such situations. However, social media has also become a tool for reconciliation and post-conflict reconstruction. The concept depends highly on the type of communication and context one sharing. The organization can go to a different extent for the promotion when all the related aspects are not given consideration, and people are met with sentimental hurt or economic loss there are chances of conflicts (Lee, Shiue & Chen, 2016). Therefore, the effectiveness of social media for organisations depends on various factors that should be involved within the conflict management. The elements on which the effectiveness of social media depends are political factors, accessibility of the technologies, credibility, cultural factors and literacy level of the state. Although organisation have their product or service they produce as the top priority, there is a need for the consideration of the mentioned factors. Considering the following factors organisations produce the conflict management strategies.

Relation Between Social Media and Conflict Management

According to me, it is essential to understand that organisations work as a whole, similar to the human body. Failure of any part or dysfunctional of any function can lead to high damage on the overall organisation. Therefore, I understand the importance of coordination. When I reflect on my experiences of past conflicts, I know the value of communication. I have learnt that appropriate communication is the key to fruitful conversation, argument or negotiation. There are other conflict management strategies that are have been helpful in understanding and resolving conflicts. Therefore, in the future, I see my role guided by the conflict management strategies such as cooperation, positive behaviour, accommodation and appropriate communication. Adopting the positive attitude has a significant impact on conflict management. Since I am an impulsive person, I will make sure I enter my workplace with a calm and confident mind. There is always a bright side and to find out the bright side is the key to conflict management. I understand the importance of cultural values and the impact it can have on the organisation on social media as it is one of the sensitive parts that often arises conflicts. Also, usually there is a need for compromising during full filing own goal. I understand that understanding the situation is another crucial part of conflict management therefore, the priority would be the understanding of a situation in social media followed by other conflict management strategies.

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Social media is a rapidly adopted business tool. However, it has a role to play in the conflict management of organisations. The report has also helped me understand the concept of social media and conflict management in a better way. There are many benefits of social media as well as disadvantages. Social media is highly useful in making brand image therefore, I have learnt that it should be cautious of external conflict-prone aspects. At the end of the report, I understand the role of social media and the way it plays its role while making use of other benefits. It has helped me shape my role in any workplace in the future.


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Hays, S., Page, S. J., & Buhalis, D. (2013). Social media as a destination marketing tool: its use by national tourism organisations. Current issues in Tourism, 16(3), 211-239.

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