Reflective Writing On Diversified Australian Healthcare
Diversity in Australia
Write a Reflective Writing on Diversified Australian Healthcare.
My reflective writing is based on the cultural diversity of Australia, its history, the health care system of Australia and whether Australian healthcare setting can meet up to the standards of such a diversified culture. My reflection is on a specific healthcare issue based on a specified culture. The topic is of utmost interest for me because I am an Australian, and these studies would definitely help me in my clinical health care settings, as it would give me a varied idea about the healthcare system of Australia, my homeland. For decades Australia had been a place of lot of immigration from different parts of the world, and due to this they have been facing a lot of problems regarding the healthcare. My report focuses on the health care measures that can be taken up for them to improve the quality of care provided to them.
Australia has a diversified culture. The history of Australia has shaped the diversity of the people. The main factors behind the diversified culture of Australia is due to thee demography of Australia , diverse population of the indigenous people, British colonial past and immigration of different types of people having different cultures from different parts of the world (Rechel et al., 2013). Australian population is one of the most diversified populations of the world.
It has been found that although most of the population is of Australian origin. But it has been found that about 75% of the Australians have ancestry other than Australia. It has been found that Australians speaks about more than 200 languages (Colquhoun & Dockery, 2012). Languages spoken other than English are Greek, Italian, Chinese and Arabic. The major religion in Australia is Christianity (Fiske, Hodge & Turner, 2016).
Before the British arrived in Australia in the year 1788, Australia was the home for the indigenous people. The Torres Strait Islanders and the Aborigines (Manning & Trimmer, 2013). It has been found that there are more than 500 hundred different types of clans in Australia, having their distinct culture, language (Fiske, Hodge & Turner, 2016).
The aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders have separate land areas. Their languages and cultures are different. Different group of clans have different cultures and they have developed unique skills and knowledges based on the environment (Aspin et al., 2012).
The multicultural health in Australia poses a challenge to the general practitioners because they should have a strong cultural competence to deal with the patients coming from different cultures (Colquhoun & Dockery, 2012). The concept of multiculturalism is Australia involves and accepts the right of every Australians irrespective of their culture, to get a proper medical care.
Multicultural Healthcare in Australia
The term White Australian theory refers to the various historical policies that prevented the non European immigrants in Australia. The immigration restriction act of 1901 restricted all sorts of the European immigration (Manning & Trimmer, 2013). The law was specially directed towards the Chinese immigrants, but later on this popular cry was also raised against the Japanese, after the victory of Japan over China in the Sino-Japanese war. The principle reason behind the white Australian movement is due to the fact that cheap but efficient Asian laborers were available. All kind of non-European immigration was effectively prevented with the introduction of the Entrance examinations in European languages. It was found that the policies became less stringent after 1950 (Neumann, Gifford, Lems & Scherr, 2014).
I have gone through many research articles and have found that Australian food and the health patterns have many similarities. This is probably due to the fact that the Indigenous Australians have arrived in Australia Asia via and have linguistic connection with the Asians. I have found that the diverse food pattern had been introduced in to the Australian market. For the Asians in Australia, the energy expenditure and the intake of certain protective food decreased. It led to the development of the ‘eco- diseases’. The migrants became susceptible to diseases like diabetes, cardio vascular disease and certain cancers. Thus I can definitely say that, while Asian migration brought health opportunities for the host citizen but the migrant got susceptible to nutrition related health issues (Martinez at al., 2015).
The social models of our healthcare are affected by a number of interpersonal, individual, environmental, social and economical factors. They help us to have a deeper understanding of the health. Some parameters that influence health are the Income and the Social status, employment, gender, culture, social and the support network, childhood development, social exclusion, literacy. These social influences led to the differences in health among the various group of populations. I have often seen about the heath discrepancies between the Indigenous and the non Indigenous Australians (Durey & Thompson, 2012).
According to Yuill, Crinson and Duncan, there were six key features of social models of health (Pilgrim, 2017).
- Health of an individual is affected due the social context.
- Our body is simultaneously biological, social and psychological.
- The experience of the diseases and the way the health is perceived varies from cultures to cultures.
- Medical science is not everything.
- Political processes have a huge impact on health.
- It is necessary to listen to the voice of the other people other than these professions.
I have also come across the health models of the Han cock and Duhl, which suggests 11 parameters of the health crisis (Davies & Kelly, 2014).
According to me a social model of health encourages us to adopt a deep perspective on health. It should be kept in mind that the we must change those factors of the environment that are promoting ill health, than to change the life style of the people or the way of their living.
Social Models of Healthcare
Health system of Australia is quite complex. Complexities cannot be avoided, in order to provide an inclusive and a multifaceted approach of health care to the varied residents of the Australia. According to me, behind the scenes of the healthcare system of Australia lies a network of clinical governance, coordination, regulation, funding aspects and government health policies. According to the researches made by me, The Australia spends about 9.5% of its GDP in the healthcare (Ware, 2013). I have come to know about the health systems that most of type people’s first contact with the Australian health society is that, when they visit a general physician. The other health providers of the Australian health care system are the medical practitioners, nurses, other health professionals, hospitals and clinic. They provide us with different levels of services, starting from primary healthcare to emergency services, palliative care, and rehabilitation. Private sector health service includes the private hospitals, pharmacies. Recent researches have focused on the new models of care, like the nurse led walks in the clinics. Innovations like E-health records also have improved the communication and access to the health care services. The Tele-health technologies have improved the medical facilities for the people residing in the regional, rural and the areas that are remote. Patients also can do video conferencing with the physician (Newman, Biedrzycki & Baum, 2012).
Health is an expensive business. It has been found that about 780% of the total expenditure on health was funded by the government. The remaining portion was paid by the patients, health insurers, the patient and the different compensation scheme (Martinez et al., 2015).
In 2014 the Health Performance council has identified that people belonging from a cultural and linguistically diversified background does not get suitable healthcare outcomes (Martinez et al., 2015). Risk of unemployment for the people coming from the CALD (Culturally and linguistically diverse) background, their linguistic barrier, less recognition of the overseas qualification are found to be responsible for the improper healthcare settings for the CALD people (Polonsky, Renzaho, Ferdous & McQuilten, 2013). Lack of government support and lack of understanding also cater to the poor health care facilities or the CALD people. Based on the researches it has been found that the Southern part of Australia had more aged people compared to the other part of the country. This is primarily because the CALD community is largely made up of post war immigrants (Shanley et al., 2012).
Healthcare System of Australia
The older CALD people face difficulties in getting work, as it is difficult to train them, age discrimination and racial discrimination is also found to be responsible. These people cannot afford the proper healthcare. I have come across researches and have seen that the new and emerging CALD communities have international students, skilled migrants. New migrants also include detainees, who have been waiting for the temporary visas. Their futures are uncertain and they often find it difficulties in getting any medical helps from the government (Renzaho, Renzaho & Polonsky, 2012). New migrants with medical issues and disabilities often experience delays in accessing medical help. I have also come across cases where delays are caused as the overseas medical reports are often not accepted and further new sets of tests are done here. Clients have to wait for the reports from an Australian analyst, before acceptance of the diagnosis of their condition. According to me, smaller population of the CALD people lack community support and therefore their needs and services are generally overlooked by the mainstream health care services. It seems that their needs are not properly addressed. It has been found that the people living in the Southern part of Australia mostly belong to these communities.
It has been found that the CALD people don’t get medical help even in health conditions like diabetes. Another major health issue for the elderly persons from the CALD community is the mental health. I have noticed that the older people from the CALD background suffer from mental health issues (Shanley et al., 2012). The people coming from the CALD community have a high risk of mental health issue other than those born in Australia. The cultural stigma attached to the dementia and the poor understanding of the clinical condition leads to delayed diagnosis of the disease. I have come to know from the recent researches that those who have migrated to Australia at an older age or those who are from the refugee background fall prey to physical and mental health issues.
The NSW health policy and the implementation plan for the culturally diverse communities, is a state wise strategic policy for improving the health and the NSW residents, who are religiously, culturally and linguistically different (Silvester et al., 2012).
They have set up multicultural programs and services, like bilingual health workers. There are health care interpreter service, multicultural AIDS and hepatitis C services, NSW refugee health service, mental health centers. The NSW transcultural aged care services also aims at providing proper care to the aged persons who are linguistically or culturally different (Ware, 2013). According to me, the policy adopted can really bring about a change in the life of the people who are culturally, linguistically different from the Indigenous Australians.
Australia is a land of diversified culture. History of Australia says that immigrations that took place in Australia have diversified its culture, food habits. All these differences really affect the health of the indigenous Australians and especially the immigrants. In order to provide appropriate care to the people the government have introduced certain measures, which has to some extend improved the quality of life
Aspin, C., Brown, N., Jowsey, T., Yen, L., & Leeder, S. (2012). Strategic approaches to enhanced health service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic illness: a qualitative study. BMC health services research, 12(1), 143.
Colquhoun, S., & Dockery, A. M. (2012). The link between Indigenous culture and wellbeing: Qualitative evidence for Australian Aboriginal peoples.
Davies, J. K., & Kelly, M. (2014). Healthy cities: research and practice. Routledge.
Durey, A., & Thompson, S. C. (2012). Reducing the health disparities of Indigenous Australians: time to change focus. BMC health services research, 12(1), 151.
Fiske, J., Hodge, B., & Turner, G. (2016). Myths of Oz: reading Australian popular culture. Routledge.
Manning, P., & Trimmer, T. (2013). Migration in world history. Routledge.
Martinez, O., Wu, E., Sandfort, T., Dodge, B., Carballo-Dieguez, A., Pinto, R., … & Chavez-Baray, S. (2015). Evaluating the impact of immigration policies on health status among undocumented immigrants: a systematic review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(3), 947-970.
Matulovic, S. (2015). The financial crisis’ effects on social well-being-A case study of socioeconomic positions and health implications in Ireland and Greece.
Neumann, K., Gifford, S. M., Lems, A., & Scherr, S. (2014). Refugee settlement in Australia: policy, scholarship and the production of knowledge, 1952− 2013. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 35(1), 1-17.
Newman, L., Biedrzycki, K., & Baum, F. (2012). Digital technology use among disadvantaged Australians: implications for equitable consumer participation in digitally-mediated communication and information exchange with health services. Australian Health Review, 36(2), 125-129.
Pilgrim, D. (2017). Key concepts in mental health. Sage.
Polonsky, M. J., Renzaho, A., Ferdous, A. S., & McQuilten, Z. (2013). African culturally and linguistically diverse communities’ blood donation intentions in Australia: integrating knowledge into the theory of planned behavior. Transfusion, 53(7), 1475-1486.
Rechel, B., Mladovsky, P., Ingleby, D., Mackenbach, J. P., & McKee, M. (2013). Migration and health in an increasingly diverse Europe. The Lancet, 381(9873), 1235-1245.
Renzaho, A., Renzaho, C., & Polonsky, M. (2012). Left out, left off, left over: why migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds are not adequately recognised in health promotion policy and programs. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 23(2), 84-85.
Shanley, C., Boughtwood, D., Adams, J., Santalucia, Y., Kyriazopoulos, H., Pond, D., & Rowland, J. (2012). A qualitative study into the use of formal services for dementia by carers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. BMC health services research, 12(1), 354.
Silvester, W., Fullam, R. S., Parslow, R. A., Lewis, V. J., Sjanta, R., Jackson, L., … & Gilchrist, J. (2012). Quality of advance care planning policy and practice in residential aged care facilities in Australia. BMJ supportive & palliative care, bmjspcare-2012.
Ware, V. (2013). Improving the accessibility of health services in urban and regional settings for Indigenous people (Vol. 27). Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.