Reflective Practice In Healthcare: An Analysis Of A Multidisciplinary Team Care Incident
Dsicuss about the Strategic Management Of Healthcare Organizations.
Every healthcare professionals need to develop an important skill for providing best service to their clients. This skills is the ability to be reflective of the events experienced by them in order to recognize the mistakes and hence try their best to develop knowledge and skills which would prevent any mistakes in the future times (Finkelman, 2015). Researchers are of the opinion that reflective practice is indeed one of the best ways by which the healthcare individual can learn from their own experiences. A reflective practice mainly involves recalling the events and analyzing the activities conducted and the outcomes that resulted. Upon critical analysis, the individuals can realize the mistakes and can understand the initiative that should have been taken to provide better outcomes of the situations (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2018)). It helps a healthcare professional to recognize the strength as well as weakness so that knowledge and skills can be enhanced. It also helps the individuals to develop self-awareness that helps to improve the practice for the client and in turn help them provide better quality lives. This assignment would help to exhibit how reflective practice is conducted with the help of proper model and how practices can be developed with effective model.
The first step of the model is called the description stage where the entire event is to be discussed in details. Due to the absence of the care coordinator in the community healthcare ward, I was assigned the duty of care coordinator in the rehabilitation ward. Although, I had proper skills of management of clients and meeting their needs and requirements in the correct manner and correct time, I had no experiences in team management and collaborative care coordination. An old woman was admitted to the ward from the emergency department after she had suffered from stoke and had fallen on the ground. After treatment in the emergency ward, she was out of danger and therefore had been transferred to the community rehabilitation ward for further treatment. A large number of healthcare experts had to be appointed by me so that all her care needs could be attempted successfully and efficiently. I appointed the multidisciplinary team and allocated all the professionals. There were social care workers, speech therapist, physiotherapists, clinical nutritionists, nursing professionals and healthcare educators who were forming the multidisciplinary team. However, the patient was seen not to be satisfied with the team where she complained that both the speech therapist and the physiotherapist had visited her ward at the same time and were arguing among themselves in front of her. Both of them argued and left the place without treating her. On the other hand, it was seen that the nursing professionals also faced conflicts among them as the junior nurses suffered from complexes and could not develop bonds with seniors. Seniors also did not have a helping approach and never helped the new people. Medication errors, high waiting time of the patient, lack of proper communication of the patients and among the healthcare members of the team were noticed. I could not understand what I should have done to develop the situation. Moreover, power struggles were noticed among the different professionals who therefore did not communicate with each other effectively. The direct effect of this situation was that the healthcare team could not provide the best care to the patient and the indirect effect was that the patient had very poor health outcomes. Her family member lodged a complaint against the team stating that proper care was not taken for which their patient’s health had deteriorated.
The Reflective Practice Model
In this stage, individuals need to discuss what they were feeling during the time of the occurrence of the incident. I was already very nervous, as I had no clue about how to manage a multidisciplinary team efficiently. Although, I developed the team by allocating members who needed to attend the patient as per the latter’s health requirement, I could not understand the initiatives that I needed to take and felt helpless. I could not plan how to proceed with the allocation of tasks to them for which they felt directionless. As they got no directions from me, I saw them arranging their own schedules and planning and conducting themselves accordingly. I felt inferior as a leader as I could not provide them with effective feedback that is very important for them to develop their skills and knowledge. I had to hear repeated complaints from the family members, the patients and the higher authorities as well which used to hurt me emotionally. I felt hopeless about the situation, as I could not understand what initiatives I should take to overcome the situation and establish effective teamwork. At one time, I started to question my own skills that made me lose my confidence as a care coordinator and manager that impacted not only the team’s performance but also the health of the patient.
This stage mainly helps in stating the various negative as well as the positive factors that were associated with the experiences. The positive factor of the entire incident was that it provided me a scope to experience the role of leadership and helped me to realize how I fare in my leadership capabilities. This experience helped me realize that although I have high quality skills in management of patients an can provide therapeutic treatment that satisfies them and provides them quality life but I do not have proper leadership skills. I realized that I need to develop my leadership traits that would help me to manage huge healthcare teams and guide them to provide the best care service to patients. I also understood, that in order to manage and lead a team effectively, I need to have a set of skills that would help in developing the climate of the workplace and would help in developing bonds among the members. Developing of bonds is extremely important for developing collaborative output that is indeed the main aim of multidisciplinary teams (Ortega et al., 2014). Although making me realize the facts was a positive aspect of the incidence, the negative aspect was more harmful. In this incidence, the care of the patient was compromised. Due to internal conflicts of the team as well as mismanagement from my part, I noticed that the patient was the individual who suffered the most. Medication errors, long waiting time of the patient, poor communication with the patient, not involving her in decision making, mismanagement of appointments with her and many others took place for which she was affected. Her quality of life got poor and she got anxious and depressed which might have affected her mentally and emotionally. These were the negative aspects of the incidence.
Description Stage
This stage mainly helps in developing senses from the entire incident. From the entire incident, I understood the importance of effective leadership in team development. From the very first day, I realized that I have lacked many leadership skills that had been very important for effective team management. The presence of complexes and power struggles had been the main reason for conflicts between the nursing professionals and therefore as a manager of the team, it becomes important for me to make the employees overcome the power struggles and complexes (Gopee & Galloway, 2017). Effective bond development was extremely important so that the professionals could not only help each other in times of requirement but also help to guide them for effective healthcare practices. I should have developed a culture of effective communication among the members for which various negative outcomes took place. Researchers have stated that effective communication decreases the chances of medication administration and in turn increase proper coordination among the members (Thomas, 2015). Effective communication also ensures development of good bonding among the members and makes them emotionally dependent on each other that influence the workplace climate (Ortega et al., 2014). I had not taken any initiative by which communication could be developed among the members. Hence, improper sharing of information had also taken place for which overlapping of appointments had taken place between the physiotherapist and speech therapist. All the negative impacts had taken place due to improper communication. I had not been able to infuse the importance of communication in the workplace among the members by proper initiatives for which the patient was affected. I also did not have proper feedback giving and receiving skills that made the members feel that they are not respected and cared for by the organization. I also did not conduct any group discussion sessions that would have helped them to clear their concerns. All these had actually affected their morale and therefore they could not participate in effective teamwork (Frich et al., 2015). My multitasking ability was poor for which I could not manage so many responsibilities at the same time and therefore many crucial points slipped my mind.
The last stage mainly shows what the individual could have done in the situation. While forming the team, I should have first tried to evaluate the relationships each of the member has with each other. This evaluation would have helped me to understand the different issues that the members were having with each other. I should have developed proper skills for effective time management so that allocation of tasks would have been done on time and the list would have been passed on to all experts at the correct time. Moreover, I should have possessed multitasking ability so that I could have allocated tasks according properly to the nurses according to their job experiences. This would have reduced their chances of asking for help from senior nurses in the situation. Moreover, I should have also guided the senior nurses about how to treat the junior nurses effectively so that they can develop their skills. I should have also attained to the complaints of the family members and communicated with them properly to understand their concerns. The patient was not satisfied as she was not included in decision-making and therefore, it was my responsibility to handle the delicate situation effectively by proper communication skills. I should have take effective feedback from the team members to know about their concern and should have provided them with feedbacks so that they can feel included and loved by the organization. I should have led the team effectively, which would have reduced the negative outcomes that took place due to the occurrence of the situation.
Feeling Stage
In this situation, the individuals need to reflect on the initiatives he should be taking if such situations offer once again. If I would have to go through similar situation once again, I would have first gone through several evidence-based articles that would provide me recommendations about how a team should be led in healthcare. A large number of internet articles are also available which guide us through effective leadership (Weng et al., 2015). After allocating the members, I would first arrange for a meeting where individuals would introduce each other so that all members can develop bonds with each other. I will arrange for meetings every weak where the members would discuss their concerns and provide effective feedback to each other. These will help everyone to enhance their skills and develop bonds among them (Nica et al., 2015). I should also arrange for on job training sessions by which communication skills would be taught to the individuals so that effective communication takes place and negative outcomes do not take place (Cunningham et al., 2015). I should try to plan my work and allocate myself with specific timeframes so that I can complete all work on time and does not leave out any specific tasks. All these would help in maintaining high quality care and increase patient satisfaction.
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