Reflective Leadership Journal: Employee Motivation, Conflict Resolution, And Harassment In The Workplace

Diary Entries

In my first experience as the supervisor for the new trainee that was highly motivated by giving them the extra pressure of work. This helped in achieving the objective of our division. Being an efficient supervisor company has given me immense responsibility of achieving organizational goal and success. In this situation, I was observing the fact that employees working under me were very much reluctant in providing their best services. As a result, organization was unable to achieve their business goals and objectives. As a responsible supervisor I really felt that employees would have to pressurise towards giving their best effort.     

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In my second experience, the grievance arose between management and union people whereas the intermediary my role was vital for solving the issue related to individual interest. Others did not bother about the problem and zero actions were taken by them to resolve it (Shackleton, 2011). I had to make an application of the hero moment where I had to play the most crucial role of mitigating any kind of issue happened between union and management. Without the performance of management the organization would not be able to achieve success (Kari, Rosch, and Burgoon, 2014). On the other hand, without satisfying union people organization would not be able to satisfy the needs and demands of the employees. Therefore, I had to act the most vital role where I was responsible for resolving the issue between management and union people.

In the third experience, one of the company’s staff was harassing one of my female trainees. Where I took initiative and actions were taken against him. I observed that one of my familiar office staff constantly harassing female trainees. As a result, those female trainees intended to leave the organization by giving a notice period. However, being a responsible employee I have decided to take an immediate action against this kind of situation. I have decided to escalate this issue in front of higher management so that they can take an immediate action against this situation.  

Initially, I believed that they would not be able to take the pressure for attaining the goals. But when I gave them pressure they were very worried and I thought it is not possible for them to complete the task. However, they managed to complete the given objectives and now they feel motivated. As a responsible supervisor I felt to maintain my personality and professional behaviour at the workplace. Otherwise, I was observing that employees were not taking serious about meeting client’s deadline. At the same time, I was also feeling that employees were misusing my friendly behaviour that I showed at my workplace. Gradually, they started to become inactive which badly reflected on organizational productivity (Chen, Mei-whei, and Rybak, 2017). In this situation, I have decision to implement some pressure on the employees with the help of which they would never like to show their casual behaviour in meeting organizational goals and objectives.  


I believed that nobody would try to view from the perspective of the other party but after I showed both the perspective of both parties they comprehend and the issues were resolved. I was observing the fact that union people were very much logical from their point of view. They were more concerned about the employees and their facilities and benefits. On the other hand, management is only concerned about their organizational profit. Sometimes, they are becoming rude towards the employees in quest of achieving the success of organization. In this situation, I felt to provide some recommendation to both the two parties so that it can fulfil the purpose of two of them.  

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I thought of taking the steps against harassment personally but in an organization, every step should be taken with definite procedures. This incident took place due to fear in the mind of the female trainee by which the fellow staff member took advantage off. These kinds of incidents are one of the most significant reasons due to which female employees get scared of being a part of business organization (Kouzes 2014). Day by day the numbers of female employees are decreasing due to harassment cases. In this kind of situation, I have personally felt that I need to take an immediate action against this situation by highlighting the issue in front of management.

The positive part was the achievement of objectives. My behaviour put a negative impact and pressurizes the trainees. The negative impact results in the positive outcome. At the same time, I also noticed a negative outcome of this situation. Employees lost their enthusiastic attitude after getting pressurized in meeting organizational goal. They started to felt themselves overburdened and intended to leave the organization.

Everybody has the right to stand for his or her interest but it does not mean to take part in violent activities. The negotiation between the parties went well. The miscommunication that rose between the management people and union people needed an intermediary who can resolve the issue. I took the role of this negotiator who convinced both the two parties and resolved the issue.

The positive thing was this unethical behaviour boosted the confidence of female employees that they cannot be harmed both mentally and physically. Otherwise no skilled and competent female employee would be able to show their proper talents. In protest to this situation, I decided to take an immediate step against it.


 I could have motivated them by offering incentives rather than only imposing pressure for optimal performance. Compensation benefit is one of the most effective ways of motivating the employees towards reaching organizational aims and objectives. As a result, employees got a friendly work environment and could enjoy the workplace.

When the labour force is not satisfied with the management then I think they must be called to have one to one communication and thus try to resolve their issues rather than showing aggression outside the company (Stephenson and Business, 2013).

I could report this issue of harassment by consulting the victim to the legal authority. Before taking any kind of major step I could have communicated with the victims whether they are intending to raise that issue in front of higher authority or not. If they are not intending to raise that issue to the higher authority I should take another method to punish the accused person.


I could assist the trainees and show them the most efficient way to perform a given task. Pressuring the employees towards work is not an easy solution to get good performances.

My leadership quality needs to be developed and proper or ethical ways should be shown to the workforce. While communicating with both the two parties I need to develop my professional language.

The strict framework should be formed and disciplinary actions should be mentioned to all the employees to mitigate these incidents. In addition, I should communicate with the victims first in order to know their point of view regarding these incidents.

 The trainee should be able to find the most suitable, cost and time efficient ways to complete a given task through training programs. In addition, I should approach the human resource manager to implement some incentive structure along with salary to motivate the employees towards services.  

I would recommend the management to provide workforce facilities according to the market standard. I would suggest the union people to cooperate with the decision of management and highlight their major concern in a pleasant way so that any kind of unhealthy situation is not created.

Self-defence programs should be imposed so that the female employee can learn to handle these situations. In addition, along with technological training program company should implement ethical and behavioural program as well so that male employees can learn how to maintain organizational ethics and behaviour.

Like success, I have experienced several failures also in my professional life. For one incident in where I was failed to motivate my team members to achieve the team goals and we could not achieve the team goal. Without proper motivation, the team members did not put their maximum efforts and this cause by our failure in achieving our team goal (Shackleton, 2011).


I failed to achieve my own target because before as well as after setting the target, I did not make any plan to attain the target. Furthermore, without the proper planning, the target could not be achieved. In addition, my fellow contemporaries are highly competitive. In order to survive amidst this level of competition my professional skill and technological competency needs to be more improved and enriched.

I failed to keep my own promise to one of my customers because I had not the authority to make this type of promises and for attaining my target I made that fake promise to my customer. Later on the customer would understand my efficiency level and crate a negative impression on me. As a professional it is a matter of discredit that I am unable to draw the attention of customer.

When I failed to motivate my subordinate to achieve the team goal, I felt very bad and I was worried about my position in the organization as my team has failed to attain the predetermined target for the team. Moreover, as a team leader I was liable for the performance of the team; hence, my worry was justified in that situation.

Once when I failed to achieve my own target, I felt disappointed but then I realized that the failure was certain as I did not plan for my target and I take a lesson from the failure.  In this situation, this kind of feeling was very important to make me strong and confident employee.

When I failed to keep a promise to the customer, I felt guilty and I promise myself that will not promise anything to my customer which I cannot fulfil. I also felt that the customer would get the negative impression on me when the person would know that I have given a fake promise. This particular feeling was rare that leant me a lot in the entire learning process of my career.     

I could not motivate my team members as I did not make the required rapport with them and they did not consider me their leader at that time. Before motivating my team members I could have tried to make an effective communication with them and share my views and thoughts with the help of which they got motivated. I was failed to achieve the target because I did not make a plan to achieve it. Before attaining any business goal I need to make a proper plans and objectives so that I can clearly see my target. Otherwise, I would never be able to achieve it. I did not analyse my own authority before making a promise to the customer; hence I could not keep my promise. I could have given estimation to the client instead of giving a promise.

I should make rapport with my team members and by showing my knowledge and skills must seize respect from them as a leader before trying to motivate them. In addition, I would have to share my views to others in order to become flexible with other team members. I should plan for my targets to achieve them. Before, achieving anything I would have to make a proper business plan. I should not make a promise that I cannot keep (Stephenson and Business, 2013). I should refer the customer to that concerned person who can resolve the issue. But, I should never make any fake promise just to manage the situation.

I will make friends with my team members and by showing my talents I will seize their respect as a leader. In addition, I would like to arrange a group meeting for gathering collective views and thoughts as well. I will make an effective plan for the target. I will not make a promise beyond my capacity.


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