Reflective Journal: Understanding Sampling Techniques In Quantitative Methods
Experiences and Understanding of Sampling Techniques
During the first week, I have developed my understanding regarding the impact of training and development on organizational performance. This topic was interesting for me as it was related to human resource management in the business. My tutor had given a lecture on sampling during this week. In this way, I have learned about the importance of sample. Thus, I would use sample during the investigation as it is less time-consuming and less expensive as compared to choosing every item in the population. In addition, I have increased my understanding regarding the sampling frame.
In this week I have learned that frames are used as sources of data like a list of the population, directories, and maps. Hence, I am able to use an effective frame in potential research. At the initial phase, I have increased my knowledge regarding the overview of the sampling technique. In this way, I have pointed out that there are two types of sampling such as probability and non-probability sampling. It is also observed that probability could be categorized into different tools like simple random, systematic, stratified, multi-stage and cluster sampling tool (Anitha, 2014). I understood that how these tools could be applied in the potential research and get reliable results. Throughout this week, I have generated my understanding regarding the technique of non-probability tools such as quota, snowball, purposive, self-selection, and conventional technique.
This week has also gained my experience that non-probability sample is chosen on the basis of the probability of occurrence. But, at the same time, I have pointed out that probability sample is selected as per the known probability. This sampling technique would be applied by me to conduct the research in the future (Dhar, 2015). I understood that the simple random sampling technique is used to choose the sample where every individual from the frame has an equal probability of being chosen.
I have also observed that under the simple random sampling method, the sample collected from the table of random amounts or computer-generated random numbers. It would be applied by me to conduct further research on the impact of training and development on organizational performance. I have also created my understanding regarding systematic sample in research. In this way, I have learned that researcher randomly select one individual from the 1st group in systematic sample selection. This learning would be beneficial for gaining my career in the research field.
I have developed my research and technical skills throughout this week. I have also enhanced my experience of the stratified sample. In this way, I have learned that the population is divided into two or more subgroups as per some common characteristics. It is pointed out that a simple random sample is chosen from each subgroup with sample size proportional to strata numbers (Cummings and Worley, 2014). It would be effective for me to use this kind of sampling method in conducting a further investigation (Saks, 2015).
I have also created my understanding of the cluster sample. In this way, I have gained my experience that population can be categorized into several clusters. At the same time, it is pointed out that all items in the chosen clusters can be selected from the cluster using another technique of probability sampling. It is assessed that a common application of cluster sampling entails exit polls in which some election districts are sampled and chosen. It would be beneficial for making further research on the impact of training and development on organizational performance (Eccles, Ioannou, and Serafeim, 2014).
This week can provide me with an opportunity to become a good researcher in the future. It also builds my career in human resource management field where I can be a good HR manager in upcoming times. During the next week, I have learned that for conducting an effective research, an investigator needs to choose the right sample as an inappropriate selection of research may create the complexity in obtaining the feasible outcome. This week has also generated my understanding regarding quantitative analysis. In this week, I have learned that probability sampling can be used in the quantitative study as it would aid to choose the sample and get the feasible outcome.
I comprehend many sampling methods named Simple random sample and systematic sample, stratified sample, and cluster sample. I understood that appropriate implication sampling method could be vital for collecting reliable information in the context of the target research matter. The suitable sampling method could lead the employees as well as organization to accomplish their target task in the least time and get favorable outcome (Eccles, Ioannou, and Serafeim, 2014).
Therefore, the company should also need to comprehend the sampling method in depth and collect the suitable sample size for doing research on specified task and reach at the reliable and valid conclusion. This module was imperative for imperative for increasing my existing understanding of the research methods as it would be effective for systematically conducting the research and make a reliable conclusion.
My tutor suggests me many methods to enhance my existing research skills with respect to the numerical as well as non-numerical data collection method to conduct the research and reach a reliable conclusion. It could be effective for getting a favorable result (Paillé, et al., 2014). My tutors also gain my understanding with respect to evaluating survey worthiness. Consequent, it would be effective for collecting reliable data with respect to the impact of training and development on organizational performance. Through this method, the researcher will be capable to effectively conduct the research (Parmenter, 2015).
After evaluating the sampling method aspect, it is observed that the sampling method could be needed for collecting the statistical information about specified research matter and reach at the valid conclusion (Goetsch, and Davis, 2014). It is also evaluated that if research does not aware about the survey types then it could create the biases in the research as it would influence the overall outcome of this research (Jones, Woods, and Guillaume, 2016). I analyzed that Coverage error, Nonresponse error, sampling error, and Measurement error were types were types of errors in the research.
I gained by gained my understanding of sampling distribution and standard error of mean to conduct the research and reach at the valid conclusion. It will increase the possibilities of obtaining higher success in the research. From effective learning about different types of sampling, I observed that how I can operate the business process. I also understood sampling distribution properties that could be effective for selecting sample size and get a favorable outcome. The sampling topic could be an imperative concept for the researcher as it facilitates to get reliable information due to effectively comprehends the importance of suitable sample size in the study (Sung and Choi, 2014).
Further, this topic facilitates to me to comprehend challenges that could be faced my me the time of selecting samples for conducting the researcher (Noe, et al., 2014). In addition, it is also examined that estimation of the sampling distribution and standard error of mean could be effective for operating the research process and meet the research aim and objectives (Ford, 2014). Consequently, it would be implied by me to conduct my research on the impact of training and development on organizational performance. This understanding could enable me to complete my research effectively and get a reliable outcome.
From the discussion of the above interpretation, it can be summarized that I enhanced my research skills which endorse to get a positive response. From the last class, I increased my understanding in the context of quantitative methods that could facilitate me improve understanding of the statistical tool for conducting the research and get reliable and valid data. I the recent period, I am able to imply conceptual information in practical life and obtain suitable responses. I gained my understanding of the importance of many components that could be essential to operate the business process named time management, confidence, and knowledge about the topic.
Therefore, I should requisite to concentrate on my interpersonal as well as communication skills. It can also be summarized that such skills could be imperative for making a favorable relationship with others and handle different situation. I used the self-approach model to improve my interpersonal and communication skills. Consequently, it would lead to making a positive relationship with others for long-term. Another problem that I faced is that I failed to comprehend the behavior of others that was a major concern for me. Hence, I met my tutor that supported me to dissolve this issue and make a favorable outcome.
Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 63(3), p.308.
Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014. Organization development and change. USA: Cengage Learning.
Dhar, R.L., 2015. Service quality and the training of employees: The mediating role of organizational commitment. Tourism Management, 46, pp.419-430.
Eccles, R.G., Ioannou, I. and Serafeim, G., 2014. The impact of corporate sustainability on organizational processes and performance. Management Science, 60(11), pp.2835-2857.
Ford, J.K. ed., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. UK: Psychology Press.
Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Jones, R.J., Woods, S.A. and Guillaume, Y.R., 2016. The effectiveness of workplace coaching: A meta?analysis of learning and performance outcomes from coaching. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(2), pp.249-277.
Noe, R.A., Wilk, S.L., Mullen, E.J. and Wanek, J.E., 2014. Employee Development: Issues in Construct Definition and Investigation ofAntecedents. Improving Training Effectiveness in WorkOrganizations, ed. JK Ford, SWJ Kozlowski, K. Kraiger, E. Salas, and MS Teachout (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997), pp.153-189.
Paillé, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J., 2014. The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study. Journal of Business Ethics, 121(3), pp.451-466.
Parmenter, D., 2015. Key performance indicators: developing, implementing, and using winning KPIs. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Saks, A., 2015. Managing Performance Through Training & Development, (Canadian ed.). UK: Nelson Education.
Sung, S.Y. and Choi, J.N., 2014. Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations. Journal of organizational behavior, 35(3), pp.393-412.
Additional readings
Bolden, R., 2016. Leadership, management, and organizational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development (pp. 143-158). UK: Routledge.
Busse, H., Aboneh, E.A. and Tefera, G., 2014. Learning from developing countries in strengthening health systems: an evaluation of personal and professional impact among global health volunteers at Addis Ababa University’s Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (Ethiopia). Globalization and health, 10(1), p.64.
Hyland, P.K., Lee, R.A. and Mills, M.J., 2015. Mindfulness at work: A new approach to improving individual and organizational performance. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8(4), pp.576-602.
Mone, E.M. and London, M., 2018. Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. UK: Routledge.