Reflective Journal On Corporate Social Responsibility And Business Ethics
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Narrow and Broad Views
1.Corporate social responsibility is an important factor that can help in the proper maintenance of sustainable processes of various companies. The levels of sustainability and the long term operations are related to the corporate social responsibility based responsibility activities which are undertaken by the organizations. The views related to corporate social responsibility thereby include, narrow view and broad view. The journal will be built on the reflective analysis related to two major views that can affect the organizational operations (Ni & Van Wart, 2015).
I have been able to understand the narrow view related to corporate social responsibility that has been discussed by Friedman. The major purpose based on effective existence of the business is related to methods which are used for distributing economic value to the society. I have also understood that managers can maximise the levels of value which are offered to the shareholders. The theory is thereby based on the effective understanding of the ways by which profitability levels can be increased in the modern organizations. The theory has stated that the most important objective of an organization is to earn profit and increase the levels of revenues as well (Cheng, Ioannou & Serafeim, 2014). The corporate social responsibility based activities are thereby considered to be secondary in nature. The different companies that have given importance to the profitability levels instead of corporate social responsibility mainly include, Ford Motor, Microsoft, Walmart and Nestle.
The learning has also been provided to me based on the socio-economic view based on corporate social responsibility that mainly states that modern companies are an important part of the larger society. The organizations need to be fulfil their responsibilities towards the society and the community in the area where they operate. The companies thereby try to maintain their position by fulfilling the responsibilities in an effective way. The sustainability of the operations of different organizations are related to the methods that are implemented in order to operate profitably within the industry. The recent trends which are present in the industry are also analysed by me with the aim to understand the narrow view and broad view based on the organizational operations (Tai & Chuang, 2014).
The activities that are related to the effective operations of the organizations that have implemented the narrow view of CSR, are hugely effected by the changes that take place in the externa, environment. The importance which is provided to social responsibilities by modern companies is based on the changes that have taken place in the external environment. The changes have further been able to reduce the implementation and use of narrow view based on corporate social responsibility in the organizations The diverse activities based on corporate social responsibility have increased and organizations have also become highly responsible in nature. This has provided effective importance to the socio-economic view or broad view of CSR (Saeidi et al., 2015).
The improvement of the activities performed with respect to the fulfilment of corporate social responsibility has been a major part of the sustainability of the organizations. The various levels of the analysis that are based on two views of CSR are considered to be important by the organizations for fulfilment if social responsibilities effectively within the country in which they operate. The modern companies that are successful in the activities based on corporate social responsibility mainly include, Google and Unilever (Korschun, Bhattacharya & Swain, 2014). The two organizations have been operating profitably in their respective industries. The organizations have not only provided importance to the profitability levels and revenues. A major level of importance is also provided to the social responsibilities which they have towards the community. The organizations have provided importance to the reputation which is developed within the industry. The society has been affected in a huge manner by the operations and activities that have been performed by the organization in an effective manner (McWilliams, 2015).
Reflective Analysis of the Narrow View of Corporate Social Responsibility
The learning which has been gained by me from the analysis of two major views of corporate social responsibility is based on the significance which is being provided to the broad view or socio-economic view. The organizations have started improving their operations in order to increase the levels of responsibility which they have towards the society or community of which they are a part. This has been able to increase the levels of activities which are performed by the modern organizations in order to fulfil social responsibilities.
2.The activities related to business operation in the organizations can be effective if they are able to provide high levels of profitability with help of some ethics. The ethics related to business are important for the purpose of ensuring that the operations of the organizations do not have any negative effect on the external environment. The ethical considerations are taken into view by the modern organizations for the purpose of operating in the industry in an effective manner. The ethics of business operations are important for profitable operations. The importance which has been provided by the modern organizations to ethics is much more as compared to the previous organizations. The analysis that will be made in the reflective journal will be based on the levels of importance of ethics in the business based environment (Crane & Matten, 2016).
The concepts that are related to the effective operations of profitable organizations and ethical business operations are sometimes considered to be highly important. The most significant part of concepts based on operations of modern organizations is related to the methods that are implemented in order to gain profits (Weiss, 2014). The profits which are thereby gained by the organizations are based on different levels of ethical concerns as well. The changes which have thereby taken place in the modern business based environment are considered by the modern business organizations in order to operate in the industry. The organizations that operate in the environment in an ethical manner are able to make profits in an effective manner (Schaltegger & Burritt, 2018). The social responsibilities are thereby fulfilled by the organizations in order to maintain the ethical operations.
The lack of profits in the organizations operations is also considered to be highly unethical in nature. The ethical operations of organizations are also based on the ways by which they are able to pay back to the creditors and further improve the levels of profitability as well. The responsibilities which organizations have towards the shareholders are also considered to be highly important for the fulfilment of business ethics in an effective way. The organizations also need to fulfil the expectations which the customers have from them. This plays a major role in the ways by which organizations are able to fulfil the ethical responsibilities. The effectiveness of the operations of business organizations is also based on the levels of profitability which are gained (Trevino & Nelson, 2016).
The fulfilment of responsibilities is considered to be an important part of profitable operations of the modern organizations. The organizations in this case aim at fulfilling the commitments which are made towards the stakeholders and the customers. The organizations that are operate in a particular country are able to affect the economy in a huge manner. The contribution which is provided by the organizations in this case is considered to be important for the improvement of the economy of a country. The business organizations are also termed as the corporate citizens of a country who have some major levels of responsibilities. The organizations need to operate in such a manner which is able to affect the communities in a positive manner (Hicks & Waddock, 2016).
I have gained knowledge based on the ways ethics are able to affect the operations of organizations in the modern business based environment. The profitability and ethical operations of the business are considered to be linked with each other. The business needs to follow the ethics in order to maintain its operations in the environment in a long term and sustainable manner. The responsibilities thereby need to be fulfilled effectively by the business organizations so that they are able to operate profitably in the industry. The ethical considerations are highly important for the business in order to fulfil the responsibilities and commitments which it has towards the customers and the stakeholders (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2017).
The analysis of ethical and profitable business has helped me to understand that the modern organizations can aim at increasing the profitability levels with the proper assistance that is provided by the ethics. The ethical consideration of business operations is important for effective organizational operations in the industry. The organizations are able to operate in the environment effectively with the proper implementation of ethics in different levels of operations. I have been able to concluded that ethical business and profitable business operations are linked with each other and are also important for the operations.
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Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.
Hicks, D., & Waddock, S. (2016). Dignity, Wisdom, and Tomorrow’s Ethical Business Leader. Business and Society Review, 121(3), 447-462.
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