Reflections On Workshop Eng93000: Self-Experiences And Sustainability

Reflection-Gibbs reflective model

This reflective paper will be focused on reflection over self-experiences related to ideas and practices which relate to my personality during workshop ENG93000. I will reflect on as well as think critically for analysing and judging over the theories and case studies which I have studied during the module. Moreover, I will draw links of my experiences and learning with the theories, literature and examples provided in the case studies. The paper will be containing reflection based on David Gibbs reflective model which is majorly containing headings include description, feelings, evaluation, conclusion and action plan. Hence, with the help of the above mentioned headings I will utilise my critical thinking to draw a conclusions as well as action plan for future so that learning acquired from workshop ENG93000 can be utilised for my future career development. 

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In this context, reflective model given by David Gibbs provides a well-structured way to introduce learning, feelings and analysis for the reflection writer and hence future action plans can be planned according to the learning acquired from the perspective of professional as well as personal life (Hickson, 2011). Thus, I have utilised this model here to reflect upon my experiences during workshop ENG93000.

During workshop, I have researched and studied about the materials used for energy production, the input energy and materials consumed during operation, required human resources. I also analysed the areas where impacts including both positive and negative occurred from the activities of the world (Blewitt, 2008). Our group which was working together in the workshop module was an efficient team of active people that helped me a lot in learning from that module. I understood the urban population development trend as well as future challenges worldwide during the module. According to the knowledge acquired during the workshop, I can define the meaning of Smart and Liveable cities concept as cities which own smart economy, smart environment, smart governance, smart living, smart mobility and smart people are known as smart cities (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017). I also learnt how to differentiate amid smart, liveable and intelligent cities. I have studied the case study given by (Islam & Salma, 2016), through which I identified the role of renewable energy into global sustainable development. This case study is focused on energy challenges faced by Bangladesh such as security issues over increased fuel imports, inadequate domestic energy sources for electrical power generation as well as proposed demands of electricity which will further exceed domestic supply abilities within the few years. Hence, I could able to understand the importance of renewable energy resources for obtaining sustainable development for Bangladesh as well as other countries of the world. 

When I was working with the ‘Engineering Management’ module I had different feelings or I can say mixed feelings of positive as well as negative thoughts regarding engineering management for a sustainable global future. In this context, while I was studying case study (Islam & Salma, 2016) and (Barrow, 2008), I realized that a lot of people in the world are still not able to consume adequate safe energy for fulfilling their basic daily needs. On account for unavailability of enough energy in the backward areas like rural areas, poor states and places of the world, global sustainability achievement is facing major challenges and will continue to face in future also (Griggs, et al., 2013). In my opinion, if the world needs to be sustained in terms of all 17 areas described in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set by United Nations, then each and every one will be required to contribute at least some efforts to the journey of establishing all 17 SDGs by 2030. I felt that using renewable resources for generating energy for the world has pros and cons both. For an example, using those renewable and non-conventional sources of energy will allow us to generate energy safely, cleanly and economically but at the same time it will cause deficiency of energy in the beginning time while we will execute this technique. Moreover, technological advancements, harnessing resources methodologies as well as innovation will be vastly required to harness renewable energy resources and manage engineering material in order to obtain a sustainable future for the whole world (Dodds & Venebles, 2008). 


From the learning acquired through the workshop module I evaluated that I own effective decision maker’s attitude. Moreover, I evaluated that governance models are capable to determine engineering infrastructure assets management effectiveness in an easy way. I evaluated the role of engineers in sustainable cities of the future. From the study and knowledge during the workshop I understood that by using wise management of natural resources as well as participatory governance a city can be made smart and sustainable (Dash, 2013). Additionally, smart cities always have attributes like intelligence, smartness, knowledge, creativity, innovation, digitalization and sustainability (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017). Moreover, I evaluated some resources which can be easily harnessed to generate energy in a clean and sustainable way (Bass & Dalal-Clayton, 2012). Those engineering materials or natural resources which were seemed economical, clean, ecologically safe and sustainable to me were as follows:

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  • Geothermal energy
  • Tidal energy
  • Solar energy
  • Biomass energy
  • Nuclear energy
  • Wind energy (Islam & Salma, 2016).

In this way, I evaluated that there are some major natural resources which are very much useful and cheap for the effective energy generation and those are still left with the scope of research to harness them. My academic journey also taught me decision-making in local government for Smart Cities (Kaygusuz, 2012). I also evaluated the above mentioned renewable resources from the perspective of economic, environmental and social factors so that these can be utilised globally for building a sustainable future (Oladokun & Odesola, 2015). Moreover, I learnt many things about Smart City Maturity Model which was having six major components include mobility, smart government, economic growth, public safety, citizen engagement and environment (Pearce, et al., 2013). 


Therefore, I have got an overview of the role of engineering management into building a sustainable future of the world (Cui & Fang, 2011). I learnt that by using hybrid, hydro, solar, wind and biomass energy the world can survive in the terms of energy resources as well as other basic needs in future easily. Smart city concept was evaluated effectively so that through making cities sustainable, the whole world sustainability can be achieved efficiently. Moreover, I got to know that fossil fuels are the most efficient and polluting form of energy resources in the world as of now. If we can do research and utilise technology directionally then other renewable resources can also be utilised as well as made efficient to generate huge adequate energy for the globe. I learnt application of the team-building, team-work, collaboration, leadership, analytical thinking, critical thinking as well as problem solving skill set in our personal as well as professional life. Thus, through Gibbs reflective cycle I was able to describe my real experiences, feelings, analysis about the contribution of renewable energy to the power supply in Bangladesh as well as other countries. I could relate my experiences and evaluate them to conclude as well as made an action plan for my future development (Scarlet, et al., 2015).

In this way, my future action will be a reflection of my past learning as well as knowledge. As I have learnt many things about engineering management of materials, smart city, sustainable world, renewable resources harnessing and technical generation of energy during workshop module so I will be more dedicated towards spreading awareness into the society regarding efficient and clean usage of energy (Birol, 2018). I will always adopt reflective practice as it has provided self-assessment opportunity which will add into my future career development. Furthermore, in my next workshop module I will manage time effectively so that I can learn more and more things in less or allocated time line. My future research will be containing primary methods also with those secondary ways of researching and acquiring knowledge as I have got to know that there are two types of research when we do it academically (Cui & Fang, 2011). Therefore, all my future action plans in this module’s direction will be containing energy saving, optimizing, economizing and pricing strategies so that world can achieve sustainability for all by 2030 as described by United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals, 2018).



In conclusion, I have reflected my most of the learning experiences during the workshop module ENG93000 successfully with the help of David Gibbs reflective cycle. I critically thought, analysed and evaluated about sustainability in engineering while looking for the resources as well as their potential effect on social, environmental and economic factors. This reflective paper was able to deliver role of engineering management for a sustainable future worldwide. Besides, I learnt the importance of reflection as well as Gibbs model of reflection while reflecting learning through past experiences (Hickson, 2011). I could relate many factors related to global economic, environmental and social area of development with the sustainability and sustainable engineering as well. Thus, the discussion proved valuable, knowledgeable, helpful and evidential to in order to introduce engineering management concept into sustainable world goals. Hence, to ensure a sustainable future for the whole world we all should contribute through our innovative minds, physical capabilities, critical thinking and problem solving, awareness so that sustainability can be achieved globally in future. 


Barrow, C., 2008. Environmental Management for Sustainable Development. 2nd Edition ed. USA: Routledge.

Bass, S. & Dalal-Clayton, B., 2012. Sustainable development strategies: a resource book. London: Routledge.

Bibri, S. & Krogstie, J., 2017. Smart sustainable cities of the future: An extensive interdisciplinary literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 31, pp. 183-212.

Birol, F., 2018. Energy is at the heart of the sustainable development agenda to 2030. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 26 10 2018].

Blewitt, J., 2008. Understanding Sustainable Development. UK: Earthscan.

Cui, Q. & Fang, D., 2011. Special Issue on Engineering Management for Sustainable Development. Journal of management in engineering, 28(1), pp. 1-1.

Dash, M., 2013. Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development. 1st Edition ed. U.K.: Module Handbook.

Dodds, R. & Venebles, R., 2008. Engineering for sustainable development: Guiding Principles. The Royal Academy of Engineers, p. 52.

Griggs, D. et al., 2013. Policy: Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 495(7441), p. 305.

Hickson, H., 2011. Critical reflection: Reflecting on learning to be reflective. Reflective Practice, 12(6), pp. 829-839.

Islam, K. M. A. & Salma, U., 2016. The Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Bangladesh. International journal of finance and banking research, 2(4), pp. 139-146.

Kaygusuz, K., 2012. Energy for sustainable development: A case of developing countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(2), pp. 1116-1126.

Oladokun, M. & Odesola, I., 2015. Household energy consumption and carbon emissions for sustainable cities–A critical review of modelling approaches. INternational Journal of sustainable built environment, 4(2), pp. 231-247.

Pearce, D., Barbier, E. & Markandya, A., 2013. Sustainable development: economics and environment in the Third World. LOndon: Routlegde.

Scarlet, N. et al., 2015. Renewable energy policy framework and bioenergy contribution in the European Union–An overview from National Renewable Energy Action Plans and Progress Reports. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 51, pp. 969-985.

Sustainable Development Goals, 2018. ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 26 10 2018].

United Nations, 2018. SDG 7: Affordable And Clean Energy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 26 10 2018].

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