Reflection On Project Human Resource Report: Strengthening Customer Relationship At Palmers Garden Centre Remuera
Research Methodology
Discuss about the Reflection on Project Human Resource Report.
With the flow of the course of my industry project, I must mention that I have an opportunity to learn a lot regarding my research topic. I must say that conducting this research work not only gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge about the research topic and some related topics, I am lucky that I have been able to analyze things from different perspectives. This valuable experience has helped me to gain enough practical knowledge to grow as a staff member as well as an individual in the workplace (Hollensen, 2015). In order to carry on the entire research work, I have selected Palmers Garden Centre at Remuera, Auckland (New Zealand).
My entire research work was to investigate the ways through which customer relationship gets strengthen. At the time of carrying out the research work, my focus was on analyzing those factors that are capable enough to leave impact on customer relationships at the business organizations. In order to identify these factors, I have tried to examine those factors that have assisted this organization to build a long-running relationship with the customers (Trainor et al., 2014). My focus was to investigate those factors that might benefit this organization to enhance the present situation at Palmers Garden Centre at Remuera, Auckland (New Zealand) (Palmers Remuera, 2015).
There were ample reasons behind the selection of this organization to carry on the entire research works and I would like to state the background of this organization. From the company profile, I have found that Palmers Garden Centre Remuera has successfully retained all those qualities that go hand in hand with its present status being one of the oldest formed garden centers in New Zealand. The special qualities that have made this organization identical are its outstanding customer service, presence of highly skilled and knowledgeable employees along with a wide range of plants second to none. Moreover, at the time of carrying out the research work, I have found that it has kept strong pace with every contemporary augmentation in order to make sure at the forefront of the horticulture vending service (Trainor et al., 2014).
I have found that the company has recently gone through a corporate change and this has left impact on the organizational operations of this corporation. After several years of corporate ownership, recently Palmers Garden Centre Remuera has become a family-owned business. This corporate change is about to bring several changes to the entire organization, as the management and the owners are highly passionate as well as professional regarding everything they do for the further development of this business. Most interesting thing I have found that specifically the planet section of Palmers Garden Centre Remuera has always been one of the most extensive in the country as well as countries to be so (Nguyen & Mutum, 2012).
Situational Reflection
Besides this extensive garden landscaping services, I have found that the Green Fingers Café of Garden Centre is there to provide the customers a refreshing as well as delightful experience. In this part, it is required to mention from my part that conducting this research work has enhanced my knowledge of searching detail data that are highly useful for the research work to carry on. The café offer their valuable guests a wide range of delicious foods and make all the necessary arrangements, so that the customers can have an enjoyable break from their shopping. I have recently found that the management and the marketing team of Palmers Garden Centre at Remuera, Auckland has introduced a loyalty program for their valuable customers named the “Customer Palmers Rewards”. I have analyzed that the authority of this company has introduced this loyalty program for enhancing the relationship with their customers (Khodakarami & Chan, 2014).
However, it is necessary to mention that I have conducted this research work to critically understand the factors that are responsible enough to strengthen the customer relationship at Palmers Garden Centre Remuera. Apart from that, I must say that to carry on the entire research work, I have gained an in-depth knowledge about the factors that tends to create a strong and long-lasting consumer relationship. In order to gain practical knowledge beside theoretical knowledge, I have been in Palmer Garden Centre many times and the visits have helped me to gain enough practical experience. These experiences were highly helpful for me, as at the time of making the research work, I focused more on my personal experience besides gaining information about the research topic from the eminent researchers (Kumar & Reinartz, 2012). Queensland’s family-owned nurseries have shown a gradual recovery signs after tough decade and this operational change as well have brought several changes in the customer relationship. From the news, I have found that the New Palmers Garden Center in Yeovil has successfully appointed Kristen Brown as the retail operations manager and Lesley Booth as the assistant buyer as well as Mdervyn Down as the planteria supervisor.
I have always seen in the research papers of the eminent professors and writers that learning is one of the significant parts of the entire journey of the industry report research work. At the time of preparing this research work, I have found that conducting the research work has not only allowed me to learn the procedure of conducting a research work, but also a great opportunity to assemble practical and theoretical knowledge. I have leant to analyze the situations from different perspectives and this has made me understand the situation differently (Song, Hur, & Kim, 2012). Conducting the research work and at the same time carrying on the university study is no doubt one of the tough jobs and I have successfully maintained the balance. This balance has helped me to grow as a professional and will be helpful always. I have been in Palmer Garden Centre many times and every time I have found this place as one of the interesting places to visit due to their warm customer greetings. I have witnessed that the management and service providing team are always there to attain the customers in all possible ways. Though, I have found that Palmer Garden Centre lacks somewhere in customer relation and thus I have made a thorough research work on Palmer Garden Centre (Muther, 2012).
Effective Time Management
This research work has helped me to grow some major qualities and these have been mentioned here in details:
For conducting the entire research work, I had limited time in my hand and thus I am grateful to my professors who have given me the golden opportunity to carry on the research work. I have learnt that time management is one of the factors that determines success of the research work to some extent. Jones and George (2012) have described time management as one of the procedures of competently applying time for concluding a definite commotion with the time restraint. Time management has enabled me to learn the below mentioned activities and these are:
- effectual setting up
- Clearly setting the objectives and purposes
- Setting the time limit
- designation of responsibilities
- Prioritizing the actions based on their significance and consequence
- Spending the exact time on the appropriate activity
Therefore, it can be stated that time management is one of the major and essential skills that I have learnt at the time of working on the project. At any café or restaurant, the customers expect to get their ordered foods within a minimum time and the management required making this time minimum. If the customers need to wait for a long time, they perceive a wrong impression about the restaurant or café. Therefore, it is understood that speed is one of the major aspects that the members need to master and this would be possible only due to proper time management. At the time of conducting the research work, I have focused on different parts within short time and this has helped me to finish the entire research work within the mentioned time frame (Sexton, Thomas & Helmreich, 2012).
I have seen that many small and medium sized businesses have failed to stay in the long-run, as they fail to realize the importance of customer services for sustainability. Besides the good tastes of foods, people remember the customer service of the restaurant. Therefore, the customer service is required to be in such a way that the customers remember the restaurant and recommend others. I have seen many who wonder thinking why people remember customer service so vividly. For those, the answer is clear and fairly obvious that the customers in the café and restaurants interact with them directly. The customers do not look at the products only; they rather speak and work with someone who is supposed to represent the company (Leonard, Graham & Bonacum, 2014).
Apart from that, it can be mentioned that the people who have positive experience with the customer service of the company are likely to share their experience with others and this indirectly enhances the sell of the business. Adams and Jex (2013) have mentioned that customer service is highly significant for an organization, as this specific feature differentiate an organization from its competitors. Many reports have examined that there are some customers who spend thousands of dollars per year with a company and thus the customers would focus on this part sincerely. Consequently, when the people have any question regarding any product or service, the customer service department of the company is expected to resolve the issue on an early basis. Therefore, I have found from both my in-depth knowledge and practical experience that customer service is the major determinant of corporation success as well as sustainability (Edmondson & McManus, S2014).
Importance of Customer Service
I have found at the time of conducting the research work that team work is one of the major aspects that help to complete a task successfully. All my teammates help me largely and without their assistance, it would be tough for me to complete the research work. They suggested me the good books and peer reviewed journals for gaining in-depth knowledge of the research topic. This team work is equally important for the restaurants and without team work; it is tough to maintain company reputation in the highly competitive marketplace. Apart from that, it is necessary to mention that I have learnt that how the leaders are required to build the clear purpose of the team (Allen et al., 2014).
I have developed some soft skills as well and have found that soft skills are more general and intangible qualities as well as attributes that we posses for enhancing our interactions with others. Conducting the research work has enhanced my attitude, personality, emotions, and style of communication as well as social manners. I have analyzed that successful development of skills takes place during my interaction with others and these are fundamental to how well we build as well as manage our relationships (Cohen & Bailey, 2014).
On the other hand to soft skills, I have developed some hard skills as well. Wilson et al. (2012) have stated that hard skills are more particular and are often linked with a task or particular activity and these are mostly job-related. This takes into account some certain potentialities as well as knowledge regarding an area of focus and can be easily quantified as well as evaluated. My team mates and I have found out that the hard skills are mostly learned through the education system, training procedure, editing as well as proficiency in a foreign language. Therefore, it can be seen that these qualities make us employable and at the same time tackle our job responsibility. Now, I must mention that both the soft skill and hard skills complement each other and make up our arsenal of personal skills that properly demonstrate our capabilities (Batt, 2014).
Conduction of the research work has stated that the entire journey has made me strong enough as a person as well as professional. This entire journey has made me strong enough to analyze things from different perspectives and this is helpful for my future carrier as well. Since my practical knowledge has given me exposure in the professional field and I believe that it is important for someone who has the plan to pursuit in this specific industry. This industry project has been a systematic approach and had helped me to grow step by step. For this particular procedure, it was highly essential to determine what my goals and objectives are and I successfully achieved this through discussion with my team mates (Cohen & Bailey, 2014).
I would be always grateful to my academic supervisors, as they directed me the right path and advised me to put all my energy into proper channel. Through the preparation of this project, I was successful a devise a proper plan like how would I proceed with the task, what research method would I select for this task and some others. The time plan has helped me to do the entire task within time and my advisers were helpful in designing this time frame. However, it is required to mention that the allocated money for the research work was little and thus I had to plan to complete the entire research work within that. Therefore, it is regardless to mention that this research work was no doubt a lesson for me (Muther, 2012).
I have already mentioned that my selected organization has recently gone through an organizational change and thus there were some confusion regarding the selection of this organization. My academic adviser came whole heartedly to assist me and talked to the management of the company, so that I can carry on the research work there. Therefore, I would always be thankful to my advisers, as without them it would be impossible to finish the research work. Beside this, I am thankful to them, as they helped me to determine my research topic, which is the central most important thing for the success of the research work (Jones & George, 2012).
With every stage of research procedure, they extended their hands to me and helped me to prepare the questionnaire in such a way that I obtain the best possible answers from them. With the development of several abilities and skills, I was able to create the best suited sample questionnaire and then conducted the survey in the systematic manner. Apart from that, I analyzed the data findings and this helped me to reach the conclusion properly. From the entire research work, I have found that Palmer Garden Centre is required to immediately reduce its customer attrition rate in order to maximize the profitability because high attrition rate is helpful in increasing the operational costs in case of developing the new customer base. After completing the entire research work, now I can say that in future, I would be able to conduct a research work on my own experience, as my team mates and the academic advisors have helped me to gain enough confidence.
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